Title: Losing My Kingdom and My Family

Author: RomaFelton3331

Rating: T

Summary: Sequel to Loss of a Mother, Loss of a Wife, an evil threatens the kingdom and all of its people. King Arthur has to make a choice, neither of which have a good ending. Set 4 years after Loss of a Mother, Loss of a Wife.

Word count: 1,320

Disclaimer: I own nothing, it is all the BBC's

All of the boys had fallen asleep and the knights, Gwen and Gaius sat around the fire. Arthur glanced over his shoulder at Leon's sleeping form.

"How long until he recovers?" Arthur asked the elderly physician, eager to leave to retrieve his wife but not wanting to leave Leon.

"Tomorrow, or perhaps the day after." Gaius explained looking at Leon and then back at Arthur. "My magic is rusty, sire, but I was able to find the source of the magic in his body and destroy it before it could do him any serious harm."

"Thank you." Arthur said.

Small chatter erupted between the group of seven, apart from Arthur, who sat in silence worrying about his wife and sister.

Gaius glanced over at Gwen who was sat next to Theodore and her brother. She caught his glance and nodded knowing what she had to do.

"Theodore?" she said, placing her hand on her husbands shoulder. He turned to his wife.

"Yes Gwen?" he asked but she didn't say anything, she didn't want to just blurt it out to him…"Gwen are you okay?" he asked concerned. She nodded and leaned in to whisper in his ear.

She pulled back to watch shock cover Theodore's face and her heart began to beat faster. He opened his mouth and closed it several times before kissing Gwen passionately knocking her back and almost knocking Elyan over and drawing all eyes to them.

"Get a room, you two!" Gwaine shouted and the two pulled back with red faces.

"How long?" Theodore whispered against her lips.

"Three months." she whispered back and they kissed gently for a few seconds before going in the chatter around the fire.

Merlin was knelt in front of Kai who sat in Arthur's throne next to her own empty one.

"Well, Merlin…do you have an answer?" he asked grinning evilly and she glared up at him through her messy black hair.

"No." she spat angrily and Kai leaned back into the throne.

"Put her back in the dungeons with the Lady Morgana, bring her back here tomorrow morning and we will see if she has a different answer." Kai told two of his men who nodded and forced Merlin onto her feet and took her out of the throne room and into the dungeons.

"Is there any news about King Arthur?" Kai asked.

"No sir." One of his men replied.

"Good, given time Merlin will say yes and when Arthur arrives he will see Merlin sat on the throne next to me as my Queen." Kai smirked.

Morning came around and Arthur was first awake, not being able to sleep much last night knowing his wife and Morgana were not safe. A low groan sounded from next to him and Arthur took over to see Leon slowly waking up. Arthur walked over to him and knelt by his side.

"Arthur?" the knight questioned, looking up at the king and then looking at the unfamiliar surroundings. "Where are we?"

"In the forests surrounding Camelot." Leon nodded at the answer and then his eyes widened remembering something.

"Arthur, the men that kidnapped me, they-"

"Leon, I know, they have Camelot in their control." he paused "Merlin and Morgana, the people of Camelot were safe, unfortunately they themselves…are not…they have them." Arthur explained, his voice wobbling.

Leon looked away from Arthur for a few moments and then looked back, Arthur could see the fear and worry in Leon's eyes that reflected his own.

"What about Hadrian? What about my son?" Leon asked frantically, very unusual for him.

"He's safe." Arthur assured. "So are Griffin and William, they're all here." Arthur said moving aside to let Leon see his son.

Hadrian was asleep in the many blankets that formed a bed on the forest floor, either side of him were Arthur's sons and at their feet Percival lay asleep. Leon relaxed, seeing his son safe and well. Arthur rested his hand on Leon's shoulder.

"You should rest, you're not fully healed." Leon nodded and settled back into the itchy but warm blankets. "When we gather together enough men we will claim Camelot back along with our wives."

Leon smirked and then returned to sleep and Arthur readied some breakfast for everyone from the supplies Gwen had taken from Camelot.

Morgana sat by the prison cell gate whilst Merlin sat underneath the small square window that let very little light in.

"They're cutting our food supply shorter every day." Morgana said her gaze on the outside of the cell.

"I know." Merlin said. "I'm going to have to say yes." Merlin said, her voice cracking at the end. Morgana looked over to her.

"But, you cant!"

"Morgana…if I don't we will starve."

"I don't care if I starve! And I'm pretty sure you would rather starve than marry that man!"

Merlin cast her eyes downwards. "Yes…but I'm not just thinking about me, Morgana."


Merlin stood up and so did Morgana. "If you die, Hadrian will have no mother, Leon will be left alone to raise him…if I die, I leave Will and Griffin as well as Arthur…"

Morgana nodded sadly and Merlin walked over to the prison's gate. Morgana grabbed her arm.

"How will Arthur react when he finds you as Kai's wife and queen?"

Merlin shrugged. "How would he react when he finds me dead from starvation? I just hope he can forgive me for this." she turned to the cell gate, and held onto the bars pressing her face close to them.

"I demand to see King Kai!"

Authors Notes:

So…Hi. Its been a month since I updated anything, and 2 months since I updated this story. Sorry! Its unbelievable how busy I am. Internet went out and I got it back on Monday, my laptop is so slow and I have so much school work as well as looking around and applying to colleges for next year…


Merthurfan1: Yes I couldn't have the boys harmed :') and Arthur will!

writergirl142: Thank you!

Sherlockedholmes: Thank you! I always though he was, so decided to add it in here! And im sure they will be, they are more than capable of looking after themselves ;)

bubzchoc: Thanks

saroura92: Well, 2, Arthur isn't a bastard. And well, wait and see, everything will be explained.

Lady Blade WarAngel: Thank you, and I hope you're okay now!