
Blue Skies (cover by Ella Fitzgerald)

A year and a half later….

My life is perfect…Fitz thought happily as he stood by the window. The view outside their Park Avenue apartment was heavenly. The streets were covered in snow and alive with the holiday spirit. It was New Year's Eve. Another year, another 365 days had gone by. And it that magical year, he and his beloved had celebrated a wedding anniversary, his youngest son Fitzgerald Thomas Grant IV had taken his first steps and his daughter had finally settled down in the States and Jerry had become a law associate.

It amazed him how at peace everything was. How fulfilling his life had become. He turned around to see Olivia sitting on the floor, by the cozy fire place with Junior, playing with his train set. The sight of his wife, beautiful and alive with their son made his heart full. Motherhood had softened her. Had made her take life more in stride.

"Yay!" she exclaimed, her arms in the air as the train made its way around the track. Junior was squealing with joy, his face spread in a toothless smile.

They had spent the holidays all over. In Washington D.C for Thanksgiving with Olivia's family and co-workers, including Cyrus and James. Then there had been Christmas with his family in his mother and father's Brentwood estate. And finally Karen, Jerry, Olivia, Junior and himself at Karen's Seattle apartment. All these events had been fun, festive and had created great memories. But for New Year's Eve, they had decided on a quiet night with takeout and soft music. No guest, no help, nothing but the three of them.

A few hours later…

They were all asleep. Olivia, Fitz and Junior. It was his first New Years. He had cheered, clapping his little chubby fingers with delight as the ball dropped on television. They were not quite sure he understood what was happening but he seemed to be having a good time. They had their own little party, dancing all three of them with Junior wedged in between them, as they slow danced.

But now, exhausted from their fun little night, they were passed out on the couch, with Olivia cuddled into Fitz and Junior asleep on his mother's bosom. Fitz shook his wife awake, and they made their way from the family room, upstairs into the toddler's room, where they put him to sleep.

"Honey." Fitz said drowsily as he and Olivia walked hand in hand to their master bedroom.

She looked at him, her eyes blurry with sleep and smiled. "Another year."

He smiled down at her as he opened the bedroom door. Fitz knew just what to do. He walked over to the side table on his side of the bed, pulled out his IPod and pushed a button. The soft sounds of Ella Fitzgerald's voice permeated through the dark room. He looked over at Olivia, who was smiling widely and glowing with the light of the moon. She put her arms out as if to motion for him to embrace her.

"Come here, handsome." She said her voice heavy with sleep.

Blue skies smiling at me

Nothing but blue skies do I see

Bluebirds singing a song

Nothing but bluebirds all day long

Never saw the sun shining so bright

Never saw things going so right

Noticing the days hurrying by

When you're in love, my, how they fly

Fitz smiled and embraced her. His arms wrapped warmly around her slender waist as her arms found his neck. They swayed softly, staring deeply into each other's eyes, mouthing the words to one another and sharing deep passionate kisses.

"Mm…" Fitz said as Olivia rested her head on his chest. He placed his chin on the top of her head and whispered softly. "Time's window."

She looked up at him and smiled, as she whispered "Open, for the rest of time." It had become a little routine between them since the night before their wedding. It was their own language, their own declaration of love. Years had passed. Monument moments had occurred. But the feelings, the passion and above all the love were still there.

It had gotten them through difficult times. Making everything worthwhile. They lived, they fought, they made love and they had brought life into the world, but most importantly they had done it with love.

Olivia looked up at her husband with tears in her eyes. "We don't need minutes anymore." He smiled down at her, placing a kiss on her forehead.

"I love you."

"I love you too. And I always will."
