A/N: Hello Dahlings.

You, my dears, are wonderful. Already this fic has fourteen reviews, thirty-three favourites, and seventy-five subscriptions!

A huge thank you to Scioneeris, for the first ever review.

You asked a couple of questions in your reviews, so I'm going to answer them here. The answers will probably appear within the text too at some point.

~Elfin69- No. When Lucius died his properties were inherited by a (nameless) Malfoy cousin. Draco is now the Black heir, with his adoptive father Sirius as Lord Black.

~FantasyLover74- Yes. Blaise also dated Draco. And Hermione.

Hopefully all of your unvoiced queries will be answered soon. If not, feel free to ask me questions in a review. I love interacting with my readers, so be as enthusiastic as you want.

By the way, both Quil and Embry are sixteen and in the pack. And Blaise is Italian. Just because I think of Mr Zabini as a flirty Italian, and hey, who doesn't like flirty Italian men?

Warnings: This fic contains SLASH and MPREG. There will be Lemons, methinks…

Disclaimer: I do not own the Harry Potter series, or the Twilight Saga. If I did I'd be rolling in it. Unfortunately, that is not the case. The plot and the original quirks are mine, but apart from that? Nada.

I thought I would ask your opinions for the pairings. I've got a few concrete ideas, but I've thrown lots of random ones in with them.

They are as follows:



Past Draco/Harry

Past Blaise/Harry

Past Draco/Blaise

Past Blaise/Hermione





Hermione /Bella










Tell me what you think. I could set up a pole…?

I apologise for the lateness (yes, that's a word) of this chapter. I've been ill, I still am ill, and an ill me is not a happily writing me. My muse has also been a bit testy.

A huge 'Congratulations, Ma'am' to Her Majesty the Queen on the day of her Diamond Jubilee!

-Dream Speak-


A warning, people, this chapter does not start happily, and there are graphic images of death. If you don't want to read the nightmare, don't read the italics after the title for this chapter.

All reviews and questions are welcome!

Last Time:

"We found a place." He told his adoptive children with a smile.

The noise level of the room rose drastically as questions were shouted and the excited teens guessed where they were going. Remus gave them a moment, and then he nudged his husband. Sirius handed Teddy over, whose hair changed to match Remus', and waited as Remus covered the baby's sensitive ears with his hands. Then he brought his fingers to his lips, and whistled loudly and shrilly. The teens flinched and covered their ears, before turning back to their adoptive parent, their expressions ranging from apologetic (Neville), to annoyed (Draco).

"We are moving to a small town called Forks, in Washington, America." He told them.

The noise level rose again as the teens speculated, and they created wild fantasies about living in America.

Draco's voice rang out loud and clear.

"Who on earth names a town after a piece of cutlery?"

Chapter Two: The Den

The rain poured down, the sound of falling water accompanied by shouts and screams, explosions and building collapses. The air was thick with smoke that was somehow immune to the rain, the stench of blood and gore threatened Harry's breakfast to re-appear. Bloodied shrapnel crunched underfoot, mangled corpses lay amongst broken stone, unprotected from the bitter rain and whistling wind.

Harry walked on, past the deadly dances of duellers, gracefully side-stepping hexes without thought. He felt the magic of the area tremble with every curse, with every cry of anguish and agony, with every end of a life. Tears and blood joined the rain in a cocktail of sorrow, and they washed over the land with rivers of pain and terror, the army of Death in their wake. Enemies and lovers died together, their last moments spent together, alone yet surrounded, in agony yet numb. Death walked over the land, his scythe gleaming as it twirled through the air, sending souls to their judgement. Death took no pleasure as he moved, his countenance grim. His aura of shadows swirled with his robes of darkness, and his ethereal form was invisible to the mortals he reaped.

Harry walked on, under his ancestor's cloak, his head bowed as if in silent prayer. His instincts screamed at him to phase, to find his pack and to run from the cursed place. Harry ignored them, and gritted his teeth against the urge to run, to find his family, to escape. This battle, this war, had to end, and he was the one who had to end it.

So here he was, walking to his death.

The landscape blurred, and suddenly Harry was in the Forbidden Forest, his head just as bowed, his pace just as controlled. The screams and explosions were silent now, the rain had slowed and was barred by the thick canopy of dark leaves and branches above him. A twig snapped behind him, and Harry whirled around, his wand drawn.

What he saw drew a scream from his throat.

Everyone was dead. Everyone he cared about, their corpses mangled and cold. A two-week old Teddy was lying on Sirius' bloodied chest, his small hands held by one of his father's. Sirius clutched his son to his chest, and he held onto his husband with the other hand. Remus was on his side, curved around his mate and cub protectively, his teeth bared, his arm rested on his mate's stomach. His once shining eyes were empty, his vibrant soul long gone. Harry tore his eyes from the sight, but he was met with another. Luna, Neville, Hermione, Draco, Blaise. They were all together, their last moments of agony preserved on their faces, their cold skin painted with the blood of others and their own. They held onto each other in death, in a pile like young sleeping cubs, but their faces were old and human with pain and misery. A sob left his mouth, and once again Harry looked away, and his gaze fell on more. The twins held each other in death, their bodies crumpled, their skin marred by bruises, cuts, and bones that stabbed through the once smooth skin. The blood had congealed, and the rain had done nothing to clean it away. Bill and Fleur lay in a broken heap, their hands somehow maneuvered to rest on Fleur's child-swollen stomach protectively. The rest of their bodies were torn and bloodied, their hands over their child the only recognisable parts apart from their hair. Their wedding rings, once gold, now looked cheap copper with blood. Ron and Ginny lay inches from each other, their claw-like hands reaching for the other. Charlie lay with his parents, his long red hair bathed redder with their blood. Percy was entangled with Oliver Wood, their once silver engagement rings sooty and marred with scratches. Hagrid was only recognisable by his hair and bulk. The names and bodies continued.

A keening wail left Harry throat and he spun around, as if the leave the agony behind. But one final sight stopped him, and he fell to his knees.

His parents lay together, holding each other, but their arms reached out together towards him, their eyes cold and empty. They were waiting for Harry to join them.

A dark chuckle sounded behind Harry, and he turned around as quickly as he could, and lost his shaky balance in the process. He fell at Voldemort's robed feet, less than a metre from the snake-faced monster. The man's red eyes gleamed as his lips parted to bare his teeth in a sadistic grin. A forked tongue flicked out, tasting Harry's fear in the air, before it retreated, and the Dark Lord spoke.

~ Harry Potter, come to die? ~

Harry only answer was a throat-ripping scream.

Sirius and Remus woke with a start.

Sat bolt upright in their bed, they looked at each other, and in unison, whispered a word before they ran into the hall, towards the screams.


Inside Harry's bedroom, both Sirius and Remus phased, and with a touch from Remus' nose, Harry's thrashing figure phased into a howling wolf. The howls were terrified and full of agony, and they soon woke the whole pack. Warm, furry bodies moved to take up any available space in Harry's room, and slowly his howls quietened to whimpers. Remus climbed onto Harry's bed, and he picked up his cub by the scruff of his neck. Harry's siblings stepped forward and helped, supporting their brother's weight with their backs or muzzles. Together they walked him down the slope that they had instead of a staircase. They moved together as one, communicating silently with flicks of an ear or a tail, or with a soft noise. They travelled through the halls to the back of the house, into a room that they had built exactly for this purpose.

The room itself was one giant mattress. The walls were padded, there were pillows, cushions, blankets, even a few plushies. The whole room was charmed to be soft and warm, and nothing could be ripped by teeth or claws. At either end of the large room was a wooden door that could be opened by placing a paw at its base. The one they had just come through led to the main house, and the other door opened to reveal the back garden, and the woods behind it. They had spent many a night in this room, what they called 'The Den', because nightmares were common in the pack. They never spent a night with nightmares alone.

The pack piled together in the middle of the room, with various blankets and cushions being dragged over to make things even more comfortable. In the middle of the group was a still whimpering Harry, with Teddy curled up under his chin. Remus and Sirius curled around the pair, and the others curled up together, some on top of the others like newborn cubs. Newborn cubs always slept in a pile because they are used to being together in the womb, and the instinct was strong for the cubs, even though they were considered adults in the wizarding world. They were all old beyond their years, and yet many of them were very young when they were in need of comfort. Many of them, like Harry and Draco, had never had the chance to have a proper childhood, and they often had moments when they acted like they were children.

Within moments of the pack settling down, Harry's whimpers faded as he fell into a deep, contented sleep, surrounded by the warmth of his pack and the support of their magic. He was safe there. His pack soon followed him into the land of dreams, and the silence of the room was only broken with the snuffles of the slumbering wolves, and, of course, the slumbering Grim.


When the pack woke up slowly as the morning light filtered gently through the small windows above the back door of the Den, the only phrases that were spoken were 'Good morning's and little domestic squabbles as the six teens fought each other for rights to the bathrooms and their clothes. Harry's nightmare was not mentioned, the same as no-one would mention the nightmares of anyone else. The pack ate together in the kitchen, after Remus had to force Teddy to phase back into his baby state, instead of being a cub. Teddy favoured his wolf form because, though it developed slower than a true wolf, it developed a lot faster than his human form. Why would he want to sit or bounce in someone's arms when he could jump and play?

After the kitchen was cleared and cleaned, the pack set about packing more things. It was two weeks after Sirius and Remus had announced the move, and they would be leaving in two days. They were saying goodbye to their friends tomorrow in the form of a going-away party.

With magic it was easy to pack quickly and efficiently, with possessions being shrunk to a degree that meant Draco's whole wardrobe fit into five cardboard moving boxes. It was quite a feat.

As they were moving into a muggle area, they were moving in the muggle way. They had already sent most things such as furniture and their training and musical equipment. They had dismantled the Den, as well as the bedrooms and the living rooms. Kitchen equipment had been sent off, as had most other things. The house that had been their home for the past three months solidly, and for various amounts of time for certain individuals before that, was now a mere shell. The air quivered with repressed excitement, and also with the anticipation of its inhabitants.


"Potter, why the bloody hell did you drag me into this mess?" Draco growled, his fists clenched onto the front of Harry's T-Shirt.

"Me? Why do you always blame me, Black?" Harry asked angrily, before he roughly removed Draco's hands. It wasn't Harry's fault that Draco was wimping out!

"Boys, will you please calm down." Remus said, in his most 'Professor'-like voice.

They were currently sitting in their plane seats, waiting for the workers to finish whatever they did before the flight, so that they could take off. Draco was near to hyperventilating, and the usually cultured and flirty Blaise wasn't far behind him.

"Remus, I don't trust this rusty piece of muggle mechanics! Why did we have to endanger out lives by being transported by a humungous metal bird that somehow flies, without magic, instead of quickly and safely apparating?" Draco's normally pale face would have made snow look tanned. Blaise made a few comments that sounded like he was agreeing with Draco, but in his emotional state the Italian had reverted to his mother tongue. Unfortunately, Draco was the only other person who spoke Italian in the pack, so no-one else had an idea of what they were saying. With Blaise's support, Draco managed to get himself even more worked up, until a strong, roughened hand rested on his shoulder. Almost immediately, Draco began to relax, as did Blaise, who was also receiving Neville's treatment.

Neville wasn't really what you would call an empath, just like Luna wasn't really what you would call a seer. Neville could only effect someone's emotions if he touched them, and even then he had to work hard if the 'patient' wasn't co-operating. He just gave the 'patient' a gentle, sometimes more forceful, push in the right emotional direction. He was perfect for situations like this. Luna didn't receive visions, but she had very strong intuition, and she often received glances into someone's past if she came into physical contact with them. Neville and Luna often worked together in social situations when the pack needed them. As they were best friends, they rarely had to verbally communicate when they worked together.

Once the boys had calmed down, Draco shot Neville a grateful look, and Blaise kissed him on the cheek with a 'Grazie Tesoro'. Neville promptly blushed, even though he thought of the flirty Italian as his brother, and settled back into his seat beside Luna. The girl hadn't participated in the exchange, but had instead spent the time conversing with her adoptive sister, about various subjects. Hermione and Luna had gotten over their differences in Hermione's fourth year. Now the sixteen and seventeen-year-old were quite close. They certainly weren't best friends, but after spending years as the only females in their group, and now their pack, the dreamy-eyed Ravenclaw and the bookish Gryffindor often spent time together, to bitch and moan about their packmates and the world in general, to study, or just to soak up some well-needed oestrogen.

"Now listen to me, all of you." Remus commanded. He instantly had his pack's attention, even little Teddy's. "This aeroplane is safe. It is being piloted by professionals. Sirius and I even put some extra charms on it to ensure safety. So please, relax and enjoy the flight. We'll be back on the ground before you know it." Everyone settled down with his words, and Teddy soon fell asleep in Sirius' arms. They had laced his formula with a potion that stopped both his werewolf and Metamorphmagus transformations for a few hours, and they would administer the potion again with the four-month-old's next feed. One side-effect of the potion was that it made Teddy a little drowsy, but that really wasn't a problem on a long flight.

Soon the stewardesses played their usual presentation, and throughout it Blaise and Draco stared at them like they were some sort of alien. Given the fact that they both knew very little about the muggle world may have been a reason why they were acting like the people had two heads and were talking merspeak. Shortly the aircraft left the ground and, thanks to Neville, there were no panic attacks or hexed muggles. Refreshments were offered and ordered, and not before long the pack had relaxed into the journey.

However, almost an hour into the flight, a slightly static-haired Draco poked a dozing Blaise to wakefulness, and asked a hushed question. He was not pleased with the answer he received.

"What do you mean we are stuck in this thing for eleven more hours?"

To be continued…

A/N: So, what do you think? Let me know if I've missed anything important. If you have any questions or requests, just ask!

Italian to English Translation:

'Grazie Tesoro'~ Literally it means 'Thank you, treasure', but 'tesoro' is used in Italian like 'dear' and 'darling' is used in English.

In regards to the flight time, it takes about eleven and a half hours to get from London to San Francisco, so I figured that the flight time would be a few minutes longer.

Thank you for reading.