The LAST chapter. Please stay tuned for my new story. I haven't chosen a name yet, but it will be my take and rewrite of Season 2. Now to the story.

Chapter 28
-2 weeks later—

"How's it going beautiful? Is heaven all it's made out to be? For you I'm sure it is." Logan gave a small chuckle at that.
It was a quiet Saturday afternoon at the Neptune Cemetery. The particular tombstone in front of him was a special one. A beautiful and lively soul had been laid to rest there, free from evil and the pain caused by Celeste Kane.
"It hasn't been easy around here without you. I'm sure you know that, though. We all miss you. All the time. It's not that it's gotten easier knowing you're gone, it's just clearer. I had to move on and realize drowning in alcohol and tears was idiotic. I think you'd be proud of me now. After I was released from the hospital I went to the Sheriff's Department and requested emancipation since my father was a crazy child abuser. Sheriff Mars gave me the paper that same day. He's a good man… I'm finally free. I'm not sure where Aaron ended up. Somewhere far away, it's the only place he'd be wanted. Even the latest Mrs. Echolls left him for a richer man. The house is mine now. The Sheriff trusts me enough with my trust fund money. There's quite a lot of cash there. Don't worry I'm a good boy now. Well, 75% of a good boy. I'm trying harder in school and spending time with a group of people who are actually my friends.
Dick Casablancas turned out to be a great person and Mac keeps him in line the rest of the time. They're entertaining to watch. Wallace is cool plus a basketball superstar. Oh, and guess who finally came around? Duncan. He apologized for being so detached and icy. I wasn't surprised when he confessed he'd been on some medications Celeste forced on him. Who wouldn't be a robot if they gulped down pills for breakfast? He's dating Meg Manning. Little Miss Angelic. She's more interesting than I gave her credit for. And of course there's-well you know. I wish you were around to see us now. I'll always love you, beautiful. You're saved in a special part of my heart. Goodbye." Logan gave a final grin to the grave and blew a kiss to skies.

He left the cemetery and drove to the florist shop. Today was a special day and he couldn't forget the flowers he'd ordered for the occasion. Dick was in charge of the cake, Mac the balloons and decorations. Wallace was music and refreshments.
Crap I'm gonna be lateLogan thought after the large flower bouquet was loaded in to the passenger seat of his X-Terra and he was driving towards his house. It was Party Central. Logan loved surprise parties, but this part had stressed him to no end. It had to be perfect. He'd made sure of it.

"Logan! You cut it kind of close, didn't you?" Mac glared as he hurried through his front door, glad the surprise hadn't started yet.
"Chill, babe. Everything's on schedule. Flowers on the main table." Dick pointed and Logan nodded.
"Places, people! The main attraction has arrived!" Wallace shouted and all the lights of the room were turned off as the party guests his behind their respective furniture.

There was silence as the front door of Logan's house was opened and the light was fumbled on.
"Surprise! Happy Birthday Veronica!" the room erupted.
The little blonde, who'd jumped at the sight of all her loved ones appearing from random places, laughed out loud.
"I knew you wouldn't willingly drive me to Logan's for alone time, Dad." Veronica said and Keith Mars chuckled.
"If I had a choice between surprise party or you and Logan alone in an empty house, it's always the first one." The newly elected sheriff of Neptune said matter-of-factly.
He knew his little girl was turning 17, but a father always worried.
"Am I in any trouble?" Logan had approached his girlfriend with a tentative smile.
"No, but one of my presents better be private naked time later." She said softly, so only he would hear.
He grinned.
"That is the Logan Echolls offer."
He bent to kiss her deeply.
"Happy Birthday, my love."
"Thank you, muffin."
"Don't hog her, dude! Happy-day, Ronnie!" Dick took the girl from Logan and picked her off the floor for a tight, spinning hug.
"Dick! Put me down right now!"
Everyone laughed as Dick did as he was told and gave her a gentle kiss on the cheek.
"17. That's one year closer to 21." Mac said.
"I don't see the significance." Veronica replied.
"Hello? Drinking?"
Veronica faked confusion.
"Oh! You meant legally. Sure, one year closer."
Mac laughed and hugged her, Wallace and Meg joining in. Veronica pulled away from the group hug to see Duncan, next in the line of friends.
"Happy 17th, sis."
She groaned.
"I told you to quit calling me that."
"And I ignored that." Duncan said, hugging his half-sister.
"That's obvious. Thanks for coming."
Veronica made her way around the adults next. Alicia Fennell was there, not as Wallace's mom but as Keith's girlfriend. They were a sweet couple that Wallace still complained about, saying being siblings with Veronica Mars would be frightening. Veronica, personally, liked the fact a good, kind-hearted woman like Alicia was with her father, healing him in ways Veronica never could. It had been hard accepting Lianne Mars' death. The funeral was simple and elegant. Veronica wore a navy dress that matched Logan's silk blue tie. There would be no more gloomy funerals for them.
"Happy birthday." Jake Kane said, slowly stepping closer.
"Thanks, Jake. How have you been?"
"Better than I have before. Trust me."

She nodded. He'd suffered a great ordeal, learning his wife had killed his daughter, hidden it with the help of his head of security, killed the woman he'd loved since high school and then stabbed his other daughter.
Veronica had thought she was dead. There hadn't been a white light, but a warm dimness followed by Lilly's playful voice telling her to 'Fight for her life' and 'Live beautifully for me, sister.'
Veronica woke up in a bright hospital room staring up at various faces of relief. She'd noticed Logan's wasn't among them, but her father reassured her he was in another room nursing a mild concussion and cuts and waiting to see her. She'd given them all a scare. Unconscious for two days after the surgery that saved her life and left a tiny, white scar on her stomach. An eternal mark proving she was a survivor.
"Thanks for coming." She finally said.
"I'm always here when you need me. We're family, Veronica."
She gave him a hug for that. She would never call him Dad, that title was reserved for the one and only Keith Mars, but Jake was still family. He could be an uncle or family friend or whatever, but he was part of Veronica's life. He had saved her, alongside her father, two weeks before and had grown close to both Veronica and Keith. The two men watched baseball games together and over protectively discussed Logan's intentions concerning her.
"Cake! Cake!" Dick shouted gleefully when it was time for the birthday song and the blowing of the candles.
Veronica laughed and smiled at all the people she loved as they sang the song and encouraged her to make a wish.
I wish we'll be like this forever. As close as a family. Through thick and thin she said in her mind and blew the candles.
Everyone clapped and whistled. Dick pushed her face into the cake. Veronica made sure to wipe her face on his new shirt.
"Damn it, Ronnie!' he exclaimed and Mac told him to suck it up.

Later, as the adults chatted over coffee in the kitchen, the younger generation joked around or dances to the music. Logan held out a hand to Veronica.
"May I have this dance?"
"I don't think you have to ask for this song." She said, "It's the Cha Cha Slide."
Logan winked.
"Not for long. Wallace?"
"Gotcha." Wallace changed the music with a press of the stereo's remote.
Veronica's heart jumped when her favorite song began and Logan swept her into his arms for the slower dance.
"Wouldn't it be nice if we were older,
then we wouldn't have to wait so long.
And wouldn't it be nice to live together
in the kind of world where we belong."
Logan sang in her hear as they swayed.
Veronica's eyes teared again, but she didn't want to fight them this time.
"I love you, Logan."
"I love you more than anything in the world." He replied.
"And I love this song."
"Now, it's yours."
"I'm dedicating it to you, babe. They'll play it at our wedding too, I promise."
Veronica smiled and her tears fell slowly, for once not darkening her face but making it more radiant.
"I guess I'll marry you. If I have to, you know." She made a sigh of boredom.
"If you have to? Who else could deal with you, Mars?"
"I would take offense, but I actually agree with you. I'm only meant for you the way you're only meant for me."
"Glad you came to your senses, Mars."
"Don't push it, Echolls."
He chuckled and the two swayed to a song that would signal their love for decades to come.

From her perch in heaven, Lilly Kane laughed her signature laugh.
"Happy birthday, sister. Live beautifully."


That was the end to An Unexpected Bond. I love this story and am forever proud of it. I made the end sweet because the characters deserved it after the hell they went to. Stay tuned for my next story. I might even have a chapter done by the end of the day. I love you guys, thanks for all your reviews and favorites and care in this story and in me.