I know this is short, but I haven't really dealt with Natasha and Clint's relationship before. This was inspired by their past and the fear they still have when going on missions. I tried to stay as close to the character's personalities while letting what I think they'd be like in private shine through. I hope you like it, and if you think I should make this a chapter story, let me know, because I'm still debating whether or not I should.

Natasha leaned against the door frame and hesitated before walking towards Clint's bed. "It's Tasha. You still awake?" she whispered.

He struggled between sleep and consciousness. "Yeah, what is it?"

"I'm leaving for Moscow. Behave, and go back to sleep." Her voice was soft, running a hand through her hair.

"Wait," Clint grabbed her arm and pulled her towards him, giving a sleepy kiss to her lips. "Be careful. Call as soon as possible."

Smiling gently into the kiss, Natasha rested a hand on Clint's shoulder. "I can't make any promises." She mumbled quietly.

He looked at his watch, trying to gauge the time. "What time does your plane leave?"

"Half an hour." She replied, looking at her own watch.

Clint pulled Natasha down on the bed, encasing her within his embrace. "Let me hold you before you go," he mumbled in her ear before yawning.

Wrapping an arm around Clint, Natasha adjusted herself slightly so she could bury her face in his chest. "Okay." She said quietly.

He ran a hand gently through her hair, enjoying the fruity scent that drifted from the fiery locks. "I'm going to miss you, Tash."

"I'm sure I'll be back," She mumbled into his chest, a sense of calm about her. "I'll be back before you know it." Hopefully...

"Promise me that...when you come back...I can finally take you on that date I've been promising."

"I promise. Barring any crisis' that require our attention, we can do that."

He chuckled and squeezed her tightly. "You should probably go soon.."

"Yeah, I know." She smirked, she just really didn't want to.

Clint cupped Natasha's chin and brought her lips to meet his. He loved the feel of her beneath him.

Kissing Clint softly, Natasha ran a hand through his short hair. "I have to go, or Fury will bite my head off." She mumbled against his lips.

He pulled her closer to him, deepening the kiss and smiled against her lips. "We wouldn't want that, you should probably go.

"You might have to let me go for that to happen, love." She smiled, with an amused quirk of her eyebrow.

He sighed and loosened his grip. "Go before I keep you here and you miss your plane."

Slipping out of bed, Natasha glided over to the door, before turning back for a moment. "I will be back." But was she trying to reassure Clint, or herself?

"I love you, Agent Romanoff," he called after her.

"I love you too, Agent Barton." With that, she was gone.

Clint laid back in bed with his arm thrown over his eyes. He could still taste Natasha on his lips, could still feel the warmth from her touch. He needed her as he needed air. She had to come back to him.