Another Pitfall

It was just like any other day. Another clever scheme to capture the twerp's Pikachu; another "flawless" pitfall; and ultimately, another damning failure…

Yet, however predictable this day was going thus far for our favourite band of wrong-doers, there were quite a few unpredicted results…

Today we find our hero Ash Ketchum continuing his journey to become a Pokemon Master! Along with him are his faithful companions Misty, Brock, and Pikachu of course. The gang is still headed to Mt. Silver so Ash can compete in the Johto Region Silver Conference. But first, they must return Larvitar to the Pokemon Preserve at the foot of Mt. Silver. Will the gang finally get to their much anticipated destination? Or is there another road block attempting to hinder their way?

"Hang on," headed Brock, the eldest of the gang, "This looks kinda suspicious."

The gang had stumbled upon another basket of freshly picked fruit in the middle of the road.

"Oh come on, Brock!" replied Ash. "We haven't eaten all day and I'm sure it doesn't belong to anyone." Ash was now inching closer to his beloved fruit.

"Ash!" yelled Misty. "Doesn't this seem like a trick Team Rocket would pull?" She grabbed Ash by the collar to stop him from proceeding forward.

"Well…I guess you're right." Ash pouted. He hated to admit when Misty was right.

The gang decided to loop around the fruit and continued towards the Silver Conference, ignoring the fruit and also the pitfall that lay beneath it.

Then, three figures immediately emerged from the brush and were suddenly around the fruit.

"I still never understood why the twerps don't fall for our Fruit-and-Pitfall tricks," James sighed.

"They're just a bunch of idiots, that's why!" Jessie yelled.

"What Meowth don't understand is why haven't dah tree of us hasn't fallen yet," Meowth nonchalantly said.


"I guess that answers your question," James squeaked. And with that last remark, the dastardly trio fell into their own trap…yet again.

It was only about a twenty foot drop when the three had abruptly hit the cold, mushy bottom of the pit. James got up on his feet and extended his hand to Jessie, which she reluctantly took. Meowth was already up, eyeing the top to see if they could easily get out. Then, it happened.


The ground broke away beneath them yet again, but this time, it wasn't a twenty foot drop but more like a twenty hundred foot fall!

"Look's like Team Rocket's falling out again!"


Well, it wasn't that long of a drop, but enough to ensure that the sun could not be seen shining anymore. The trio fell for what seemed like ages until they finally plopped onto the cold, hard ground. However, this ground was not dirt, but pure, hard rock. It appeared as if the three had landed in some cave or other. But, it was too dark to tell if it was a cave or not; so let's just assume it is.

"I wonda where we landed dis times," Meowth said after the harsh landing.

"I really don't care where we are, Meowth, but please get off my face!" James yelled. Meowth had landed square on James's face; James had landed flat on his back, right on top of Jessie, smashing her face into the ground.

"I don't care what either of you think! Just get the hell off of ME!" Jessie screeched like a Zubat.

Meowth and James scrambled off of Jessie and looked around, only looking didn't seem to do a think.

"It's kind of creepy, isn't it?" James pondered aloud. He had his hand under his chin while he assumed his 'thinking' position. "Not being able to see a single think in front of you."

"Oh, shut it, James," Jessie commanded. "Let's just hurry up and find away out of this mess and regain our chase of the twerps!"

"Alright. Onwards we go," James said.

The trio had just started walking when:


"Ow! Watch where you're going, idiots!" Jessie yelled.

The trio had started walking but they all ran into each other for they could not see.

"Well I could if I could see!" James countered.

Although it was darker than a Houndoom's fur in the night, one could presume that both Jessie and James were glaring at each other, with their fists held at the level of their eyes ready to either swing at another or block the other's punch. Meowth could hear a growl, whether it was Jessie's or James's was unknown.

"Hey! If youse twos stop fightin' maybes wes could get outta here."

"Fine," they both said in unison.

"But we can't see so how are we going to walk to find the way out?" James complained.

"Ah Jimmy. Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy. Youse forgets dat I am a Pokémon, 'memba?"

"I think you are the one who forgets that you are a Pokémon," Jessie chimed in.

"Anyways, I can sees in da dark! Dat's how we'll get outta here! So follow Meowth!"

With that, the scratch cat started to lead the way.

"Meowth, we can't see you so ergo we cannot follow you," James moaned.

Meowth stopped in his tracks.

"Oh, dat's right."

"Really? Must I be the only one with brains in this family?" Jessie bragged. "Meowth, jump on James's head and then you can just tell us when to turn left or right and make sure we don't run into (or fall into) anything."

"I get it!" Both James and Meowth said together. Meowth proceeded to climb onto James's head; James began to feel through the darkness to find Jessie.


"Sorry Jess. I just meant to grab your hand so we don't get lost."

"You are so lucky I can't see you or I'd beat you for that one!" Although Jessie was incredulously irate at James, she was blushing.

Instead of grabbing her hand, James had actually managed to put his hands on the backside of her skirt (if you know what I mean).

"Fine; but I will find your hand this time!" Jessie made her way through the darkness to locate James. She found his hand with ease and snatched it rather quickly.

Then, the trio was off. Meowth was perched on James's head while James walked hand in hand with Jessie on his right.

They had walked for quite sometime before they came across the light….

James was quite content with himself; after a while of trekking, he managed to slip his arms around Jessie's waist. For some reason, she did not notice or merely let James do it. Perhaps because she was tired for she was also leaning her head against James's shoulder. Meowth would call out directions every once in a while:

"Left here…"

And a:

"Take da right, right about here."

And then, they came to the end…

"Look! I can see the light! That means we are almost out!" James yelled in jubilation. He was growing very weary of the cave and immediately removed himself from Jessie and ran towards the supposed end of the cave (which also caused Meowth to slip from James's head).

Jessie nearly fell to the ground after James released her. She was disheveled and a bit angry at James.

"James!" She angrily yelled.

But he ignored her and just kept running. Then, it happened.

James had reached the end of the cave and was now in the light. He thought he was standing safely in some nice patch of grass or simply on a winding road.

But he was wrong; oh so wrong.

James had run right off a cliff; and not just a three-foot drop to the bottom, but to a three-thousand plummet to his death with sharp, jagged rocks at the oh-so far away bottom.

All Jessie and Meowth saw was James running and running and running until they just saw him drop, as if he just vanished in thin air!

"James!" They both yelled.

But don't worry; James did not fall to his death…

At the last possible second before gravity would overcome James, James managed to swiftly grab hold of the edge of the cliff. However, the edge was not stable and he lost grip. Yet, still no death for the young man; James caught a stable hold about twenty feet from the edge, but he was barely hanging on. Death would come soon if help would not arrive to stop him.


James looked up to see Jessie and Meowth above him.

"Jessie! Meowth! Sorry for taking off on you guys like that." Despite being in his current predicament, James still acted very gentlemen-like.

"Don't apologize, you idiot! Just hurry up and get up!" Jessie extended a hand to him.

James did as Jessie said and began to reach for her hand with his left one when all of a sudden, his hold on the cliff with his right hand gave way. Death was sneaking up behind him. He was falling.

But Jessie beat Death and threw herself over the edge (well, not completely but just enough) to grab James's hands with both or hers to prevent his fall.

Meowth grabbed hold of Jessie's waist in an attempt to help her up. But alas, he was too weak. It was exactly like the times back in the Rocket Academy:

The newly-acquainted trio was on a hike as part of their training when Jessie, James, and Meowth had come across a rackety, old bridge. All was going swimmingly when the bridge snapped! Jessie was safely on land holding Meowth by the arms while James was just hanging on by Meowth's tail...

The only two things that were different in the current situation were Meowth not being in the middle and most importantly, Jessie and James's relationship. Back then, something was between them (despite the fact that they knew each other before the Academy) that made them not care for another. Now, they were all they had (along with the scratch cat), the very best of friends (despite the bickering), practically a couple (without the aroma of being a couple).

They had been in these types of situations before. They had faced Death on numerous occasions. They would always freak out amidst their predicaments and be over-dramatic. Then, everything would be back to normal. Usually these predicaments occurred after a blast-off or when they were stuck with the twerps (such as that time on the St. Anne).

However, this time, well this time was different: Jessie felt like she was really going to lose James to Death.



They locked eyes, emerald on sapphire and vice versa. Jessie's began to get teary.


"NO! I know what you're thinking, James! And you better not! I will kill you if you do it!" Just like before, James was thinking about dropping just so Jessie and Meowth could save themselves. She held onto his hands even tighter to ensure he wouldn't let go.

"But Jess, you'll fall, too! And I don't want that to happen."

"I refuse to let that happen! We always get out of these situations! And I-I-I…" She bit her lip and closed her eyes.


And then she unintentionally burst out those three words without evening knowing she did…

"I love you and won't let go! We are a team and teams stick together!"

"Dat's right!" Meowth chimed in. He had made the way down Jessie's arms and put his paw on James's left hand.

"Meowth get back up here and grab Arbok's pokéball!"

"Right!" Meowth scurried back up and went to Jessie's waist and snatched the ball and released Arbok.

"Charbok!" It hissed.

"Arbok! I need you to use Wrap to lift James up here for me! And do it fast!"


Arbok lowered its tail down and wrapped it around James's waist and heaved him up rather quickly; and just like before (well, almost), James fell on top of Jessie, slamming Jessie on her back.

James gazed into Jessie's sapphire eyes. She starred back, blushing slightly; however, she abruptly composed herself and pushed him off.

James got up and brushed the dirt of his uniform; Jessie did the same then looked at him. And then, James went up to her and embraced her (rather passionately).

"Thank you, Jess."

She blushed again. Then she silently cursed to herself. She was showing succumbing to him. How dare she? She reluctantly put her arms around him after awhile.

"Of course: that's what friends are for."

They parted. Meowth then jumped onto James's head.

"Let's get goin' den."

"Right," they both said. James grabbed Jessie's hand (he didn't miss this time). And they walked on yet again.

A long while later, after much arduous trekking, the trio made it out of the cave…

So, I'm not sure if that went the way I wanted it to. I had this idea for a long time but just wrote it so I'm sure my ideas were off. It's not over by the by…this is a Two-shot (if that's what you would call it). The next chapter will be funny! I got the idea from the episodes "Hocus Pokémon" and "Training Daze." Please Review! I love getting feedback!