Here it is, what we've all been jumping out of our skin for, the end. I love you guys, and I loved making this story, and I'm positive that if it weren't for you guys' support and reviews this story would've been deleted. Thank you all so much!

I don't own Homestuck, enjoy the finale!


What the fuck happened back there? KK's fins went away, so that's good, but we were at the bottom of the ocean! We need to get him on dry land, not just above the water! FF is leading the way to Eridan's hive, but she's a lot faster than I expected. It's really tiring trying to keep up with her, plus I'm dragging KK, I hope I'm not going too fast for him.

"Sollux!" FF calls from ahead.

"I'm right here, don't thtop!" I keep swimming and she continues, leaving a trail of bubbles behind for me to follow. "Hold on, KK, it's gonna be alright." I tell him. His grip on my arm tightens, telling me he heard what I said. How he did, I have no clue. Maybe bubbles can carry sound or some shit, but that's not important.

She takes a sharp turn upwards, and without even thinking twice I follow. My head hurts after that, but I'm fine. KK's grip loosens. I look down at him and see he's looking kind of pale. I hold him tighter and push myself to go faster.

"Come on!" I hear FF again. We're here, yes! My head shoots up from the water and I lift KK onto the sandbar. Kanaya and Eridan are outside and FF is standing by them. They help pull KK on land. I push myself up on land and crawl over to KK.

"KK!" His eyes are closed and he doesn't say anything. He doesn't even move. I put my ear to his chest but I can't hear anything. Oh god. "KK!" I yell again and push on his chest. Nothing. "Goddammit, wake up!" Tears start welling up in my eyes. "You can't fuckin' quit, KK! Don't you remember what you thaid?! It'th not over yet! You can't fuckin' quit! Pleathe! Wake up!" I'm practically punching him now. The tears won't stop and I just let them fall. I can't believe it, somehow, his fins went away, and he…choked. Why did this have to happen? Was it my fault? It doesn't matter…he's gone. I lay my head on his chest and let the tears fall, I hear the others gasp at the reality; I don't care what they think. I…I fucking loved him, and he did everything he could for me, he must've loved me back.

"Uh-ugh…" I hear someone cough. It sounds like KK but I figure I'm just hearing things. I can't lift my head, and the crying just adds a bad headache.

"Sollux, look." I hear Kanaya. I lift my heavy head and stare at her and the others through my blurred vision.

"What?" I hold back my tears.

"Karkrab's okay! Look!" FF's ecstatic. What did she mean he's okay? I hear the coughing again, louder this time. I look back down at KK and he's lying on his side coughing up water. WAIT…

"KK?" I ask him. He stops and lies back down on his back.

"Am I dead yet?" he asks. OH MY GOD!

"You're okay!" I hug tight and choke back tears, which isn't working. He sits up and rubs my head. He's okay! Thank god he's okay!

After I calmed down the five of us went back into Eridan's hive. Not his special little cave, Eridan wants to keep that a secret from FF apparently. We're by the entrance of his hive; KK and I are sitting on the shell-couch by the table. We gave KK a towel to help dry him off, but he's still shaking. Poor guy's cold; I'm just glad he's alive.

"Karkat, why did you even go in the ocean anyways? You know you can't swim." Kanaya's been pressing the two of us for questions ever since we came inside.

"W-well…" Eridan cuts me off before I can talk. "I saw-w the tw-wo of them outback 'a my hivve talkin'. Then they kissed."

"Whoa, wait—fish fuck, you were watching us?" KK asks. Eridan blushes.


"Well, Sollux's fins didn't go away," FF jumps in. "So why did Karkrab's?"

"That'th what I'd like to know." I'm still shaking from earlier.

"In Feferi's hive, when we were down there, Sollux and I kissed again. I think that had something to do with It." says KK. That actually makes sense.

"I see…" Kanaya stops pacing. "So, the antidote is truly the one that caused it in the first place! Sollux, all you have to do is kiss Feferi again and you'll be normal again. I can't believe I didn't think of that earlier!" she says. Is that really it? I'm a little scared considering all our other attempts at antidotes have failed miserably in the past.

"Sollux?" FF is standing in front of me. "What are you waiting for? You to be normal again, don't you?"

"You're really not mad?" I ask.

"No! Why do you keep asking me that? Should I be mad?" That's a good question, actually. I glance at KK, he's still shaking. He catches my glance and smiles back.

"Oh." FF says. "I see what you mean. Sollux," I get ready for the worst. "I'm not mad. It's your decision; I guess we're just better as moirails." Really? She can't be telling the truth…right? She smiles at me, I know she's sincere. I stand up and wrap my arms around her.

"Thank you, FF." I lean in close, she does the same. We kiss. I feel warm electrical currents run through my body, my face is getting hot too. But it's a good warmth. I don't know how long we stay like this, she finally pulls away and the warmth slowly fades. I feel my face, nothing. I feel like laughing, and I almost do, like an idiot. After EVERYTHING I've been through, this entire catastrophe has been solved with what started the whole thing, a kiss with a seadweller. It's done!

"You okay, Sollux?" KK and I went back to my hive. We thanked Kanaya and Eridan and FF and I took KK, whom Kanaya figured was sick. I figured a small cold was something easy, that I could handle it. No one stopped me, so now KK is under my care.

"I'm fine. You're the one who'th thick." I tell him.

"You don't have to do this; you should be relaxing after everything that's happened." I direct him to my recoopercoon and he climbs in.

"Then let'th relax together." I get in with him.

"You're not gonna take no for an answer, are you?" he smiles at me.

"No." I kiss him once again before falling asleep. Despite all that's happened, I'm truly happy that it all did happen. But, if everything's done, then why do I feel like I'm forgetting something? Ah, I'm tired. I'll figure it out later.

A loud roar shakes the entire hive, waking me and KK.

"What the fuck was that?" KK asks me. Then it hits me.

"Aw, shit!" I climb out of the recoopercoon.


"I need to feed my luthuth."


Behold, the first fanfiction I've ever completed, has the shittiest ending ever. My god, I just ruined my own fucking story, what the hell is wrong with me.

Well, shitty ending aside, if you all haven't already figured it out, 'the problem with having a seadweller girlfriend' is the kiss that will turn you into a seadweller yourself. And with that being said, my ending is shit, my next story will be posted in a few days so check it out, and…I think my work here is done! My friends, I bid you adieu. It has been a pleasure *bows*

~Kris Maria -^w^-