A/N: It's about time to give this story another chapter too! Something that was owed ages ago! There is no valid excuse for my disappearance. I just fell victim to writer's block and got caught up with other things. No promises on consistency but hopefully this will become the first of many actual stable updates. Thank you and I'M SO SORRY to all those that waited for this.

Revenge is…

Rated: M

Summary: Funny how selling your soul to the demon could seem like nothing when you want to extend your hell to those who benefitted from your death. THRILL

Ch VI: Bittersweet


"Are you trying to say I'm gay?"

Kisses Ryoma on a whim and leaves him breathless.

"I suppose so,"


Fuji smiles as he shuts the door and knows that humans are the most interesting toys for a demon.


The Next Morning


Syuusuke felt that his smile was strained this morning. More so than usual because the dining table that he normally ran was over chaotic this morning with all the biggest enemies known to mankind sitting around it.

"As if this is that last meal…" Syuusuke uttered as he arranged his master's breakfast away from the chaotic mess that Aizu and Scarlet was creating while talking to each other.

"Syuusuke," I'm gonna be late," Ryohei said with a slight frown between his brows. He had been waiting for his father to come down and have breakfast but his father had yet to show even a hair this morning.

Syuusuke nodded acknowledgement to the probing of his young master and wondered if he had tease his adorable human just a little too much last night. After all, he had gone to wake him this morning only to find him already awake and getting ready. Which was very strange considering the fact that all these years he had NEVER risen by himself because without a doubt; the master hated mornings.

"Where is the boy?" Aizu asked noting that the demon and little boy was antsy about the boy who did not appear.

"He should be down shortly," Syuusuke said with a renewed smile to the Shinigami. "The most important part should be why you both are staying and volunteering to help right?"

"So what if we're willing to help," Scarlet said shooting him a sidelong glare. "It's none of your business if we help out the boy a little."

"Except that it is MY business because he's mine." Syuusuke said dropping his smile. "Besides that, there is a worthy punishment I believe, for betrayers of the Hunter's Alliance."

"Shouldn't you worry more for your reputation?" Scarlet asked with a dark look. "I've never seen one of your kind stoop to a butler position before."

"I prefer to keep my life interesting," Syuusuke stated as he flashed his sharp, blue eyes at the two bickering against him. He kept it vague because he had promised Ryoma to keep this away from Ryohei if possible.

"Nothing will change is no one knows," Aizu stated.

"Ready Ryohei?"

Everyone turned towards the door to see Ryoma stroll in as if he wasn't the one holding everyone up.

"Otou-san," Ryohei said running into his father's arms. Relief could visibly be seen radiating from that tiny figure as he grasped at his father's clean-cut suit.

"Ryohei," Ryoma said after brushing a kiss onto his son's forehead. "Daddy and Syuusuke are busy today so Aizu-jii is going to send you to school okay?"

Ryohei face scrunched in displeasure at his father's words. A pout slowly appeared on Ryohei's lips but Ryoma merely pressed a kiss onto Ryohei's forehead in regret.

"Please don't make this hard on Aizu-jii,"

"Humph!" Ryohei said in defiance but he obediently went towards Aizu.

"Trouble you two to do this for me," Ryoma said with a look at Aizu and Scarlet.

"When you finish your work, we finish ours," Aizu said in more than one meaning. He looked meaningfully at Fuji but that demon refused to place any sympathy in front.

"Let's go," Ryohei said and turned on his heels to leave out the door. Scarlet and Aizu had no choice but to follow.


"How come Scarlet-baa can drive but you can't Aizu-jii?" Ryohei asked as they pulled up to the gate.

"Because I never needed to learn," Aizu admitted.

On the way to school, Scarlet and Aizu had learned many things from Ryohei and somehow both felt a tinge of regret when they pulled up to the school. Scarlet put the car on park and got out to open the door for Ryohei. Aizu followed behind and to all the other people around, they looked like a little family dropping their son off.

"Have a good day," Scarlet said pulling Ryohei into her arms to give him a hug. She felt the boy stiffen slightly but relax after a second or two.

Aizu didn't know what to say or do so he ruffled Ryohei's hair slightly in response and left it at that.

Though Ryohei thought it was strange, he didn't state it and merely took it as is. He waved goodbye to them and went through the gate with other kids leaving Scarlet and Aizu standing together, staring after him.

"He was cute," Scarlet said after they both got into the car.

"Un…" Aizu agreed.

It was strange sometimes the feelings a child could evoke… even in serious people like them.

Sadly, unknown to the two of them that was on their way back, Ryohei was taken!

On his way to class, two teachers suddenly snatched Ryohei. Though he struggled, the two adults seemed in a daze the entire team as they dragged him out of a side door and into a waiting car where a man sat with a sinister smile. He was dressed in dark robes and carried an ancient looking book. A slight wave of fear passed Ryohei as he recalled the last time he saw people in dark robes… they had tied his father and him up. Syuusuke and Scarlet-baa had to come get them.


"Ready?" Syuusuke asked seeing Ryoma sign the will and tie up his loose ends for Ryohei.

"What do you think?" Ryoma asked sarcastically.

"Temper…" Syuusuke chuckled out as he trailed a finger down Ryoma's jaw in want.

Ryoma turned to face him with a dark expression. "Did I really see you like this?"

Syuusuke nodded and moved closer as brushed his lips across Ryoma's lightly. It wouldn't hurt to taste a bit would it?

Ryoma suddenly turned his head and attacked. His tongue invaded Syuusuke's mouth and curled around Syuusuke's tongue. A loose hand trailed upward and suddenly gripped Syuusuke's neck as the kiss deepened.

They fought their war silently for a while longer before Fuji dragged Ryoma onto his lap and fitted them together by pushing Ryoma's legs apart. A slight moan escaped both their lips at the same time as they stared at each other as if drugged. The slight trail of saliva broke between their gasping mouths and yet instead of disgust, a wave of desire hit the both of them at the same time.

Shifting Ryoma closer still. Fuji did a slight mock thrust at Ryoma and spoke.

"Do you want to beg for your life yet now that we only have to retrieve your wife's body now?"

"Fuck you,"



"It's not funny!" Aiyoku complained with a feisty look.

She had her hands propped on her curvy waist as she gave a serious look at the man sitting on the throne.

The man merely chuckled from where he sat. He knew she was trying to gloat him to interfere and defend her prey from his general but he wasn't easily led by a woman.

Sure he favoured her most because her coquettish ways and skills in bed were very good but he wouldn't be where he was if he could be led so easily by a honey trap.

"Could it be that I have coddled you too much that you can't deal with such a small problem by yourself?" The Lord asked flashing a smirk as he shifted in his seat. After all, he hadn't had such amusement for a long time.

"Could it be my Lord wants to see me killed under his blade?" Aiyoku asked with a disappointed look. "Could it be my Lord wants to remove me now that there is younger and prettier woman available to you?"

It was no secret that just recently, the lord had promoted a few demonesses and succubus's and Aiyoku had raged about it not too long ago.

"I want to see how you fare against my general!" the lord admitted. He may be busy with other things but it didn't escape his attention the cleverness of the woman who fought to be by his side and carry his seed.

"I hope you don't regret this decision then," Aiyoku said with an unhappy pout before leaving the room. She didn't want to fare against an S-rank general, especially one like Syuusuke. Her only hope was her back up plan with that demon hungry necromancer was going to work and catch that man off guard.

"You summoned us, my lord?" Two demons sauntered in to bow.

"Kano, have you see General Syuusuke recently?" the demon lord asked getting up from his seat and walked down from his throne.

"Not since I ranked higher and was sent to the other army." The demon admitted.

"Send for Mammon and both of you shall accompany him to bring General Syuusuke to me." The Lord said finally not revealing anything else.

"As ordered," they obeyed.

"Tell him I'm displeased with his actions."



"What do you want?" Ryohei finally gathered the courage to say with a defiant look at his teachers who sat in the front driving them. "My father will kill all of you."

"He doesn't even know where you are," His teacher teased as they continued to drive.

Ryohei glared hatefully at all of them. He already had an inkling that this definitely wasn't his teachers even if they looked and sounded similar to them.

"Are you going to cry now?" the man in the robe asked as he stroked the book in front of him with a mysterious smile.

"I don't have to because you're all gonna die," Ryohei said bluntly. It wasn't until he remembered the events of their kidnapping more clearly that he recalled what his father did that saved their lives.



Echizen Mansion

"How was it?" Ryoma asked as Aizu and Scarlet came in.

"He went inside," Scarlet confirmed. Both Aizu and she took a seat at the coffee table with Ryoma. They were supposed to be summoning Aiyoku for the body which Syuusuke was supposed to be preparing beside them.

"Get up!" Syuusuke said as he dismissed what he was doing and headed towards the doors that connected the living room to the hall.

"What's going-"Ryoma started to speak.

"We have company arriving," Syuusuke said opening the double doors to the hall.

Ryoma's face became grim and Scarlet reached for her sword.

"Posthaste it seems," Syuusuke said with a sigh.

It didn't take long for the front door to get kicked in and footsteps could be heard rounding the corner.

Syuusuke took the lead and kicked the first person to appear by the doors. His smile tightened slightly as he dodged the fists coming at him and grabbed the boy beside the one who was attacking after recognizing him.

"Where were you Syuusuke?" Ryohei demanded. "I called for you like daddy!"

"Ryohei!" Ryoma shouted with widened eyes. Wasn't he supposed to be at school? One glance at the people with distorted faces fighting Syuusuke and he understood immediately.

Fuji chuckled and forcefully released the two small demons occupying the human teachers that accompanied the hooded necromancer.

"I'm afraid I only answer to the master bocchan."


Syuusuke's eyes opened in sharpness at the scene in seriousness. This was trickier than he ever had to deal with. This was a high-rank necromancer in front of him.

Multiple ghouls ripped out of a dark space in the floor and started crawling out. The sight of so many climbing out meant this necromancer was well versed in killing.

Tossing Ryohei towards the group behind him; he blocked the first wave with his dark blade.

"High-level demon!" the necromancer said with widened eyes.

He knew enough to know the difference of the markings on Syuusuke's blade.

"Oi demon!" Aizu said checking on Ryohei. "He's got markings on his body."

"What is this?" Ryoma asked more concerned about his son then the hordes of dead rising from his hallway floor.

"Those are demonic markings," Scarlet said lifting Ryohei's shirt in concern. "They have him prepared for possession!"

"Correct," A woman's voice echoed before a long, clawed hand reached out towards Scarlet and Ryohei.

The sound of two metals clashing screeched suddenly as Aiyoku withdrew her claws while Aizu parried with his scythe.

"Dark rise!" the necromancer summoned after a string of mumbles.

Another wave of ghouls rose, moving towards all of them.

"Who are you?" Aiyoku asked Scarlet as she watched Scarlet remove the seals on Ryohei's chest.

She ignored the woman trying to get past Aizu and continued. If she wasn't quick, this little boy's life would be lost.

Ryohei screamed as another layer of seal ripped off his body. It was too much for him as he slumped against Scarlet and fainted dead away.

"Will he be okay?" Ryoma asked crouched beside the two of them.

"We were lucky Aizu noticed early," Scarlet said with a grim look. "Most humans who have been marked don't survive."

"He has too!" Ryoma said bluntly looking at his son's face. "Everything I do is for him!"

"Switch me!" Fuji said towards Aizu as he intercepted Aiyoku's claws from digging into Aizu's shoulder.

Aizu didn't answer but swung his scythe to dissipate the first row of ghouls and demons. The problem was that his scythe could only injure demons and not kill them completely off.

Nonetheless, the most important person to Syuusuke was his tasty meal so he could only destroy this succubus.

"Hold him," Scarlet said after another round of mutters and removing of seals. "The spell won't be completely broken until the one who marked him dies."

"He's dying?" Ryoma asked with a grim look.

Scarlet nodded. "But you are lucky."

"How?" Ryoma asked.

"You have a Shinigami here who can stall his time from fading and the contracted from devouring his soul," Scarlet said glancing at Aizu.

"What I need is you in action," Syuusuke reminded Scarlet. He hated to admit it but the situation they were facing was Scarlet's forte.

"Could you bear to destroy this body though?" Aiyouku asked reverting to Miyo's body with a sick smile as she charged once more with dark claws. She attacked harder and faster since she realized the other two people were getting too dangerously close to the necromancer and the woman was destroying corpses and demons like nothing.

Syuusuke didn't even blink as he used his bare hands to grab Aiyoku's neck and squeeze in one motion. "Don't bargain a dead body with me bitch."

"Those are some harsh words General," A voice sounded in amusement.

A flash of danger crossed Syuusuke's mind as pain seared his back before he could dodge all the way. He swung his blade behind him to clash with another dark blade. Its grade was a little different from his and Syuusuke; for the first real time since living as the butler, felt that this was more than troublesome.

"I would never think to see you here, Greed." Fuji greeted with a grim look as the feeling the sting of Greed's dark sword that raked his back burned. It wasn't too serious a graze but the pain was a little unsettling.

"To have one of the seven lords of hell grace us is not good," Aizu stated recognizing the name Syuusuke spoke.

"Do you have time to speak?" Kano asked with a wide grin as he crossed his arm blades with Aizu's scythe.

"An S rank demon…" Scarlet spat out. This one was definitely on par with Echizen's demon in rank at least.

"And whom might you be?" another voice sounded.

Scarlet shifted her eyes and her heart slammed to a stop. Her eyes hardened as it connected to the newcomer. She would never forget that look of pure bliss and handsome face. He was once one of the best demon hunters the Takur clan produced. That was before he was killed and his body now housed one of the deadliest Double S Ranked demons known to humans. She would never forget the man who sliced down her parents as she looked on behind the protection of her grandparents.

"That style of dressing reminds me of someone…" the demon said with a grin. "Could it be you are from those dotty old clans that try to ruin our fun?"

"I, Azul Scarlet will exorcise you and return the damned soul of the man you hold back to the grave!" Scarlet announced summoning her blade. "Prepare yourself Sin!"

"The Blade of Repentance…" the demon spoke recognizing the pattern that could even injure their lord inscribed in bright red on the cold metal blade. "You are a descendant of the Azul Demon Hunters."

Aizu retreated to Ryohei and Ryoma's side as he noted that the dead kept rising and they were surrounded. There were three high-level demons, multiple minions and a troublesome necromancer. They were outnumbered and it wasn't looking good from his point of view.

He wondered if he should use his talisman and call upon the nearby Shinigami's for help… he couldn't.

What he was doing, placing himself in the middle of a war like this was already an offence to the rules.

Scarlet bit her thumb and dropped her blood onto a pendant and over the blade in her hands. She mumbled some words in Latin and incantations. All the low levelled demons started to screech and cower under the words and a formation appeared on the floor.

"Get out of range!" Kano yelled as he tossed Aiyoku out of the formation. Greed was naturally faster and Sin flashed out along with Syuusuke. The lower demons and Kano wasn't able to escape as they fell to their knees.

Syuusuke's face looked grim as he moved in front of Aizu. He knew better than anyone that this quick blood formation of the Azul clan along with their quick agile weapon skills was what made them the most feared demon hunters. Even he himself wasn't sure if he could survive this formation of death designed to destroy demons in the most painful way possible.

Scarlet imbued her bloodline limit into it and watched as the many demons curled in pain and dissipated while Kano's body shook intensely as the mouth hung wide open. A darkness crawled out of his mouth and tried to burrow into the ground but couldn't get past the formation.

Syuusuke smirked slightly. The fool was an idiot not to know that this was it. There was no second chance. Some demon hunters expelled the demon and the demon could at least return underneath and recuperate for a few years from the damage but the Azul clan was through. They expelled and dissipated the demon. They destroyed down to the essence, and that's what made them extremely feared.

Kano stood no chance after that. He dissipated to the horror of Aiyoku. The other two was better versed like Syuusuke and understood the ways of the Azul clan.

Scarlet flipped her hand and the formation disappeared. She swung her blade at Sin and he dodged in fear. He pulled out his blade and defended with a serious look.

He had known Kano for centuries. The body that was destroyed was one Kano had won four hundred years ago and with all that time, he had only collected more souls and strengthen his bond to this world. All lost in a moment now though.

He couldn't afford to underestimate this girl. She was fast and accurate. That was a deadly combination. What girls lacked in strength, it could all be made up in accuracy and speed. He hated to admit it but he was at a disadvantage unless he landed a hit.

Scarlet continued her angered plight. She had waited her entire life for this moment. She had watched the people of her life pass and yet she continued to exist. It was a gift from her father who was a demon.

Back then, the Azul clan had captured an S ranked demon… her father. They had tried to dissipate him but he had been too strong for the formation. It required many strong elders to dissipate a demon that strong. So in waiting for the elders to gather, the kept her father alive. Her mother at the time was just a rising hunter. She was still fairly new and the demons she had killed was still below a hundred. But through acting at her father's warden, her mother got to know her father and fell in love.

They saw each other every day and Scarlet was the product of that. Her mother let him out. Instead of escaping though, he had taken her mother away. Sadly, days such as that couldn't be forever lived. She had been three when her father's general found him. He had insisted on killing both Scarlet and her mother. Her father had been beaten down by Sin as he protected them. The fight only attracted more people as the clans around heard and they all congregated to kill demons.

Sin killed a lot of them with her parents included. Her grandparents had arrived and saved her.

If she was honest though, she would've been killed by execution for having demon blood. Her grandparents wouldn't have spared her but the clan had found out that she was very powerful. At the age of five, she had been able to control the formation and kill minor demons and expel minor possessions. She had the talent and the skills of a demon hunter and the life of a demon. She had lived a long time and with each decade that passed, she only grew more powerful.

She continued her frenzied attack. She couldn't allow her parent's death to be in vain. She had to take down Sin today or die trying.

"Echizen-san…" Aizu spoke as he guarded both father and son while Scarlet fought with the Double S Demon and the minor conjuring's from the necromancer. Syuusuke was busy with Greed and Aiyoku.

"I'm listening," Ryoma said.

"I can't be far from your son or he becomes venerable but you can make a move," Aizu said casting a look at Ryoma.

"What do you need me to do?" Ryoma asked. Laying his son down on the floor.

"The book in the necromancer's hand is the key to whatever he's trying to summon right now," Aizu said softly. "If you can get that book, I'm sure that he can be stopped and he probably is the one who holds your son's life in limbo."

"I'll do it!" Ryoma said resolutely.

"I'll cover you but you must remember to lure him closer to my range so I can protect you as well," Aizu said grimly. As he defended his ground from the smaller demons.

"I won't die," Ryoma said with a smile. "He won't let me."

Aizu didn't know what to say about that. It was true that every time the man was a target; that demon had his ways to save him but those times weren't like this time. This time, there were strong demons at play and that demon was only one man.

"Did you come to be my sacrifice?" the necromancer asked with a psychotic smile.

"Fuck you," Ryoma said and threw a nearby table lamp at the necromancer. It was enough to distract him for a moment while Ryoma kicked the necromancer down. He scrambled for the book and was able to grasp it but the necromancer was able to recover enough to raise his demonic sacrificial dagger at Ryoma. Ryoma rolled blocked with the book. The dagger stabbed the book instead of his gut but he had to kick the necromancer away so he could continue on his way back to Aizu.

Unfortunately, the necromancer wasn't about to give up and had a hand on the book while his other hand wielded the dagger. He was trying to stab Ryoma while Ryoma continued to dodge and kick out his knees.

Greed laughed heartedly as he continued to attack Syuusuke. He hadn't had this much fun since the last time he killed a tricky priest.

"You're a funny one General," Greed sneered out. "Fighting a battle with a demon hunter and Shinigami whilst acting on the whims of a human scum!"

"See it how you want it but aren't you here playing the part of a running dog as well?" Syuusuke asked with a slight smile as he defended successfully again.

I wouldn't give two fucks about this hoe if the lord didn't ask me to come," Greed admitted. "You've made him very unhappy General."


Syuusuke head turned slightly as he heard Ryoma's call. A frown filled his face as he took a deep graze from Greed's sword while seeing Ryoma surrounded by demons and a crazed necromancer who was getting closer and closer to stabbing his prey head-on.

"Now what are you up to?" Greed asked amusedly as he saw the damage he was able to do because Syuusuke had lost concentration.

"Being a butler is tiring," Syuusuke said dodging to the side. He was closer to Ryoma now which was his goal. "But it teaches you how to multi-task like a professional!"

It was only a second but that was enough for Syuusuke to pick up a dagger that Scarlet had lost with her fight and send it accurately through the crowd to impale the necromancer shoulder.

"Got you!" Aiyoku shouted as her dark claws entered Syuusuke's shoulder as well from a lapse of his attention of her.

"Or did I get you?" Syuusuke asked with a satisfied smirk as he grabbed Ryoma and flipped all three of them into Aizu's range. Using the momentum, Syuusuke released Ryoma onto the sofa nearby and turned Aiyoku between Aizu and himself. He kicked Aizu's scythe that was swinging towards them to add to the force. It drove deep into Aiyoku, impaling Miyo's body. The scythe forced Aiyoku into a one-way journey into hell. It also left Miyo's body with them which was the final goal.


Syuusuke stumbled as he glanced down to see Greed's dark blade protruding from his body.

"You.."Aizu started forward but Syuusuke stopped him with a wave towards Scarlet instead.

That made Greed turn to look as well. He was ruthlessly stabbed in the face by Scarlet's dagger that she had sent flying over. He screamed in agony as demon hunters weapons were all blessed and did the most damage to demons.

Aizu didn't sit still either as he removed the scythe from Miyo and swung it once at Sin who was still guarding against Scarlet. He had finally slipped and come within the range of Aizu.

The scythe embedded itself into Sin holding him in place as Scarlet stabbed Sin from her side.

"Do you remember me now?" Scarlet asked taking out a pendant to show Sin as she activated the formation.

Not wanting to get caught in the formation, Greed backed away to a corner of the room while Syuusuke moved back taking Ryoma with him.

"You're his daughter?" Sin asked in disbelief. That demon from decades ago dared to actually have a life outside of the underworld with the enemies. He had killed him to teach him a lesson but never would he think he created this little demon to hunt him down.

"Goodbye," Scarlet said with a smile as the person in front of her started to crumble even faster than the demon before. After all, her blade was buried deep into Sin unlike Kano who was merely trapped in the formation.

Greed wasn't idle this time though. He realized the weakness of the formation was that anyone outside of the formation could attack the formation master.

"It's not that easy," Aizu said blocking the way.

"You have no place in this battle," Greed said parrying his scythe. "You must all perish together!"

He had been ready to launch another attack and Syuusuke was ready to block when the sudden change made him return to Ryoma's side and guard.

"How many years has it been since I've stepped on this land," An amused voice asked.

"The necromancer?" Ryoma asked peeking from behind Syuusuke.

"My lord," Syuusuke and Greed echoed as the darkness spread and revealed the necromancer.

Ryoma frowned. He hadn't expected this to turn another direction once more. It seemed that idiot necromancer was so crazy, he had summoned the demon lord himself into his body.

"Come, my pet," the man said to the discarded body of one of Ryohei's teachers. The body started to move and soon it was as if the life never left the body.

"I feel so weak my lord…" Aiyoku's voice sounded. It upset Ryoma as he had thought that woman was dead.

"I command you, finish the job Syuusuke," Ryoma orders

"Of course, master," Syuusuke said with a bow and faces Aiyoku seriously. His blue eyes darkened.

"Are you angry General?" the Lord said with a twist of his mouth.

"My lord, taking over a body that has already died is the weakest form a demon could manifest as." Syuusuke reminded him. "Especially one that can't house your strength."

"What do you mean to say?" Aiyoku asked with a frown.

"He means to say you're a sitting duck and that body you're depending on has a time limit," Aizu said with an amused smile.

"There's enough time to take all of you out," the Lord said with a smile. "After all, you blocked my path by blocking the body I chose to rise from."

"Go back to hell," Ryoma said angrily. "My son is not a vessel for you."

"Let's see then hm?" Scarlet said flipping her blade up. She had finished sending Sin off for good and was ready to take down the rest.

"Saa…" Syuusuke uttered.

Without further warning, Syuusuke moved forward with Aizu's scythe swinging full force at Greed who was two paces closer than Aiyoku and the lord.

Greed let out a tsk before wielding his dark blade to block. "Is that the best you can do at full strength General?"

"Yes," Syuusuke said with a smile as he moved the scythe away.

Greed felt intense pain and he glanced down realizing that was a feint for the demon hunter to move instead. The blade was halfway through this body with the accuracy of Scarlet.

"Sorry," Syuusuke said spinning Scarlet hard to force the blade through the rest of Greed's body.

"You bastard," Greed cursed. "Do you know how long this body has been invested in?"

"Enough to know you've gone soft," Syuusuke said flatly.

It was common knowledge to Demons and Demon Hunters that bodies occupied by demons, once it was exorcised or killed, would lose the soul of the body they had trapped and any soul reaped since they occupied the body would too be forfeited. Losing souls to demons was a loss of strength.

Aizu took over and swept his scythe over the souls that flew out mournfully. It was time for judgement on their half.

"You…" the lord started in anger at seeing that his side had dwindled in a second.

"Regretfully a demon with position rarely trains to keep their strength up so no wonder a Lord of Hell is weaker than a mere s-rank general," Syuusuke said turning to face his lord and Aiyoku

"Are you rebelling?" the Lord asked with a smirk still on his face.

Syuusuke didn't answer. His eyes only sharply looked on at the person behind his lord's temporary body.

"Your play time is over general, return!" the Lord commanded. With the sound of his voice, a coldness passed through the room and an immense pressure was felt. Even if his body was temporary, he could still exert a fourth of his strength at this time.

"Then stop playing," Scarlet interjected. She launched herself once more in the direction of the enemy. Before she could clearly make out an attack line, her body was already being knocked back just from the pressure emitting from the lord.

Scarlet exhaled sharply at the pain from the impact.

"You've proven your worth General," the Lord stated, "But if you try to do any more here today I won't forgive you."

"I have a contract to fulfil," Syuusuke stated clearly. Though he had been severely weakened and injured, he still stood firm on his orders.

"This soul you're trying so hard to obtain is worth all this hn?" The Lord said with a look of interest towards Ryoma.

Syuusuke didn't answer. His eyes were still on the person behind.

"Then I will break it!" The demon lord declared with a ferocious look. He pounced forward and raised his hand up to blast Aizu and Syuusuke out of the way. He headed straight towards an unarmed Ryoma who stood valiantly with no fear.

If there was anything that the Demon Lord disliked, it was if people didn't fear him or the thought of death by him.

"Syuusuke!" Ryoma said with a smirk.

The lord felt a deflection off his body as Syuusuke blocked defying his own Lord for this puny human.

In all honesty, Ryoma didn't think Syuusuke would go against the ruler of all of Hell for him. It wasn't a plausible idea since he was a demon and to go against the boss meant insubordination to all of Hell.

Ryoma swallowed hard seeing Syuusuke deflect the Lord so willingly and for the first time since he awoke with the anger of revenge running in his veins, he realized how much Syuusuke actually cares for him. It was one thing for Syuusuke to follow his directions against humans but to see how he defied his Lord and kind to obey Ryoma when he didn't have to…. That that was something else.

Using the fact that he had the advantage, Syuusuke used the slight delay of the Lord's shock to attack.

Realizing he didn't have his blade with him, he grabbed Scarlet's dagger on the floor where the necromancer had tossed it after removing it from Syuusuke's shot from earlier. He appeared beside Aiyoku in a quick flash.

Syuusuke smiled slightly as he saw the Lord rushing back to stop him. He didn't wait as he drew the dagger across the neck of Aiyoku in one fluid motion. It released Aiyoku's spirit in a flash but he didn't stop at that. He grabbed hold of Aiyoku's essence even though it was already weak and imbued his dark essence into hers.

Every demon knew that doing so would dissipate the weaker demon and kill them off once and for all. In this case, Syuusuke was already very confident that Aiyoku wouldn't be able to resist eternal death because she had died twice and lost enough strength from both times. She faded almost immediately and Syuusuke let go of the body without another thought. All that was left was an empty shell. Syuusuke stepped away from the body and was going to walk back to Ryoma's side but that was when the Demon Lord awakened from his shock of what his general had just done.

It was a bittersweet victory for Ryoma but as he watched the darkness envelop the room with the anger of the Demon Lord, he realized he didn't want Syuusuke to suffer for his wish. He hadn't wanted the cost of his selfishness to be the destruction of Syuusuke.

Why? Why did he decide out of a moment's rage that he wanted the life of Aiyoku?

A/N: What can happen now? Ryoma's wish is complete.