Okay, I made a HUGE mistake last chapter, as some of you already seen. Diddy was the one suppose to be stabbing Dixie, and WARIO was the one who heard DIDDY'S wild screams, not Diddy hearing Iggy's screams. The reason why I made that mistake is because, last night, I was writing that chapter AND a chapter for Teketeke 3 at the same time, and the chapter for Teketeke 3 had a similar scene to the one in the last chapter, which confused me for a minute so therefore, without even realizing, I wrote Iggy's name in Chapter 9, when it should've been in the chapter for Teketeke 3. Sorry for the screw-up, lol. Anyways, this is the final chapter you've all been waiting for.

Wario ran to the hallway and stopped when he got near Peach's room. He started breathing very heavily and was scared to death and in panic mode. He knew Dixie was dead. He knew that Diddy would come for him next. He knew that only he, himself, can get out of this.

"Wario!" Diddy yelled and walked fast toward him.

"Why?" Was all Wario could utter out of his mouth.

"Why? Huh, well I guess if you MUST know...I did it purely out of fun and strategy. I wanted to see if I could ACTUALLY kill a living person. So I devised my plan to kill off my least favorite people, since I knew I wouldn't handle everyone off as it would get too tiring. Fortunately for me, I killed 5 people! Ha, and Dixie was sooooooo confident that she was gonna get a higher bodycount than me and I didn't even plan on Birdo getting caught in the explosion but oh well, the higher the bodycount the better!" Diddy explained the whole way with a smirk.

"How could you...all my friends..." Wario stuttered.

"Ah ah! Remember, I didn't kill ALL your friends...only 5, remember? But anyways, let's look back on all of them shall we? Let's start with Daisy. Ugh, what a total bitch, she was always complaining, loud, and annoying and a total tomboy! I'm glad I killed her off first, she would've been complaining and crying all night and ugh...I would've gotten a major headache!" Diddy said.

"But, she isn't THAT bad though! I can't believe you would kill her because you thought she was annoying!" Wario yelled, raising his voice.

"What can I say? I have issues. Moving on...Mario! Remember when we were in the dining room after Daisy was killed? Mario said to me that, 'what if your girlfriend is suspected of being the killer', and then right after that, he was dead...from that point forward, I KNEW it had to be Dixie. The look on her face, looking to Mario is forever burned in to my mind!" Diddy said with a freaked out look.

Wario replied in silence and stared at the ground.

"And Toadette...eh, to be honest, I didn't really care whether she lived or not. If she hadn't had gotten killed in my trap, then I probably wouldn't even have bothered to kill her anyways. But at the same time...I guess I'll admit that she was too innocent to be killed and she was only just a kid and she will never grow up to be the woman she always wanted to be..." He said, staring at his knife.

Tears started falling from Wario's eyes yet again. He couldn't believe how true that statement was.

"And Luigi, oh boy!" Diddy laughed. "I don't know about him...I thought he would be more emotional but I guess he tried to stay strong as he could. I don't really care that much about him..."

"He always lived his life in his brothers shadow..." Wario quietly said, still staring at the ground.

"Yup." Diddy quickly replied. "Now, to Yoshi...damn, I seriously wanted him to survive! But of course Miss Bitch, Dixie had to ruin it all. Not a very good girlfriend, don't ya think?"

Wario replied yet again in silence.

"Huh, speechless, eh?" Diddy said in a quirky way. "Anyways, Birdo...ugh, I never liked her in the first place. She thinks he's got it going on or whatever. I'm so glad she got killed in the 'hopeful' explosion, as I couldn't think of another way to kill her."

"I hate her too..." Wario said, still looking at the ground.

"I know." Diddy replied. "And Goombella...oh my god, she was seriously the most nosiest and the most annoying of them all. This is the only time I'll thank Dixie for having that damn dog kill her. I hate bitches like her..."

Wario shook his head in annoyance.

"Heh. Now Peach...she was definitely attempting to be the ring leader of the group, what the hell was her problem anyways? She didn't even seem to care what was even happening, it seemed like she was more worried about herself, than everyone else. And last but not least Dixie...oh man! She killed all the good people! Well except for Peach and Goombella of course, but still, those four were the ones I wanted to let them leave alive! I DIDN'T want them to die!" Diddy explained quickly while walking slowly back and forth.

"Yeah right! You probably just wanted to torture them just to entertain yourself!" Wario yelled in instant rage.

"That might be true. But then I realized that...what would be the point in torturing someone if you aren't gonna kill them? Seriously, have you seen how ridiculous those Saw movies are?"

"Bullshit! How do I know you aren't lying just to make yourself feel better?" Wario screamed.

"Oh gee, I dunno, maybe it's cause I CAN'T THINK STRAIGHT? You have never watched a slasher movie in your entire life, have you?" Diddy laughed again and rolled his eyes.


"WHO WAS THE ONE WHO KILLED EVERYONE'S FAVORITE, YOSHI!" Diddy screamed back. "Who was the one who killed a hero that everyone loved? Who was the one who killed the girl that everyone looked up to and respected? And who was the one who killed probably the most smartest goomba in the Mushroom Kingdom?" He repeatedly yelled.

"I...I..." Wario stuttered.

"Sigh...look, I'm tired of dealing with this. So let's get this over with. I'll give you a minute head start and then I'll hunt you down and find you and kill you, kay? If I don't find you in 20 minutes, I'll allow you to leave and you'll be free to go." Diddy said with a weird smile.

"But...why are you trying to let me live?" Wario asked.

"Because you are the sole survivor! You were MEANT to be the hero! You were meant to be the one who makes it through and knows how to handle almost everything! Why can't you realize this!" Diddy said faithfully.

"Why the hell do you think this? You SERIOUSLY think you know every single thing about me?" Wario said.

"No...but I can sense your inner strength. I can sense your will power..." Diddy said while staring drectly in to Wario's eyes.

Wario then instantly ran down the hallway because he wanted to get the hell out of there fast.

"Heh, nice move..." Diddy whispered.

Wario continued to run to the courtyard door. He kicked open the door and immediately saw the devil dog sniffing near the fountain. The dog's head immediately turned to Wario, and started barking his head off and ran at him.

Wario stood there, but as soon as the dog got even an inch to him, he jumped incredibly high in the air, over the dog, in to the courtyard, and slammed the door shut. The dogs' barks were heard from in the house.

"Take that." Wario whispered. He then jogged to the very tall gated fence, and then quickly started to climb up it.

Inside, Diddy slowly started to walk to the courtyard.

"I have a feeling this guy just might survive..." He said while still walking.

He then saw the dog at the end of the hallway, sniffing.

"Oh no...not him..." Diddy whispered high in panic.

The dog quickly noticed Diddy, and immediately started barking his head off, and started to run towards him.

"NOOO! YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME, WARIO!" Diddy screamed in sheer panic. He ran to where the basement was, but slipped right outside the door and fell to the ground and hit his head.

"Ugh, here comes the pain..." Diddy said in a low voice, as he did not even attempt to get up. The dog ran to him and started biting his arm vigorously.

As Wario was climbing down the fence in to a forest area, he heard Diddy's screams from the dog attacking him. He tried to ignore it as best as he could. He dropped to the ground and started running for his life.

An hour later, Wario was walking and limping incredibly slow on a side of the road. The sky was more bright and it was 7 in the morning.

"Home...must get home..." Wario repeatedly said as he was incredibly tired and could fall asleep any minute.

As he was walking, he noticed Luigi's destroyed van, covered in debris and ash. He attempted to ignore it and continued walking.


"A grisly series of murders in a mansion formerly owned by Luigi Mario has costed the lives of 9 people, including a Birdo who lost her life in an explosion of the van she was in, only a half mile away. The sole survivor of this is Wario Wario, brother of the infamous Waluigi Wario. Wario had explained that the infamous monkey lovers, Diddy Kong, the brother of Donkey Kong and Dixie Kong, Diddy's girlfriend, were oddly the cause of these murders, but he had explained to us that Diddy had killed Dixie, but a ferocious dog who is currently not known to be owned by anyone, had attacked Diddy and tore his insides out. Friends and family are devastated to what happened to the 10 people and the mansion is now up for sale. More on this after the break." Said a toad reporter lady.


Finally the story has ended. Thank you to everyone who has been following this. Tomorrow, Teketeke 3 will be uploaded and In the Town of Silent Hill is going to be written by my friend from gamefaqs, who will join the site very soon and will be submitted on his account. The reason why I'm having him write it is because I just can't handle all of these fics at once, and I don't want to be stressed out, you know?