
"Why are so adamant on that stupid thought?"

"Because. If you didn't have any good in you, you wouldn't miss her so much."

"Quit deluding yourself Aqua! I'm not Sora and Ventus! Hell, I'm not even Roxas! There isn't a shred of good in me. So fuck off, and leave me the hell alone!"

Those were the last words Vanitas said to Aqua before he stormed out of the school.

'Vanitas, You're such an idiot' She thought, running as fast as she could through the snow. She could barely feel the cold wind even though all she wore were ripped jeans and a sweater.

Normally she would have followed him sooner, instead of an hour later. Normally, she would have been more worried about him when he left. But at the time, she was just too angry and frustrated with him to even care.

For the last two weeks he'd been acting worse than usual. He'd pick a fight with someone for the stupidest reasons; even for him they were stupid! It was like he was trying his hardest to get his head bashed in.

It wasn't until she went to her Fourth Period class, the one after lunch, did she figure out what was wrong. All it took was one look at the date of the chalk board, January 31st, and she was running out of the school.

How could she forget how important today was? Why did he have to hold everything in and away from her? Why did he have to be so damn frustrating!

She paused at the black gates, scanning the area as she tried to catch her breath. Soon, she saw a familiar head of wild, midnight black hair that stood out so easily against the pure white snow. He was sitting in front of the smooth stone, his arms drabbed over his bent knees.

Taking a deep breath, she walked over to him, following the footsteps already imprinted into the snow. If he heard her, he didn't react. Not even when she kneeled down behind him and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"You're…You're wrong…" She quietly. He probably had no idea what she was talking about but she didn't care right now. His words from earlier just kept ringing through her ears.

At first he didn't move. It was like he was made of stone. Then he pressed his hands against hers, and she thought he was going to remove them. Instead he just rested them there.

"Why are you so adamant on that stupid thought?" he asked. His voice, though quiet, was piercing in the stillness around them.

She took a deep breath, knowing she had to be patient. She knew Vanitas was difficult, especially when it came to this. Even after knowing him for almost seven years, she still couldn't understand why he thought this way. It frustrated her, but it also made her sad.

Pressing her forehead against his right shoulder she said, "Because. If you didn't have any good in you, you wouldn't be here. You wouldn't miss her so much."

Vanitas didn't reply. After about a minute, when he still didn't say anything, she went to remove her arms but he gripped her hands tightly, stopping her.

Both pretended not to notice how his teeth clenched, his body trembling ever so slightly that one would think it was just from the cold since he wasn't wearing a jacket. But she knew better. He wasn't one to openly show his emotions. He never would and she accepted that. She was just glad he let her stay, and wasn't pushing her away.

She didn't know how long they stayed like that, but she knew she would stay as long as he needed, until he was able to stop starring at the smooth stone that read,

Aerith Fair

A Woman with the biggest Heart

A Wife full of Devotion

A Mother full of love

February 7, 1970- January 31, 2009

A/N: Prompt: Anniversary

I couldn't think of anything romantic for a relationship anniversary, so I did a death anniversary. I can honestly say that, if Aerith was Vani's mother, I think he'd be torn up about her being dead. This is a sorta prequel to Understanding by about a year, give or take. Probably will be doing a thrid one to explain why Aqua's behaivour is so different towards him in the two.

Decided not to do the Genre thing anymore. I think it'll be more interesting to see how you guys see each one.