Stevie pulled away from Kacey and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek, her chest heaving as she tried to catch her breath.

"No. Not yet, anyway. I mean, I like you a lot but you..." She paused and licked her lips, closing her eyes. "I saw it in your eyes when you were at my house, you're confused. I shouldn't kiss you when you're confused. I'm sorry that I took advantage of you in that way. I don't think straight when I'm around you, I'm off my game. It's no excuse, I know." She faltered as she ran her fingers through her hair.

"You didn't take advantage of me, Stevie, I wanted you to kiss me, I haven't been surer of anything at that moment," Kacey admitted. "I like you, and yes, it confuses me. What I feel for you confuses me, I won't lie. But I have feelings for you, I want to know if they're real, you deserve real, not just a phase."

Stevie nodded and sat on the hall floor cross-legged, Kacey mimicked it, sitting across from her.

"What confuses you?" She asked her voice gentle and comforting.

"I was always sure I was straight," Kacey explained "I mean, I always thought girls were pretty because they are. But I don't know, I never thought of them in a sexual way, until I started thinking of you in a sexual way. But I still like guys too." Kacey looked everywhere except at Stevie, a slight blush tinted her cheeks.

"If I feel something for you, before it gets serious I want it to be real, at least, not a phase."

"I get that, but we can't know if it's real if we don't try." Stevie took Kacey's soft, small hands into her own. "You don't have to come out to anyone yet, we don't have to have sex yet, not until you're 100% comfortable, I'm fine with that. I don't want to pressure you. I like you, Kacey, I know you do. You've always been this unattainable beauty, I was fine with that. But I'm not now, I know you like me too. I felt it in your kiss, I felt it in your touch. I'm okay with being yours, even if it's in secret for now."

Kacey smiled at Stevie, a tender, beautiful smile that made Stevie's heart skip a few beats.

"Are you sure?"

"I'm fine, as long as I have you." Stevie's phone vibrated in her pocket, she pulled it out and frowned.

"I have to go, Bellina, I promised dad my trip to the grocery store wouldn't be long. I'm glad we're giving this a shot." She got up and held her hand out to help Kacey up when she took it, she yanked Kacey on her feet causing Kacey's head to smack onto Stevie's nose.

"Ohmigod, are you okay?"Kacey asked, grabbing Stevie's face.

"Yeah, this was just a bit more romantic in my head." Stevie gave a ginger touch to her nose and her laugh was a bit bashful.

Kacey bit the inside of her cheeks to keep from laughing. "I'll bet."

"Are you laughing at me?" Stevie smiled.

"It's because you're cute!"

"And you're beautiful." With that, Stevie kissed Kacey, and she could've sworn she saw the stars.

"Please don't stop." Kacey was breathless as she whispered in Stevie's ear.

"I don't want to." Stevie moaned, kissing Kacey's bottom lip. "But I have to, I'm grounded and I lied to my dad, if he finds out the truth, he'll ground me for a year." She explained between kisses.

Kacey deepened the last kiss and placed her hands on Stevie's breast. "I'll make it worth it." She promised as she began to fondle them, slow at first, unsure if Stevie enjoyed it. The breathy moans that escaped her partners lips edged her on, she kissed down her neck, stopping at her breast. Stevie's nipples hardened, and Kacey felt the wetness between her legs increase.

"I knew you weren't wearing a bra." Her tongue flicked out, and she began sucking her nipples over Stevie's shirt. Stevie's head fell back and a loud moan escaped her lips.

"Kacey if you don't stop I won't go home." She warned.

"That's the plan," Kacey said as she began to pull up Stevie's shirt.

Stevie's phone vibrated again, causing her to curse under her breath.

"Kacey I have to go." She tried again.

"But Stevie, I'm so fucking wet, I want you to fuck me."

"Kacey, I will, I promise, but right now I have to go."

Kacey shook her head, not ready to give up, lust taking control. "Okay, fine, but first I need you to do something for me."

"What is it?" Stevie replied, checking her phone.

Heart pounding in her ears, Kacey knew that she would chicken out if she didn't do it soon. She took Stevie's hand, moved it under her skirt between her thighs onto her wet, throbbing clit.

"I want you to know, while you're on that ride home, you could be doing this. You could be having me." She gasped as Stevie's fingers rubbed her clit, flicking it and rubbing small circles around it.

"I thought we agreed on no sex?" Stevie asked, kissing Kacey's neck. Kacey was sure her neck would be covered in hickeys when they finished.

"You said it, none of us agreed." Kacey moaned, holding onto Stevie for support.

Stevie's phone buzzed again, and the two girls sighed in frustration.

"I need to go, now," Stevie said, removing her fingers from Kacey's center.

Kacey nodded, in agreement, trying not to be too miffed they didn't finish.

"Oh and Kacey?"

Kacey looked up and saw Stevie place her glistening fingers in mouth, she moaned around them as she tasted Kacey's wetness.

She smirked at the desire in Kacey's eyes.

"See you later, Tiger."


A cold shower, Kacey needed one as soon as Stevie left, she tore off her clothes and ran to the shower. Every time she closed her eyes she could feel Stevie's hot kisses on her, she wanted more. She wanted Stevie's fingers inside her, she wanted to feelStevie's tongue on her.

She moaned and shook her head, if she kept on thinking like that, the cold shower wouldn't help at all. All throughout her shower, her mind traveled back to Stevie and the way she made her body sing.

Despite the chill of the water, her body felt hot. She wouldn't admit it, no matter what. But deep inside she knew that if they weren't careful they would mean more to each other than either of them cared to admit. Things could get complicated.

AN: Two chapters in one day? Whaaaat? So much for taking it slow I guess. I hope that these two idiots can decide what they want and stick to it! Stevie says she's fine with keeping their relationship a secret, but we'll see how long that lasts. As the chapter comes along we'll see Kacey become more comfortable with her bisexuality. Thank you guys for the reviews, they mean the world to me! I hope that I update soon, but I do have to work tomorrow, so I probably won't be writing during my work week. I don't know. Also, forgot to ask! What did you guys think of Kacey's mother? She's a bit (a lot) self-absorbed, don't you think? Anyway, see you soon! x