This fanfiction is one of a two-part series that takes place after the events of OotP. This is my first fanfiction. For more details regarding this story, see my profile.

DISCLAIMER: I do not in any way, shape, or form, own Harry Potter or any of its settings, characters, etc. This is purely for entertainment purposes and I do not receive profit by any means (I wish). This story has not been authorized, approved, licensed or otherwise endorsed by J.K. Rowling, Warner Bros., or any other entity associated with Harry Potter. Anything and everything related to that end are property of their respective owners. I do not claim any affiliation with these individuals or organizations and no copyright infringement is intended with the publication of this story.

I do, however, own this particular version. So if you'd kindly not steal it and claim it as your own work, I would be most grateful. ;)

And don't worry, the entire story will not be in italics, just the prologue.

The Devil's Pact

"I have obtained the information you have been seeking, my Lord."

The man in question was sitting in a plush, high-end armchair; he was so pale you would have thought he was a ghost.

The first man handed the pale one an ancient looking piece of parchment, who examined it at once. He didn't seem quite human with his deathly white skin and pale eyes that would gleam red when angered. His nose was more like two slits for nostrils, much like a snake's. He was also unnaturally thin. This might mislead some to believe he is weak and frail… They would be wrong.

"And you are sure this information is correct? If you are mistaken, you will face my… displeasure," the man hissed, his eyes cold and distant.

"Yes," the first man whimpered. "Several reliable sources confirmed it independently, just as you requested, my Lord." Unlike his companion, there was nothing exceptional about this man's appearance. He did not cut an impressive figure, considerably shorter than the average man. What thinning hair he had left was unkempt, and he had darting, beady eyes and a rather weak chin.

Apparently appeased, the taller man leaned back in his chair, "That is good; you have done well, Wormtail."

"Th-thank you, my Lord," the first man stammered.

But the other man ignored him, uncaring.

It was almost complete. He had tracked down and relentlessly searched for ways to consolidate his hold on immortality. After years of investigating he had come across an ancient form of magic that combined blood magic, an ancient potion, and a powerful incantation. He had acquired the script and had been studying it industriously.

Unbeknownst to lesser witches and wizards, there had once existed a magical language. Its roots were close to that of Latin, which a majority of present-day spells' verbal component was based on. But this magic language had long since been forgotten, and the spells used today were only a rough approximation of the original vernacular. This language had the ability to harness true magical energy in unparalleled ways and intensify the potency of a wizard's magic. He had once strived to rediscover the language, but eventually abandoned the idea when he realized that the undertaking was effectively unfeasible. But remnants of the language were not impossible to uncover.

Prepared to discontinue what had increasingly seemed a fruitless endeavor, his years of labor had finally produced results. He discovered an elaborate invocation relating to immortality. He had worked to dissect and translate the different lettering and learn the exact pronunciation of the verse, hunting down old manuscripts and any scrap of information he could lay his hands on. It was securely concealed, although by now he could recite it from memory. In common tongue it more or less translated:

Of blood, of death, are oaths sworn here
to forge eternal cov'nant full.
For unfulfilled desires dear
I forsake mine, and bid my soul.

And now he had unearthed the last element. He was certain that the potions list his servant had procured was indeed correct. From the looks of it, the concoction was tremendously complex, but that was to be expected. He had a skillful potions master at his disposal that he could trust to do the work correctly. Everything was running smoothly. Much more painlessly than he had previously imagined; he had anticipated more problems.

In addition, he had devised a plan that might very well permanently remove the boy who had quickly developed to become a thorn in his side. It was a long-shot, but still a chance. Even if this plot failed, it would not affect his overall designs. He felt an intense, grim satisfaction and gave a sinister, humorless laugh, putting the other man ill at ease, but he certainly did not care.

Yes, everything was going according to plan.

He would find a way to cheat death. He could not reach full power until Harry Potter was dead. He would triumph over the Boy-Who-Lived and cause those to ever question his power to quail in fear and never again doubt his authority…

Somewhere, kilometers away, the aforementioned boy was viewing these very images during his slumber.


Chapter 1:

Harry's summer hasn't been an enjoyable one in the aftermath of Sirius' death. On top of that, he experiences another revelation from Voldemort. Harry endeavors to determine what it could possibly mean, wondering what potential trouble it might indicate. He also meets unfamiliar people and those that are familiar are acting rather oddly.

He heard a vaguely familiar voice at the door. The Order wouldn't come here, would they? Harry made his way to the top landing of the stairway to investigate. His ears perked up even more when he heard his name.

"I'm looking for a young man named Harry. Is he here?"

Upon further inspection, Harry discovered that it was the man he had met earlier that day. John, he remembered. Was the thing with Voldemort just a coincidence? Could he have been duped by the man's politeness and friendly demeanor? He was beginning to develop a sinking feeling in his heart.


There you have it. This is my first fanfiction and I hope you all enjoy it. This chapter was uncharacteristically short as it is a prologue. Please continue on to read my first chapter, and let me know what you think!

Signing off,