Chapter 1: A Crime Like No Other

The curtains crashed open and light poured into the room, waking the unsuspecting brunet. "Wakey wakey, sunshine," Damon greeted her loudly, smirking. Elena cracked open her eyes and glared at the impudent vampire. "What do you want, Damon?" she growled. He raised an amused eyebrow and shrugged. "Just thought you'd want to know they found Klaus' little experiments." Elena's expression turned grim. "What do you mean?" Damon tossed a newspaper on the bed. "They're saying it's the work of a freak serial killer. A massacre." Elena gripped the paper in her hand. "This is not good," she whispered to herself, "Not good at all."


A slim file fell on Agent Aaron Hotchner's desk in front of him. He looked up to see J.J. standing in front of his desk with her arms crossed. "We've got another case. They're saying it's a massacre." "How many people killed?" he asked her, his brow furrowed in concentration. "Over 10," she stated grimly. "In one sitting?" His facial expression couldn't possibly describe the shock he was experiencing at the mere thought of an unsub killing so many people in such a short amount of time. J.J. nodded. "I'm afraid so, sir." Hotch began to gather his things. "Tell everyone to get ready to leave. Wheels up in 30," he directed her and left the room in a hurry.


"So what's our victim's name?" asked Rossi, pulling on a pair of examination gloves to probe at a spot on the neck of the corpse in front of him. "Andrew Lawson," replied the coroner. "Age 27, he was found by a local hiker." The coroner handed Prentiss, who was standing beside Rossi eyeing the body, the folder. "It says here he was found with dried blood streaming from his eyes. Broken blood vessels?" she asked the coroner. He nodded. "All of the victims had broken blood vessels, but as to what might have caused them to burst, we still don't know."

"Were there any more tests done on him?" "We did find out that he teeth were sharper than the average human's. Maybe the killer sharpened their teeth?" the coroner suggested. Prentiss nodded. "Thank you." "Hey, what's this?" Rossi got the coroner's attention. He pointed to two holes on the side of Andrew's neck.

"Bite marks. They could have been made with anything, but most likely a barbecue skew. There's a picture of them in the file in case you need to go off of anything." Rossi straightened and thanked the man for his time. "Let's see what the others have to say about this," he said to Prentiss as they walked out of the examination room.


"So what? We're dealing with some wannabe vampire fanatic?" Morgan said incredulously after Reid mentioned his theory of the 'bite marks' being so evenly spaced they were similar to that of a vampire bite. "It would appear that way. There's no explanation for the reason the blood vessels burst, though." "Then what's the unsub's M.O.?" Prentiss asked, looking around at the rest of her coworkers.

A brief silence filled the small room. "We don't know," J.J. softly said.