FAGEtastic Four

Title: Small Reminders

Written for: Mrs. Robward

Written By: lvtwilight09

Rating: M

Prompt used: Photo prompt: can be seen on my blog: lvtwilight09fanfiction(dot)blogspot(dot)com

Summary: As a career Marine, Bella has been sent away on a long term deployment. How do she and Edward handle the separation and all that comes with it when her promise to return home to him becomes a promise she may not be able to keep?

If you would like to see all the stories that are a part of this exchangevisit the facebook group: Fanficaholics Anon: Where Obsession NeverSleeps or add the C2 to get all thestories direct to your inbox. community/Fagetastic_Four/98339/

A/N: I've done my share of research for this story, and have done my best to make things relatively accurate, so please excuse any creative liberties I have taken with some things as just that…creative liberty for the sake of fiction. Also…I have a banner and good deal of pictures that go with this story, and will be posting them to my blog as the chapters post. To check them out, you can go here: lvtwilight09fanfiction(dot)blogspot(dot)com

As for how this story will post, it is a drabble, and will post twice a day. All odd numbered chapters are Edward's POV, and all even chapters are Bella's POV, so each day you will get one chapter from each POV.


You've been gone for so long.

Three years, four months, two weeks and two days…but who's counting.

It was only supposed to be a temporary separation.

But then everything changed, and you were gone indefinitely…leaving me with no idea of when or if you would ever return.

It keeps me awake at night…the not knowing.

Thinking of everything you've missed because you're gone.

You're always in my thoughts, every second of the day.

And when I see something that reminds me of you…of some memory of us, I can't help but wonder if the things that remind me of you, remind you of me.