Chapter 7

Kagome lay on the concrete floor. Her body hummed with pain and screamed at her to run from the horrid beatings she kept enduring. She knew that if she didn't do something, she was going to die here. So Kagome waited for the perfect moment to strike. When Keiko turned her back on her, she would wait until her guard was down. She would wait until Keiko was the most vulnerable to her and she would attack.

Kagome would let out all of her anger into the fight before her and bring the girl to her knees before her. Kagome stayed down and watched as Keiko backed up and stood beside Naraku. An evil grin was plastered on both of their faces.

Kagome stayed quiet.

She knew she would get her turn soon.

"You are all damn fools. You come into my place of business!" He shook his head. "I have got to say. not the smartest idea you have had, especially for you, Miss Higurashi," he said, pointing to Kagome's motionless body on the ground.

Inuyasha was being restrained by two demons and Yasha was being kept with Sango and Miroku. "I'll kill you, Naraku. You just wait until I get free. I'm going to kill you, and then I'm going to rip that little bitches head off and play basketball with it and not think nothing about it."

Inuyasha could tell that his demon was starting come out, and he did nothing to stop it. They had done the wrong thing by touching his family. "Don't be stupid Inuyasha, just give up now. There is nothing you two can do. When you took Keiko from me in high school, you ripped my heart out. And she loved you . . . but now, she is under my command. And she does whatever I tell her to," Naraku explained.

Inuyasha grew livid. "Everything for this? You're going to try and hurt my family for old stupid high school drama?"

Naraku chuckled and began to turn away from him and began toward Yasha. Yasha started growling. When Naraku made contact with him, Yasha struck out and bit him with all of his might. Naraku stepped back and looked at the child startled. "You little punk, I'll teach you," he said raged and lifted his hand and struck down on Yasha's face.

He cried out in pain, and crawled back to Sango and Miroku. Inuyasha went crazy and broke free of his holds.

Naraku had his back turned and did not have a clue what was coming so he reached back for Yasha, but did not have the chance to grab him again. Inuyasha grabbed Naraku by the shoulder and spun him to face him. Without wasting any time, he began to pound away at his face. Naraku had been caught off guard and was now paying the price for his mistake.

Keiko rushed to his side and tried to pull Inuyasha off of him, but she was soon attacked herself. Kagome plowed the girl over and began to punch her in the face. When she heard the crunch of her nose, she felt good. Soon Kagome had knocked the girl unconscious. She rose to her feet and limped to her baby and picked him up in her arms. "Listen, untie Sango and Miroku. They will get you out of this place."

Yasha nodded and used his tiny claws to cut through the ropes. It took a little longer to do then it would if his daddy had done it, but soon he got the work done. Sango grabbed him up and looked at Kagome. She nodded her head and with that, Sango and Miroku began to flee with her baby. Kagome turned back to the fight in front of her and saw that there was almost nothing left of Naraku.

Kagome placed a soft hand on Inuyasha's shoulder to get his attention. She heard a fearsome growl tear from him and then he rounded on her. She wasted no time and grabbed him and pressed her whole body to him and poured her heart, mind and soul into the heart-felt kiss. When she felt him relax beneath her completely, she pulled away. And standing before her was the man she fell in love with in high school and now, all over again.

"Kagome . . . I . . . I'm sorry...," he tried to explain why he had to do what he did to Naraku, but she understood. Kagome pulled her phone out and called the police to come and deal with Naraku and Keiko.

Kagome walked out of the building, and stars above her greeted her in the sky. The police pulled up and she pointed them in the direction of the mess. Kagome, Inuyasha and the gang watched as Keiko and Naraku were carried out in cuffs. With a sigh, Inuyasha turned to his family.

"Let's go home."

Kagome turned around and saw that Inuyasha was down on one knee and Yasha was sitting on it holding a small black box. Inside the box was a diamond ring nestled in the satin, and beside it was a key. She looked at Inuyasha with tearful eyes.

"How in the world did you get that if you were in here," she asked confused but happy.

Inuyasha shrugged. "I just had Miroku make the copy of my house key bout three weeks ago. The ring, I picked out with this little fella," he said ruffling Yasha's hair.

Kagome nodded and Inuyasha took the ring from the box and slid it on her finger.


Sango jumped up and hugged her.

"I'm so happy for you."

Kagome laughed. 'I have to hand it to him. He sure can make a good time, out of a bad situation' she thought indicating to Inuyasha and his marriage proposal.

Inuyasha kissed Kagome and handed her the key in the box. "Come live with me. You won't ever have to work again," he said.

Kagome nodded and took the key.

She liked the sound of that.

Ten Years Later . . .

"Come back here you little twerps," Yasha yelled and ran after his twin sisters.

Once again they had stolen his phone and he wanted it back now. The twins giggled and kept running. Inuyasha heard the fighting and came down stairs to deal with the situation. "Hey, now what's going on here?" Inuyasha had said with a stern voice.

All three children had stopped and looked up at their father.

Yasha was the first to speak up.

"Ayuri and Mayumi took my phone again. Tip them twerps upside down and shake it out of them," he stated flatly.

Inuyasha looked sternly at his son. "Yasha, your sisters are only 5, you can't be so rash with them. And as for you two, what has your mother and I told you about taking things that are not yours?" Inuyasha questioned the children.

They hung their ears and tried to play innocent. "We sorry daddy. We just wanted to talk to Rin to, but Mr. Meany here won't even say hi to her for us," they said and fake cried a little to draw him in more.

And it worked.



And sinker.

"Well if that was all, you just had to ask. So go on now. Hand your brother his phone back."

They turned to Yasha and handed his phone to him. "Now run along now and play. But keep quiet because your mother needs her sleep," he said just as the two twins screeched.


Inuyasha turned to see her bending a bit to place a kiss on both of their ears. "Hello loves," she said as she greeted her children.

She waddled over to Yasha and smoothed his hair before placing a kiss on his ear as well. "Momma, you know you really need to be in bed. The baby should be here any day now," Yasha stated.

Since he had grown, he had become very protective of his mom and sisters. Inuyasha had been teaching how to defend himself every day after school. "Oh I know baby, but I just need to walk a little bit. Get some air."

Just as she was about to sit down, the door bell rang and Kagome waddled all the way to it to answer it. Sango and Miroku were standing there with their two kids. One was five and the other ten.

"Hey Kagome-chan, how are you feeling?"

Kagome smiled and started to say something, but she felt a rush of wet all down her legs and then felt a puddle at her feet. Sango looked at her face and saw that it was contorting into different shapes.

"Oh my god, Inuyasha, Kagome's water just broke, get her hospital bag now!"

You could see Inuyasha and Yasha running around the house grabbing everything they needed. Inuyasha and Yasha rode with kagome. And the twins rode with Sango to the hospital.

"Oh . . . oh . . . OH HELL," Kagome screamed as she felt sharp pains all over.

Inuyasha pressed on the gas and soon arrived at the hospital. Kagome was placed on a stretcher and wheeled to the delivery room. Inuyasha and Sango went in with her, and the kids waited in the waiting room with Miroku.

In The Delivery Room . . .

"Push Kagome, push now," Sango ordered and felt Kagome's grip on her hand tighten.

Kagome pushed with all of her strength and then stopped for a breath. But before the doctor could tell her to push again, she began pushing. Kagome wanted the pain over now. She felt the baby slip from her canal and looked down to see her child.

"It's a boy."

She heard Inuyasha say in happiness. The doctor smacked the baby lightly to get it to start crying, then wrapped it in a blanket and handed the baby to Inuyasha. "Oh, hello fella."

The baby stopped crying and looked up at his daddy with big brown eyes. "Inoru," Kagome whispered.

She looked up at her husband and smiled. Sango smiled down on her best friend and lightly squeezed her hand. "You did it, Kagome. You have your dream family. Congrats."

Sango hugged Kagome and stepped out of the room. Kagome and Inuyasha's kids all piled in and Sango and Miroku came in as well. Kagome looked around at her family, and the new addition. She had the best family a woman could ask for.

Kagome knew that this was only the beginning of happiness for her.