Disclaimer: Sorry but I don't own Stargate (although I wish I had one), nor Harry Potter.

Chapter 2

Daniel looked back at the strange people that had nestled a way into his heart by their kind and nurturing nature.

'Courage in the face of the unknown. Be strong, be brave and, above all, be yourself.'

The phrase that he came to cherish through all his life, that held him strong and le him to his path on history from his young age at the orphanage echoed in his head steering him to pursue his curiosity rather than allow it to muted.

Pushing aside the churning feelings within him resembling that of a scolded child he forced his gaze away from the now visible floating city to address the Nox.

"We … I apologise if we caused any offence. It's not often we find others with … this..." Daniel murmured trailing off as he failed to bring words to describe this wonder.

Attention now diverted from the massive big floating city of tech-stuff, Jack decided that he should probably explain whilst Daniel remained out of commission.

"What Daniel's trying to say is that you're the first bunch of people that haven't been completely overruled by the Goa'uld. I mean if you had this technology why didn't you help them?"

The Nox continued their calm nurturing expressions that seem to bore into their beings before the other members of their small tribe appeared and the elder turned and waved his hand to which the city vanished once more. He turned back to SG:1 and replied in a clam voice yet hinted to an iron-clad resolve.

"The Nox are a passive people. We do not engage in wars, and while we regret the damage being done, we are not what we once where. We belive, as with all natural order, eventually a new force will come to return the order and upon that time we shall again offer refuge but now is not that time."

He gestured to the stargate before continue.

"It is time for you to go. You are young and have much to learn, but fear not as we all have much to learn. The path before you has only just begun but I believe it is a good path should you have the courage to walk it."

Getting annoyed at the cryptic answers and desperate at the loss of great allies he made one last plea.

"Come on! The Goa'uld will stop at nothing to destroy and enslave what they can – and you're just going sit hidden away? Can't you at least give us a few hints or something? Anything? I mean these are the guys that built the stargate!"

Jack paused when he noticed many of the Nox twitch in some manner. Naturally not in any large way. Yet to the trained eyes that Jack has had to rely on far too often – it was noticed.

The Nox seemed to look a bit out of focus and the child between them kept looking between the members of his family. SG:1 stayed quiet as they believed the family were communicating telepathicly. Anxiety on the rise in hopes that may yet get some form of help or support out of the Nox.

As one they seemed to turn before Lya surveyed them and began her response.

"Please understand that we are a peaceful race and could not bare harming another. As such we will tell you a little of our history and the history of this galaxy before you leave. The truth can be far more than any piece of technology." She gave them all a look that somehow made all of them remember their grade school teacher. Caring but firm and not to be messed with.

"The Goa'uld did not build the stargates. The Stargates existed long before the Goa'uld and even before our friends and allies arrived in this Galaxy.

Several Million years ago we were not alone. We had grown in this galaxy mostly alone. But not unaware. There were another race of being, somewhat more primitive than us but mostly quite different. It was the differences between our thinking that caused the most issues but we lived in peace with our associates from another galaxy.

The Asgard lived in their home galaxy Ida, and continue to do so, yet we maintained limited contact. Not long afterwards our closest allies appeared in this galaxy. Fleeing from their brethren, with whom they had a dispute with, they arrived in our galaxy seeking friendship and knowledge.

Vastly superior in the knowledge and technology they made quick contact with our people, and soon friendship. Their ways also attracted the Asgard and soon they too were friends.

I believe that these people are currently refered to as the Ancients. They are also the gate builders."

The group were amazed by this flood of information Daniel started stuttering trying to work out which question, of the millions buzzing around in his head, to ask first. Jack beat him to it.

"Ancients? They called themselves the Ancients?!"

Jack looked astounded as he tried to grasp the concept that not only some people but an entire race liked being called old. A traitorous voice in the back of his head reminded him that, for all intents and purposes, he came from planet dirt.

Smiling at Jack being just plain Jack, Lya offered him a smile and decided to tease him a little with his own game.

"No. They would call themselves theAnquietas, to which Ancients is a fair translation for."

"Anquietas?" murmured Daniel. "Anquietas. Anquieta. Anquie. Antique! Antique! It's latin! Well a form of it. But it's possible. Maybe? But how? Did the Ancients ever settle in Rome? But then what happened in regards to the Goa'uld?"

Offering a smile Lya explained.

"Yes. They did stay on Earth at one stage but there is more to this history than I have finished explaining."

Blushing a little Daniel's head went down and before giving her a slight nod of apology and that she should continue. She smiled and went back to her explanation.

"As I mentioned before the ancients brought the Asgard and us together in friendship and alliance before they start terraforming the planets. While seeding the planets through terraformation and placing stargates on them, their activity attracted another race. This race, called the Furlings had traveled a long distance from a dying galaxy.

They were kind people met with hard times trying to build the technology to escape the terrible fate of their galaxy. As such they appealed to the warrior people that are the Asgard, yet their kinda nature also made us strong allies.

It was at this stage we united and became stronger together in peace and learning.

Over the years others were drawn to us. Some in peace and others not. Yet we strived forward together unhindered. The Ancients took a particular liking to your planet. They found beings evolving much like themselves and were able to push the genetics along a similar path as their own.

It ended one day were a disease struck the ancients. It was unusual given their abilities and technology – yet they were still unable to combat it. They did the best thing that they could and fled to another galaxy. They abandoned many of their projects and bases by doing such but perhaps saved their race because of their speedy actions.

Unusual distortions in space and time from the collapsing near by galaxy that was once the Furling's home interfered with communications to the ancients.

A little while later the Furling home world exploded from what is believed an energy experiment gone wrong.

The Asgard retreated back to their home galaxy again until they came across a fierce enemy to which they still fight.

It is in this abyss that the Goa'uld took advantage of. They also discovered many of the technology and bases of the ancients and were able to engineer many of their technology from those pieces.

It is a sad ending for this path but only if you count it as an ending. With the emergence of the Tauri, a new player has entered the field. It is up to you now to complete this path."

The group stood in solemn silence for a moment before Jack turned and looked each of the Nox in the eye. Feeling the weight mounting on his shoulders already he spoke.

"We will do our best to bring peace back to the galaxy. I understand what you mean about us being young. We are young and we make mistakes. But I'll tell you what. We're a quick learner and we never give up."

Lya smiles and nods at them before turning and walking away. Soon the rest of the Nox follow and vanish.

Jack looks at the group of men and … woman... before him before turning to the stargate and collecting the gear.

"Dial it up."


28 years

"I DON'T CARE!" screamed Aries, trying to throw all of his emotions out through his voice.

Janus stood there unmoving and unblinking. There were afterall 139 instances of similar emotional break downs. By his calculation soon Aries shall throw various items at him. A pointless endeavor as they passed right through him but one that seems to work better at calming him down than explaining that point.

"Calm down Aries. You must continue so that you are prepared."

It is fortunate that the Janus interface is capable of repairing damage within the facility. Else Aries would be more so uncomfortable with his stay when yet another chair flew through the hologram projection of Janus.

"As I have said before. You can not leave until the ancients come back for you. You are our legacy. As such you may spend you time how you wish but I would suggest trying to distract yourself by learning. By trying mental challenges."

"What's the point."

"The point is that the future needs you."

"Going somewhere?"

Daniel looked up to see Jack hovering at his door.

"Oh Jack. Umm.. Yeah. I've been researching some of the origins of Latin and the beginnings of ancient Italy seeing if I can trace back the ancients.

You see the Ancients seem to speak something similar to latin and when looking though history I'm wonder if they we in fact the 'road builders'. You see the -"

Jack's eyes began to glaze over as the movement and sound kept coming from Daniels mouth making the entire room pale. Realizing that he was about to fall asleep he decided to get Daniel back on track.

"Daniel! Traveling."

"What? oh. Well there's a convention on ancient Rome artifacts in New York this weekend. Sam and I are heading over to see if there might be anything interesting. Plus there's a convention on faster than light travel that Sam is interested in. Err... Would you like to join us?"

"Right... Umm.. I think I get enough of watching you look at rocks so I'll pass. You enjoy your weekend .. thing... I will..." Jack pauses as he tries and think of something he could do this weekend. A twitch appears on his mouth and a glint in his eyes as he works out something to do. "I will introduce Teal'c to the wonder that is the Simpsons." With a grin, Jack walked off ignoring Daniel.

Daniel shook his head and began to go back to packing his bag but as soon as he started a knock brought his attention back to the door.

"Should I be worried that Jack just walked away with a big grin on his face?"

Daniel looked at Sam for a moment before replying. "Umm... Probably. Just keep an eye on Teal'c. I think he's about to experience Jack's version cultural experiences."

Sam nods knowingly. "So are you all packed?" She asks while casting an eye across the books, papers and open suit cases.

"Yeah I'm just finishing."

"I'm excited with this upcoming convention as there has been rumours of a break-through being announced in the quantum entanglement seminar."

"Sounds exciting."

"Oh no."

"What?" Sam asked in surprise. Daniel seemed to have greatly enjoyed his journey through the ancient artefacts of Rome. She had to admit that she too was excited by not only the buzzing atmosphere but also the possibilities of finding evidence that there may have actually been other aliens who lived on Earth. Ones more knowledgable and powerful than the Goa'uld.

The reasonably sized convention hall had masses of people – tourists, professors, archeologist and frantic students trying to get extra marks were all moving around looking at the exhibits. One particular man, slightly balding with pudgy stomach and yellow teeth was laughing boisterously among a crowd of academics. He also happened to be the man that Daniel was partially glaring at.

"That's Richard Hed. He was – well let's say – one of the more vocal archeologists against my theory about the pyramids being alien landing areas."

"Oh..." Sam looked downcast for a moment as she understood his pain at knowing some amazing knowledge and being unable to part with it. She to had her peers that believed she had suffered a mental break down and thus why she was unable to come up with any new thesis. She hoped that one day they- wait...

"Richard Hed. Richard... as in shortens to Dick in slang?"

The sides of Daniels mouth twitched as he nodded. "Yes... most don't seem to pick up on that for some reason."

Sam's mouth twitched. Then her eye. She prided herself on her calm and logical nature. But this was pushing her limits as she tried to contain that laughter born from a slightly vindictive nature enjoying the payback at this person who made Daniels life hard.

Daniel looked away from Sam who was struggling to contain her laughter, afterall, if she laughed he would as well. He did, however, suppress a groan when he made eye contact with Di – Richard Hed and saw recognition spark in Hed's eyes.

"Well look who it is. Dr Dan-alien Jackson. I didn't know the coliseum was another landing pad for the aliens. Or are you confused about what is fact and fiction again? I saw a few 7 year olds running around here before, maybe they could explain it to you?"

"Ahh.. Hed. Yes well you never know but I don't think that's likely. I'm just looking around."

Daniel turned to leave only to have Hed continue talking.

"And who might this lovely lady be?" Dick said while shining his mood lighting yellow teeth at Sam.

Sam promptly introduced herself as 'Sam' the astrophysicist.

Hed laughed before his eyes lit up with an idea and he walked back over to his stall and dug through his bag to find something.

"Part of this alien thing love? I'm sorry to say that it's just silly mistakes taken to the extreme." Finding what he wanted he pulled out a small dusty object before holding it out to them.

"Here's a lesson from a real archeologist, love. This here is an 'unusual' item with 'alien' writing that was pulled out of the recently collapsed statue of Aries along the ancient grounds at the formation of Rome. Not only is made of perspex (plexiglass) but it also has the ancient latin name of "Harry" in it on modern day cloth. An obisouse sign of aliens from our past with modern day names and fabrics – or it's some tourist's stupid trinket that got wedged in there during the excavation."

He rolled his eyes before noticing something out of the corner of them. Swiftly he strolled over to the salt water marine aquarium along the wall as a visual appeaser. Inside the fish tank lay a small treasure chest half open.

"This, as with all of Dan-alien's treasured work needs to go sleep with the fishes." Hed ends his remark with a smirk on his face an a mental pat on the back for such a witty line. He drops the trinket into the fish tank and watches it swiftly fall to the bottom and stay there.

Immediately Daniels eyes narrow. Sam rolls her eyes and attempts to push Daniel away from the grinning fool but Daniel moved around her and headed to the fish tank. When he reached it his eyes widened a bit before a smiled. Reaching in and quickly plucking the object off the floor of the tank and turning it around his hand a few times, taking in the details.

"Thanks. This was just what I was looking for."

Walking off, Daniel ignored the jeers behind me an the confused face that Sam was giving him.

"Okay, I'm lost."

"Salt water tank."


"It's not perspex. Perspex floats in salt water. It's not glass or it would have cracked under all that stuff in his bag. Plus. I recognise this 'Alien' language. Don't you?"

Daniel handed the object over to Sam for her inspection. Sam stared at the 8 symbol gate address before her before she really studied the piece.

"Okay. This is not any compound that I know of but I can't be sure. This nearly certainly proves that aliens were in Rome and had a time machine or that we had a time machine and went back an planeted it because that fabric looks pretty modern for 10,000 years. Why 8 symbols though?"

Daniel took back the offered object as they headed out of the convention to get back to SGC to run tests on this new discovery.

"Well I'm not sure. I'm hoping that you might know."

Sam opened and closed her mouth before a glazed look entered her eyes for a few moments.

"I- well I have some ideas but I won't know until I can get to the lab and test some of these ideas."

They walked in contemplative silence for a few moments.

"So Dick Hed just gave away possibly one of the archeological biggest discoveries in the history of our planet?"


Both Sam and Daniel laughed whole heartedly and completely unrestrained in new vigour.

"So you're telling me that this address is to another planet in another galaxy?" Inquired General Hammond as he and SG:1 sat in the conference room. Glancing around the room you could see both Sam and Daniel buzzing with delight while Teal'c looked on with a slightly weary but accepting look. Jack looked happy at the General's clarification.

"Yes, sir! ah.. well no sir."

"yes? no? Captain could you please explain your brief, briefly."

Blushing Sam nodded before thinking for a moment. "Well What I meant is that the address we have written down is for a planet that was in another Galaxy. But by our calculation and analysis we believe that this planet is actually in our galaxy and we have an address for it."

"That's great! No really. But why exactly are we so interested in going there? I thought that there were like a million top priority things for us to do first." Jack said, perhaps slightly annoyed that the 15 minutes of confusing diagrams and big words could be compressed into two sentences.

"If I understand Captain Carter correctly, then I believe it would be of great benefit to travel to this planet. If it is indeed correct that the Ancients visited this planet first before coming to Earth and hiding this object in sacred areas, there may be much to gain." Teal'c raised an eyebrows to express his excitement at the possibility of meeting the beings that had the Goa'uld confused for millions of years over how their technology worked.

"Errr Right! Sounds good." Jack said, clapping his hands together before leaning in his seat and looking at General Hammond to give his verdict.

"Very well. I'll schedule the next probe to be sent through later today and you'll go through tomorrow. Dismissed." General Hammond said as you stood up and collected his files before heading out to make the arrangements.

125 years...

What looked like a young boy was hunched over his latest project. He had long since given up hope for freedom as such he busied his mind with inventing. Improving and testing the limits of what he knew for it was the only thing different he could do. Fortunately this facility was perfect for experimenting, learning and creating new ideas. Of course it's primary object was to keep him safe, even from experiments that went wrong. No matter how wrong he made them go...

He was currently hunched over designs to make a significantly faster hyper drive but it used time distortion which would kill any living being within it's field through dramatic aging before it could even move but a moment. Considering combating the effects directly would make the system unstable yet he was considering neutralizing their effects through a wide area suspended animation system that allowed relative movement.

"Materialize a suspend animation pod within the hyper time vortex animator. Don't forget to add a basic time and biological detection sensor in the pod before running a test micro jump and relay the results back to the comm. "

"Certainly Arizz#it#zz# Aries."

"What was that?"

"I apologise. There seemed to be a malfunction with a security perimeter via a sub-code algorithm exception. It appears to be hidden deep within my coding and I don not have the ability to remove, fix or work around it. It should not inhibit or effect your experiment and has been deemed no security threat to your person."

Aries narrowed his eyes. He could sense something was wrong and the system protocols were not allowing it to be hinted. One benefit of this system is that it could not lie - of course that didn't mean it could make you assume something else.

"What exactly does this glitch cause to happen or not happen."

The system analysed potential response based off history logs and personality profiles. It was then decided that while numerous ways of avoiding the truth were possibly, it was unlikely that Aries would stop his questioning until he got the answer.

"The glitch stops me from not being able to materialize suspended animation pods into the active areas."

Aries gasped. This was huge. This was it. Now he understood. Janus obviously made this facility as not only his personality were there but also his technology. It was obviously the large project he was working on before they left Atlantis.

But now... now he had discovered a hidden bit of code. One that would allow him to be in suspended animation. Which meant a few things.

1: Janus believed that one day he would be free of this... thing.

2: Janus was ordered by someone not to. Someone that was watching his every step. Impressive.

3: With not being able to age and not encountering any health difficulties, he could stay in suspended animation indefinitely.

But first...

He needed to materialize the suspended animation pod into the active areas. The active areas were where he lived. This is where he interacted. Food was materialized in the eatery but it was pre-set, independent and could not be used to materialize anything of benefit.

He could of course materialize things in the experimental areas but he could never access them. Normally this system was not the case due to safety, however, in his case... he could heal from anything.

Quickly before the system somehow found a loophole around the glitch he ordered it to materialize the suspended animation pod onto the floor before him.

In a flash of light the pod appeared before him.

Mind flashing through ideas, he was barely able to focus at all when the thought of just being able to sleep and tune out the world around him entered his mind.

As he neared the pod he hesitated and noticed he was shaking. Was this perhaps worse, in a way, than what he currently had? Shaking his head he turned to the system.

"Wi-Will I wake up if anything happens?"

The system looked at him sympathetically. "I must advise against this action. However, should you choose it, the security parameters would allow me to de-activate the pod should the anyone come through the stargate, any communication is received somehow, or if the facility reaches less than 10% power."

Shaking Aries nods before saying "Very well. Put the facility in minimum power mode. Wake me up under those conditions."

The sound of the facility powering down as consoles flash off and system shut down. Still enough to ensure his captivity, Aries thought bitterly.

Slowly he moved to open the pod and layed down. Taking a deep breath as the lights dimmed out he set the inside settings of the pod before it closed and he went to sleep.

"You know, next time we meet an advanced alien race, I'm going to say it's my birthday. Maybe then they won't try and kill us but maybe give us gifts."

Jack shared this piece of wisdom with Daniel and Teal'c while pulling faces at the food on his plate in the cafeteria. Teal'c gave him a curious look wondering if should tell him of his birthday that he received his symbiote.

"Yes well I'm sure the Nox would have given you a nice flower necklace, but I don't think that's what you had in mind is it Jack." Daniel said with a smirk pulling at his lips watching Jacks nose wrinkle then the pout appearing on his face.

"Hmm... maybe we could convince them that it's tradition to give one something of defensive nature so that one can survive against the Goa'uld for another year." Jack said with a thoughtful look. Maybe one day he too could become invisible. He grinned at the thought of the 'practical research' he could do in SGC and on Earth generally.

"If it is tradition to receive such defensive gifts for ones day of birth then I must make up for the birthdays of yours that I have missed. Colonel O'Neil. Come we shall do battle and I will show you the best defensive manuevers against a Jaffa warrior." Teal'c's comment was quick to wipe the smirk off Jack's face.

"Wha-What?! No! I mean. That's great buddy but you don't need to get me anything. You've done a lot... an-and because you're my partner and you watch my back you don't ever have to get me something of defensive nature. Ever." Jack shifted nervously as he hoped that he had convinced Teal'c not to beat him up.

"So Teal'c I brought in a new video that we can wa- argh!" A sudden high pitch grumbling sort of sound appeared in what felt like Jack's head. It was strange he thought. It was like some kind of high pitch squeal saying something but it also didn't feel like it was coming through his ears. Judging from the baffled looks from Daniel and Teal'c - along with everyone else in the room - he guessed that only he could hear it. Oh wait no. There's a soldier in the corner also standing up holding his head and looking wildly around.

He wish they would stop whatever they were doing down there to cause it. Wait... several levels down there... He could pretty much tell this was coming from the stargate... no... through it!

Getting up he raced to the emergency phone by the door and demanded General Hammond.

"Colonel O'Neil?"

"Shut down the gate!"

Hearing the urgency in Jack's voice General Hammon quickly ran over and grabbed the emergency shut down lever and pulled sharply.

The technicians exclaimed in surprise as the gate cut out leaving them with only a few seconds of footage and readings of an amazing room beyond the gate. Sam turned around asked General Hammon what caused him to pull the emergency release. General Hammond beckoned her to follow and they both went back to the phone where now Daniel informed them what had happened the past minute or so since the gate connected. They were ordered to the infirmary to check what happened while the gate technicians were order to go over the logs and see what occurred.

"How are they doing Janet?" asked a concerned Samantha Carter just before the entered the debriefing.

"They're fine. A little headache but just fine." Both Jack and the airman had been in the infirmary for extensive testing to which Dr Janet had grudgingly allowed them to leave under strict orders to stay on base for the next couple of days and to report anything unusual.

Both Sam and Janet entered the conference room to be greeted by Daniel, Teal'c, Generall Hammond and Jack, swinging on his chair.

"So do we have any idea of what happened?" General Hammond started the meeting with this statement after seeing the slightly concerned faces of his experts.

Sam shared a look with Janet before going first. "We don't know. As far as our sensors can see nothing came through the stargate other than the signal back from the probe. No radiation, or anything. Even if something somehow came through, I can't see how nor why it would only affect Colonel O'Neil and airman Smith."

"I think I can help with that Captain Carter." Janet interrupted as she could see her friend was concerned that something had slipped through their system. "At first look we can't see anything wrong. when we looked closer we could find some interesting things. and when we looked even further, we again found nothing.

It seems that both airman Smith and Colonel O'Neil both share an extremely rare gene. We checked against records and both also already had the gene when they first arrived at the SGC. There is also an increase of an unknown hormone that is a by-product of this gene. Again natural but elevated. We can also tell that it is doing absolutely nothing. There is some focus in the brain but it doesn't not seem to be affecting the brain forcefully but is actually being accepted by the neuron connection."

Getting the frustration out of her system at the strange results she takes a breath before looking everyone in the eye.

"Honestly, I have no idea. So far as I can tell this is acting like a sprained muscle but only in response to this gene. Nothing was added, no detrimental affects have been noticed. While I can acknowledge that something happened, I'm at a loss to explain what."

Janet leaned back showing her frustration and that she had finished. Everyone in the room took a moment to process it before their eyes moved to Jack.


"Well do you have anything to add Colonel O'neil?"

"I don't know... I guess... It's strange but it felt important. It's that gut instinct kind of thing that says I've missed something important. that how this feels. Like I missed what it was about. And stop looking at me like I'm a loony. This sound or whatever. It didn't feel like something going wrong. You know, like getting a hit to the head and the ears ringing and all that. This felt more outside. Like dogs hearing a higher pitch than humans."

Everyone sighed at how confusing the information was.

"Very well. Until we know more we will not dial that planet again."

The looks Sam and Daniel gave aside, even General Hammond felt pained at saying that.

"Alright. Daniel, dial the gate."


"We're going home. Now. That's an order."

Daniel gave a slight unsure nod as he he too was concerned with the strange people chanting "Thor" and the humming building up in the tall device before the gate. As he went to the dialing device he noticed that there was a strange blue light shining on him coming from the large hammer like device in front of the gate. Soon the light moved from Daniel and over to Sam, then Jack and finally stopping on Teal'c.

Teal'c's reaction to the light was not as pleasant. He started yelling from the pain. The light seemed to focus over his stomach and soon Jack was yelling at him to move. When it became obvious Teal'c couldn't move Jack quickly ran and tackled him to push him out of the way. What happen next surprised everyone as both Jack and Teal'c dissolved into light and disappeared into the large hammer device which powered down.

Sam and Daniel walked to where they last saw Jack and Teal'c in stunned silence. Soon they were greeted again by a local. After a while they managed to make her understand that the people taken were friends and meant no harm. They were assured that they would be safe and the journey to find Jack and Teal'c began.

Jack and Teal'c's journey was far more interesting.

In another galaxy, Supreme Commander Thor was sorting through recent data burst regarding the replicators when a notification appeared in the side of the console. Normally Thor would ignore minor breaches of the worlds he protects as the defenses he has in place can deal with the Goa'uld silly enough to venture. Yet this was concerning. The small data burst said that one of the people transported to the judgment chambers held an active and recently used ATA gene. If the Goa'uld had found a way to activate the more advanced systems of the Ancient defence system or really anything that required an ATA gene then it was something to be concerned about.

Deciding to get more information Thor tapped into the monitoring systems in place to detect what was happening.

"- the Goa'uld were warned not to come." the pre-recorded viking Thor hologram said to Teal'c and Jack, the latter of which protested.

"We're not Goa'uld!"

Thor did another quick scan and could tell he spoke the truth. Looking through the logs he could also see that this man had tried to save the Jaffa.

"Hmmm... You would risk your life for a Jaffa?" the hologram asked.

"He's different. He's one of us. An enemy of the Goa'uld"

Thor paused a moment to coming to a dicision.

"Those not of Goa'uld can leave here, those who are must face the hammer. If you wish to change my judgment you must prove you worth in my Hall of Might."

The hologram then disappeared.

Jack and Teal'c started walking through the large cavern to see if they could find a way out.

Meanwhile Sam and Daniel had gained the assistance of a past Goa'uld who was leading them back to the opening of the cave. There travels took time as the guide seemed reluctant.

When they arrived at the cave they tried to find a way in. It was not long after that they heard gun fire.

"They're in trouble!" Daniel said frantically as he tried to find some way to open the cave to the next chamber where his friends were. While everyone frantically tried to find a button or something to allow them access to the next chamber, their guide managed to open the doors through some chanting.

Swiftly they rushed in to see Teal'c charge at some reptile like creature, pushing them both into a thick archway that held a likeness to a large hammer. The archway immediately lit up with red light as both the creature and Teal'c screamed in pain. Jack, once again, pulled Teal'c out of harms way as the creature continued to be shocked before eventually the red light faded and it fell to the ground. Teal'c checked it's vitals and declared it dead.

"I can see why they call you friend now." The ex-goa'uld said while observing Teal'c.

Jack was in the middle of convincing Daniel to destroy the hammer when Teal'c spoke up.

"Did the hologram not say that you could appeal the decision in the Hall of might?"

"The Hall of Might?" Daniel queried.

"The Hall of Might is said to be a way to prove yourself to Thor and that should it be completed Thor will reveal the knowledge of workings. None have been able to complete it so far." Their guide said.

Sharing a look they decided to try this 'Hall of Might' before attempting to destroy the hammer. After a quick discussion the team decided that Jack, Sam and Daniel would head back to the village before getting the first guide, Gairwyn, that had to lead them to their current ex-goa'uld guide. The guide had opted to stay with Teal'c to talk and also provide food and support should he need it. Sam gave Teal'c some extra ammo before they headed out.

Jack, Sam and Daniel made it back into the village and updated Gairwyn on what was happening. She agreed to guide them to the Hall of Might. The team geared up and the set out again. After Daniel's witty comment on the little stand not looking very much like a hall, they entered the hall in a rather 'flashy' way, Jack complains about already not liking being teleported around everywhere.

Despite Jack's helpful comments everyone managed to make it to the last area despite some hair-raising times with Daniel and Gairwyn.

"31415.. it's Pi!" Sam shouts out with a pleased face.

"Pi? Pi! It's Pi. Wait Pi is an Earth term. We have to depict it somehow. ahhh... on the circles?"

Daniel moves over to the shapes on the far wall and feels around the circle. He noted that it was soft, sand like materials. So he quickly drew a line from the middle of the circle to the edge. The circle started to dissolve away and a button appeared behind. Daniel hesitated a moment before pressing.

"Greetings." The group gasped in surprise as the hologram of the viking Thor changed into the appearance of a oh a short grey alien that shared a striking resemblance to the Roswell Grey which Sam also mentioned.

"I am the one you know as Thor. In the ten-span since I created this planet, you are the first to complete this challenge and as such it has been deemed that you may now know me in my true form."

"These are the wise ones Thor." said Gairwyn as she bowed to Thor the alien with wide eyes.

"It can't hear you Gairwyn." Sam explained. "It was probably recorded thousands of years ago."

"On the contaray, I can hear you very well. I am currently broadcasting from my ship the Beliskar."

The four of them gaped a moment before Daniel introduced themselves before mentioning where they were from. "We're from Earth." Thor's eyes widened. "I was not aware that the people of Earth we actively using their stargate. Nor that you had contact with the Goa'uld."

"About that." Jack interrupted. "The other hologram ... thing... said that we could appeal locking up our friend Teal'c. So here we are appealing."

Thor looked at Jack before bluntly saying "The Jaffa serve the Goa'uld."

"Not this one. Teal'c used to serve Apophis but he freed us, saved us. He left his position, home and family so that he could join us. He knows the Goa'uld are not gods and the Goa'uld are his enemy." Jack said with firm confidence looking Thor in the eye.

Thor looked Jack in the eye before checking through the logs and witnessing the battle where Teal'c pushed the Goa'uld into the hammer to spare his friends. updating the settings on the protections.

"You have proven yourself and Teal'c has proven himself in the caverns. As such The defense shall not activate around him again, however, do not believe that this will be a common occurence. The exception of Jaffa will open this defensive system to vulnerabilities."

"There's no ultimate defense! Would the hammer be able to stop a missile coming through the gate or that weird energy attack that seeks people out?" Jack said in a huff.

"While I admit your missiles might breach the defense, the Goa'uld continue to use a particular compound in their explosive material that is neutralised when near the hammer. As for this 'human seeking energy attack' I am unsure of what you speak of. Of course the hammer is shielded against energy based attacks."

"Ahh I think what the Colonel means is that recently we dialed a planet and when we sent a probe through to check it out, discovered that Colonel O'Neil and another airman were suffering from some kinda of sonic attack coming through the wormhole. We were wondering if it was perhaps a warning or test since we believe it was one of the ancient's buildings." Sam summarised for the Asgard. The grey alien's eyes widened again before leaning forward in alertness."

"What was the address?" He asked. Sam quickly wrote the stargate address on some paper and showed it to the hologram. Thor then issued a command via his console to some technician Asgards to test the address with caution. A few moments later a report came through detailing that the test had been unsuccessful and analysis found the area to be without planet. Yet old archives had acknowledge the existence of a planet yet no records showed it's noted destructiojn. Strange.

"The gate address does not work. There is no stargate or planet located at this address."

Sam blushed before looking down a bit and then saying "Oh. ahh. We originally found the address on an old artifact on Earth and we had to translate the 8 symbol address from another galaxy to one that work from our Earth gate. Perhaps we made an error that was not noticed from our relative position." She then wrote the original address and showed him.

This address really confused Thor. First he was impressed that the people of Earth had been able to translate the address to relative co-ordinates. Second, it was accurate. Last, but defiantly not least, the co-ordinates originated from not only outside the milky way but also the Ida galaxies. Which meant this was something very different or it was the ancients. Thor decided to try and work out why the group before thought it was an ancient facility.

"Most unusual. You're calculations are correct which is impressive. What makes you think that this planet is an Ancient outpost?" Thor asked.

Daniel shared a look with the other before answer. "W-Well we recently met the Nox who shared a bit of the history of our galaxy, one thing we discovered is that the spoken language of the Ancients is close to one of our own Earth languages, Latin. So we researched those roots in particular and found an artifact with that stargate address inscribed on an unknown material which was hidden in one of our oldest statues.

Also, when we sent the probe through, we managed to get a little bit of video and information before we shut the gate down. The was a large room that was obviously technological yet the style is not Goa'uld, Nox or your own."

Thor looked contemplative for a moment. Before checking some information on his console.

"This is most interesting and requires more research. I shall come to Earth and run diagnostics. I shall arrive by your stargate in 24 hours. I have much to look into."

The hologram nodded before they all disappeared in white light and arrived where they were just before the hall. The group also noticed a surprised Teal'c and ex-Goa'uld guide.

"See ya? Ummm... what just happened? I have a feeling that explaining to Hammond that there's going to be a visit from a super advanced alien group is not going to go over well." Jack says with wide eyes as he tries to take in the last few minutes of conversation.

"Umm... maybe a bit worse than you're thinking. Thor said 'by your stargate' not through. I'm not sure how we could explain large space-ships in the sky..." Daniel adds in wearily. Jack gives him a 'kicked puppy' look before getting a thoughtful face and then saying.

"Training exercise?"

"I know sir. But as I said before, he didn't really give me much chance to say 'no'." Jack says while fidgeting in the stiff formal suite he had to wear.

While the team had practically run back to the SGC the Heads were all in disarray trying to work out how to properly greet, meet and contain an alien visit. People in suites were rushing everywhere. NASA and NORAD were on high alert. The president was pacing around in the pentagon trying not to have a panick attack.

"You're sure that there is no possibility that Thor could be hostile." Jack shuffled uneasily before addressing General Hammond's concern.

"Sir, I'll admit to not knowing much about the little grey guy. But what I do know says he's not. That and my instinct says he's okay." The general looked at Jack for a moment before nodding. He prepared to ask another question when a flash of light appeared and some surprised shouts along with the sound of arming guns. Running over to the commotion Jack saw Thor and another grey alien. Putting on a big smile and opening his arms he yelled, "Thor! Welcome to Earth."

The airmen surrounding the aliens looked to General Hammond for confirmation before lowering their weapons and moving quickly walked to the stargate room. Daniel, Sam and Teal'c came rushing up to meet them, along with several other officials that were sent by the Pentagon.

"Greetings O'Neil it is pleasing to see you again. It is also pleasing to see Earth's progress." Thor then looked around the procession before raising his voice and saying "I am Thor, Supreme Commander of the Asgard. This is Heimdall, our head scientist. We offer fair greetings from the Asgard."

Daniel took over from Jack to do introductions. "It's a pleasure to have you here. Um. You know us... this is of course Teal'c, our Jaffa friend. This is General Hammond, leader of this facility an-"

"I'm Colonel Maybourne, I'll be acting as the consultant between you and the President of United States." Said colnel Maybourne, strolling into the group looking all important purposefully ignoring the reproachful looks given to him by SG:1.

Thor may be alien but he is well aware of certain types of people that existed. SG:1 had proven themselves and they seemed to respect this General Hammond. For now the politics did not concern him.

"Thank you. It is wonderful to meet you all. O'Neil, would you consent to an in-depth medical scan to determine if there were any biological effects from this unknown energy." Jack shuffled a little uneasily, casting a pleading look at General Hammond before sighing and consenting.

Heimdall raised what looked like a stone in his hand which cast a green light over Jack's body. After a few moments it went away. Jack looked confused for a moment before saying "That's it?"



The two grey aliens spoke in strange bubbly like language that Daniel took great interest in. they both nodded a moment before Heimdall moved over to the stargate and held his stone control device to it. Both the stargate and stone started pulsing. Thor noticed the startled look on everyone's faces and decided to put them at ease.

"Fear not. Heimdall is checking the stargate to ensure everything is working properly and to check the logs of this strange address. Could you please retrieve the other man who experienced a reaction to the stargate." The General gave a nod to a couple of airmen by the door who then quickly jogged out of the room. Jack shuffled uneasily again. Maybourne took a breath and was about to speak before Thor spoke to Jack.

"Do not worry O'Neil. Our scans showed no issues with your biology. It was not without results though and we have a theory on the cause. Although I fear this makes matters more concerning but not for you." The group didn't know how to react to a statement like that but Jack seemed happy enough. Heimdall came back over and spoke briefly to Thor, both seemed to frown.

"Did the signal make you feel anything, O'Neil?" Heimdall asked.

"Umm... well I suppose I felt it was important... maybe.. alone? no maybe abandoned or something like that." Thor and Heimdall shared a look.

A nervous looking airman entered the room escorted by two others before standing at attention.

"At ease airman. This is Thor and Heimdall. Thor has asked your presence for information regarding the strange energy that you and Colonel O'Neil reacted to." The airman slowly nodded his head before looking at the aliens apprehensively.

"Do you consent to an advanced medical scan?" Thor asked the airman.

"ahh sure.. sir!" the airman said.

Again green light filled the room as the man was scanned. Soon it ended and the two aliens quickly discussed before nodding.

"There is good news. Our theory has been confirmed. It is surprising as we had not thought your race was this developed. The Ancients used a specific genetic marker in their genome that allows them to control certain technologies of theirs. Both these men have the gene. It is likely that the unusual energy that caused a reaction was an Ancient technology system. It may have been broadcasting on a broad frequency telepathy channel. It is surprising to see that already your people are beginning to form basic functions for telepathy." Everyone seemed surprised at that. Jack decided to just confirm that little piece of information.

"So.. telepathy as in I can read people mind telepathy." Sam and Daniel held back a smile at Jack's childish outlook - they could already imagine the mischief Jack would try with this.

"No. That is an advanced form of telepathy. This means that it is possibly for send and receive telepathic messages. The efficiency of this communication is dependant and unlikely due to the primitive nature of your species." Jack looked a little downcast before perking up a bit at what could be. Sam felt hesitant to ask the next question but felt it needed to be addressed.

"Thor... you mentioned that your theory was good for us but bad for the situation. What do you mean?"

"That is correct. The situation is not good. Ancient technology can be communicated via telepathy but for it to desperately reach out to unknown people on all broadcast frequencies shows great concern. It is highly unusual, especially after all this time. More so is that the system is still active, with power, advanced and desperate. We must determine where it is, what is going wrong and fix it. For this task we will require the aid of O'Neil. I believe that with concentration and proximity we may be able to determine what is the issue with some time and practise. We can also provide some equipment that will help refine the telepathy and guide your mind." Everyone looked around for a moment while they took a moment to process the information. General Hammon noticed that Maybourne was again about to speak so he quickly took control.

"Thank you Thor. Colonel O'Neil do you think you could do this?"

"I'll give it a shot, sir."

"Good man. SG:1 suite up and be ready for departure through the gate. Thor, Heimdall, we will be ready in half an hour, is that enough time for you to collect what you need?"

"More than enough. We will see you in half an hours time." Thor said before disappearing in a flash of light.

"General Hammond, sir! You have allowed these aliens to dictate the terms here without asking for anything in return! I have been tasked with overseeing these negotiations." Colonel Maybourne said stiffly. General Hammond offered him an annoyed look as he stopped issuing order to everyone to address Maybourne's comment.

"Colonel Maybourne, you're duty is to oversee the negotiations between the Asgard and the President of United States. When that occurs, I shall give you full run, however, the running of the facility and it's members are my concern and as such I will make the negotiations." General Hammond said in an authoritative voice before turning away from the furious Colonel and going back to getting everything under control.

30 minutes later saw SG:1, General Hammond and couple of airmen by the doors in the gate room.

A beam of light filled the room as Thor appeared in some sort of chair/throne thing, that had a desk with several stones and a small screen, that hovered just above the floor.

"Thor, I love the chair." Jack greeted with a smile while suited up in fatigues. Thor nods to Jack before explaining that Heimdall was doing some research and contacting the Asgard with the information they had.

"Alright. So what do I do?"

"Perhaps it is best to find the best way to calm and clear your mind. When the signals reaches you do not try and make them louder. Think of it as if you are in a crowded room trying to hear on person. Focus on what you're trying to hear and tune the rest out." Teal'c advised. Thor then moved a stone on his console and the gate started dialling. Jack sat on the ground with his legs bent at the knees facing the stargate with a calm look on his face. The wormhole engaged and Jack tense placing his head in his hands.

"How are you going Jack?" Daniel asks looking concerned for his friend.

"Shhhhh!" Jack hisses back.

"Ahh! errr... Somethings wrong... alone? trapped? emergence. hidden... It's hidden but then something shouldn't get out? no can't get out. Somethings trapped which is bad.. no.. it's something good but bad it can't get out... this is really weird guys. It's not words but like feels and memories... It- .. It reminds me of when Charlie got trapped in our wardrobe and was crying because he could get out. It needs someone to rescue him."

Everyone stood stunned at what this telepathy was like. Not only for the mixed emotions but for Jack to mention Charlie so publically. Thor looked at his console before speaking up.

"Our readings also suggest this is correct. A hidden facility is sending an emergency call because someone is trapped inside the facility with the ability to leave and is need of our help. We must look into this."

"Wait! You could understand it? why did you make me do this then?" Jack said while still trying to block out the strange signal.

"While we could receive and understand telepathic signals with our systems it is still a tricky but far more so is sending a telepathic message. The time it could take to create the correct telepathic signals will be significant. Please try and acknowledge that you have received the message before asking it if you have full access to the systems."

Jack nodded before he focused back on the gate. After a minute or two Jack sighed and said "I think it said full system access."

Thor nodded in agreement with what he was able to work out from the transmissions.

"We should head into the facility and see if it must be deactivated while helping the individual trapped there." Thor said before another command brought a small ball appearing in a small burst of white light. it then moved forward and into the gate. After a few moments Thor looked up from his console and declared it safe before his chair moved up and into the stargate.

General Hammond turned to SG:1 and said "You have a go. Good Luck."

The team nodded and then stepped into the wormhole.

Stepping out the other side they saw Thor a little bit further in front of the gate. They also saw perhaps one of the most magnificent rooms they had ever seen.

"Wow..." Sam said as she gazed around the room.

"Indeed." agreed Teal'c

The room, Thor noted, was very similar to the entrance of Atlantis. The dark room suddenly flickered to life as lights along the floor and steps turned on. Yet it still seemed as if all the lights had not yet fully activated. A low hum was heard below building up. Thor brought up a few scan results before commenting.

"The facility's power has been on a low cycle optimised for efficiency but now it seems to be cycling up and soon full power will be restored. This is like nothing I have ever heard of"

As Sam was observing the room, something caught her eye from behind her. "Ahh guys. Look at this."

Everyone turned to see the soft blue light glowing from the thinner, sleeker stargate.

"Now that's fancy." Says Jack as he takes in the new version stargate.

"Indeed it seems to be even more improved version than the ones I have seen previously. This is highly unusually but almost certain. This facility is new. It is not like any Ancient technology we have seen. This entire planet is cloaked with some kind of cloaking device that doesn't even allow me to send information out. Jack please verify that you have authority here."

Jack concentrated for a moment before a section of the floor near the gat moved down and a stand with a button appeared from the floor. Everyone stared at it for a moment.

"Press down on the button to claim ownership and to show command." Jack moved over to the button and pressed down wincing as history said pressing big buttons was bad. Several lights flashed but that's all that happened. The button disappeared under the floor again. Jack thought a moment about the lighting. immediately the lights turned on above them.

"Huh. Well that definitely beats the lights that you have to clap for."

Remembering why they came here in the first place, Jack wondered where the person was trapped. Suddenly he had a sense of where the person was.

"Okay I think I now know where our trapped person is and it also seems to be the control center or something."

Jack lead the group to a large room filled with consols and a large be like device. As he entered the monitors and systems flared to life, showing a mass of symbols that Thor was looking through. Looking at the bed-like device he noticed a small glass window like opening with some kind of face inside. Looking inside he sees the face of a child about 12-13 years old. His attention was drawn to a gasp from Thor.

Noticing the querying looks he was receiving, Thor decided to let them know some of what he had discovered.

"The person is a child who is age-locked at 12 years of age. He was trapped here after an authorisation mix-up when the Ancients came back to this galaxy for some reason. He's been here for nearly 10,000 years. Over a hundred of which was before he went into suspended animation. He's the last Ancient. Their legacy. The pod is de-activating. He will wake up soon."
Surprised at the information, the group quickly looked over to the glass viewing panel just in time to see bright green eyes flicker open.

WOW. Can I just say it was amazing to log on and see the response to this story. I kind of figured that I would respond to both my reviews etc but this is amazing. Thank you soooo much. Anyway I hope you liked this latest chapter... sorry if it was a bit rushed but even I wanted to get Harry and SG:1 together... Writing SG:1 stuff was interesting because I now know that I haven't got a few things right and that I know NOTHING about the army.. err.. airforce... v_v: military? lol Anyhow I gave it a shot. Also someone mentioned that I should get a beta... meh.. My stuff is somewhat understandable but if you want me to delay writing to get a beta I'll see what I can do (don't get me wrong... I know having a beta will be good but I can't be bothered to go back and re-read thus beta's are more hassle :P lol)

The abouts... okay a couple of responses here:

"Oh no! You've stopped him growing! How could you!"
Well ... yes.. and I don't think there will be a magic potion that fixes that overnight... but I will give away the ending a bit.. in the end it doesn't matter as much as one might think for one reason or another.

"Oh noo! You've trapped him and now he will go insane and drool and mumble gibberish!"
Nahh.. I'm going along the idea that an Ancient's mind is a bit more structured, the interaction with a human like interface (even if it was a machine) plus not going the full 10,000 years won't turn him to mush... that's not to say there's no damage.. far from it but not unrecoverable.

I hope you enjoyed! :D
