Chapter Seven:


It was bright and early in the morning. After the date last night, things had smoothed over amazingly. They both were in the kitchen cooking breakfast while her three friends and brother stared from the dining room. Whether it was the cross interference from Ghost or it was genuine, he couldn't find it in himself to care. They happily chatted and laughed as she instructed and taught him how to cook. From the dining room, the four were in complete shock. Almost like the first time they met him.

They were in the middle of cooking. They looked out the window as a thunderstorm rang out. He looked over to Kagome, sadness was evident in her eyes. There was no denying it, something about storms made her sad. He had seen it many times. Even through the fight with Inuyasha, he could see the sadness when ever she heard a roar of thunder. Finally he looked back down to his work and asked,"Care to tell me more about him?"

"What do you mean?", Kagome asked as she stared at him.

"Kagome don't deny it. I've seen that sadness in your ears every time thunder roars. I first noticed when I met you. I want to know more about this man that makes people behave so strangely when they see me."

She cast her eyes down. Hesitance was evident in her eyes. Then she said,"Fine, I guess there's no point in trying to hide it anymore..."

"He looked like me, didn't he?"

She sighed before she nodded. Hiten nodded and focused on the cooking. He sighed before he pressed on,"The motorcycle in the garage, its his?" Again she silently nodded. The pace of their cooking slowed. Hiten then asked,"What was his name? Tell me all about him."

"His name was... Fenir...", her breathing became harsh. Kagome shook her head and said,"I can't-"

"I know... Don't worry about it. I shouldn't have-"

"You had the right to though.", she said before quickening her cooking. He continued his cooking as well. The mood was definately dead. It was a tense and cold silence between the two. Kagome was intend on her cooking and all Hiten could do was steal glances. Finally Kagome said,"He never really wanted me in the gang. Fenir always saw what was in my soul. He told me that I should be in a gang. That I was too nice, too caring to be in that kind of thing. Before he died, he had actually secured a way out for me."

Hiten froze and stared at her. Then he said,"So when you said he left, it wasn't that he left you on his own. He-"

"Died... Shot down by a rival gang. When he died, I took the path out. Ran away and refused to look back. I try to commit the ultimate sin. To force a heart to love someone when it belongs to someone else. When he left, I went into denial, I went crazy. Every morning I could swear that I still heard his voice. There were moments when I swore that I could see his ghost around... It came to the point where I nearly lost all contact was reality. I wanted to lose myself to that fantasy. I wanted to slip into that sweet bliss that was insanity. If it meant being with him, being able to live my life with him still... I was willing to cross into Insanity. Yet the doctors wouldn't let me. They dragged me away and showed me reality. Made me accept reality as the truth. Sometimes I wonder, if a person is happier in their own world, in the insanity, then why must we drag them into our reality. Why do we have to make them accept the truth."

He had no words. All he could do was stare at her. The tears that had built up in her eyes. She had stopped cooking all together. Finally he stopped and turned off the stove before they burned the food. Hiten then said,"I don't know. However, no matter how much it hurts. We must accept the reality for what it is. Even if we are happier in that other world, it doesn't mean that it is a healthy place to be. For that world, it slowly kills you. Keeps you happy for a time, before it turns horribly wrong. It drags you into utter dispare and desperateness. The only way for one to go on with their lives, is to accept reality for what it presents itself to be." Kagome nodded and they both went to serve the four in the living room.

Later that night, Hiten was in the room. He stared at the sleeping Kagome. They never brought up Fenir again. She found it hard to take it, so she had pushed the memories away. Deleted him from her mind and heart. Locked him away somewhere.

He looked up to the ceiling as he heard footsteps. Cautiously he stood up and walked over to the closet. Through the darkness he could see a loose panel. With one final look at Kagome, he climbed up and into the attic above her room. There a ghostly figure sat on a stack of boxes that crowded the room. The one box that stood out from all the rest was a little black box that stood just to far from Fenir.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I couldn't-"

"You mean you wouldn't!", Hiten snapped.

"Couldn't!", Fenir snapped right back. Seeing Fenir bathed completely in the moons light, he could see why he was getting all the reactions. They were exact copies of one another. Hiten sat down across from him and asked,"Why?"

"When your dead there are certain rules you have to follow, you of all people should know that. One of those rules is that the dead can't tell anyone how they died. We can't tell anyone anything that relates to our death or life.", Fenir said as he looked out the window.

Hiten glared at Fenir.

"You stayed around for her."

Fenir had nodded and said,"Ghosts are merely beings with unfinished business. She won't let me go. I don't want to let go. In the beginning she could see me. Yet we could never touch. I couldn't comfort her. Then they took her to that asylum. When she returned, she threw ever evidence of me into a black box. She no longer saw me, didn't hear me anymore. Keeps that box in the attic above her room. There's a loose ceiling panel that leads up there. Goes there every time she's upset."

"What do you want from me? What do you want me to do?", Hiten asked.

Fenire looked at the black box and said,"If only for one day." Hiten stared at him before his gaze went to the black box. It enticed him, the allure was unmistakeable. Slowly he reached over and opened the box. His eyes widened, his mouth gapped open...