A/N: An idea that wandered around my head for a bit. Honestly, Sakura isn't one of my liked/tolerated characters. She really makes me realize the phrase " You don't know what you've had until it's gone" ya know?
Petty hatred aside, let's see if I'll be able to convince myself that maybe if something gave Sakura a HARD KICK IN THE ASS she would've been a lot more useful or serious. Hope you all will enjoy this as much as I've had thinking about it! Maybe I'll even have a few art pieces to go with the story as it goes along!

On with the show!

The difference in power between the two combatants were as clear as blue sky. This kusa kunoichi was clearly still toying with the remaining male fighter of Team Seven, Uchiha Sasuke. But she will regret doing that now. The disadvantage of being overpowered can now give Sasuke the upper hand.

" I've only got one shot at this " Sasuke thought as he quickly swiped his hands across his body, dragging out what hidden weapons he had on his body. His right hand held four kunais between his fingers with a fifth between his teeth and his left holds a slowly spinning windmill shuriken. With a mighty jump he launched himself from the branch and unleashed the weapons within his right hand. The kunoichi swiftly dodged the kunai in a snake-like manner as Sasuke swung around a tree and launched the windmill shuriken in his left hand.

" Anticipating where I will move next and aiming for a critical hit. Not bad. " she thought as she jumped over the windmill shuriken and shifted her upper body to avoid the chakra enhanced kunai Sasuke had thrown shortly after.

" So young and he can see so well! Wait, isn't this... " her observation was too late as the windmill shuriken came whizzing back towards her head. " Sofuushasen no Itachi! (Triple Windmill Blade) "

From Sakura's point of view the following head jerk of the kusa-nin was all she needed to shout! But then the kunoichi slowly turned her head to reveal the windmill shuriken between her teeth.

" Reading all the places I could run and attack from where I cannot see..." She could honestly agree as to why Sasuke was the rookie of the year.

"My my, so close." she said as she saw a smirk appear at the corner of Sasuke's mouth.

" Katon: Ryuuka no jutsu! " the wire caught in Sasuke's mouth conducted a burning red flame as it blazed towards the kunoichi's head! The scream that followed was surprisingly pleasant to Sasuke and Sakura's ears. Sasuke released the jutsu, trying to catch his breath as the kunoichi's head dropped and sizzled but she still stood.

" Your ability to wield the Sharingan at such a young age...You truly are the man that carries the blood of the Uchiha." the deep tone of a man suddenly came from what was thought to be a kunoichi.
He lifted up his head, and to Team Seven's surprise it appeared to be that the face of the woman was a mask. The fire technique had badly burned it and charred off bits and pieces over the mans left eye. The opening revealed menacing yellow eyes that glare at them. The shape of his eye was surrounded by purple make-up and was a complete contrast to his very pale and nearly white skin.

"Just as I expected...I want you, Sasuke Uchiha." his hand slowly made it way to his forehead.

"It's that paralysis again! Avert his gaze!" Inner Sakura shouted to herself as Sakura quickly focused onto the mans collar bone.

" He didn't notice...stay still and play the emotion." She couldn't believe her brain was creating a game plan for her to act on now all of a sudden. She may be the weakest of the squad, but she could at least do something! She quickly glanced to the left of her to see Sasuke paralyzed with fear. Damn, he didn't see it coming...

"It was such a fun time testing your powers Sasuke. You two truly are brothers, but there's a power in your eye's that certainly surpasses Itachi's." Sasuke's body jerked at the mention of his brothers name! If he wasn't so stunned he would've charged at the mysterious man.

" Just who the hell are you?"

" I am Orochimaru. And if you want to see me again, survive and pass this exam..." the team's scroll that the man known as Orochimaru took from Naruto's pouch now rested in his palm, slowly being charred by a burst of flame.

"But first, you must defeat my pair of genin, The Sound Trio, before any of that can happen."

"Like hell we'd want to see your face again!" the pink hair girl said. Her sudden anger seemed to make her shake less...odd, but that doesn't matter. She stayed out of the entire fight, there is nothing she could do. Orochimaru brought up his hands into one of his personal variants of the tiger seal in order to begin his juinjutsu.

" Hehe, I wouldn't be so sure..." Suddenly the pale mans neck stretched in an inhumane fashion and darted towards them. Suddenly, time seemed to stop as Sakura was quickly pulled into her mind by her inner persona.

" He wants Sasuke! Now's our chance! Whats the plan? "

" I-I don't know. I don't know anything other than basic academy jutsu's!"

" Have...Have we really been sitting back and letting Naruto-san and Sasuke-kun do all the work? " Sakura would've felt even more ashamed if it were anyone else asking that question. At least it will remain in the confines of her mind.

" Wait, Naruto-san?"

" Oh did you really think I wouldn't give him a bit of credit for standing up to this mysterious nin without a doubt? You really don't know yourself, Sotogawa-chan" Inner Sakura said with a victorious grin as he counterpart blushed.

" W-Whatever, I've got an idea." Sakura boasted as Inner Sakura quickly stood up straight as the thought ran through her.

" A kawarimi (Substitution) sounds good, but how will you switch out Sasuke for wood. I'm sure Orochimaru will be able to identify the wood immediately and switch targets...Unless-" Inner Sakura was shocked at what her outer shell was thinking. It was crazy indeed, but it might give them another chance.

"Let's just hope we can handle the pain." Sakura said to herself as she stretched out her hand.

" Let's indeed Soto-chan! I'll do my best blocking your pain receptors!" Inner Sakura gripped her counterparts hand with an unknown strength and shook it. And just like that reality started to pick back up again as Sakura's eyes became glued to Orochimaru's flying, bare-fanged head. Her hands swiftly went through the motions for the kawarimi.

" Add more chakra! You're dealing with a living object! " and with that bit of knowledge she repeated the first set of hand signs at a slower pace.

Orochimaru was closing in on his terrified target. Oh how wonderful it will be when this is all over.

" The mighty sharingan will be mine! " As his head neared Sasuke's neck, he saw the girl stretch her arm out to him and shout. Whatever it was wasn't as important as this moment. Orochimaru sunk his elongated snake-like canines into Sasuke's neck!

" Hahaha! Yes! My plan is-" Why was Sasuke's skin pillow soft and smelled of cherry blossoms all of a sudden? The snake sennin's eyes moved to see his victim to be the pink haird girl!

" What? How did she use such and advance kawarimi? Damn, now what is she doing! " Sakura wrapped her hands around Orochimaru's head tightly and winced as his teeth dug in further.

" Fan girl strength pedo-hebi! " shouted Inner Sakura who was quickly hushed by a mental cry.

" S-Sasuke-kun! A-ttack now!" she strained out as Orochimaru wrestled for his head to be free.

When the hell did Sakura turn into this? Was Naruto's little showcase so inspiring that she grew a fine pair as well? You know what pair I'm talkin' about too! No matter, she's finally putting that brain of hers to use. There was no way he would be able to lesson the damage of an attack or even dodge. Sasuke was surprised to see that the switch had gotten his body out of the man's paralysis.

"Hang on Sakura, This'll finish it!" This time, he won't restrain his dragon flame jutsu. Sasuke began to work through the handseals with renewed speed and vigor as he inhaled deeply.

" Katon: Ryuuka no jutsu! " and with that very cry, the enhanced fire technique politely took the shape of said animal and charged at Orochimaru's still body.

This girl, Sakura, was smart. Interestingly smart and very daring for such a normal genin who's only real redeeming trait was that she was good on paper, but not practical. But Orochimaru wasn't known as the snake sennin for a reason. The nerves in his neck were stretched out, making reactions with his body during this juinjutsu slower but not impossible.

" You will pay for this little girl. You wanted to save Sasuke from this, so you shall die by it. Omoi no Juin. (Seal of Mind, will explain in the End Note)" He injected his chakra into her system and activated his jutsu. There will be no need for the persuasive parts of this seal, she would be dead as soon as he marked Sasuke and left. Sakura placed all of her attention on restraining the snake sannin's head to realize the invasion in her chakra system, but her inner mind did.

"S-Soto-chan! " Inner Sakura's slight distraction had cost her dearly as the waves of pain she was trying her hardest to prevent through now washed over her like a raging tsunami into Sakura's head. Sakura's scream of pain nearly broke Sasuke's concentration, but this is what she did this for; to take down this freak of a ninja.

" I'm sorry, Sakura." the flaming dragon neared it's target as Sasuke saw the body slightly wobble and narrowly dodge the attack with a jump. Orochimaru withdrew his neck mid-jump and spun around a branch before perching himself on it.

" No! Sakura's sacrifice will not be in vain! " Now was not the time to be experimenting, but Sasuke was running low on chakra and he couldn't afford to be picky. " Rock Lee, let's see what you can do for me." Sasuke's sharingan began to spin and with a sudden rise of dust, he was gone.

" My my Sasuke-kun, your friends sacrifice themselves for you and you run awa-" suddenly he felt Sasuke's chakra underneath him.

"Shut up!" Sasuke interrupted Orochimaru's verbal jab with a swift and hard kick to his jaw sending him rocketing skywards. He flexed his upper body forwards to crouch on all fours and jumped after Orochimaru with another cloud of dust. As Orochimaru reached the peak of his unintentional flight, he once again found Sasuke behind him.

" Kage Buyou? (Shadow of the Dancing Leaf) Can he open the gates? " a palm to his back and a spin to the left denied that theory as Sasuke's leg followed with a wild swing which the snake sannin easily blocked.

"Too easy Sasuke-ku-" Orochimaru was cut off by Sasuke's right hand slamming into his throat from the other side that adjusted his course back onto the tree. It was then quickly followed by another whirling punch into his stomach that sent him further down. And before he hit the ground the only thing he was able to see was Sasuke's heel flying swiftly into his abdomen as he smashed into the branch! Sasuke was able to rebound off of the last hit and jumped onto another branch. He was really tired now. He had no idea how Rock Lee was able to perform that launching kick and follow-up with the Kage Buyou and still seemed ready to dish out more punishment.

" That should do it...I can grab Naruto and Sakura and make a run for it. " he thought as he glanced at Naruto's unconscious form Sakura had pinned to the tree during his fall. Then he looked over to Sakura's body lying terribly still on he large branch they both had previously occupied. He crouched down to make the jump over to Sakura but something grabbed his arm.

" Interesting move Sasuke, but no more games. You willbe marked!" How the hell was he coming out of the tree?

" Wasn't he..." Sasuke quickly looked over to where he thought he had laid out Orochimaru to see a pile of mud. Sasuke was powerless to stop the sannin from biting into his neck and doing what he did to Sakura.

"You will seek me out to gain more of my power Sasuke. Only I can help you obtain your dream" Orochimaru said as the Ten no Juin (Seal of Heaven) appeared on Sasuke's neck.

"Uhg! What did you do to me!" Sasuke grabbed at his neck and screamed.

"Enjoy my parting gift Sasuke-kun. Until next time." and with that, Orochimaru vanished into the trees. He could feel his old apprentice nearing, she doesn't need to know about this just yet.

Words could not begin to describe the amount of pain that man had just inflicted upon Sasuke. It was as if something was trying to tear itself out of his body. With one pain-induced punch to the branch beneath him and a blood curdling cry, Sasuke welcomed unconsciousness.

Silence fell onto the forest of death as the members of Team Seven remained dead to the world.

A curtain of pink rose up and surveyed the area...

Night had quickly fallen after Orochimaru's skirmish with Team Seven. It had been rough due to her sore muscles but she managed to drag her teammates to a tree that had been hollowed out underneath and rested there. Luckily, very little medicinal work was needed. Naruto only required a few bandages and Sasuke had a few bruises on his chest and stomach, much to her delight.

But she wasn't as excited as she thought she would've been when she lifted up Sasuke's shirt. That mark on his neck...it was in the same place as hers...but her mark had three ' L ' shaped hooks. She grabbed a small mirror out of her pouch and looked at the spot on her neck through it. Her hands thoroughly rubbed at it, hoping for it to rub off. She sighed when it didn't but after the fifth time what should she expect?
Sasuke's moaning alerted her as she quickly placed the mirror onto the ground and reached for her water container.

" He's been having a high fever ever since... " she strained the warm water out of the towel and added some more from her container before she placed it back onto his head. She placed the back of her hand to her neck.

" So am I?...Soto-chan? " Sakura thought as she entered her owned mind. There she lay, the Sakura that was supposed to be out in the world. Shifting periodically onto her sides trying to ease her pain. After Orochimaru had branded her she's been unconscious since and Inner Sakura suddenly woke up in control of her body.
Her mind returned to reality as she quickly grabbed another towel to place onto her forehead. She sighed in contentment as she laid against one of the trees large roots and picked up her mirror, she still couldn't believe what had happened the first time she looked into the mirror. Her eyes. Those large emerald green eyes were now an odd reddish pink...

"I hope this isn't permanent..." she brought her knees up to her chest and rested her head which immediately jerked back up. Someone or a squad has entered her field of chakra. She herself still couldn't thoroughly explain where the sudden boost had come from but she was able to expend it in ways she previously thought she couldn't! Her scouting range wasn't exactly good being her first try, but she could at least go out 12 meters with her control.

" They're within maybe 3 meters of my traps. " She isn't as nearly as accurate as any other tracker nin who has been training their ability since discovery. The intruders hadn't made a single move since they entered...they were watching her.

Tsuchi Kin, Abumi Zaku and squad leader Kinuta Dosu sat outside of Team Seven's current campsite.

" Hmm, so that's Sasuke" Kin said

" So what do ya say we just take him out now?" Zaku said rubbing his hands together with a slight metallic clanging.

" We'll attack at morning. But if the others get in the way, they're free game." Dosu gave the order as Zaku and Kin nodded and they vanished. Sakura released a breath she didn't know she had held and draped the kunai between her fingers. A throb of pain made her drop the kunai and quickly placed her hand over the seal to try and somewhat soothe the pain.

" Damn, this is more trouble than it was worth!" True enough. If Sasuke's attack had killed Orochimaru she wouldn't have minded bearing a mark of victory. But then again it would remind her that she didn't do squat until the end. Sakura gritted her teeth as the pain died down with a small outburst of purple chakra. She grabbed some bandages and wrapped them around her neck to cover the seal.

"I'll make you pay for this Orochimaru...for Sotogawa too!" she said to no one in particular as she closed her eyes and returned to her position against the tree. Resting her eyes and mind, with her chakra alert to the world.

Hours Later

She was pissed! Damn seal kept eating at her all night! It was hard enough not going to sleep already eighty percent there. Well, at best the seal made sure she didn't go to sleep. At all.
A ray of light caressed her face as she looked through the openings of the roots.

" Morning already." she sighed. Her fever went away but Sasuke's remained.

" Guess you were able to hold out a bit longer before he got you...I'm glad I was somewhat useful to you Sasuke-kun. " she smiled to herself. That smiled quickly turned into a scowl as the familiar chakra signatures from last night returned.

" Great. Just great" Sakura said as she caressed her seal through the bandages. She silently grabbed a kunai and waited patiently for the moment to strike. Within the dead silence, a squirrel made it's way into her team's little place of refuge.

"Sorry, but get out!" She threw a kunai at it with no remorse as it scurried back outside of the hole, then she threw another to redirect it from one of her traps. If she wasn't so cranky maybe she would've care but she couldn't afford that right now.

" Ah! Here they come... " the Sound Trio finally left their hiding spot. She remained still as they landed just a meter away from her first trap.

" Looks like someone didn't catch much rest last night" That comment made her want to punch whoever said it in the teeth. She slowly turned her head and glared at the trio.

" It's them. The one's from the new village, Otogakure! " she would definitely remember the mummified man. The way he managed to attack Kabuto was still mysterious.

"No matter. Wake up Sasuke-kun. We want to fight him" Dosu said as his head shifted to the side in a crazy manner.

" Sorry. Sasuke won't be awake for a few more hours. I thought the people who gave him the weird mark would realize that." Sakura said rubbing her neck once again. This reminded her of that lazy guy on Ino's team, Nara Shikamaru.

"Maybe you guys can tell me why someone like Orochimaru is here for the chunnin exams?" Sakura said as she partially turned around to have a better view of the teams position. The shock that was plastered over their faces was also a sight to behold!

" What could that man be planning..." Dosu thought as he felt Zaku stir.

"You know that much already. We can't afford to let you go. I'll kill you, and then Sasuke's next." Sakura glared angrily and Zaku but remained still.

"Be patient Zaku." Dosu said as he took a step forward and inspected the ground.

"A recently overturned rock...different colored dirt...grass shouldn't grow here" Dosu lifted up the top layer of Sakura's contraption. Shit, that's one trap out.

"So that's why she used that second kunai to redirect that squirrel" Zaku said perched up in the tree to Dosu's right. Dosu leaned his head in the other direction to his left and gave the order.

" Kill her. "

The Sound Trio leapt towards Sakura. Whom could only smirk as she cut a strand of ninja wire that swung loose a large log!

"Another trap from above! Damn!" The log was about to slam into the Oto-nins until it exploded in the middle, letting them through.

"As if that would work..." Dosu said in a bored manner.

" Just a bit closer... "

"A weak and talentless girl like you shouldn't mess with guys like us. People like you don't get far without hard work."

"If you guys are talented them I'm content with where I'm at!" Sakura said as she cut another line. Logs shot up out of the ground towards the sound team.

"Really? More logs?" Zaku said, then he heard a sizzling sound getting louder and louder as the logs made their way!

" Shit! Zankuuha! (Air Cutter)" A blast of air flew out of his hands and collided with the logs as they exploded. The shock wave managed to send the sound team back into Sakura's trap Dosu had unearthed earlier! Luckily Kin had managed to strap enough ninja wire to the tree Zaku had sat on to pull them over the hole.

"Okay. You're clever. I'll give you that" Dosu said as he dusted himself off.

" Damn! Another trap wasted! Well, all that's left now is to figure out what that girl can do..." Sakura thought through clenched teeth as a blur of green appeared before her.

"If it weren't for your team mates jutsu you all would have been finished. I think Sakura-san clearly outsmarted you." the green clad teenager stood as he got into his favorite fighting stance. His right arm stretched out and slightly bent with his palm facing the sky and the other rested firmly behind his back.

" Wait! That's..." Sakura thought happily at the thought of back-up!

"Who the hell are you?" Dosu stared at the newcomer.

"The Beautiful Green Beast of Konoha, Rock Lee!"

Dosu could only glare at the boy as Zaku and Kin corrected themselves. The explosive tags got to them more than Dosu, so now they stood with a small shake.

"It's good to see you. But why are you here?" Sakura questioned as she eyed Lee's form.
" I wonder if I can learn that taijutsu style...without getting the green spandex!" she shivered slightly at that thought and Lee's statement brought her out of that frightening day dream.

"I will always appear when you are in trouble." Sakura blushed lightly. The boy truly meant that?

"Hehe, well thank you. You've saved me the trouble of having to go three against one!" she got up and rolled her neck, messaging the spot under her bandages as another outburst of chakra made it's way out with a small throb of pain that died quickly.

"Are you sure you can fight Sakura-san?"

"Oh I've been waiting to get at these knuckleheads since last night!" Another outburst of chakra...

"Che! Zaku, you can have Sasuke-kun. I'll take care of these two!" Dosu tossed the Earth scroll back to Zaku and charged at Lee and Sakura.

" Thick 'brow looks like he knows his taijutsu...This should be fun." Dosu easily avoided the kunai Sakura had threw his way with a jump and was prepared to strike Lee who suddenly reached into the ground and yanked out enough of the tree's root to block Dosu's attack.

" Damn! Lee's really strong!" was the thought that ran through Sakura's head as she saw Lee perform such a task with little effort.

"I've seen your attack before. There is no simple way to dodge such a trick." Lee said as Dosu backed away from the unearthed root.

"In order to protect Sakura-san I have no choice...but to crush you all at full power."

Nara Shikamaru was in the middle of Ino's 'Sasuke is the best EVER ' seminar after he told her that the only weak team besides them that they hoped to find was Team Seven.

"I mean yeah, Sakura and Naruto most likely suck but Sasuke's a genius!"

" Who knows. Even a genius can crack under the pressure of the real world" Shikamaru said as he folded his arms. Ino had sent him a look that said ' Reword that sentence or I will fucking KILL YOU' which he immediately recognized seeing a similar look on his mothers face on numerous occasions.

" Ok, ok! I'm sorry I upset you!" Shikamaru submitted with a nervous sweat drop. ' Geez, say anything negative about Sasuke and she flips...'

"Come on! There's no way Sasuke could lose. Sakura, yeah. But Sasuke? Nooo!"

"Hey check it out, Sasuke's knocked out cold!" the other self proclaimed ' chubby' teammate, Akimichi Choji pointed out. Ino turned around giving the same glare she recently gave Shikamaru to Choji, but then.

" And Sakura is fighting!" That shocked the hell out of Ino.


" Gai-sensei, I'm going to use THAT technique here!" Rock Lee thought as he unwrapped some of the bandages around his arm. He crouched down and made a single handed seal, opening the first gate. Dosu was closing in on his target as he suddenly vanished!

"What? How?" Then in a flash he found himself being lifted into the air by a powerful thrusting kick from underneath him.

" Lee's fight has got everyone's attention! Time for me to move!" Sakura thought as she vanished in a burst of unknown speed. Zaku noticed Sakura's disappearance a bit too late.

"Shit! Does she know the same maneuver?" His eyes quickly scanned his surroundings. A pink flash appeared before Kin and planted both of her feet into her chest sending Kin rocketing back into a tree. Sakura quickly dashed after her as Zaku wondered who he assist first.

" Tch! Kin got caught off guard! But Dosu can't defend himself like that!" he performed a series of hand seals and pushed his hands into the dirt before blasting his Zankuuha towards the spinning pile-driver that was Rock Lee and Dosu! They crashed into the softened earth and Rock Lee bounded off of Dosu's body in a crouch, catching his breath. Surprised developed on Lee's face as Dosu pulled his head out of the ground!

"That's a real terrifying technique you've got there. Even this much damage on a sponge of dirt..." Dosu pulled the sleeve over his metal encased hand.

"My turn." Dosu charged at Lee once more and with Lee's current condition he would have no choice but to dodge the physical portion of Dosu's attack. Lee felt his entire world jolt as he dodged Dosu's punch.

" If your moves are at high speed..." Lee's vision began to swim " then ours are at sound speed. I'll show you a wall that no amount of hard work can surpass." Lee had to grab the ground in order to somewhat stabilize his perception of the world, which was then closely followed by him vomiting.

Sakura and Kin were currently trading blows with Sakura in the lead by one deer kick to the chest. Kin should be able to quickly overcome this simple seeming style but her opponent was just a bit faster than her so she had a better chance to recover. A loud cry from Lee distracted Sakura and that was all Kin needed as she grabbed Sakura's long hair and twisted it in her hands, bringing the girl down with a small cry of pain.

"Hahaha, don't tell me you were planning on becoming a sexy ninja?" Kin suddenly stiffened when Sakura no longer resisted to her hands in her hair but pulled strongly at it again to get a reaction, none came.

"...Let go of my hair"

"Heh. If you have time to treat your hair you have time to train. Girls like you give kunoichi a bad name!" Sakura gritted her teeth as she pulled out a kunai. The damn seal started throbbing again!

"Final warning! Let. The Hair. Go." Kin scoffed. " Like that'll do anything against me in this position."
' Sorry Soto-chan, she made me do it' Sakura swiftly cut loose the bundle of hair that Kin had been holding onto like a security blanket. The sudden shift sent Kin off balance and Sakura took full advantage of that with a quick turn and jammed the kunai into Kin's stomach. Jagged lines began to spread over her the left side of her face and arm as Kin coughed up blood and fell onto the floor. Sakura stood over the girl, an aura of power flowing from her body as a dark green chakra with slivers of purple swirled around her as if it would lash out at anyone nearby.

" You wouldn't listen..."

E/N: And that's the end of Chapter 1 of my first Naruto story! Hope you liked it so far, I typed this all in one night! The color of Sakura's eyes is still a mystery to me so I may have to do a bit of testing to see what shall fit with the the current changes and the ones that may occur later.
Now I know you're wondering why I gave the chakra of the seal a different color. Orochimaru gave her an incomplete seal. Let's just say that the manipulative portion of the seal determined to color of the chakra. If they user succumbed they will be blessed with Orochimaru's strong purple chakra. If they didn't yield, the chakra would hurt like a bitch to use until they did. But if the manipulations were never there, who can say what happens!

Oh! And that 'Deer Kick' Sakura used on Kin? Stinkmeaner Tom from The Boondocks. 'Nuff Said!

Also, longest chapter ever written! Over 5,000 words! Vhat Da Fack! coughcough PSWG coughcough

Omoi no Juin, Seal of Mind– After doing a bit of research on what curse mark I should give Sakura I found out that Tayuya's mark was believe to be the Curse Mark of the Mind and that fits a lot better than using Kimimaro's seal, the Chi no Juin/ Seal of Earth even though it's the opposite of the Heaven Seal. I mean really, why would Orochimaru waste a good seal on something he thought would quickly die?

Sotogawa -Translates to 'Exterior'. So Inner Sakura has been referring to Regular Sakura as 'Exterior-chan'! And Sakura will no doubt refer to her as Uchigawa. Which if you cant translate by context clues means ' to use google '.

Please comment and review. I really want to know what people think about this story before I progress any further with it.

Stay safe you guys!

~ Speed Ke'Dai