Title: The Dursleys and the Death Eater

Disclaimer: I own none of the characters, settings, etc. they are all owned by J.K Rowling and co. I am making no money out of this so please don't sue me, as I have no money.

Spoilers: All just too be safe and also coz I'm lazy.

Rating: This is mostly for the later chapters.

1 // //: Someone's thoughts


3 Chapter One

Severus Snape appeared on Privet Drive shortly after sunset, lost in his own thoughts,

//Why the hell do I have to check on him? The headmaster knows how we get on with each other….Minerva would be a much more suitable choice……damn him for making me do this //

He walked down Privet Drive looking at the small uniform houses in disgust

//God I cant believe Potter lives in one of them, I thought he lived in spoiled splendour, then again this is a Muggle house, this might be splendour to them//

When he reached number 4 he knocked on the front door and heard a man shout from inside " Someone get the door…NOW" No response was heard, but a few minutes later, at long last, the door opened and there stood Harry Potter himself, looking much worse than he had at the end of the school term 2 weeks ago. Severus stared at him in shock as he took in the bruises, limp and probable broken bones…. "Potter, good God what happened to you?" he said, the concern evident in his voice.

Harry just stared at him as though he might disappear if he blinked, before finally saying "P…………..Professor?"

Just then a yell was heard from further inside the house, "BOY, who is it and what do they want?"

Harry blinked and hesitated, he was about to answer when Severus put a hand on his shoulder. "Let me handle this" he said softly and stepped inside to meet the owner of the voice that he had already heard too much of.

* * * * * * * * * * *

To Be Continued

Please review, comments, suggestions, flames are all welcome just let me know what you think

A/N: Yes I know the chapter is short but they will get longer and I will update soon if I get reviews, hint hint!