Because you wanted more and I'm not known for doing anything to help myself; ie homework.

I'm much more partial to playing with peoples' minds, so, this is for you… Also because a bunch of you wanted more, and I like to make you happy. Because you happy means reviews and likes and whatnot which makes me happy. Completely selfish here… : D

I haven't played this game much, so sorry if it isn't as good as the amnesia one…


Avengers Play Horror 2 – Cry of Fear

Tony hated his life.

So much.

So, so much.

Like, you have no idea. It was alright, for a while. Then Loki came. Then he was pinning for Loki. Then some more pinning. Then he was emotionally and psychologically tortured by a game. Then he made out with Loki, which was great. Then, next day, back to pinning for Loki. Like nothing had even fucking happened.

The. Absolute. Worst.

So yeah, life sucked in a way he'd never had to imagine, let alone endure before. So now, sulking and pinning, although if he was asked, he'd deny both accusations.

And maybe that was the problem, because it wasn't as if Loki had been ignoring him, he'd just been acting like nothing had happened. Tony was doing the same, waiting it out. He realised dumbly that they both were probably riding out the same strategy; let the other make the move, in case you had it wrong. He never really thought Loki would act like that, but hey, he never thought he himself would act like that. And if he couldn't predict himself, how was he going to predict the epitome of unpredictability – the god of mischief himself.

He craved the attention he received before, even if it was only for a few moments while he calmed, before he spent the rest of the night in the lounge room watching Disney movies to make him feel better. He felt hot jealousy course through him when he saw Natasha and Loki talking. In Russian. He couldn't even understand a word of what was being said, which sucked ass when they were the only others in the room and he had to endure listening to Loki's sickly sweet voice being directed at someone else. And because of this, Loki had gotten used to talking in different tongues, and would often go off on tangents in foreign languages none of them could understand. Sometimes, JARVIS translated; if he needed to.

He didn't mind it that much, most of the time no-one could understand him, and he could watch the god pretending he was watching him out of confusion instead of ogling him and no-body was the wiser.

But he still craved, craved being closer. Every time Loki interacted with others, well, let's just say his thoughts weren't very positive.

There was one time he caught Loki making ice cream in the dead of night. He wasn't following the guy, he just so happened to be heading to his room after an arduous day in his lab working for Fury when he had heard him. A topless Loki, and wasn't that the greatest, was singing Cinema by Benni Bennassi as he moved around the kitchen, movements as fluid as water. 'Hope you don't stop running to me coz I'll always be waiting, you are my cinema, I could watch you forever.' He'd wished desperately that the god had been singing about him, but realised what he was doing would most likely, no indubitably, be considered creepy, so he went on his not so merry way. At least he could still feel the swell of pride at introducing the god to the music he loved so much.

He thought about that kiss. Whichever way he thought about it, he came to the same conclusion; Loki cared, at least a little. Because you don't stick your tongue down someone's throat if you don't like them. He realised he was probably being incredibly optimistic, but he'd never really felt like this, and he would do whatever he could to get the god.

So when Clint stormed into the eating area at 8 o'clock at night telling of the latest game he'd acquired, he pushed his fears aside and pronounced loudly that he would play. He received a questionable look from Loki who no doubt remembered his fear from last time, but hey, if anything could re-fabricate the experience it was this.

Clint said the game was called cry of fear. Wonderful, but he'd endure it.

They set the same time limit, because like hell they weren't going to try to outdo each other. It was a daily, if not hourly occurrence and they prided themselves on being able to one-up the others. They quickly learnt who not to challenge to what, having obvious strengths and downfalls, but still; they were all in on this one. They had to change the rules somewhat, the same as they had with the previous game; pausing was allowed to swap objects, or finish puzzles etc. but the pause had to be announced before hand. Any pausing when there was a scary anything was not tolerated.

As Clint let the game begin, he could already feel himself freaking out. And the lights were still on dammit.

The rest of the avengers came in and Thor flicked off the light, shutting the door behind him. A chair was set up and ready with a fully functional keyboard and mouse for whom ever was willing to participate first. He realised he probably had the most sullen look on his face when his jaw started aching from tension, and the game hadn't even begun yet.

His only consolation was that it seemed to be set in a city.

They probably argued for a good 7 minutes before they decided that Thor was going first because he was not 'scared of a game that cannot cause harm.' Yeah, right. Not what it looked like last time. He let the comment fall from his lips and was given smirks all round. He especially liked the one from Loki, sly and amused.

Once again Clint had to show Thor the controls, because as is turns out he really is a slow learner when it comes to technology. The rest of them all found suitable view points while they worked, Natasha drawing up a board to show order of gaming and subsequent times on a tablet placed on another wall. He found himself standing further back than the others, and maybe it was so he could see their reactions, maybe it was so they couldn't see his. Maybe it was because here he was closer to the door, closer to escape. Whatever, he would endure this. He would endure what he could.

He was unabashedly happy when Loki immediately gravitated towards him, still looking at him like he'd lost his mind. Maybe, he thought, he had. Was reliving nightmares worth Loki's attention; maybe, probably, definitely. Definitely worth it, he decided, as Loki stood close enough that their arms rubbed against each other, his right arm tingling at the contact it created with Loki's left.

There were a lot of cut scenes at first, which set the scene and were quickly taken out of Thor's time, and then, finally, the game began.

Creaking, heavy breathing, barely visible scenes; all things Thor trudged through with a stone set look of defiance upon his face. Loki let out a laugh, small, but it was there. He threw a questioning glance at the god. Loki leaned in closer to whisper as so not to break the atmosphere, and Tony loved it.

"He is in mamori, sorry, defense, and he doesn't even realise." He chuckled out, words slipping through another language. They could see the way he was worrying, shoulder pulled taut and arms close to his chest. Ready to run, bracing for impact. Tony grinned; huffing out what laughter he could, elbowing Loki lightly in his amusement. He got another smile in return as he turned his attention back to the screen.

Thor jumped violently three times in a row in response to images flashing on the screen, though he steadfastly rode it out with corresponding screams of 'gah', 'huah', 'no!' He used the phone as a light and found a hammer to use as a weapon. It was great until they realised it was clearly a trip point, but by then it was too late, the monster throwing down a door and running at him.

It was horrifying and they all sent scattered yells of displeasure into the air. Clint took in a giant breath, a deep noise clawing its way from his throat in a sound somewhat resembling 'guuuuh' as he latched onto Natasha, who, for her part, gripped back just as hard and screamed 'naaah!' Banner jumped and swung his arms as he lost balance yelling 'puuuuh!' Steve was hilarious, a chocked 'gackah' escaping his throat while Tony just took four successive breaths which made his sound like a gaping fish. The best way to impress, he thought sarcastically. How was it that Loki's 'Oooh-hohohoho' laugh was completely enthralling whilst all he could do was feebly try to gain air in shock. Totally not fair. Thor's was probably the most amusing, seeing as his overly large frame let out a decidedly girly shriek. Loki mimicked him moments later, dispelling the fearful moment even as Thor continued to play.

The monster's limbs were bent awkwardly and it moved in disjointed progression making noises mixed between shrieking and yelling, perhaps an overlay of both. Thor tried to fight the fear, attacking the monster as he could but screaming out at the screen in a below that suggested he thought he could scare away the monster with it. He died, and his counter stopped at 8 mins 23 seconds. It was better than last time he'd played, but everyone was probably more determined to win this time.

Tony let his cheeks fill with air before dispelling it all at once, trying to calm himself. His heart was already thundering in his chest, the clicky clack noises still travelling through the air even as Natasha readied herself in front of the keyboard. Loki seemed to think nothing of it as he slung his arm around Tony's back to give comfort and Tony, while still feeling shit-scared also felt a sense of satisfaction that his plan was working at least a bit.

Natasha began the game quickly, not giving herself any time to question her moves or what she was going to encounter. Unfortunately, for her, it also meant she gave herself no time to create a plan of attack/defence when she was attacked by a squealing monster baby. It looked like an enormous toddler and sent her screaming down dark passages, the screams of the other avengers following in sync. Loki took a sharp breath; 'huh-eeeeew' cringing at the look of the creature in front of them, fingers momentarily pushing into Tony's shoulder from the shock. Tony, in a similar fashion, screamed 'gahhhhewwww', which he maintains was dignified, especially compared to what Steve had let out, a long 'Nuuuuuuuuu' hands coming up to grip the side of his face. Clint, off to the left was still holding his breath in an attempt to stop himself from screaming bloody murder, and he'd missed the first part of what Brice had said, but he was still letting out a non-stop drone of 'uuuuu.' Natasha, almost hyperventilating, stood in the shadows in the game, lasting perhaps another twenty seconds before the noises and swings of the camera became far too disorienting and creepy, letting out a high whine as she paused. 5 minutes 14 seconds, second place. It also happened to be last place.

He felt a pat on his shoulder and then Loki was pulling away. He was momentarily affronted, and even longer scared that he would have to endure this alone, but then realised it was Loki's go and he couldn't really keep Tony calm while he tried to face digital evil. He couldn't help notice the way the god moved as he placed himself in the chair – lean lines and tone enough to distract him from the screen for a moment. Until, of course, the noises started up again. Fucking lovely.

The first corner he rounded he was encountered by a creepy baby thing. Slicing at it with the knife he called out 'Na kaleni, suka!' as it started to fall. Natasha, while still reeling from her outburst of fright had a smile sliding across her face. Russian, of course. Luckily JARVIS had been translating everything Loki had been saying in a small com he had in his ear, no matter what the subject. He had noticed that, since then, Loki and Natasha spoke less, well, at least spoke less around him. 'Russian; On your knees, bitch' JARVIS translated in a far too emotionless voice, but hey, at least he knew what had been said. He continued to traverse the caverns and corridors, and in light of his previous win, they tried to penalise him as heavily as they could. He took it as best as he could with freaky noises running across the space. It wasn't until he came across a particularly strange obstacle that they thought he might just chicken out.

He turned the corner into the room and saw the floating figure, backing up into the corridor he had come from letting out a litany of; 'Nope, nope, nup, no. Nuh-uh. No way. Nup.' Thor pestered him until he walked back into the room, which in honesty took only about 5 seconds. He tried to cross straight past and into the adjacent corridor, but his character was pulled back to her. "Resist suicidal influence? I'm resisting! Resist! RESIST! Oh good. Disturbing shit." He attacked the screen with his words. Trying to get a better look at the creature he took a moment, only to have to resist again. After he had finished that he walked forward to attack her. Reaching the creature, something protruded from her stomach and lashed out at him. He made quick work of it, turning to walk down the corridor he had originally wanted to go down. This section of the game was especially creepy, and not because of the noises, but rather due to the lack of sound. Loki's voice was the only thing that filled the void, which was fine because it sounded nice and there was always something to talk about. At that particular moment he was picking something up exclaiming 'gimme gimme.'

Turning the next corner he encountered another of the floating creep women who no doubt also had an evil baby ready to attack. Walking forward to kill it he noticed another in a side section. Turning to look at that one he also noticed there was one behind him. He started clicking frantically as everyone hollered their displeasure. "Oh fuck me! You best be joking, you BEST BE JOKING! Futue te ipsum!" he cried clicking madly and running in small contained circles which somehow allowed him to get out of the situation alive.

"Latin sir; Go fuck yourself" JARVIS translated dully.

He died when he was surrounded again, creatures coming from all directions in what they were pretty sure was a trigger death, something that needed to happen for the game to progress. Either way, Loki was still letting out a muted 'mmmmm' through his pursed lips at a high octave, with Steve still whining out an incredibly low open mouthed 'noooo'. It didn't matter in the end; Loki had made it past the 20 minute mark again. As soon as the god noticed he slammed his fists down either side of the keyboard in his joy, evidently, not as hard as he could because the structure remained intact. "AW YIS! You better believe it! Haha!" he pressed the tab key as he lifted himself from the chair and relinquished the control to the next player. Who just so happened to be a still shuddering Steve. Tony was eternally grateful that Loki came straight back, resting a hand on his back in a comforting understanding as Steve began to move the character jerkily around the screen.

The first thing he did was complain when he was on scaffolding and found m16 bullets, turning to accuse Loki of not picking up an important item with a sideways glance and a 'you were too busy trying to be fabulous.' Tony felt the hand on his shoulder blades slip down to his lower back as Loki's body jostled with his laugh and an amused "Bitch I am fabulous." All he could think was 'fabulous indeed' as the contact sent spears throughout his body which did nothing for his heart rate and clashed devastatingly with the fear coursing through him. If he thought his heart was thundering before he had no idea what it was doing now; probably exploding.

Steve pouted and continued with the game. He killed a few monsters and absently noted to himself that he was stabbing babies, which didn't sound great and would probably be used against him at a later date.

A horrifying noise mixed between a screech and static sent everyone into shock, their faces creasing with distaste. Steve heard the first second of it and set off in a dead run, forward, backwards, sideways, anywhere. Doesn't matter, he ended up running straight at the thing that let out the noise; a small girl looking creature with giant needles as arms. "Aw yuuuuk." Was all he heard of Loki before the screams of the other avengers took hold on his mind. He must have been appropriately scared as the hand on the small of his back was rubbing small soothing circles which made his chest contract. Not good, seeing that his chest was already tight with fear and now his every breath was a burden to take, hard to suck in and even worse to release.

He noted chuckles all round as the creature killed Steve, Loki letting out a small 'vitskertr' which JARVIS translated to an old Norse expression for idiot. His time came in at 7 minutes 2 seconds, knocking Thor into third and keeping Natasha last.

He was glad that another person's go was over, beginning to realise that this was a terrible idea; surely there were other ways to get Loki's attention than making a fool out of himself by freaking himself the fuck out. It didn't get any better when he realised it was his go. Stepping away from the pressure on his back was harder than it should have been; he can face a stupid game. It's just a stupid game. Stupid and fake; a stupid game. That was basically the direction of his thoughts as he stepped forward.

His fingers were shaking as he positioned himself, not really caring about what was going on, just focusing on making it through his turn with a little voice in the back of his head telling him to make it past five minutes 14 seconds. He couldn't figure out for the life of him why.

He hid his fear by talking his way through it, finding the sound of his voice oddly calming, even if he only said 'okay' over and over again. Talking made it seem as though he wasn't really a part of the game, but when fronted with displeasing noises he still held his breath tight and willed himself not to enter cardiac arrest.

For the life of him he couldn't figure out what he'd done to find himself in the only part of the game which had reminded him of a cave thus far. It didn't help at all, but finally he made it outside where dead women fell from trees and he slapped them with the stick he was using as a weapon. "I hate you and I slap you." He spoke after he had sufficiently stopped screaming. Fricken women were falling all over the place.

He died when a maniac with a chainsaw thought it would be appropriate to chase him through the forest. The menacing whir in his ear no matter how far he ran was enough to have his vision swimming, finding it incredibly hard to drag himself away from the keyboard and chair in sluggish movements as he tried to figure out what was where. He thinks he handled it pretty well when Clint slid into the chair without a second thought even as he practically tripped his way over to Loki. He didn't much care about anything else – in his confused mind all he could work out was that Loki equalled safety, and he was all up for felling safe.

His vision was still swimming when he was brought back to reality by a smooth voice in his ear and a cold rush of air on his neck; "Congratulations, 6 minutes 58 seconds, putting you in second place." Everything began righting itself and he could feel the arms wrapped around his torso from behind, holding him firmly against the body supporting him. There was that feeling of satisfaction again, small as it was, as he was brought back to the current events by Clint exclaiming in a high voice; "I'm a genius!" after presumably finishing a puzzle. He ran forward to the door only to see a monster and scream, "Oh no! Why did I do that! Why did I DO THAT, NOOOOOOOUUGH!" he yelled as he was killed. Natasha let out a cackle as his time rang in at 4 minutes 21 seconds. Who knew that the two assassins would be worst at surviving horror? They punched at each other like they had already gotten past the fear and Tony envied them incredibly.

Bruce was up last, and he cracked his fingers to signal that he had this, he was gonna win. And by win they meant make it past the 20 min mark and have bragging rights. Tony was trying incredibly hard not to lose the feeling of the arms wrapped around his for the fear he was experiencing, but it was hard and he could still feel his chest as it shuttered with the effort of breathing and his hands shaking as they gripped the arms encasing him for comfort.

He tried to control himself as disfigured shapes worked their way onto the screen and the people around him jumped and cried out in shock, the pieces around him tightening their hold, and he felt trapped and safe all at once. He was brought out of his musings when his chest rumbled due to something other than his own fear – words. "The hell, is that a bed?" Loki spoke, head coming down to rest on his shoulder as he spoke. As much as the touch stumped him he forced his eyes to focus on what they were actually seeing, and yes, that was a motherfucking bed on the motherfucking roof with a body hanging out of it and damned if he was ever sleeping again. Things were way too fucked up here and he lasted another couple of minutes before the room returned to a somewhat cave looking area. Okay, so, he would deal with this, he would. But then there were monsters coming and Bruce was running with noise echoing off the walls. To top it all off, there was water. Water and caves and people chasing him, trying to kill him.

He pushed at the cage around him, slipping out as quickly as possible, running to the door and trying to open it; why wouldn't it open? Oh that's right, it was locked so no-one could calm down and then come back to win. Motherfucking great idea that was. His chest felt like it was on fire with every breath and he was vaguely aware of a leather boot clad foot kicking down the door before he threw himself into the light. Screams from the room chased him as he made his way down the corridors. The screams turned to laughter and it was only getting worse because he could hear feather soft footsteps trailing him spectacularly, maintaining an exact distance and goddammit he just wanted to feel safe.

Heat was all he knew as he ran at his door, ramming his shoulder against it in a feeble attempt to get it to open. He didn't want the heat, the flame, the fire. He wanted to be gone, to be safe again, if only he could get through this damned door he could escape.

A cool feeling skirted across his hands as he tried to move the doorknob; his hands slick with sweat sliding off constantly. The cold sensations wrapped around his palm entirely, loosening it from the brass as he followed it willingly, like water on a burn. The door swung open and he followed through it briskly, the cold following him as he walked more than ran.

He was enveloped by the crisp feeling even as he shuddered against the memories pulling at him. Why had he thought that was a good idea again? It was most definitely a stupid idea. There was no way anything could make up for the amount of fear he was feeling now, the hurt in his head and heart as he remembered heat and pain and torture. At least now he could start feeling better, wrapped in a delicate chill. That chill was so far from the heat and intensity of everything around; soft and frosty, not pushing or pulling, just being.

He focused on the chill to the best of his ability, mapping out where it connected with his body in his mind. A soothing algid plane against his back. A pastoral crisp which wound around to his front, sliding across his chest and abdomen. The more he focused on it the better he felt.

He pressed himself into the frost, pleading it to keep him serene even as his senses began to return to him. He noticed the plane behind him moving in and out, the crisp around his front rubbing circles into his sides. It felt nice. His sight was still blurry but he could make out the gold, black and green around him. It didn't bring anything hostile to mind, so he continued to pull himself together, a feeling of safety urging him on. He'd made it to safety, and he was never leaving again. Ever. Stupid mind and stupid ideas; that was a better train of thought, something more familiar.

It wasn't until he felt a waft of air against his throat and heard a soft "Are you alright?" that the reality of the situation came crashing down to him.

Right. He remembers why he'd done such a stupid thing now. Loki. It all bubbled down to Loki, the alluring god who had so easily captured his attention, the god who's attention he was trying to capture and the god that was currently pressed against his back providing blessed release from the searing warmth.

He gave a small nod as he turned in the grip, Loki letting his arms open only for the duration it took him to turn, clamping back down as soon as it was done.

"Surely your pride is not so important that you would endure this." The god stated more than asked, forcing Tony into a gentle yet firm hug. He shook his head indicating no, and wasn't that just the problem? His pride wasn't important to him – he'd let it slide any day to avoid reliving those terrors, but the god? He'd willingly let himself endure the horrors for this moment, and if this was all he received he was fine with it. The god had been important enough to make him undergo the repugnance. Loki was important enough.

He noted absently that he was still shaking as the god pulled him back to look him in the eyes.

"Then why?" he had a look on his face that told of confusion and concern, mixed with happiness from trouble averted. His brows were pulled together slightly and sat higher on his face than normal, mouth curving slightly at the edges as he tried to understand. They were so close.

He took the initiative and pressed forward, lips meeting. He let his breath wash out as his heart began hammering with a fear of rejection rather than a fear of past events. Why the hell did he feel like this? This shouldn't terrify him so much, he was a renowned playboy; he could handle this surely.

Lips turned upwards unhindered as he felt those underneath his slide in a similar fashion. He couldn't help the noise that escaped him as it stopped, the god putting space between them.

"If that was all you wanted you only had to take it." The god whispered; a gracious beam secured sincerely in place, faces still incredibly close. The words cut straight into his mind washing unnamed feelings across his entire being. He wrapped still fluttering hands around the body in front of him, his compromised mind creating only the most dull of responses.

"Anytime?" one flew from him freely. Probably the stupidest thing he'd said, but far from the stupidest thing he'd done. The god nodded softly before placing a soft kiss against his lips. "I'm an idiot." He muttered still dazed. The god chuckled in front of him, breath washing wonderfully cool waves against his skin.

"That you are." Amused.

"But your idiot, right?" Tentative.

"That too." Convivial.

They needed a new door to replace the one to the rec room Loki had kicked in, and Bruce had gained bragging rights making it to 20 minutes and 2 seconds, but that was fine. It was better than fine. It was amazing.


So the last bit took longer for me to write than usual but oh well.

Might do another chapter if I get enough people asking for one, no promises though…. Although I might have a squidgen of an idea for it…

Leave your thoughts in a comment/review/whatevar

Stay awesome