"And then he greeted Death as an old friend, and went with her gladly, and, as equals, they departed this life."

Molly had listened intently to the story without asking any questions. She was surprised how clearly he spoke when he told stories compared to the horrendous stutter he would have the rest of the time.

"What became of the three afterwards?" She asked, "Who was that man with Death? What happened to Death's gifts?"

Abel was about to answer the question when Cain cut him off.

"Death's gifts became the legendary Deathly Hallows, passed down, lost, and stolen for generations. Legend has it, if you possess all three you would become the Master of Death. As for all your other questions, they are mysteries and secrets. Things that neither of us are obligated to give away."

"What happened to Alberen?"

"He lived," answered Eve, "He married his love, they had children, and those children lived. And like Ignotus gave Alberen the Cloak of invisibility Alberen gave the Cloak to his youngest son. And that son gave it to his, and so forth."

"Quit trying to give stuff away!" Cain shouted. "Sometimes you're worse than my idiot brother."

"Hm hey, I duhdon't give uh every thuhthing away. I um didn't tuhtuhtell her abuhbout thuhthem working uh huhhere, um did I?"

"Now you did, you twit! You are the keeper of the House of Secrets, why can't you keep any secrets!"

With that, Cain dragged Abel to another room. Molly heard Abel screaming while Cain was yelling at him. Then there was a horrible noise, and everything went silent. Cain came out, wiping the blood from his hands and the rest of him. Molly stared wide-eyed and returned to sipping her tea nervously. In real life she would've freaked out over someone killing his brother in cold blood, but this is a dream. People react to things differently in dreams.

Molly was starting to feel her vision of her dream start to blur as she was regaining consciousness in the waking world. Eve placed a hand on Molly's shoulder.

"Come on, Molly." she said, "I think that potion is starting to wear off."

"But what about my story!" Cain whined.

"Another time, dear. She needs to go home."

"Alright, next time I'm telling her the story of the wizard with two hearts and ten lives. Perhaps that will keep her dreaming."

"Goodbye Mr. Cain." Molly said drowsily.

"Goodbye little witch, goodbye mother."

"I'm not your mother." Eve snapped.

"You're everybody's mother." he smiled while wiping the blood off his face.

Molly and Eve made their way back to Molly's dream. They made it to a bridge when Molly started waking up. The last she saw in the Dreaming was three black birds on the bridge. The looked and acted so familiar to each other, one might think they were brothers...

Molly woke up in the infirmary. It was the middle of the night. No one was there except for the handful of ghosts that worked/haunted the medical wing. She pondered on the dream she had. They couldn't have been the Cain and Abel, she thought, and that couldn't have been the real Eve. Could it? She shrugged and looked at the mountain of gifts her housemates had given her. What attracted her attention the most was a book that sat under some boxes of chocolate frogs. She took the book from under the boxes and looked at it.

The Tales of Beedle the Bard.

She opened the book and looked at the table of contents. Her eyes widened when she found one particular story.

The Tale of the Three Brothers

She turned the page and started reading while eating a box of jellybeans. Her forehead wrinkled as she read.

"That's not right," she said to the book as if it were a real person. "That's not right at all."