The Upside of Separation

Summary: Sam knew something was up when Oliver only ordered fries instead of a burger and fries. Paring: Oliver/Sam. Hints of Sam/Andy.

Pairing: Oliver Shaw and Sam Swarek.

Rating: T

Word Count: 729

Disclaimer: I do not own Rookie Blue.

Friends are those rare people who ask how you are and then wait for the answer.


"Hey, Sammy."

Oliver quickly noticed how Sam and Andy dropped their hands from one another. He always knew those kids would be good together.


McNally quickly said her hello before disappearing to go meet up with Traci before parade.

Sam watched her meet up with Traci before turning back to Oliver. "Shaw."

Oliver looked down at his feet, a little sway. "I need to run something by you."

Sam's eyes widen for sarcasm, "Go to the strip club again?"

Oliver shook his head, "Wish."

Sam nodded knowing this was probably more serious. "On shift sound good?"



Sam decided to drive because he could tell Oliver had too much on his mind.

"What's up, buddy?"

Sam had even taken Oliver to his favorite burger joint only to be met with a simple fry order. Something was up.

Oliver looked out the passenger side window, "About Zoe."

Sam looked over to Oliver, "And?"

"We're taking a break." He air quoted break to make it seem less of a problem than it really was.

Sam bit his inner left cheek, "Wow."

Sam had known Oliver and Zoe since Academy days and they had always seemed to have the perfect life and marriage. Sam had always been a little envious.

"Yea, you know. The usual, you work to late. Take to many shifts. Can you at least pick up the girls?" Oliver said this while counting the problems on his right hand.

Sam just kept nodding, "Had no idea."

Oliver agreed, "Haven't told anybody. Thought I try it out on you."

"Feel special, Shaw." He patted his heart with a little bit of sarcasm, but not as much as he would usually give out.

"And look. I know you and McNally are," Oliver paused thinking of the right words, "In that teenager phase of the relationship-"

Sam stopped him, "The what?"

"The teenage phase. The one where you think no one knows about the two of you, but secretly you have sleepovers every night." Oliver told him knowing his stuff.

"McNally and I are just hanging out." Sam rushed out.

"Oh yeah. She's your girlfriend."

Sam shook his head, "She's not my girlfriend."

The word girlfriend came out long and paused because he knew he was actually lying to himself.

Oliver nodded, but cracked a smile. "Sure. Okay. So you don't mind if I crash at your place and we hang out every night, while I'm there?"

"So basically this whole conversation was for you to ask to crash at my place?"

"Exactly, my brotha," Oliver tried the new lingo in the world, but paused before saying, "But I know you'll probably just be hanging out with McNally at her place."

Sam smiled, "Just for you we can hang out tonight."

Olive cracked a smile of his own, "I feel special now."

There was a lull of silence in the car before Sam said, "We will go eat at McNally's though tonight. She's a good cook."

Oliver smiled, "The boyfriend thinks she's a good cook."

"Shut up."

Author's Note: Hope you all enjoyed this! Oliver broke my heart last episode. And Sam's face at the end? Also, Gail and Nick...I ship it, but I love Chris. This show makes me have so many hurts. Anyways, hope you all had a great weekend! Please review and leave some feedback!