Chapter 8: Play the Game

Scotland leaned against a tall marble column, and puffed a ring of smoke into the air. Fancy engagements like this were not his thing at all. He would rather be at a pub, chugging beer, than sipping at a glass of white wine. So instead of actually drinking it he handed it to a nearby France, and walked over to a table. "Wow, this is lame. I'm going to look like a total jack-ass just sitting here by myself." He thought, so instead he decided he would just lean up against a pillar, and stare at the clock for the next few hours. He watched as a few of the girls with dates danced around with their man, in a fast paced waltz. He hated dancing, but he was pretty good at it. It felt like every time he had to dance with a girl in a slow movement, he had to then marry her. And he hated commitment. Well at least until someone he hated walked in the door.

The large, elegant doors swung open with a grand pause before the next guests walked in. Lithuania walked in shakily, while leading a beautiful girl next to him. Her dress was a beautiful flowing, white gown that hugged her shape nicely. It had elegant ruching falling from her hip to the bottom, and a breath taking v-neckline. Her hair was a rich silvery-blonde color that flowed in loose curls as she walked. And to add to the stunningly beautiful girl was a very good veiw of her back, and lower back. She glided in, the long dress flowed behind her, and the slit on the hip with the ruching showed her perfect porcelain skin up to the top of her leg. His mouth must have hung open at the sight, because his cigar almost fell out of his mouth. As Lithuania led her over to a nearby table she looked over at him. Her eyes narrowed, and a slight mocking grin appeared on the edge of her lips. She batted her eyelashes, and then turned away shyly.

What the hell did she just do? Is she flirting with me?

She was obviously trying to get his attention, but she was acting very strange about it. And he didn't like that Lithuania guy. He was so weak, and in no way good enough for her. Then to his surprise she waved Lithuania away, probably to go get her a drink, and then she turned back to him. Her eyelashes fluttered again, and she leaned forward on her table, propping up her elbow, and beconing him to come over there with her finger. And for some reason he was actually getting a little nervous. He stayed cool and collected though, and raised an eyebrow in response. She nodded and beckoned him again, this time she tilted her head ever so slightly, and batted her eyelashes at him. So he took his cigar between his fingers, blew out a puff of smoke, and walked over to her table. Her eyes were studying him carefully, he could tell, and she propped her chin on her hand.

"Hello Natalia, nice to see ya again, love." He said pleasantly. She smiled an obviously fake reply.

"Hello there Allister." Her reply sounded friendly, put when she said his name he detected a hint of bitterness in her voice.

"Quite the show yer puttin on 'ere. Who are ya tryin to fool?" He puffed out a bit of smoke, and shoved the cigar into the ash tray.

"No one silly, I just want to fix what happened between us. That's all." She smiled sweetly, raising her eyebrows as if she was surprised at his cold remark. This was an amusing game she was playing, she liked to mess with his mind.

"Of course, of course. You know what Natalia, I'll play along with your game for now." He leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms.

"Ok, but I'm not playing any games." She shrugged.

Scotland turned his head from her endearing gaze. She was definitely acting strange, and he didn't like it one bit. Then he felt her ankle, rub the inside of his calf. His eyes widened slightly at the surprising display of affection. She was trying to make him weak in the knees, and no one would know because of the long scarlet table cloth that hung over the edges of the table. She must have seen his reaction, because her eyes took on a more seductive look, and the smile on her lips widened. Then her leg traveled up to the inside of his thigh, making him swallow, and clear his throat. He was very tense now, and wasn't sure how to handle the situation at hand. She was getting exactly the reaction she wanted from him, making him feel weak. She wanted to make him know she was in charge. He wasn't a big strong guy that had an ego the size of an elephant. No, now he was reduced to a puddle in her presence. And for the finishing touch, she twirled her hair, and fluttered her eyelashes again.

Scotland could feel his heart pounding in his chest. He was never like this with anyone, but that witch put a spell on him. He had to calm down, or else she would get exactly what she wanted, and make him look like a total idiot. So instead of letting her win, he decided he would level the battle field.

"Would ya like to dance?"

Her triumphant smile quickly faded to a less than satisfied frown. She removed her leg from in between his, and flashed another obviously fake smile in reply.

"Of course."

His usual over confident grin returned to his face, as he stood up and walked over to her. Then he held out his hand and she politely grabbed it, but her eyes told a totally different story. He took held her hand as he led her out onto the dance floor. Another fast paced waltz was being played as they moved into the crowd. He put his hand on her lower back, and held her other hand out, and she placed one hand on his shoulder, and held his outstretched hand. To her surprise, he pulled her against his strong body. Usually she would have rejected his move, but for some reason she didn't. Now her heart was pounding like the beat in her chest. Damn him, he's winning now.

"So you can dance, but can't cook." She mocked, trying to gain some ground in their game.

"Ya don't have to be so mean, love." He said, childishly. She felt his hand on her lower back inch down slightly. Then he rubbed the little mark where he had burned her with a cigarette. To his surprise, a moan slipped through her lips. His grin widened, and his eyes took on a mischievous look. His mouth was next to her ear, and then he whispered,

"Was that… a moan, Natalia?"

This little game was getting on her nerves.

"No, it hurt when you touched it stupid. That's all."

His eyes moved to hers, and she looked away. This made him smile. He had found her weak point. His hand pressed the small mark again, and he kept his face close to her lips, so that he could hear the sweet sound of winning. And then again, but louder, the moan came. Belarus quickly bit her lip, but it was too late to take it back.

"There it was again. Are you turned on right now?" There was no escaping those devious green eyes.

Before she could slip out of his arms he pulled her into a very impressive dip, leaving her no escape from his question.

"Don't be ridiculous. It's a burn, and burns hurt when you press-"A third moan escaped again, but this time, she arched her back slightly. He saw the reaction, and his grin widened.

"So I'm guessing that's a yes then."

She was mortified at him. At his immaturity, his ego, his inappropriate behavior in front of all these people! What if someone heard her? Then he pulled her up, and gently massaged her lower back more, as they swayed in the waltz. She bit her lip harder and exhaled slowly, keeping her composure. Then she couldn't hold it in any longer, so she did something she shouldn't have. She forcefully kissed Scotland. At first his face registered surprise, but then he took it as an invitation to keep on playing with her weak point. A few people turned to look at them, so Belarus quickly controlled herself, and broke the kiss. Scotland's eyebrows rose at her sudden outburst of sexual desire. She pulled his hands off of her waist angrily, and stormed off to the women's restroom. Scotland followed behind in close pursuit. This was how he liked to play.

"Hey Lithuania, is your date Belarus?" asked Poland.

"Um yes, why do you ask?"

Poland frowned, hoping it wasn't true.

"Well she's kinda making out with that guy." He pointed behind Lithuania, over at the two.

"WHAT?" Lithuania turned swiftly to see that it was in fact true. But he didn't have the courage to stand up to that guy! He was Scotland, a pretty strong guy, with a very mean temper. He had heard about him from Britain, and it was apparently a bad subject to talk about. What was he supposed to do? He turned to Poland for help, but all he could do was shove deserts in his mouth and shrug. So Lithuania grabbed the nearest seat and sat down. He had to think of something to win her back!

Belarus slammed the single restroom door in Scotland's face. "Oh a challenge?" he thought. She locked the door, and leaned against the sink to take a breath. She felt so embarrassed at her loss of self controll. Once again Scotland had ruined her plan, and turned her into a quivering mess. Her hands were shaking slightly, and her breathing was quick. She needed to compose herself before she left, so that people wouldn't get suspicious. Her dress was in tact, and everything else was fine, so she opened the bathroom door only a little bit. Then she noticed Scotland was still standing at the door, but it was too late to shut it. He pushed in and shut it, locked it, and turned to her.

"Scotland we aren't going to do this now, got it? Not now not ever." Belarus was backed up against the wall, with her arms crossed.

"Do what? I'm not doin anythin right now." He walked up to her and held her chin with his gloved hand. He stroked her soft pale cheek with the other. He couldn't help his urges. He was always a very physical person when showing affection, because the words didn't feel the same when he said them.

"By the way, that dress looks stunning on ya," then he moved his lips to her ear and whispered, "But I think ya would look better without it."

He massaged her weak spot, and her back arched. Scotland ran his hand up her uncovered leg, and Belarus rushed for his lips. She wrapped her arms around his neck, and then wrapped her legs around his waist. He held her up, and then they both turned to the door.

There was a knock , and then someone's voice, "Um hello? Belarus?"

Belarus signaled for Scotland to stay silent. They were frozen, she was on his hips, and he was still holding her.

Then the door opened and Lithuania peeked his head through. Scotland and Belarus were frozen in their awkward position, and Lithuania's eyes widened and his mouth dropped.

"Well this is awkward."

Belarus shot a glare at Scotland's stupid remark. Lithuania was weakly clutching the side of the door, before he slowly slid back, and shut the door.

"I thought you locked the door!" fumed Belarus.

"I thought I did too!"

"Ugh what ever, the damage is done now," sighed Belarus. Then Scotland brought her attention back to the problem at hand, by using her weak spot.

"I love ya, Natalia," he said in between kissing her.

"I know."

He laughed, and she smiled back at him.

It was nearly midnight when Scotland and Belarus slipped out of the bathroom. They thought the coast was clear, until they saw Britain standing there, and shifting back and forth.

"Hey Iggy, ya probably don't want to use that bathroom now." He laughed, as he and Belarus walked down the hall.

"Oh god really. Scotland you're disgusting! I gotta pee you bloody git!" yelled England after his older brother. So instead, England shuffled back and forth in front of the next bathroom door.

That was an interesting chapter. If you haven't noticed I changed my story rating to "M", just to be caustious. Haha I actually had a nose bleed when I was writing it! I swear! Anyways, please reveiw! Ugh long chapter, but that was a pretty good write up of it. Thanks to all you guys that reveiw, and a special thanks to my friend Abby, she gave me some ideas for this, and for all your reveiws! You guys are AWESOME!



This is an add on, but I want to appologize. I have neglected you guys, and have failed to write like at all. I am having major writers block and can't think of ANYTHING. Not even the image of a potatoe. And thats just a brown oval thing. ToT
PLEASE if you have any ideas for the next chapter, do tell me! My friend Abby told me a good idea, but for some reason I can't really put it into words. THaNks YoU guYs!
