Author's note: To my dear beloved readers! I'm still very much alive, only that I'm suffering from writer's block due to my stressful situation these few days T^T I'm still writing my other story, only with a snail-like speed. But please be patient!

About this story, it's a collection of drabbles and short stories. Mostly for the sake of curing my writing block and throwing my random muse here and there!

Disclaimer: Vampire Knight belongs to the almighty Matsuri Hino-sama! If it's mine, Kaname-chama would have escaped with his dear Zerorin and live happily ever after together! T^T

Rating: T

Pairing: Kaname x Zero.

Warning: Inevitable OOC-ness, high in sugar fluffiness, Kaname is a pervert, surprisingly-swearing-but-innocent Zerorin, chapter is not beta-ed, AU and they're humans!

Chapter summary: Kiryuu Zero was buried in a pile of books for his revision. While a certain Kuran Kaname, his roommate, had a different plan for his dear Zerorin. *grins*

Feather I


The silver-haired teen's eyes twitched, but he decided to ignore the source of his annoyance and continued poking his face into piles of books and scattered papers for his revision.

"Zero..! My dear Zero..! Ze-ro-rin!~~"

The said teen closed his eyes, tightening his grasp of the book in his hands as he tried to hold his rapidly thinning patience. He cleared his throat, glaring at the person from across his single bed before shifting his attention back to his book.

"I'm going to eat you tonight if you continue to ignore me!~~"

Kuran Kaname quickly ducked a single book thrown at his way the moment he finished his previous line, grinning smugly when he effortlessly evaded the threatening object.

"Seriously, Kaname... Can't you see that I'm trying to study here? I swear I wouldn't agree to register a separate room from Ichiru if I knew I get you as my roommate instead!" Zero bat out, huffing in annoyance, puffing his cheeks slightly to control his temper.

My Zero is so cute.

"Trust me, you wouldn't want to be his roommate Zero. Trust me! And as much as I love seeing you wearing those glasses while studying, you've been going at it for 7 hours now since early this morning!" The brunet took his pillow into his arms, hugging the fluffy object tightly while faking a pouting face, gazing at his dear roommate with eyes filled with expectation.

"I have all the reason to do so! We have a fucking test tomorrow and Takamiya-sensei is going to taunt me if I didn't pass with flying colors. Plus you've been sitting in front of me since you woke up and do nothing. Don't you even study, Kaname?"

"What? Tell me, Zero. Does Takamiya-sensei have been victimizing you just because you sleep in his class almost all the time? Tell me!" Kaname suddenly jolted up from his position, voice increasing in volume just from the mere thought of his teacher treating his Zero in a nasty way.

Zero's eyes twitched yet again at the mention of his inevitable habit in class. Sometimes he wondered if Kaname was just being sadistic and reminded him of it too.

"W-Well.. Just that he's prejudice when it comes to me, even though I scored in his class all the time. But he told me that he won't let me sleep in his class anymore if I didn't score high mark this time." He murmured in annoyance, as his long fingers fidgeted with the book in his hand, shifting it from page to page.

The last time Takamiya-sensei tried to wake him up, he had used a thick dictionary to hit the back of his sleepyhead in class. He was wide awake through the whole day during that time, dealing with his aching head. And he swear he saw a pile of thicker dictionaries and encyclopedia on his teacher's desk.

"He likes you, Zero..." Kaname said suddenly, catching his roommate's attention.

"What? Impossible, Kaname. He treats me the worst!" He retorted, flashing an irritated glare at Kaname while adjusting his reading glasses at the bridge of his nose.

"That's why he treats you differently from others, he likes you Zero. I can perfectly see that! But that aside, just remember that you're mine!" The brunet stated, eyes never strayed away from Zero as he scrutinized his reaction.

"That's ridiculous, Kaname. Why will he likes me anyway? And of course I remember that I'm your–.."

Zero stopped in his mid-sentence. Kaname grinned.

"Fucking scratch that! I'm not yours! And stop grinning!" The silver-haired teen yelled, hiding his face with his own fluffy pillow. Of course, Kaname caught the sight of his dear Zero's flaming cheeks.

Oh... So irresistibly cute!

"Denial is futile, my dear Zerorin."

"I'm not denying anything and stop adding stuff to my name, Kaname! And I asked you, don't you even study?" He uttered, the upper part of his face no longer hidden by the pillow, except for his cheeks and downward.

"I did, I was wide awake last night, burning the midnight oil while you're taking your beauty sleep. I thought of kissing you to wake you up, but unfortunately I fell asleep before the morning." Kaname said nonchalantly, clearly sensing the irritated aura of his Zerorin but dismissing it all the way.

His mind preoccupied with the image of the sleeping silver-haired teen, cheeks flushing slightly while snuggling with his stuffed Koala Bear.

Zero is so cute...

"I don't even need your kiss!"

"Yes, you do."

"No, I don't!"

"Yes.. –.."

"Oh... Quit it, and let me study already!" Zero threw his pillow to a side and determinedly took his notebook and wrote down a few memory-keys for his study-aid.

Five minutes passed uneventfully, with Kuran Kaname admiring the beauty in front of him while Zero tried as hard as he might to ignore the penetrating gaze from the brunet.

But the tranquilizing atmosphere didn't last for long after the seventh minute. Zero observed with twitching eyes as the piles of book in front of him miraculously disappeared one by ones. A certain Kuran Kaname was taking the effort to put the books under the bed, making spaces for his invasion.

"Kaname..." Zero spoke in a low volume, his voice threatening.

"Yes, love?" Kaname replied with a smile on his face, while he proceeded to put the book away.

"Stop, it."

"No." Another book was put under the bed.

"I said stop it!" Zero ran out of his patience as he roughly grabbed the book from the brunet's grasp, whining slightly when Kaname didn't let go of the book. In fact, the brunet was grinning the whole time.

"Give. It. To. Me!" The silver-haired teen yanked the book away with all his might, until Kaname lost his grip on the book and fell backward from the sudden loss of force. His head bumped with the metal leg of Zero's bed with a loud 'thud'.

Zero's amethyst eyes widened as Kaname remained motionless on his side, on the floor after the collision a moment ago.


In a matter of second, Zero rushed to Kaname's side, kneeling on the floor while positioning the brunet's head on his laps, searching for any sign of bleeding. He sighed in temporary relief after finding none injury.

"Kaname... Kaname, wake up, please! I'm sorry!"

He continued to massage the brunet's scalp, feeling the silky locks between his fingers. He shook Kaname's body slightly, trying to bring him back to consciousness.

And yet, he received no response. Zero's amethyst eyes started to become watery, his tears threatening to fall as he thought of the horrible thing that he did to his roommate.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm sorry." He brought Kaname's head close to his chest, kissing the pain away from the bumped spot. His lips never leaving the brunet's head while he murmured his apologizes.

"I promise I won't ignore you anymore. Please... wake up, Kaname."

The silver-haired teen closed his eyes tightly, letting his crystalline tears to fall profusely, wetting his glasses. Unknown to him, the corner of Kaname's lips quirked a little, and yet the brunet remained motionless, indulging himself with the gentle ministration from his Zero.

"Wake up, already... Please. I.. Kaname, I l-love you." Zero choked on his sobs, subconsciously letting out his love confession as he tried to ignore the heat that rushed to his cheeks. He continued to kiss the pain away from Kaname.

"I love you too, Zero."

"I k-know... So please wake.. –.." He halted in his line, his watery eyes fluttered open as he was met with a pair of dark magenta orbs gazing at him not-so-innocently, along with a smirking lips of one Kuran Kaname.

"K-Kaname! You sneaky bastard!" Zero shouted to the smirking brunet as Kaname made no motion to remove his head from Zero's comfortable laps. He let out a heartfelt chuckle after a couple of seconds later when his love interest continued to glare at him.

"I'm sorry, alright? But it's just too hard to resist when you're so cutely worried about me. Ze-ro-rin." Kaname's hand reached up to wipe the tears away from Zero's fair creamy cheeks. For some reason, the tears just won't stop falling.

Zero pried the hands away from him and hastily rushed to his bed, ignoring the lying form on the floor. The silver-haired teen buried his face into his pillow as he laid on his side in a fetal position, his books forgotten.

The brunet took the effort to sit up, his head dizzying a little for real, but he ignored it nonetheless, his attention focused on Zero's retreating form.

"Hey.. I'm sorry, alright? Come on.. Look at me." Kaname whispered to Zero's reddening ears, caressing the fine silver tresses at the same time. The strands of hair slipped between his fingers like a silk and Kaname can't helped himself but became addicted to the silky locks.

"Go away...! I was damn worried about you and yet y-you just mercilessly fake your unconsciousness."

"Zero... Zero!~ I'm sorry, alright? I'm really sorry, I'll do anything that you want. Please, forgive me..." The brunet, for once, sounded apologetic as he collided his head softly with Zero's silver-head, inhaling the sweet scent of Zero's shampoo.

"Then, shut up and do whatever you want." Zero murmured halfheartedly, his anger subsided a little albeit he was still frustrated with the brunet.

And Kaname did just that, shutting himself up and did whatever he wanted.

He haphazardly turned Zero around on his back, prying Zero's face away from the pillow. Removing Zero's glasses and putting it aside, he took a few seconds to admire the sight of the slightly teary amethyst eyes, the flaming red cheeks of the person beneath him as well as the bewildered face of one Kiryuu Zero.

Without a warning, he closed the distance between them, locking his lips with Zero's luscious one as the silver-haired teen could only gasp from the sudden gesture. Kaname took the chance to slip his tongue into Zero's wet cavern, enveloping it with a passionate heat.

Zero tasted of minty lychee, courtesy of the flavored candy that he had been munching on throughout his revision session as well as his own unique taste. Kaname never thought that the lips he was claiming currently could feel so soft to the touch, softer than how he had imagined ever since the first day he shared a room with Zero, two years ago.

He pressed their lips tightly closed together, delving deeper into Zero's delicious heat until both of them were out of air. Kaname reluctantly pushed himself away from the glistening lips, licking the trails of saliva at the corner of Zero's lips before he traveled north, to land a kiss on Zero's forehead.

Zero remained speechless as he closed his eyes when he felt Kaname's soft lips touched his forehead.

"Is that your first kiss, Zero?" Kaname acquired as he looked down at the mesmerizing amethyst eyes.

The silver-haired teen looked away to the side, with a wide spread of blush adorning his cheeks as he could only nodded his head upon the question.

"Then I'm honored to announce that you totally deserve my first kiss too, Zero." The brunet chuckled, seeing the surprised reaction before a small smile plastered on Zero's face.

Judging by Kaname's personality, he never thought that the brunet still reserved his first kiss. And yet, the revelation brought a smile to his face. At least, his first kiss was taken by a very deserving man too.

They stayed silent for a while, admiring the newly found tranquilizing moment as they stared into one another eyes. Until Kaname leaned down and whispered to Zero's ears.

"And do you have any idea that I still haven't done it with anyone else?" He whispered suggestively to Zero's ears with the husky voice of his, hoping that the silver-haired teen caught his drift.

"W-What? Do what?"

Zero's respond left Kaname with a crestfallen face. The brunet was oblivious on how innocent his love interest could be.

"Zero... When you swear the word 'fuck', do you have any idea on what does it mean? Or how it works?" Kaname inquired with a voice full of expectation. He could save himself a big time if his partner had any idea about it.

"W-Well... No? Ichiru uses it when he swear, so... it's infectious. We're twins after all, albeit I don't know what it means." He blurted out innocently. Unaware that he just put his ass in a dangerous alert situation when Kaname became unbelievably excited and aroused on how naive his Zero could be.

"We have the whole day, Zero. You studied enough, now let me demonstrate a lesson that you will remember throughout your lifetime." The brunet grinned evilly, as he trapped Zero in his embrace, placing Zero's hands at either side of his head while he hovered dangerously above him.

"W-Wha? K-Kaname.. What are you...-" The silver-haired teen flushed a great degree as Kaname puffed an air to his neck, licking the area teasingly as he sucked on a pinch of soft skin.

My Zero.. So cute, so sexy, so hot, definitely irresistible!

"Alright, Zero. We start with a foreplay.." Kaname slide his finger along the parting of Zero's white shirt, popping the buttons which flew everywhere, revealing a fair expose of white creamy skin adorned with two rosy buds.

I can't resist anymore...




The next day, both of them didn't sit for their test for a peculiar mysterious reason. Takamiya-sensei set a detention class for the two of them throughout the whole month.

"Ooh.. Zero... On the positive side, a detention class can be a good place and time for we to... you know."

"S-Shut up, Kaname you pervert!"

And so their punishments kept increasing in a drastic measure ever since they tainted the teacher's desk on one fine evening detention class.



[The End]

So, how was it? The story ends here because it's a short story. Unless inspiration struck, and I can continue with Kaname & Zero of this universe for other drabble! It's flexible, really! ^^

Should I continue with this stories compilation plan of mine? Or did I bored you out of your mind? T^T Because this is written during my writer's block, it might be terrible. I don't know. *sniffs*

And pardon me for any grammatical errors, this was written during my half-conscious state. ^^;;

Reviews will feed me with so much inspiration and lift-up the stress in my mind! Reviews make me happy, review is my Mana-Elixir. But I'm not begging for reviews. Look into my eyes, I'm not! *ultimate neko-eyes attack*

I'll add more story when my inspirations come! Tata, for now!~