Author's Note: Ok...after several people asking me, I'm going to finally continue this. It's been AGES hasn't it? Have a preview of next chapter


EPISODE 15 (Preview)


Days passed. Nights passed. Moons passed. It was starting to feel as though nothing was being accomplished by anyone. Yeah there would be imps, grist, teleporters and the like, but something didn't feel right. The atmosphere was changing, and even now everyone seemed to be growing up. The color in their eyes were brightening, blood thickening. Yup. Puberty was being a bitch.

"W-what is this!?" Eridan, who had just gotten up to brush his teeth, shouted as he saw that he had a zit on his chin in the mirror. "Oh god it is NASTY! SOMEONE GET THIS INFERNAL THING OFF A ME!"

"Oh god, calm the fuck down Eridan." Sollux looked over his shoulder. "It ith justht a zit."

"JUST A ZIT? JUST A ZIT? It is ruinin my entire face! Not that it's not already ruined by the fuckin human plushness of it all."

"Yeah. Congrats."


"Uh huh. Ith called growing up. Your skin is leaking oil."


"Heh heh."

"DON'T LAUGH AT ME SOL! I HATE YOU SO MUCH! Wwhy don't YOU havve a zit anywwhere?"

"Maybe I'm jutht naturally gorgeous."

"Heh! Yeah right! You wwere butt ugly since hatched and you knoww it!"

Kanaya barged into the bathroom and bumped Sollux's shoulder.

"Excuse me, lipstick to apply, coming through!" She said in a rush. Sollux and Eridan were WIDE eyed. As it turns out, Kanaya was stronger than she thought, for the two found themselves lip locked and completely stunned after that brief nudge to the shoulder. Maryam saw this through the mirror, and stopped mid lipstick application. She turned around slowly. "Oh my. I'll leave you two be then and head into the, yeah." She ran out in a flash. They pulled away quickly and started to hack up a storm.




Outside the bathroom, Rose and Kanaya gave each other a high five.

Later, and of course not too much later, Rose asked about Eridan's current relationship with "what's her face." (As quoted by the Lalonde.) While eating breakfast.

"Her name is Isabella! And wwe're doin just fine thanks. Textin evvery day."

"Yuck. Someone'th dethperate." Twitched Sollux. "Feferi really hates you now for that. I'm pretty thure she'th mething with me to make you jelouth or thome shit."

"You kiddin? Fef doesn't care what I do! She shouldn't anywway. It isn't her problem to deal wwith."

"Wow. You are really, really shallow. And wait a thec, you just got done thaying that you and preppy were doing fine. Now she's a problem? What giveth?"

"Ok wwell, there's more to it than that I guess...lately she's been really distant actually. It's almost as though her temper is runnin shorter than usual. Just the other day she wwas tryin to dis on Fef. I laughed along, probably somethin I shouldn't havve done."

"Uh. Yeah. Great job geniuth."

"Oh just let me continue!"


"Shhhh! Anywway, it's not lookin to good in that aspect. She's also been kind a secretivve. Maybe it's just me lookin into it too much, I don't really knoww."

"You know, this is pretty hilarious when you think about it."


"Yeah. Before thith, you were alone and I didn't think much of it, but you really were dethperate enough to get a bitch as a girlfriend. Come on. What'th more important to you? Fef, or thome alien chick you met at a cheap thchool? I've had it with this converthation. Good luck guy." With that, Sollux got up, and went to put his dishes away in the kitchen.

"He has a point you know." Kanaya said before taking a sip of tea. Eridan's face darkened.

"Wwell I say he can't think for me. I knoww wwhat I wwant and I'm stickin to it."

"Do what you want Eridan, nobody is stopping you, nobody but yourself." Kanaya went along with Sollux to put her dishes away as well.

"Gah! Wwah? So you're gonna leavve me too? Wwell, at least I havve you Rose."

Rose was silent.


"Sorry, but as my mom would put it, you just got double sliced and served up cold. Consider yourself sushi."

"I hate you...SO much."

On a more interesting note, I may have focused in on the wrong house. That was in fact a very boring subject and could be MUCH better, but give me a break ok? ANYHOW. Back at Jade's house things were pretty much calm! Which was good considering past happenstances where Gamzee would do something stupid, but that was starting to feel rather normal now. This time whenever Jade would enter the main room, it was ok if the walls were dripping with some splotches of snotty looking whatever the fucks. It was also normal for that little shit head to...damn it, but this was the last straw. Gam's little IMP got into her room again and was tearing at her plushies.

"GAH! SHOO! SHOOOOO!" She managed to flop it over her foot and kick it out the doorway. "GAMZEE! CONTROL YOUR PET PLEASE?" There was silence after this, and the girl didn't pay much attention to it, but after a while it was kind of weird. Usually the clown would shout back something. Oh wait, he could have been spacing out again. "Gamzee?" She attempted to get his attention a second time, but still nothing. She stepped out the room and knocked on Tav's door. This was a guest room.

"Tav?" She opened it. He was sitting on the bed, all ready for school, back pack slung over his shoulders and everything as he scooted onto his wheel chair.


"Sorry for sort of barging in on you, but do you maybe know where Gamzee is right now?"

"Oh yeah! He should be up in the attic practicing!"

"Practicing? For what?"

"Oh you know...the rap?"


"Yeah. Him and Dave said that they would face each other in a rap off! It is going to be soooo spicy!"

Jade giggled at how Tav had described this, then nodded.

"Well ok then. School is going to be starting soon and we all need to get ready. How's Feferi doing?"

"Uh, good I believe! Better than before anyway. I think she's still getting over some stuff. You can check on her if you want to."

"Yeah. I think I might do that soon. Thanks Tav."

"You are very welcome!"

Jade exited the room, closing the door behind her and rushing upstairs to the attic to search for the Makara troll.

"Gaaamzee?" It was dark in the very dark. She couldn't see her own hands in front of her face. The walls creaked, and not a sound could be heard but that of her own exhaling breath.

"Um...are you there maybe? Shoot. Don't tell me he ran away...only another thing I would have to add to my list of worries." She stepped forward, trying to look for the light switch that dangled as a chain from the top of the ceiling. A cold chill ran up her spine, and a hard grip clasped over her shoulder.
She screamed loudly, then was muffled.

"HOOOOOOOONK! Aw man!" The light turned on. Of COURSE it would be Gamzee! Only, he was in his troll form. "You scared the SHIT out of me sister!"

"I scared YOU?"

"Yeah man! You're loud as fuck!"

"Right then. Well. Um. School is going to be starting soon so you might wanna g-" She was cut off.

"Not goin to school today man. Got some shit to take care of."

"You mean that rap of yours?"


"Oh. Well. Hmm. I guess it's ok that you don't go. Nobody said anything about school being important to your species But don't think I'll be ok with it every day alright? Just don't go around town without your disguise ok? I don't want anyone coming up here thinking that we're hiding aliens."

"Sure man. Sure."

"I'll be on my way then..."

"Have motherfuckin fun!"

"Heh. I'll do my best!"

She headed downstairs, somewhat confused by Gamzee's actions but not really questioning it considering, well, he was Gamzee. Tavros was down there waiting eagerly for her along with Fef.

"Did you find him? Where is he?" The bull boy asked while scratching his brown hawk.

"I found him. He doesn't want to go to school today, so we're going to have to duke it out without him...not that that's hard or anything."

"Oh dear!" Feferi exclaimed. "Is he ok?"

"He's fine. I guess he's really been wanting to work on that rap of his."

"Uh, yeah." Tav agreed. "Probably."