To most people, Kurt Hummel was a successful man with a wonderful, devoted husband and both were generously sharing their huge house with some of their friends who needed a place to stay. Not too many people outside of their families knew the truth, and even then some of their families hadn't been told. Not everyone would be accepting. Kurt wished that he could walk confidently to his next interview, look directly into the camera, and tell the world. He had five men who routinely shared his bed at night.

But as much as he would love the world to know, he couldn't tell. He couldn't put his boys through the backlash that was sure to happen; some of them were too fragile. And if his design company started losing clients, he'd have no way of supporting his boys. So as much as it hurt to keep up the charade, Kurt was willing to do so to protect his boys.

He never planned to have five boys. He never planned to have more than one man, who would eventually be his husband, but those plans changed. His boys needed him, all in different ways, and he couldn't turn them away. He tried to stop at two boys, then three, then four, and now he had five. Five beautiful boys who were waiting for him to come home and shower them with his attention. He couldn't wait to get home.