-Summary: Sixteen years after being divorced Tony finds himself dealing with the fact that he now has a high-strung, rebellious sixteen year old the world dazzled by Tony Stark will he be able to protect the world be everything of a good father or will things spin out of control with an old and new enemies rising to power. Iron Man two spin off.-

I don't own Iron Man. Just throwing that out there. The amazing Stan Lee does.

*mumbles lucky bastard under her breath*

Anyways hope you guys like it.(Chapter 1 is 15 years before the first Iron Man but the rest of the story is set after the first Iron Man. )

". . . And you are both absolutely certain that you want to go through with this?"

Both of their lawyers stood from their seats after getting the go ahead from their clients. All of this was almost over for all of them. Not just for their clients but for the entire world that at that very moment was waiting for the decision of the most well known couple of the century. To many it was heartbreaking; to others they seemed to make it as a bigger solution then a problem. But for the two people who sat in that room, it was the one thing that would change their lives forever.

"Yes your honor. Tony Stark has agreed to go through with the present errr, actions."

"And my client remains pressing forward with the separation."

Tony couldn't help but glance at her. The love of his life, the only real woman in the world that ever understood him, for who he was. Not only was she one of the sexiest women on the planet, she was a fast talking, confident, intelligent babe! Not to mention she had a personality of both a genius and a superstar. Making everyone who saw her fall in love with her.

Much like him, well the genius part anyway. Everything he did she was always right there beside him, weather it was construct new weapons or pulling the scotch away from him. She loved him for him not just for the wealth, fame and mind.

He turned away sighing softly and taking a rather big swig of whiskey.

He blamed all of this mess himself, he had pushed her away and every time she tried to get back in he would only push her farther away. Afraid he would hurt her in some way. That's when the fights started; it never got physical, though she came close a few times. It went on like that for months then they started sleeping in other rooms of the house barley saying a single word to each other. Then the final straw for Juliet, he cheated on her with some random chick he didn't even know after getting beyond drunk at some wild party. She pressed for divorce, unable to handle it anymore.

He watched her again for a second, knowing that this would probably be one of the last times he would ever see her. He took in every feature of her in. From her flawless skin and long light brown hair, to her body that would make god himself drop his jaw.

"Then by the state of California I hereby grant thus legal separation granted."

Both lawyers nodded and Juliet's immediately began to grab the papers and stuff them into a brief case as the press inside of the room began to go crazy. Snapping pictures left and right trying to get a glimpse of both Tony and her. He tried to walk over to her but between the press, security and Rhodey blocking him from her it was impossible.

"Rhodey seriously, I can't go and speak with my own wife. . . "

"Ex-wife now Tony."

He grunted at his comment refusing to just let her leave, he knew Rhodey was giving him a death glare but like usual he just plainly ignored it.

"Whatever, now if you'll excuse me I'm gonna go over there and win her back!"

He pushed and shoved his way through his security, press, her security and more press and more security. Following her as she walked down the steps of the Los Angles Court House. He quickened his pace and stopped just a few steps directly in front of her and her lawyer's limo, blocking them from entering.

"Jules just let me explain. We can talk about this like real sophisticated people can't we?"

She glared at him making him shiver slightly. What was with this woman that scared the hell out of him so much? Was it the fact that unlike most she would throw his sassy ass comments back into his face and would one up him every single time making a comeback? Or was it the fact that deep down she was holding back an inferno of rage, sadness and hate (all towards him no doubt) that if he pushed the wrong button she would explode and unleash her wraith. Probably both.

"Coming from the man who acts like a child!"

He shook that one off as well. What's was people and their remarks today? Tony thought to himself.

He could tell she was irked, but not pissed for some strange reason. Yet.

"Come grab a drink with me. Talk this out over some coffee."

"Since when have you ever drinked coffee at three in the afternoon?"

She made eye contact with him for the first time all day. Those beautiful eyes, a deep blue. He always did find blue eyes sexy.

"I can start."

She chuckled and shook her head pushing past him but he yet again stopped her, this time by grabbing her hand softly.

"Let go of me before I let Carlos at you, Anthony."

He scoffed at his birth name and glanced nervously at Juliet's head body-guard.

Carlos . . .six foot 'eight, two-hundred fifty pounds with two percent body fat. This guy could put body builders in their place.

This wasn't the guy you wanted to piss off, in any way. Apparently his now ex-wife hired him shortly before the court date as protection from both the media and other people she didn't want to see.

"Get lost Stark."

He smiled at him as he took a step towards him and patted his shoulder.

"Nah I think I'm pretty good."

He glared at his comment and shoved his finger at Tony's chest.

"It wasn't a question."

He ignored him and Juliet made her way towards her limo that would take her to the airport. He had to stop her, he had to.


He stopped and grasped her hand taking one last time look before she pulled away.

"This is the last time you will ever see me Tony. May god have mercie on your soul, you'll need it."

He grabbed the door as the doorman went close it.

"You know I'll track you to the corners of the Earth if I have too. I won't let you throw this away."

She ignored him as Carlos came up from behind him and slammed the door shut. Forcing Tony to jump ever so slightly.

"You came so much as a mile near her Stark. I'll make sure you regret it. Got it?"

He smirked.

"Sure thing tough guy."

He watched as Juliet rolled down the window staring at him before twisting off the beautiful platinum ring on her finger and nearly threw it into his hand. That was the final straw for him, he had just lost her.

"Goodbye Tony. . ."

The limo slowly pulled away from the curb and away from Tony. He couldn't help but just stand there staring out as the love of his life disappeared from view. Rhodey and Obadiah approached him as the media began crashing around him.

"Come on, let's get out of this hell hole."

Juliet couldn't help but fight the tears from her eyes. Her assistant, Monica (though everyone called her Tweety for some strange reason) instantly handed her a tissue that she used.

"You deserve so much better miss."

She wiped her eyes sniffling softly as she did. Juliet was never really a crier, but to this sitituation the moment fit.

"I know, but what he did. I couldn't raise my child in that environment. The alcohol was bad enough but that party and that . . . that. . ."


She nodded at Carlos who sat directly across from her, finding the right word to define the woman that Tony had slept with.

"I can understand that, does he know about you . . ."

Tweety issued down towards her stomach that held Tony Starks unborn daughter. Two months, and she still wasn't showing so much as a bulge. Perfect to hide to from the media and Anthony.

"No and I plan to keep it that way. She will never be anything of his . . ."

Her voice cracked slightly and there was a silence before Carlos broke it, again

"What're naming her?"

She looked down rubbing her belly softly. Many had crossed her mind but there was one that had come to her mind the greatest.

"Danielle . . . Danielle Evans."

A/N: Not sure if I want to continue of this one or not, but depending on how many people really like this story I might. After I finish at least one of my other stories. Seems I start all of them before I finish them all, XD oh well. Anyways hope you guys like it, and easy on the flames. Constructive criticism is accepted but to a degree. Read and review and all that good stuff.