Authors Note:
Hiya! It's me again! So I've got a few PM's asking for more Lizzy and Darcy action and you know what, I'm happy to oblige. I wrote this on a whim (Again) and now reading it back I'm not so sure it makes sense. I was writing like a mad man thinking "OMG! OMG! This is going to be A.M.A.Z.I.N.G." And now I'm like "Errr...was I even awake when I wrote this?" So anyway, before I lose the last thread of confidence I'm hanging onto I present (Dun-dun-dun-duuuuun) *In a TV show host voice* THE WILL SITUATION! My very first multi-chap fanfic EVER! *Fangirl scream* So yeah, I hope you enjoy and please please pleeeeaaaaaase review and tell me how to improve or what I'm doing well...

Lots Of Love (LOL)

Ally x

The Will Situation

Ergh Monday! I hate Mondays. Why do they even exist?

Can't we just skip from Sunday to Tuesday? But I suppose then I'd just hate Tuesdays instead…But still, why does it have to be Monday?

"ELIZABETH!" Mum screeched up the stairs "ARE YOU OUT OF BED YET?"

"Yeah" I said rolling over and cuddling up to my sheets.


Then why ask you crazy woman.

"How do you know?"

Silence spread across the house for a few seconds until loud, heavy footsteps could be heard from the stairs. Schnitzel!

I dived onto the floor, frantically grabbing bits of uniform from my 'floordrobe' (As I like to call it) when Mum burst into the room glaring.

"What on God's Earth are you doing on the floor?"

What does it look like I'm doing? Swimming?

"Erm…Swim-" Mum's piercing gaze cut me off.

"Downstairs for breakfast in five. We're leaving at quarter past. If you're not there we'll leave without you. Got it?"

She was out of the room before I had even answered. I never get why parents do that. Why ask a question and leave before you answer? Parents, boys, sisters…They confuse the hell out of me.

Anyway, I have more important issues to be worrying about this fine morning. For example, my 'floordrobe' seems to have crumpled all of my uniform, Lydia is next door doing an awful cover of 'We found love' by Rihanna and Kitty appears to have stolen my favourite hairbrush, again.

Then there's the fact that it's the first day back at school since the summer holidays which means everyone's going to be talking about their Totally Awesome Holiday's while I'm left talking about how I stayed in curled up on my sofa watching the best of BBC (Doctor Who and Sherlock) as well as re-reading the Harry Potter books.

Then, on top of that, there's the Will Situation. Or the 'lack of Will' Situation as Charlotte likes to call it…

Basically, Will is this guy in my class at school. No, sorry, he's not this guy he's the guy. He's like The man of your dreams multiplied by the speed of light…squared. He's gorgeous…and funny…and kind…and sweet…and clever…and funny…and sweet…and, did I mention that he is THE MOST BEAUTIFUL GUY ON THE WHOLE BLOODY PLANET!

Anywho, Will's Mum use to go to college with my Dad. Now she's this famous author (Writer of Willow's Dream, if you haven't read it…What the Hell are you doing with your life?) who's married to this famous guy, who goes by the name of Thomas Darcy (a.k.a. Will's Dad), who owns the biggest publishing company in the whole of England. Anyway, she and my dad are still quite close, and my dad also seems to have, over the years, developed quite a close friendship with Will's dad too.

Due to my Dad being friends with his parents, me and Will have known each other, for like, ever. When we were younger we were thrown upon each other to play and as we got older we were forced to 'study' together while the adults went out.

So me and Will have been friends for quite a few years now. Admittedly, it took a long time for us to get there as we argue and bicker like anything, but yeah, were friends. Which on one hand's GREAT and on the other it sucks…like a vacuum. (Yeah I know, my science jokes suck…like a vacuum, sorry I'll stop now)

Because we've known each other for so long and because we've been friends for so long, he never seems to see me as anything more than a friend. And that's really really depressing when you've had a huge crush on this guy for the past decade…

I say 'crush' but it's not really. I thought it was at first, I kept on saying I'll get over this, wait till we get to high school and he hits puberty and goes all spotty and his voice goes all nasally…we'll see how 'fit' he is then… But that never happened.

I don't mean he never hit puberty, because he did and boy did I know about it. One day he's all sweet looking and innocent and the next he's tall, dark and mysterious. I think the most annoying thing about that was while the other boys got all hairy and spotty with nasally voices, Will's skin just got smoother and more perfect than before and he's voice…Oh god his voice! It's like frickin' music in my ears…

So yeah, that's my Will situation. It may not seem like much of a 'situation' but trust me IT IS. You think I'm the only one that's noticed that this guy's like heaven on Earth...I think not.

He can't go anywhere without at least 5 girls throwing their phone numbers at him and then another five literally throwing themselves at him. And as if things couldn't get any worse there's Caroline, the local wanna-be WAG, who follows Will around like a lost puppy.

As Charlotte says there is only one solution to this problem. GET OVER HIM. But that is easier said than done. However, this year I am determined.

Today is the day I change the world. Today is the day I make this world a better, happier place for everyone. Today is the day I get over William Darcy.

Author's note (Again I know):

So what did you think? Did it make sense? Did you understand what I was talking about or was it too blahblahblahblahblah? Any questions etc. Please press the little blue button just underneath! Darcy will love you... :D