How to Rock Being In Love


Kacey Simon always did what's expected of her, until one day, Stevie showed her how to really live….

DISCLAIMER: I do not own How to Rock, if I did Stacey would be the only pairing of relevance. Please enjoy and R&R

Deans' tongue entered Kacey's mouth with experience; Kacey knew she should enjoy this, but like always, she didn't. It felt wrong, but like expected of her, she returned the kiss, she counted to thirty in her head and pulled away, trying to seem like she enjoyed the kiss.

"Dean, we have to go to class." Kacey smiled, trying not to let the relief show in her voice.

"Come on babe, let's skip and have some fun." Dean winked at her as he pulled her in for another kiss.

"Deeaan, I can't." She giggled, "If I skip class one more time my parents would kill me." Kacey expertly got out of Deans' hold.

"Aww babe…" Dean pouted.

"Kacey!" Molly squealed as she walked up the hall with Grace by her side.

"Hey Molly! Hey Grace!" Kacey said giving them air kisses.

"You ready to go?" Molly asked linking her arm through Kacey's.

"Talk to you later Dean!" Kacey called over her shoulder as she, Grace, and Molly walked down the hallway.

"Oh my god Dean is so hot! You are so lucky!" Molly giggled, Kacey shrugged.

"Yeah, Molly and I were talking; she said that she wants to kiss him!" Grace smiled.

From the corner of her eye, she saw Molly shoot Grace a look. "I mean, she did not say that, and she also didn't say she wanted to do other things with him. That would be bad since you two are dating." Grace beamed at Molly. "See Molly I can keep a secret!" She stage whispered.

Maybe this should have bothered Kacey that her best friend wanted to do things with her boyfriend, but it didn't. Maybe that was one of the first signs among others that she wasn't like many girls, but she ignored them.

"Whatever, anyway, Perf practice later today at my house?" Kacey asked flipping her dark hair.

"Yeah, totally." Molly said, relieved that Kacey didn't do something horrible, like ban her from the Perfs.

The bell rang and Kacey frowned. "Eww, I have to go to Stats now, see you later… Peerrf power!" The girls did their signature stances before leaving off to their different classes.

"Kacey Simons. You're late." Her statistics teacher could be a real bitch; she was only a minute late.

"I'm sorry Ms. Dawn! I had… lady problems." She staged whispered, this always got her off the hook.

"This is you fourth period this month Miss Simon. I suggest you go to the doctors; after you serve detention."

Kacey's jaw dropped. "What? You've got to be kidding me! I've never had a detention in my life!"

Ms. Dawn handed her a pink slip. "Well, there is a first time for everything Miss Simon."

"Please! Can I, like, do anything else but that? Extra homework? Anything! I have a Perf practice today!"

"You really should let her and the Perf's practice Ms. Dawn." A voice said from the back of the room. "Her shitty little group is going to need all the help they can get if they want to beat Gravity Four at the talent show."

Kacey glared, she knew that voice. "Loserberry," she stalked over to the annoying girl, she didn't know why she was wasting her breath on this loser, but whatever. "I'm surprised people like you are smart enough to be in this class."

"And I'm surprised you can function without your little girl band." Loserberry replied, her hazel eyes not leaving Kacey's brown ones.

"If you honestly think your stupid little wannabe band can beat the Perf's? You got another think coming."

"Oh fuck off Simon."

"I said SILENCE GIRLS! You two just earned yourselves a weeks' worth of detention!"

"What? But Ms. Dawn!" Kacey started.

"Do you want that to be two weeks Miss Simon?"

Kacey snapped her mouth shut.

"I want to see the both of you after school, do you understand me?"

Kacey and Loserberry nodded.

"Now SIT Kacey."

Kacey obediently sat down in the chair in front of Loserberry.

"Good girl…" Loserberry whispered.

"That's IT LOSERBERRY!" Kacey snapped turning around.

"Simon! Baskara! Principals' office! Now!" Ms. Dawn barked, pointing at the door. Without a word the two of them left the class.


The principal sighed, and fixed his toupee. "This is the fifth time this school year you two have been sent to the office for arguing with each other. And frankly, I do not believe detention is what you two need."

Kacey shot Principal Steveman her beauty pageant winning smile, "Thank you Principal Steveman! I knew someone of your standards would understand."

"You didn't let me finish. I want to start a buddy program. It is to put an end to school bullying by making you friends with someone who is your opposite. And who better to try this out than you two? This is a semester thing, and the end of it I want a ten paged report on how this experience changed your life."

Loserberry finally spoke up "What? I really can't do this! I'd rather take detention than this any day."

"Stevana, if you do not do this you will both be suspended and it will go on your permanent record. I am sure none of you want that."

Kacey slumped her shoulders, defeated, and Loserberry drew in a breath.

Principal Steveman smiled at his obviously won victory. "Now, I want you two to spend as much time as you possibly can together. And I expect the report to be well written. If either of you fail to do this, you will have two weeks suspension coming back with a two week before and after detention. Understand?"

"Yes Principal Steveman." They replied in unison.

"Good." The final bell rang announcing the end of school. "You two are to start this project immediately." Principal Steveman was silent for a while, and then started organizing papers. "You may go." He said, not looking up from his work.

"Well I can't be seen at school with you Loserberry."

"It's Stevie."

"What? Kacey said, turning to Loserberry.

"I said. My name is Stevie. You better start calling me Stevie, or else you will regret it."

"Whatever Lo… Stevie, anyway, like I was saying. I can't be seen with you in school. I have Perf practice on Monday, Thursday, and Friday. On Tuesday, I have yoga, on Wednesday I have my weekly Spa trip. On Saturday, I have a slumber party with my boyfriend, and on Sunday… I just don't want to see you. So sorry! We can't do this stupid buddy thing." Kacey said, pulling her I phone from her yellow purse.

"Hah, hold on their tiger. I am not getting suspended because you want to be difficult. I don't want to do this damn project either. But I don't like failing. If you don't meet me at Danny Mangos at 7:30 today, I will tell everyone in this school that we're best friends."

Kacey gasped, "You wouldn't." She whispered horrified.

Stevie smirked. "Try me. See you at 7:30. Don't be late."

And for once in her life, Kacey was speechless.


AN: So what do you think? If you read it please tell me your thoughts? I hope you like it, it's Badgirl! Stevie, well, kind of… you'll see what I mean in the later chapters. R&R! Tell other SteviexKacey fans about this fanfiction please!