Chapter 1: Farewells

The Lumas rushed around the Comet Observatory. Their favorite time was drawing near; when their mama, Rosalina, read them stories in the library. Most Lumas forgot to go but a few loyal listeners always showed up to hear Rosalina's stories. Some she read from books, and others she told from memory. And her memories were endless because of her never ending life due to the power of the Grand Stars.

Ten or so Lumas floated into the library where Rosalina was waiting. There were blue ones, yellow ones, and even a red one who almost never showed up due to his self-centered life. The tenth Luma however was a white Luma, and Rosalina's most favored. He was the Luma on the observatory that Rosalina had known the longest, the one who had been through many more life cycles than all of his friends, and the first she had ever met. She had taken to calling him the prince of the Lumas and all of the others referred to him that way as well.

"Welcome children," she began, "Today our story will be about a hero I knew hundreds of years ago. He was the brother of another famous hero and often lived in this hero's shadow. But he had a few adventures on his own as well. This one in particular was one I myself participated in. It was a tragic time when this adventure occurred. I remember it quite well…"

Part 1: The Mushroom Kingdom

The sun never shone in the Mushroom Kingdom anymore, or anywhere else for that matter. It had a good reason not to as well; evil had arisen and taken the whole universe as its prize. This evil, known as Bowser, had tricked the great hero, Mario, and captured him. With him out of the way, he proceeded to take down the kingdom and then, after that, he further extended his reach to the universe… and succeeded. The hero's brother, after the hero had been kidnapped, fell into deep despair and fled the kingdom, leaving no trace behind him of where he might have gone.

And now our story begins, ten years after the evil's takeover, when a hero would arise to defeat it…

"Are you sure you're ready to go?" asked the old hermit who had been providing shelter for this strange cloaked man.

"Absolutely," the cloaked man said, "I feel that my home needs me so I must go." The hermit looked over this strange man once again. Never once had he seen the man's face for he would never take his cloak's hood off. He had learned not to question his guest over the ten years that he had been staying with him. All he knew was that this man had something special going on inside of him. He had seen the effects of his powers firsthand, but he was so afraid of them he had never asked where he had gotten them.

"Where must you go?" asked the hermit. The cloaked man remained silent. He looked out to the west towards his homeland.

"Maybe you'll find out," he said finally. The hermit knew that across the western sea was the expansive Mushroom Kingdom, though it had not been called by that cheery name in ten years since the fiend who called himself Bowser showed up. He had taken the Mushroom Kingdom as his own territory and further expanded to take over Sarasaland, the Enemius kingdom to the South, and whatever other places there might be on the planet. He'd even heard that the evil koopa had taken the whole universe as his own.

"Well then go," said the hermit, "Find what you're looking for. Maybe I'll see you again."

"Maybe," the cloaked man said, not averting his gaze. He took a few steps away from the hermit and his cottage. He paused for a second to consider all of the things he would be leaving behind in this kingdom; this hermit he had become so close to, the girl he had met in the forest and began seeing when he first arrived years ago who claimed to have been the former princess of the land before Bowser came along, and the beautiful flowers that bloomed there in the spring in spite of Bowser's reign. But he had to go. Something within him drew him home. He broke into a run as he headed towards the west, into the forest that the hermit resided in. The hermit watched him go and waved as he disappeared into the trees.

The cloaked man dashed through the forest as quickly as he could. If he could reach the ocean before sundown, he might be able to stow away on a boat that was delivering goods to Bowser's capitol in the Mushroom Kingdom. But the sun was still barely rising over the hills in the east behind him. He still had time to tell them good bye.

For there was another small building in the forest besides the hermit's cottage, and that building was where the girl he had fallen in love with lived. The hermit didn't know anything about her and she and the other person living in the house with her were the only two people who had ever seen his face.

The house came into view a few minutes later and he stopped to catch his breath. Then he continued towards the small log cabin, though it was bigger than the hermit's cottage. He breathed deeply before he knocked on the door. A young boy about six years old answered it. As soon as he saw the cloaked man, his face broke into a grin.

"Daddy!" he cried. He jumped into his father's arms. The cloaked man smiled. He put down his son and walked into the house, shutting the door behind him. A young woman wearing a yellow skirt and a yellow tank top with a flower imprinted on it along with a white shirt walked into the entryway and gasped. She hadn't seen him in over a month. This was due to the interference of getting himself ready to leave for his home. He had already talked to her about this.

"So you came after all," she said in disbelief, "I thought you'd just leave."

"I wouldn't do that without saying good bye to you Daisy," said the cloaked man.

"Daddy, are you leaving?" asked the young boy standing next to him.

"Yes Danny, I'm afraid I must," said the cloaked man as he patted his son on the head.

"Daddy has to go on a mission," Daisy told Danny, "I'm sure he'll be back someday." The cloaked man walked up to Daisy.

"I promise I'll be back someday," said the cloaked man. He pulled back his hood revealing his face. He wore a green cap with an L imprinted on it over his brown hair. He had a slick moustache and blue eyes, the same eyes that his son had.

"I trust that you will keep that promise Luigi," said Daisy. She kissed him one last time and Danny came up to his dad and hugged his leg.

"I'll miss you daddy!" he cried. Luigi bent down and hugged his son tightly.

"I'll miss you too," said Luigi sadly. He stood up again and put his hood back on. He went over and opened the door to leave but he looked at his family one last time.

"Good bye," he said softly. Then he shut the door behind him.

A/N: I've always liked Luigi so here's a story that features him! Please tell me what you think so far. I do not own Mario. Any Mario characters belong to Nintendo except for my OCs.