I tried to capture Tony's humor with Steve's sweetness. This is part one and Chapter two will be shorter but will continue from this. If you guys like it, I might continue to write chapters. I hope you like it! Thanks in advance for taking your time to read this and/or review it.

Tony scanned the papers before him, trying to fit together nearly impossible formulas. "I thought you went to bed."

Steve walked over to stand opposite him. "Couldn't sleep." he said simply.

He pinched the bridge of his nose and rubbed his eyes. "I need a break anyways. Why can't you sleep?"

Steve shrugged, squinting his eyes at the papers laid on the table before him. "Nightmares, I guess."

Tony let a little bit of concern shine through his voice, "Nightmares?" He walked over to his bar and poured two small glasses of scotch before walking back over and placing one of the glasses in front of Steve. "Mr. Perfect has nightmares?"

A look between hurt and irritation washed Steve's face before it turned even again. He hesitated before taking a glass. The glass felt slippery in his hand. He shook his head. "You don't want to hear about it, Tony."

He sipped and looked at Steve. "Despite my cocky attitude and asshole disposition, I do care about the members of this team." He gestured for Steve to sit. "You can tell me."

Steve gave a small nod and sat down on one of the stools facing the bar's counter. He put down his glass, not a drop of the drink spill. His stomach churned. He wasn't feeling much like drinking anyway. "It was..." he began, "About an old friend."

Tony kept his face blank and his eyes solemn. "Go on."

Steve fumbled with his fingers. "Bucky," he said, with noticeable difficulty, "I...I kept thinking it was my fault." He paused. "That he...he was gone."

"And in the dream," he closed his eyes. Oh God, no. Not that blackness. Not the incessant replay of the horrible scene over and over before his eyes, "He kept falling...falling...into the snowy mountains. Away from me. I told him to hold on. ...but he couldn't."

He put a firm hand on Steve's shaking ones, fighting against embracing him for comfort. "It wasn't your fault, Captain."

Steve's voice was shaking against his will. "That's what everyone told me...Peggy-" and his voice caught at her name. He sipped a bit of the scotch.

Tony had been where Steve was at right now. The inner demons clawing at the surface. He only hoped he could help. "Steve. Look at me. Listen to me. You did everything within your ability." He smirked. "Not all of us can be demi-gods."

Steve looked up at him, as asked. He sucked in a shaky breath. "I guess."

"I know that this is hard. Losing people you care about is one way to drive you mad. However, I also know you're Captain Freaking America as well as Steve Rogers, and from where I stand you're an amazing guy and a hero." Tony sipped more of the scotch. "It's going to hurt and tear at you for a very long time. The best thing you can do is maintain optimism and beat the living shit out of the bad guys."

Steve nodded again and held up his glass. "Sound advice...I can't agree with you more," he muttered, "Cheers."

Tony raised his glass and nodded. "Cheers, Captain. Always here to be the friendly neighborhood shrink."

Steve narrowed his eyes at Tony before sipping his scotch. "It creeps me out a little that sometimes you can play a shrink." He wiped his lips with the back of his hand. "And a pretty good one."

He feigned a gasp and raised his eyebrows. "Do I not seem like the type to just go around trying to solve everyone's problems?"

Steve had to chuckle at that. Damn, Tony Stark always made him smile. And laugh. It was futile to think otherwise. "Oh yes," he played along, "I can imagine it. Dr. Stark." A playful jab at Tony's chest.

Tony motioned for Steve to sit on the couch before sitting himself down on the chair to his left. He grabbed a piece of paper and a pen, writing down a variety of things. He did the best 'doctor' impression he could muster, "Tell me more about your thoughts, Mr. Rogers." He had a solemn look but laughter in his eyes.

Steve gave Tony a light shove. "Are you seriously doing this right now?" He laughed, his chest heaving.

He merely blinked at Steve, clearing his throat.

"Dr. Stark doesn't like to waste time."

Steve leaned back against the couch, arms crossed at his chest. "All right, all right, Doc," he cocked an eye at Tony, "Let's see..."

"I've only loved a few people in my life," he continued, "One of which I've just had nightmares about...and the other..." he fell silent.

"Yes, and the other?" he asked, writing a few words down, keeping the paper away from Steve's line of vision.

Steve gulped. His eyes flickered to Tony's and back onto the paper and pen. "Uh...I don't think I should tell you," he said, "It would...be...unprofessional to you."

He scoffed at Steve and stroked his chin. If there was one thing Tony didn't like more than bad guys, it was secrets. "C'mon, Captain. I'm all ears." He gave him a dazzling smile before writing down more on the paper.

Steve blushed. That smile. His palms were sweating. Damn. Usually happened when he was nervous. Or anxious. And this case, it could be both. "Well uh," he tried, "It's you." His voice was so light he swore he couldn't hear it himself.

Tony didn't looked up from the paper he was writing on, but nodded his head. There was an inner war between Tony: he could jump across the distance between them and hold him tightly in his arms, or he could play into the defenseless, adorable Steve and see how far he could take it. "And how long has this been going on?"

Steve could feel his cheeks heat up, tortuously slowly. He tried -failing rather fantastically- averting his eyes from the Tony in front of him, so intense, so focused. "A few months," he mumbled.

Again Tony did not look up, but nodded his acknowledgement. "And how do you believe the other party to feel about you?"

Steve nearly spluttered his scotch this time. He wiped his palms against his pants. How far was this going to go? "I...um..." he uttered, "I don't...I'm not exactly sure." He glanced down at the floor. "He likes me, I suppose, but I don't know...not...this way...?"

Tony glanced up at that utterly adorable and flustered man in front of him, figuring he had tortured him enough and smiled. "Steve."

Steve fidgeted. His eyes drifted back to meet Tony's with difficulty. "Y-yes?"

"Hypothetically speaking," Tony began slowly, "If I were to...share your affection, would you allow me to hold you when I wanted?"

He thought he had had it under control, but Steve flushed deep red at Tony's words. He stared at the billionaire's hands. No, no. Look at something else, oh. God. What. He thought, frantic. "O-of course," he stuttered. What did you just say, Rogers?

Tony was enjoying this all too much. The last time he had felt strongly for someone was the very first time he had met Pepper, but that had been simple puppy love compared to his affection for him. "And...hypothetically speaking," Tony moved to sit beside Steve, "If I were to share your affection, would you allow me to spend my wealth on you? To show to the world that you are mine?"

His wealth? Tony Stark, willing to spend...money...for him? On him? Steve was beginning to feel increasingly more self-conscious at the warmth of the man sitting beside him, but all he could focus was "mine." To show the world that he's...what? This is all hypothetical. Shut it, Rogers. This is all Tony speaking.

Steve's heartbeats sped up when he admitted, "I would...I mean...if it isn't...too much...I guess, I would."

Tony's eyes danced with laughter but he kept his expression inquisitive. Steve was entirely too cute for his own good and god knows how much he wanted to kiss the slightly pouting mouth. "You guess? Captain, this is a yes-or-no hypothetical situation." He grinned.

Steve's brows furrowed. Tony was laughing, grinning at him. Lord, was he just having fun at his own expense? His lips shaped into a thin straight line. "I said I would, Tony. That's basically a yes." No, that wasn't bitterness in his voice. It couldn't be.

His face fell a bit at Steve's tone. Perhaps he shouldn't have such fun at this. "I see."

Steve's head drooped down. "So what, Doc?" he murmured, "Any cures for that?"

A playful look came into Tony's eyes and his mouth shot off, "Oh, there are many cures." Tony ran his hands up Steve's steel-like arms and rested them on each side of his face. "Steve."

Shivers ran down his spine at Tony's touch. Steve shuddered. He turned to face Tony, knowing he was half way through to surrendering. "Yes?"

Tony hovered his lips over Steve's, his breath increasing. "Can I tell you something?"

Steve breathed. Hard. Tony wasn't making any of this easier for him. "Just say it, Tony," he managed.

He pressed his lips against Steve's gently before whispering into his ear, "I love you, Captain."