Hey, guys! Here's the final chapter of Unexpected! Thanks sticking with the story and putting up with me all this time! Enjoy!

Thank you:

Perfect Beauty





Little Wolf Vamp Hearts Yaoi


Maiden Virgo




for reviewing last chapter! You guys are the best! (And yes. I was quoting Captain America. "Avengers Assemble" wouldn't fit anywhere. I didn't realize people would notice that little Easter egg! Good job, IanBuddy!)

Thank you:




Napoleon Bonerfart


Princess Sunoria


for adding this story to your alerts! I love you guys!

Thank you:


Napoleon Bonerfart


Princess Sunoria


Silver Star Argenteum Sidus


for adding this story to your favorites! I hope you enjoy the next chapter!

RRTAB: Read, Review, and Tell A Buddy!

Disclaimer: I don't own Sailor Moon!

The youma held on to Tuxedo Kamen's and Sailor Moon's arms as they led them to Queen Beryl, uncaring of the pain their grips inflicted on them. Sailor Moon looked straight ahead, doing everything in her power to not give away her true emotion. The truth was whatever courage she had when summoning the guard youma was wavering with every step they took. Every step took them closer to Beryl.

She tried to form a plan in her head but she could not see anything in her favor. She had no weapon, no Silver Crystal, no memories, and worst of all: no senshi. Looking around her was painful reminder of another advantage Beryl possessed: an endless supply of youma.

The silent walk to her doom made her lose all hope. She could sense tears forming in her eyes. She lowered her head, careful to make sure the youma escorts could not see her weakness. She glanced to Tuxedo Kamen to see how he was fairing. His face was stoned and his eyes were calculating and emotionless. He looked as if he was analyzing their chances of winning. She chuckled drily. That would not take long. It did not take a genius to realize how slim their chances of winning were.

After what seemed like an endless walk, a large decorated door slowly became visible. Usagi felt her heart drop into her stomach. This was it. She refused to let any tears fall as the lead youma opened the door and led them inside.

"For what reason do you disturb me?" Beryl boomed. Her eyes settled on the prisoners her youma held. "Sailor Moon."

Sailor Moon lifted her head. Despite her fears, she was interested in seeing the face of the woman that caused Earth so much pain. She was a little surprised at what she saw. The woman sat gracefully in the throne. Her features were sharp and well-defined. If it were not for the menacing glare in her eyes, Sailor Moon would have even considered her beautiful.

The queen ripped her eyes away from the senshi to look over Tuxedo Kamen. "Prince Endymion," she purred his name, much to Sailor Moon's disgust. "I never thought I'd see you in my chambers again."

Tuxedo Kamen looked as if he was going to gag. Meanwhile, if Sailor Moon was not disgusted before, she was now. Even her youth and innocence could not conceal the double meaning behind Beryl's words. Tuxedo Kamen sighed in annoyance. "Beryl," he mumbled.

The evil queen pushed away her crystal ball and stood. She snapped her fingers. The youma moved away from Tuxedo Kamen and focused all of their attention on keeping Sailor Moon contained. She struggled against their strength but they did not budge. She could only watch as Queen Beryl walked slowly towards a still Tuxedo Kamen.

Queen Beryl ran her hand down his cheek and smiled, showing her white teeth. "It's been too long. I must thank you for bringing Sailor Moon to me. I could always count on you." She leaned in for a kiss. Tuxedo Kamen pulled away and turned his head away in disgust.

The queen narrowed her eyes. "Of course. Why kiss me when you have her?" she looked to Sailor Moon. "She always came first, right?" She turned away from him and stomped over to Sailor Moon. She slapped her. Sailor Moon's cheek immediately reddened. The senshi glared at the queen defiantly. Beryl slapped her again.

"Hey! Enough!" Tuxedo Kamen yelled. He pulled out three roses and hurled them towards the queen. She waved her hand and a wave of dark energy pulsed, stopping the roses in midair.

"You've always been a problem," the fiery redhead growled at the senshi. Sailor Moon's glare did not waver. "You've always stolen him away. Just die!" She saw Beryl's hand raise for another slap and she braced herself to feel the sting it would induce. She opened her eyes when it did not come.

She gasped at the sight. Her constant savior held Beryl's wrist in one hand and a razor sharp rose to her throat with the other. His face was red with rage. He said between bared teeth, "I said that's enough!"

Sailor Moon used the opportunity and time that Tuxedo Kamen bought to the best of her ability. She glanced at either side of her. The youma looked confused as to whether or not they should help their queen or stay at their post. She took a deep breath. "Sailor Moon Kick!" she cried as she launched her foot behind. She threw her weight and all of her strength into the kick, using the youma that were holding her arms as support.

The youma behind her doubled over and howled in pain. Without realizing it, the youma on her left loosened its grip when it heard its ailing teammate. Sailor Moon used her senshi strength to wrench her arm away and deliver another powerful kick to the youma's face.

"Enough playing," Beryl said. She made no move to stop Tuxedo Kamen. "You both are foolish. Did you really think you could beat me with a pathetic rose and a few cute kicks? In my domain? I am the queen of the Dark Kingdom! I am the queen of Earth! You have no chance. You never had a chance." She began to absorb the dark energy that pulsed around them.

Tuxedo Kamen saw the energy flocking towards him and the queen. The hero saw things were getting out of the control. The queen was getting noticeably stronger and the dark energy was ruining his focus and strength. He quickly stabbed the rose into the queen neck and jumped back, trying to free himself of the dark energy that was stealing his power.

The queen did not fall. Instead, she raised a hand and sent Tuxedo Kamen flying into the wall. "Tuxedo Kamen!" Sailor Moon cried.

"Silence," Queen Beryl commanded. She raised her hand above her head and watched sadistically as Sailor Moon was lifted off the ground with her telekinetic powers. Sailor Moon coughed and struggled for breath. Beryl pulled the rose stem out of her neck and threw it onto the floor. Sailor Moon watched in horror as the wound on her neck disappeared. "I've gotten a few upgrades since we last met, Princess. Having all the energy in the world at your disposal does that."

Tuxedo Kamen stood slowly, using the wall to support him. He winced. The impact managed to hurt his healing leg. He bit his lower lip, trying to will the pain away. He pulled out another rose. "Let her go!" he yelled as he launched the rose.

The rose narrowly missed Beryl and stuck into the opposite wall. Beryl glanced at Tuxedo Kamen and growled. She squeezed her hand together, triggering more coughs from Sailor Moon. The queen waited until the senshi slipped out of consciousness before dropping her mercilessly to the floor. She turned to her youma. "Leave us," she said menacingly. "I will deal with this myself."

"But, your maj—."

"I command you to leave!" The youma scurried out of the room, slamming the heavy doors behind them. With the youma gone, Beryl took a step closer to Tuxedo Kamen. "You," she said, "just don't know when to quit. Usually I find it attractive but right now, it is just plain annoying. It's a tragedy, but since you obviously won't let me kill the Moon Princess in peace, I will simply have to kill you first." Beryl held her hand in front of her and a sword materialized.

Tuxedo Kamen's eyes widened and he took a step back. "That's—."

"You recognize it," the queen said with a smirk, running her finger up and down the blade. "This is the sword that was mean for Serenity. The sword that kill Endymion. That killed you." With those words, Beryl swung the sword wildly.

Tuxedo Kamen could narrowly dodge the sword's blurred blade. She managed to slice some of his jacket and nick his arm in a matter of one minute. She was not giving up. In fact, her swings were speeding up. The dark energy that pulsed through the castle made her faster, stronger, and more dedicated. Meanwhile, the same energy was draining him and making his movements sloppier.

He reached for his cane and stopped the motions of the sword just long enough to catch his breath. He glanced at Sailor Moon's still unconscious form. He had to keep fighting. For her. He kicked Beryl in the stomach, pushing her backward, and then rushed towards her. He lifted his cane to strike.

Beryl was faster to react. After being pushed, she gathered her bearings and positioned the sword in front of her right as Tuxedo Kamen ran towards her.

The hero gasped at the sudden pain. He did not have to look down. He already knew what the searing pain and Beryl's grinning face meant. He still attempted to hit her with his cane, but whatever power did not leave him due to the dark energy, escaped with his blood.

Beryl let out a sadistic laugh and pushed him towards the wall. "Sloppy, sloppy work, Tuxedo Kamen," she said with a sigh. "I expected more of a fight—especially with the life of your pretty princess on the line." She twisted the sword, eliciting a scream from the falling hero. "Too bad. You were so cute."

She pulled out the sword and watch as he fell to the ground without ceremony. He struggled to keep his eyes open. His vision began to blur and darkness crept from the corners of his eyes. She left him, bleeding and shallowly breathing, to walk to Sailor Moon.

Queen Beryl grabbed the girl by her hair and yanked her to her feet. Sailor Moon gasped and immediately awakened to the pain. It took no time for her eyes to fall on Tuxedo Kamen. "No!" she cried. "Tuxedo Kamen! Mamoru!"

"Shut up," Queen Beryl snapped. "It's your fault. Just like it was the last time." An image from her nightmares of Endymion's pained face as he blocked the sword for her played mercilessly through her head. "Why Sailor Moon? Why do you always hurt the ones around you? Why can't you do what's best for everyone and simply die?" Sailor Moon only sniffled. "It's all you fault! It's your fault he's dead."

"No," Sailor Moon's tears ran down her red eyes. "Noooo!" she screamed. The scream echoed through the red jewels that sat on her head. Beryl, her heightened senses especially vulnerable to the supersonic noise, let go of Sailor Moon's hair and covered her ears. She fell to her knees, trying to recover from the sudden "attack".

Sailor Moon took the opportunity to run to Tuxedo Kamen's side. He managed a chuckled. "Lower the decibels, Odango Atama," he joked weakly.

Sailor Moon could not help the waterfall of tears that ran down her face. She pathetically whispered, "T-Tuxedo Kamen."

"I'm sorry, Sailor Moon," he said. He paused for a moment to cough. "I promised that everything was going to be okay and then I got myself stabbed. I know. I'm the worst." Sailor Moon let out a sob. Tuxedo Kamen smiled softly and wiped away her tears. "Don't cry, my Serenity. Don't cry for me."

"Please don't leave me," she whispered, cradling his face in her hands.

"Usagi," he whispered back. "It was my fault but I never received a kiss from you." He removed one of her hands for his face to hold in his. "I don't deserve one but…" Sailor Moon nodded without hesitation. She leaned in and softly pressed her lips against his. He intertwined their hands and smiled on her lips. She broke the chaste kiss and smiled back at him through her tears. "I love you," he whispered.

"I love you too, Mamoru," she said between tears. The space between their intertwine hands began to glow. The light is produced grew brighter and brighter until Sailor Moon had to shut her eyes.

She felt something between between their hands. Tuxedo Kamen released her hand from his to reveal what the object was. Sailor Moon gasped. "The Silver Crystal," she whispered. "I-I remember now. The rainbow crystals brought it together but only a kiss between us could reveal it." She looked from the crystal to Tuxedo Kamen. "That's why you wouldn't kiss me when we were in the forest. You knew."

"It…," he struggled for breath. "It was not time to reveal it yet. But my explanation…was truthful. I could not let myself lose control and hurt you, Usagi. I love you too much to do that."

"Hold on, Mamoru," Sailor Moon said, gripping his hand tightly. "We have the Silver Crystal now. I can heal you."

"No," he refused. He looked past her to see Beryl slowly rising to her feet. "Beryl is…recovering. You will need all the power you…have…to defeat her. Don't worry…about me."

Fresh tears began to form in Sailor Moon's eyes. "I can't just let you die, Mamoru."

"If you don't defeat Beryl," he reasoned with her, wincing at the heighten pain in his abdomen the conversation caused, "everyone will die. You have to do this. You have to save this planet. Can you do that for me?" Sailor Moon sat silently for a moment, then reluctantly nodded. Tuxedo Kamen smiled. "Good. I love you, Usagi. I've always loved you." Sailor Moon moved to stand but Tuxedo Kamen used his remaining energy to grab her hand. "I have always loved you. Always."

Before Sailor Moon could say anything in response, the hero breathed his last breath. His eyes closed and the grip he had on Sailor Moon disappeared. She let out one last sob before wiping her tears away and turning to face Beryl.

The Dark Queen was absorbing energy, using the couple's conversation time to gain an advantage. She sensed the appearance of the Silver Crystal and she knew that she would have to be at full power to defeat it.

Sailor Moon took a deep breath and her facial expression changed to one of hardened anger. "You killed him," the blonde growled. "I will never forgive you for that."

Beryl smirked, visibly confident in her abilities. "You don't scare me, child," she said. "If you knew how to use that crystal, he would alive and this place would be gone."

Sailor Moon ignored Beryl's words. Instead, she held the Silver Crystal above her head. It shined with power. Silver light flooded the room. When it dimmed, Sailor Moon was gone. In her place stood Princess Serenity bravely and proudly holding the Moon Wand in her hand. "Moon Prism Power!" she screamed. The light around the wand was absorbed and concentrated inside the crystal. It shot out in the form of an energy beam.

Beryl countered with an attack of her own. The dark energy and silver light collided, causing a large explosion that sent both flying in opposite directions. Serenity braced for impact, yet, to her surprise, it was soft catch. "Are you okay?" she heard a familiar voice ask.

Serenity looked up and gasped happily. "Sailor Jupiter!" she exclaimed. All of her friends stood behind her, watching Beryl carefully.

The evil redhead stood back up. She summoned another attack and aimed it directly at the princess. Venus acted quickly. "Crescent Beam!" The Silver Crystal on Serenity's wand glowed and a powerful and bright beam shot out of Venus's fingertips.

Beryl's attack disappeared and Sailor Venus's continued to travel until it hit the surprised dark queen. Venus's eyes widened. "The Crystal strengthens our powers!" she announced to her teammates.

"Perfect," Sailor Jupiter growled, cracking her knuckles. "That means this will really hurt! Supreme Thunder!"

"Crescent Beam!"

"Fire Soul!"

"Shine Aqua Illusion!"

The senshi combined their attacks and sent them into a Beryl that had yet to recover. She wailed in pain. She growled and managed to get to her feet. "You think this is over? You are sorely mistaken!" She raised a hand and sent dark energy towards the senshi from every direction.

"You are no match for the Sailor Senshi!" Serenity yelled. She raised the wand. "Moon Prism Power!" The crystal glowed and sent out energy of its own at the attacks. The dark energy disappeared.

"No!" Beryl cried. She fell to her knees in weakness. Without the dark energy, her powers were gone. She glanced at the bloody sword beside her. She grabbed at and stood up as quickly as she could. She desperately ran towards Serenity with the sword in tow.

Serenity pointed the wand directly at her. "This is for Mamoru! Moon Prism Power!" The blast of light energy hit Beryl directly and sent her flying into the wall behind the throne. Serenity ran to see the result of her attack. All that was there was dust. Was it over?

"She's not dead," Sailor Venus answered her unasked question. "If she were, this place would be crumbling down. She's hiding somewhere." She smiled. "But that doesn't matter. We've won for now and more importantly, we've given the people of Earth a new hope."

Serenity faded and Sailor Moon returned. Her sad blue eyes fell on Tuxedo Kamen's lifeless form. "But not at a price."

Venus went to hug her friend. "I'm sorry. He was a great hero and an even better person."

Sailor Moon nodded. "I know. And I've lost him again."

"Maybe not," Mercury said.

Sailor Moon broke away from Venus to face Mercury. "You can save him?"

"I can't," Mercury said. "This Mamoru is dead. I cannot do anything for him."

"But I have the Silver Crystal! That has to count for something!"

"Let me finish, Usagi," Mercury insisted. "This Mamoru is dead. But the one in your time is very much alive."

Sailor Moon's eyes widened with hope. "You mean…"

Mercury nodded. "Now that we're all together we can do a Sailor Teleport to the Western Headquarters. We can get you home and you can make sure this future never happens in the first place."

"Can we perform another one so soon?" Jupiter asked. "It took a lot of power to get here."

"We were able to figure out where you were when the Silver Crystal appeared," Sailor Venus explained after a glance at Moon's confused face. "It brought us together. From there, usually we cannot teleport because we don't have Moon Power. Luckily, you dropped your scepter before the youma took you away. It had just enough power to get us here. Unfortunately, the scepter dissolved in the process."

"But it's okay," Sailor Mars continued, "because we have you this time. Come on, guys. Hold hands."

Sailor Moon complied. She glanced at Tuxedo Kamen's body, feeling guilty for leaving it behind. "Don't worry," Jupiter read her thoughts. "In a few minutes, this would have never even happened." She closed her eyes and focused her energy. Sailor Moon followed suit, followed by the other senshi.

"Sailor Teleport!"

The senshi appeared in front of a tall woman wearing a sailor fuku. Her long green hair reached her thighs and her red eyes were soft. She wore a soft smile on her face. She fell into a bow. "Your highness," she said. "I am Sailor Pluto."

"I remember my mother talking about you," Sailor Moon returned the smile with one of her own. "She had nothing but good things to say. Are you going to return me to my time?"

Pluto stood and nodded. "I am. You will return to the same time you left, give or take a few minutes. Before you go, though, I have a request."

"Anything, Sailor Pluto."

"You've seen what a future without Sailor Moon looks like. This youma only had the power of time travel but the next youma could be lethal. Promise that you will never rush into another battle again."

Sailor Moon smiled. "I promise."

"And promise that you'll defeat Beryl before things get out of hand?"

"I promise. I know where the Silver Crystal is this time," she lifted her wand for Pluto to see.

"Good," Pluto smiled. She held out her hand and summoned the Garnet Orb. "Close your eyes. The next time you open them, you will be in your time."

Sailor Moon closed her eyes, hearing her friends' farewell become more distant and distorted until she could hear them no longer.

Usagi opened her eyes. The youma was gone but she could see its gooey remains and scorch marks covering the asphalt. She smiled softly. That was Mars's handiwork. She looked around, taking in her surroundings. Never had the sky seemed so blue. Never had the sun seem so bright. Never had she been so happy to hear the sound of people going about their busy day.

She laughed. She was home. Beryl was not queen of the world. Mamoru was not dead. She was no longer a ghost of the past. She was just Usagi.

She looked at the goo that covered the various buildings. With the death of the youma, she could already tell that the future was already altering itself. Everything was going to be okay.

She ran towards the temple, eager to see her (teenaged) friends. As she made her way up the stairs of Hikawa shrine, she could hear her friends speaking.

"You're back," she hear Minako say. "Were you able to catch Usagi?"

"I saw her," Rei mumbled back.

"She didn't come back with you? Then where is she?"

"Gone!" Rei screamed. "She disappeared. She vanished into thin air!"

"Rei," Minako said slowly. Her voice was hoarse. "Explain to us exactly what happened."

Usagi walked through the door of the room. "I don't think that's necessary," she chirped.

"Usagi!" Rei cried happily. She captured Usagi in a big hug, much to everyone's confusion. "Thank goodness you're back!"

Usagi sighed and smiled brightly. "It's good to be back, Rei. Happy birthday."

"Where exactly did you go?" Makoto asked.

"It's a long story," Usagi replied with a grin. "Like seventy-six pages long."

The next morning meant another school day for the Tsukino family and much to everyone's surprise Usagi was up early. After living in the future, she had grown to miss Haruna's constant yells. Yet, that was not why she made a special effort to be up earlier than usual.

She grabbed her lunch and her backpack. "I'm leaving!" she announced. She walked out of the house, closing the door behind her.

Usagi walked her usual route to school at a leisurely pace. She stopped at the corner and silently prayed that she was right. After going to the future, she promised herself to seize the day. She had to take chances. She could not waste time anymore. She poked her head around of the corner, "Mamoru?"

The dark-haired man jumped and blushed. He had been caught! He cleared his throat and tried to will the blood to drain from his face. "Hey there, Odango Atama. Early today, aren't we?"

Usagi nodded. "I am early. Because I wanted to see you."


Usagi nodded again. She hesitated, wondering if her next move was the right one. She remembered Mamoru's last words to her, 'I have always loved you. Always.' She nodded once more, this time to herself. When he said that, he meant now too. This was the right choice. "Chiba Mamoru, I love you. I love you more than anyone else in the entire world." She stood on her tiptoes and grabbed the collar of his shirt. She pulled him to her and placed a kiss on his lips. He was surprised at first but he soon responded. He returned the kiss eagerly.

They ended the kiss. All was silent between the two save the deep breaths they took. Mamoru wore a goofy smile on his lips. "Wow, Usagi. That was—."

"I know," she finished for him with soft eyes and a wide grin. "Unexpected."

And that's the story. A happy ending for all that wanted it! I hope it lived up to your expectations! This story was so much fun to write and I want to thank everyone that has read until the very end. Please leave a wonderful review!

As for a sequel, I left the story kind of open ended but I really don't see one happening. I wrote this on a whim so I don't have an "ultimate plan" regarding an Unexpected series. But never say never. If you guys have any ideas, I'm all ears! Meanwhile, it'll mean the world to me if you checked out my other stories!

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That's all for Unexpected! I love you guys so much! Until next time!
