Chapter 1

I woke up early that morning, hoping the day would be full of happiness. After all, it was friday. And also my birthday, and the day that we would be going to championship. My volleyball team and me, that is. I knew we would make it, we had too. That's how birthday's worked, right?

Right. I thought confidently to myself, adjusting my shirt strap for the third time. I wanted to look perfect, being the light of the day. I wasn't usually all girly and mostly just wore whatever I first took out of my closet, but birthdays were different.

I looked into the mirror again, and felt better than most days. I felt pretty for once. I know, it sounds prissy, but I didn't care then. My sweet sixteen was to take place the following night, and at breakfast I had found out that my father and stepmother had booked me two tickets to Greece.

"I'm going to Greece!" I screamed in happiness, tackling them into a hug. Susan had grown a little on me, once I had given her a chance.

My father laughed at my reaction, "Happy Birthday sweetheart." My dad smiled down at me, joy playing in his eyes. Bobby and Matthew grinned up at me, they had been experimenting with gel, so they had adorable spiky hair.

"You're welcome!" They piped up simultaneously. I giggled at their little joke and ruffled their hair, regretting it after having a clump of gel stick to my hand.

"Thank you so much." I smiled at all of them gratefully. It was one of those family-hug-memory-moments. But I didn't care, it was too good to be true.

And it really was. I had walked into school that day, feeling great as my curly hair bounced around, trying to ignore it for the special days sake. I tried ignoring the wolf whistles or the flirty shout outs, I'd wring their necks later, meaning tomorrow.

I walked into the hall and passed some of my friends, flashing them smiles. They waved or smiled back, holding up balloons and gesturing to them. I held up a finger, noting that I'd get them later and to drop them off at my locker or whatever. They would nod and flash me another smile or two.

I felt great, but I felt an empty space next to me. My most favorite person in the world was missing. Nowhere in sight, but I knew they would be there. They had to be there. The most amazing person in the world, the person who could make the cold seem tolerable and my heart skip a beat or two...

"Guess who." Someone whispered into my ear, tickling it. Two hands were covering my eyes so I couldn't see, and I felt a smile form on my face.

"Josh Hutcherson?" I guessed, hearing a skeptical snort from my best friend in the whole freakin' world.

"I am way hotter than Josh Hutcherson." He stated matter-of-factly.

He took his hands away from my face and I turned around to look him in the eye.

"Whatever. More like your ego is way higher than Josh Hutcherson's." I corrected, closing my locker from behind me. He rolled his eyes at me and sent me a startling heart stopping grin. I heard my heart beating faster and faster, ringing in my ears.

"Oh you still love me. Anyways, happy Birthday Wise Girl." He winked at me, and luckily I had enough willpower to overcome my blush.

"Thanks." I mumbled, looking down at my shoes. I felt something tug at my wrist, and instinctively pulled it away before looking up.

"Hey." I heard Percy protest. I looked to his hands and noticed something shiny in his grasp.

He took my wrist back delicately and snapped the item on my wrist but blocked my view so I couldn't see.

"Percy." I whined, getting impatient. I heard him chuckle at my impatiens and uncovered my view.

I stared down at the most beautiful bracelet I've seen in my entire life. It had a small owl dangling from it, my favorite animal.

"It's a charm bracelet." Percy added, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. I was speechless, it was so grand.

"Do you like it?" Percy asked nervously, taking in my shock as a negative. "I mean, I could take it back I guess..." He trailed off, and I could tell he was mentally yelling at himself.

"I cou-"

"I love it so much Percy, thank you." I smiled widely at him, my eyes wide with gratitude. It really was brilliant and I never thought he would think of something like that. It was very pretty and shone with a few clear jewels. It looked very expensive.

He smiled warmly at me, his eyes twinkling with relief. That Seaweed Brain, I'd have to be an idiot to not like it.

I gave my second tackle-hug of the day to him when someone interrupted.

"Woah Annie, what did I say about killing Percy?" Thalia joked, hugging me herself. I let out a small laugh, because it was true. When we were in sixth grade, we had been enemies. Mortal enemies. We had hated each other to the core and had always tried to gut the other. Yet all that had changed in eighth grade, when my mother had passed and he had comforted me. We've been best friends since.

"Ok Pinecone Face." Percy laughed, earning a glare from Thalia. Thalia had earned that name when we had been playing tag when we were younger, and she had ran full force into a pine cone tree.

"Ha-ha." She rolled her eyes at him and adjusted her backpack strap. "C'mon Annie, we need to get to English." She wrapped her arm around my wrist and then only noticed my charm bracelet that Percy had given me.

Her eyes narrowed in suspicion and she shot me a look saying We are talking about this later before dragging me off into the hallway.

"Soo Annabeth, did you tell him?" She persisted once Percy was out of earshot. I immediately blushed dark red.

"Of course not!" I shrieked, whipping my head around to make sure Percy wasn't around. I hated even talking about it, it made me feel guilty.

"Oh c'mon Annie, this isn't third grade. You don't need to act all shy, just say 'Hey Perce! I have a crush on you!'" She explained with hand gestures. I wanted to whack her on the head, this was my love life we were talking about.

"Thalia!" I exclaimed, slapping her on the forearm. She whipped her head towards me and flashed me a grin.

"He obviously likes you back, so just tell him before it's too late. You might end up regretting it." She advised me, flicking a stray curl out of my face. I huffed and crossed my arms over my chest.

"We are just friends and nothing more. Besides, he doesn't like me in that way, friends only." I was saying it mostly to myself, but saying it aloud hurt more. I knew he didn't like me at all like that, more like a sister. We were officially, forever in the 'friend zone'.

"Whatever floats your boat, Annie." Thalia muttered, giving me a skeptical look.

I just shrugged it off and continued my walk with her to English.

"Annabeth, Happy Birthday!" I heard someone squeal right when I walked in. I turned my head to see my other friend, Silena and her sister, Piper.

"Thanks." I smiled friendly at them, feeling touched. They brought out a small bag from behind them and urged me to open it.

"I hope she loves it." Piper whispered to her sister eagerly.

Silena held onto her sisters coat, giddy with excitement.

"Can I open it now? I joked, tugging at the wrapping paper. They nodded enthusiastically and begged me to hurry.

I pulled out a long, silky pink scarf. I didn't want to rain on their parade and say I didn't even like pink, so instead I smiled really wide at it, and pulled it to me. "I love it." I grinned at them and while holding it, realized it smelled really good. I couldn't pinpoint the smell, but it made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

"The scent of it is exposed to expose your feelings of another. Love.." Silena piped up dreamily. My eyes widened at her words, so thats what I was smelling-love? I didn't know love had a smell..

"She smells it." Piper whispered, smiling wide at me. I looked back at her dazed by the smell.

"Our mother says happy birthday. She told us to give you the scarf, and we knew you'd love it. Even if it was pink." Silena explained to me, studying my reaction.

"Tell Aphrodite I said thanks." I smiled wide at them. Yeah, their mom's name was Aphrodite and she hated being addressed by her last name by anyone.

They nodded, still smiling and I wrapped the scarf around my neck, hoping the smell would rub off onto me. "It goes good with your outfit." Silena assured me, sitting down because the bell had rung. I sat down in my normal seat, in the far corner of the room. I liked to keep to myself, to not attract much attention to myself. Some people that were late coming in told me happy birthday, and others just ignored me completely. I wasn't popular, and I didn't want to be, but most people at this school were really nice.

I would smile or nod at them, and they would then go sit down. Finally, Rachel Elizabeth Dare walked in, red hair flaming and a striking smile. She saw me look at her and her smile widened along with her eyes.

"Ms. Dare, sit down unless you want to find yourself in detention!" Mr. Apollo barked. Usually he was in a good mood, but I guess he hadn't drunken any coffee yet because his eyelids were drooping.

She knew not to mess with Mr. Apollo, because he was one of the few nice teachers here. She nodded and scurried over to her seat next to me. She gave me a small hug when he wasn't looking and I returned it.

"Mhmm what's that smell?" She whispered to me after we had finished hugging. I cracked a small grin at her, gesturing to my scarf.

"Silena and Piper." I summarized. She made an 'ah..' sound, understanding completely.

"Well, someone's getting older. Is that a gray hair? Kidding!" Rachel teased, slapping me playfully on the arm. I rolled my eyes at her in a playful manner.

"Shaddup." I whispered, a smile planted on my face. Rachel stuck her tongue out at me before turning back to listen to Mr. Apollo.

Rachel is one of my good friends, we had met in seventh grade. She was new but had a good personality. She was really a good friend, and would do anything for her friends.

"This week, we will be reading Wuthering Heights." Mr. Apollo informed us, passing them to the front rows to pass back. When I picked mine up I stared down at it.

I slid the book I had been reading away to look down at the one I was exposed to read. I had already read Wuthering Heights about three times, but whatever. I guess I can get an easy A?

Mr. Apollo droned on about it, but I couldn't really listen. Which was really a start for me. I usually always listened, but I couldn't today. I kept daydreaming about my trip to Greece. My parents had told me I could pick one person to go with me, and I kept thinking it over and over.

I already knew who I would take, it wasn't that hard. Of course I'd be taking Percy with me, because he wanted to go see Greece almost as much as me. I was just worried of what my parents and his parents would say.

His mom would probably agree, of course. She was like a second mother to me, even before Susan.

But I was wondering how Percy would react. What if he was already doing something? I guess I'd just take Thalia or Rachel if he couldn't go...

But suddenly, thinking about him not going, started a pain in my chest. He was my best friend, and I wanted to share this moment with him. I guess it was just really special to me, too special for Rachel or Thalia...

"Class dismissed." Mr. Apollo smiled at all of us, his mood better than at the beginning of class. I picked up my huge binder and the beat up copy of Wuthering Heights and exited the room. Right when I got out of the class, Rachel was walking next to me down the hall, chatting away.

"Hey Rachel, Annabeth." Percy smiled at us, but mostly at Rachel. He had muttered my name and disregarded me when he had seen Rachel, to my annoyance. It was like that sometimes, like he didn't even know I existed when Rachel was around, not that I was jealous or anything...

"Hey Percy." Rachel responded cheerfully, not even noticing him practically drooling over her. I cleared my throat, and he shook his head to clear it. His eyes shifted over to me and I forced a smile. He faked a smile back, and his eyes kept darting to Rachel.

I sighed, feeling like a third wheel even though Rachel didn't even really talk to Percy.

"Bye guys." I gritted my teeth, storming off. I heard footsteps behind me and knew it was Rachel, but I didn't care.

After a few other classes, Gym had came. And today we were playing the most infamous game in Goode High history:

Dodge Ball.

After I had changed into the normal navy blue shorts and gray t-shirts that were our uniforms, I was ready in sprinting position. I was known for going full out in dodgeball, but I didn't hurt anyone. I only aimed for the feet, arms, or stomach. Never the head.

We were split in half, one half of Mrs. Litkey's and Mr. Jones class on one side and the other on the other side. I scanned over the faces on the other side, until I saw Percy staring at me with a wide grin on his face. Uh oh, he was on the other team.

We were super competitive in gym, and being on the same team was total destruction for the other team. When we weren't on the same team though, all Hades broke loose.

Mr. Jones blew his whistle for us to start, and I zoomed to get a dodge ball first. I saw Travis Stoll going for the same ball as me, and I narrowed my eyes in determination. I ran faster and faster, and I hugged the ball to my side, winding up my arm to throw it at him. He noticed and he tried to fall back, but it was too late. The ball connected with his shoulder and he stomped his foot, mad at being the first out.

I didn't have time to smirk, because usually everyone on the other team would target me. I fell back into the lines of my team and hovered around, waiting for a ball.

After a while of playing with only about ten people left on either team, I had a ball in my hand and was about to throw it at Clarissa when I noticed Percy.

He had a dodgeball in his hand and was twirling it around in his hand, talking to a redhead who was Rachel. He was smiling down at her, his eyes twinkling while he laughed at something she said. She turned so I saw half of her face, but she didn't notice me.

Percy leaned down to her and I felt my arm throw the ball without my consulte. I watched in horror and satisfaction as the ball whizzed in slow motion towards Percy's head, and connect with it. He went tumbling backwards from the amount of force I had put into the throw, and fell back into the wall. I covered my mouth with my hand, surprised. He opened his eyes after a moment, cross eyed. No one had moved, from shock. Then suddenly it all hit me and I ran as fast as I could to him. Ah, crap. I just let my jealousy take over and hit my best friend right in the face, in front of everyone.

When he saw me, his eyes flashed with anger. I grimaced but kneeled down next to him.

"Omigosh Percy, I'm so sorry!" I apologized, helping him up. I noticed his face was red. He stared at me, not registering me for a moment. I thought he was about to forgive me, when he suddenly yelled in my face.

"What the heck, Annabeth! Why'd you hit me in the face!" He yelled. The whole gym went silent except the heavy breathing from him and me. I bit back my tears, I really hated getting yelled at.

"All I did was talk to Rachel, what is wrong with you? Why do you get so mad at me when I talk to Rachel?" He hissed in my face, but the teachers had left to go get the nurse.

I hung my head, tears stinging in my eyes. This was my birthday, he wasn't expose to yell at me. Or get angry for that matter.

"Whatever." He growled, walking past me and bumping my shoulder hard. Percy didn't get mad much, but when he did he was serious about it.

After school I had tried to confront him and apologize, but when I saw him he'd just ignore me like I wasn't there. I started getting angry myself, and gave up because I had to go get ready for the championship.

Right when I walked into the school gym for the volleyball game, everyone was ready. Rachel came over to me and gave me a sad smile, hugging me like a good friend would. But I didn't want her help, I didn't need it. Everything had happened because of her.

I didn't hug her back, just stood there stiffly. When the game was going on, I saw Percy in the bleachers, but he wasn't looking at me, only at Rachel. I glumly took my position and was silently praying for the game to end quickly.

We had only a minute left, and I jumped up and threw the ball into the air. The game was tied, 20-20. We just needed one more point and we'd win, just one more.

The ball came back down, ready to be hit. I pushed my hand up to hit it, when I was suddenly pushed aside. I sat on the floor in shock, then heard the crowd erupted in loud cheer. I looked up and saw people throwing their popcorn in the air, or clapping each other on the back with big grins on their faces. I saw a hand being held out to me and saw Rachel, frowning down at me with an apologizing look.

"I'm sorry, Annie." She mumbled, helping me up. That's when I realized she had pushed me down. I glared at her, upset. It was my birthday. I was exposed to make the winning shot.

"You did great!" I heard Percy yell from behind me, I turned around, my heart soaring when I noticed he was running towards me. So I guess he wasn't mad anymore. I began slowly meeting him halfway, and we were about to hug when he suddenly ran right past me. I stared in shock at the empty space in front of me. I heard Rachel giggle and felt tears coming to my eyes. I slowly turned around, knowing what I was about to see.

Rachel and Percy were hugging like they were a couple.

I just stared, my eyes dead. I couldn't believe this.

Percy finally noticed me and reluctantly pulled away from Rachel to come over to me.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you, Wise Girl. You did awesome." He smiled down at me and pulled me into a huge hug. I just stared ahead, not returning it, My hands dangled at my sides, feeling heavy. My chest hurt for some reason, and I felt a lone tear find its way down my cheek.

And that was only the beginning of the worse to come.

Thanks for reading, remember, review! I hope you like it :3