This is my first attempt at true, filthy, grimy smut. How did I do? *bites fingernails* Feedback is love. Huggles! Thank you for reading, in advance! It's drabble time...

From the moment she dropped her keys with the valet, second thoughts tried muscling their way into her already made up mind. She was lonely, a bit shy at times, and sex starved. She hungered for a man, hungered for a mate, and if it were only for a night, that would have to do for now. She'd been alone for too long. It wasn't that she didn't enjoy her self-imposed solitude; it was that it wasn't healthy for such extended lengths of time.

She's a plump woman who adores fit men. That's a pairing you don't see often, especially in the city which she resides: Los Angeles. Over the past few years, she's found it increasingly difficult to meet someone with whom she has both an emotional and physical connection. Nothing ever seems to fit. The men who are brave enough to approach are not what she'd want to see lying next to her or picture on top of her in the throes of passion. She wants a man specifically NOT in "the industry". The talk is boring and hyperbolic at best.

She often fantasizes about the roughneck of her dreams; a working man with strong hands that knows how and where to squeeze her. She's looking for the type of man who could lift her voluminous frame without wincing in the slightest – he'd actually beg her for such privileges to no end – oftentimes while chasing her scantily clad body around the bedroom.

Mercedes Jones had been reassured multiple times by her dear friend Santana that the man she was setting her up with would deliver. Tonight was the night Sam Evans would either be the man of her dreams or just another failed blind date by her professional matchmaking friend. It had taken Santana at least 3 weeks to get Mercedes to agree to such a meeting.

Finally resolving that she needed to step outside of her comfort zone one more time; she agreed to dinner. She couldn't stave off a ball of nerves that swelled deep within her as she readied for her date. It had been a while since she'd needed a legitimate reason to get dolled up, so she took full advantage of this opportunity. She'd been saving the-red-dress-to-end-all-red-dresses for someone special. A piece of her hoped beyond hope that she wasn't miscalculating the use of said dress, but she promised she wouldn't beat herself up if it was wasted on a dud. At the very least, she'd have some killer new shots for facebook, she mused with herself.

Her Beverly Hills boutique, Fil de Luxe, was rapidly gaining popularity among the So Cal elite and Hollywood big hitters. To say 'fashion is her life' is an understatement. Her personal wardrobe is a garish mix of the finest designs money can buy, but she herself is not garish. When necessary, she pulls out all of the stops, but it's never to the point of exhaustion. When the mood truly suits her, she won't hesitate to wear a form fitting dress and a killer pair of heels that will make every man in the room, no matter his sexual or personal preference, stop and stare. Last year during her seasonal trip to Europe, she'd found a cute French knock-off store in England called Choc & Cheese that catered to the larger woman. It was there that she found a red Herve-Leger style dress with cap sleeves. To her surprise it was a perfect fit; hugging all of the curves she wanted to accentuate and sucking in the ones she didn't. Having found herself so enamored with the dress and the fashions, she brokered a distribution deal with the owner and had exclusive rights to sell their creations in Fil de Luxe. On that same trip, she found a pair of dangerously sexy Gianmarco Lorenzi stiletto sandals in black with a mammoth, jeweled ankle strap that simultaneously screamed "watch out" and "fuck me". Tonight, with a thick shiny black belt cinched lovingly around the waist of that red dress, and stomping in those 6 inch stiletto sandals, she was a force to be reckoned with. The tops of her bountiful breasts skimmed the upper edge of her coveted plus size knock off; dually exposed and secured to allow a hint of bounce as she sashayed up the steps to Tomah-Toh.

She'd heard nothing but rave reviews on the new Asian-Italian fusion restaurant on Robertson Blvd. Santana had garnered a reservation for tonight thanks to her matchmaking skills for the owner, Mike Chang. Santana introduced Mike to his wife Tina last year and ever grateful, he promised her a reservation for her and her friends for life.

The only thing she adores more in life than a disgustingly perfect piece for her wardrobe is a decadently delicious meal. She's a creature of comfort and luxury. When all of her senses are pleased, she's as pliable as they come. The right man will instantly know how to achieve such successes.

Tina Cohen Chang-Chang was a devotee to the fashions at Fil de Luxe. The new Mrs. Chang had become a regular and quickly introduced herself to the owner. Instantly, Mercedes and one of her best customers became friends. Tina had invited Mercedes to Tomah-Toh several times, but was turned down repeatedly, to her dismay. Mercedes would have loved a new dining experience at one of the finest new eateries in town, but she shied away from dining alone. What a lovely surprise it would be for Tina, who was playing hostess for the night, (in the absence of their normal girl Sugar Motta) to see the exquisite Miss Jones sauntering up to her podium.

"Mercedes Jones!" Tina squealed. Mercedes smiled as she gestured with her patent leather Tory Burch clutch all the while trying to keep her balance in those monster stilettos.

"Hey, Tina!"

"I saw your name on the list and I couldn't believe it. What made you change your mind tonight?"

"Well, I have a bit of blind date." Mercedes said teasingly.

"Oh wow, I bet I know who he is. The finest man I've ever seen – aside from my Mikey- is waiting all by his lonesome in area 4. He's not going to know what hit him though when he sees you in that dress-" she stopped and gawked at Mercedes' feet and finished "and those SHOES! Girl, you look amazing!"

Chuckling lightly and trying her hardest to quell another ball of nerves that fought to sprang forth, she retorted "Thank you. I felt like making a statement tonight, I guess."

"Girl, you're a paragraph. No, scrap that. You're an essay!"

Mercedes giggled as she ran her fingers through ebony tresses which were parted neatly on the right side and swooped over her left shoulder with a hint of wave. She was definitely a sight to be seen. Trying not to raise her hopes, despite Tina's confession, Mercedes tried to prepare herself for a man who might not be all that he was cracked up to be physically. Tina had good taste – Mike Chang was a god of a man – but looks are so subjective ; she told herself not to be disappointed with what she'd soon lay eyes upon.

She followed Tina silently to area 4. Once they arrived at the threshold, Tina was loudly beckoned back to her station by a raucous party of foreign tourists. Quickly pointing in Sam's direction, she darted off before Mercedes could get a good look at her intended destination. The lighting was very dim from her angle…..

Sam's angle was perfect. He noticed the shoes first. His jaw clenched in frustration with every step she took towards him. She had all the right curves and she was wearing his absolute favorite color. He could see that she had a lovely head of hair with volume and bounce, and styled neatly to one side. Her wrists gleamed with diamond cuffs and her mahogany-toned skin shone even through the demure lighting. He fought back a grin as she wearily bit her lip. It was obvious to him she was a little uncomfortable, even as stunning as she looked.

Sam rose out of the plush chair he occupied to reveal his towering form. He was at least 6'3" with hulking biceps that threatened to escape the sleeves of his stark white dress shirt. He wore sleek deep steel gray slacks that hugged his muscular thighs and fastened with a medium black belt. In head to toe Tom Ford, the achingly handsome sandy blonde man was a vision to behold.

Mercedes brought her clutch bag to her chest as she stopped abruptly right in front of the towering Adonis.

"Sam?" She uttered sheepishly with a mini-smile.

"Mercedes?" Sam rang out with a vocal bass that immediately sent shivers to the aching space between Mercedes' thighs.

Holding her balance, she smiled brightly and dropped the clutch to reveal her fabulously contained bosom. Sam could feel his heart beginning to thump as she reached forward for a handshake. They shook and she sat once he pulled out her chair. As he moved to reclaim his own seat, she glanced at his backside. Those Tom Ford pants clung to his generous rump in a major way and once again, Mercedes felt tingles in a place she hadn't for far too long.

Quickly, a waiter brought menus and a wine list. Sam took the lead and ordered the best bottle of wine offered and a yummy appetizer. Mercedes already liked his chivalrous behavior and seeming idea of what foods would please her palate. She found herself getting lost in his mossy eyes. She was sure she'd never seen eyes so brilliantly green, clear, and watery before. Sam was trying to find his own way back from the depths of her steady sepia pools. When his eyes lingered on her luscious lips, she quickly took a sip of water out of stimulated embarrassment. Peering over the rim of the crystal goblet she glanced at his grand crimson toned mouth. It was wide and plush and she briefly entertained the thought of those lips mated with hers by the end of the night.

As the night went on, they feasted on delectable cuts of beef and chicken smothered in rich sauces, paired with expertly seasoned vegetables and crisp Asian noodles. When the waiter suggested a dessert menu, to Mercedes' dismay, Sam immediately waived it away. He had other ideas in mind, little did she know.

Sam paid for their meal while Mercedes made a trip to the ladies' room. When she returned to the table, he instructed her to follow him outside.

"Well, I had a great time, Sam." Mercedes began regretfully. What had she done wrong? Their conversation had flowed so easily at dinner and she immediately felt very comfortable with him, despite his heinous good looks.

"Oh, I'm not done with you yet, Miss Jones." His voice hit that lower octave once again that sent sexy shivers and tingles through her all night.

"Is that so?" She replied slowly.

"I don't know about you, but I could use some dessert."

She screwed up her face slightly. Telegraphing her thoughts he interjected "And I know what you're thinkin'…"

His Tennessee accent was now more apparent than ever and a scorching twinge lingered in her feminine core.

"Why the hell didn't we just have dessert here?" He was silent for a moment and raised a pair of questioning eyebrows.

Mercedes nodded in agreement.

"Fancy desserts are nice, but the few times I'm in Beverly Hills, I just gotta have a Sprinkles Cupcake. Would you do me the honor of sharing in some Red Velvet this evening?"

A slow and satisfied smile crept across her face. It was infectious for Sam mirrored the expression.

"That sounds delicious." Mercedes said with a touch of huskiness.

Instant desire caused Sam to crinkle his eyes in reaction to her tone; he cleared his throat forcefully in a passive effort to divert an erection.

"If it's alright with you, I'll drive. The owner said it would be fine if we left one of our cars here until we're finished."

"That would be lovely."

The valet retrieved a 2012 gun metal gray Bentley Azure convertible. Mercedes was named after a luxury automobile, so it wasn't her fault if she sighed a bit breathlessly at the mechanical steed before her. It was a lovely piece of steel and she couldn't wait to inch inside its cool, tan leather interior. Nature did right by this man in physicality and personality and she was learning more and more that his style and tastes matched hers. Sam Evans, so far, was the perfect specimen.

The drive to Sprinkles was short, sweet, and easy. He opened her door and guided her gently to the pavement. He placed his hand on the small of her back and Mercedes' nipples beaded at his touch. Tempted to let his hand "accidentally" graze the top of her ass – he thought better of it. In the same moment, Mercedes mentally remarked how nice it would have been had he let his hand dip lower.

He ordered half a dozen Red Velvet cupcakes to go. Once they exited the store, Sam paused.



"Would you like to enjoy these back at my place? I've always found 'getting to know you' is even more fun with cupcakes…by the beach."

Mercedes wanted cupcakes and she wanted Sam Evans. The drive to Santa Monica wasn't ideal, but she was having a wonderful time. She smiled brightly.

"That sounds great. Let's do it. What's the quickest route-"

He stopped her short.

"I wouldn't dare make you drive. Let me be your chauffer?" He gave her a sheepish half smile that made her heart thud. He continued "I'll bring you back whenever you want."

Was she ready to take the plunge into one night stand territory, really? She had psyched herself up for a week leading up to tonight's events, but it was a far different animal when staring it in the perfect green eyed face. From the moment they laid eyes on each other, she could've sworn she felt a chemistry she'd never felt with anyone. He was so inviting, confident, and manly. A high priced architect by trade, but a sweet and humble country boy at heart. He was the sexiest man she'd ever met and she felt herself being seduced by every word, every glance, and every promising smile.

She was killing him with every bashful smile and tarantula eyelash flick. Her adorable nose, sinful lips, and painfully sensual body sent swirls of frustrated desire throughout his entire being. Just one flash of her big soulful brown eyes hitched his breath and tightened his body in inappropriate places. He wondered if she could feel the heat and intensity between them that began the moment their hands shook. He couldn't wait to taste her.

Traffic was uncharacteristically light as they zipped down Santa Monica Blvd. In no time, they reached Sam's ocean front condominium. Mercedes agreed to carry the cupcakes. Feigning worry over her keeping balance, Sam insisted on helping her up the steps to his door – keeping a gentle, yet firm hand on the small of her back and her upper arm. Once they landed on the top step, Sam used his free hand to unlock the door and boldly let his hand dip down to the top of her ass. A surge of heat traversed her body as her eyes fluttered in delight. He looked back, with his hand still positioned on her sumptuous backside, and smiled flirtatiously. Guiding her through the door, he glanced at her ass for what he hoped would be the last time – clothed – for the night. Her shapely form had him shaking his head and screaming "GOD – DAMN!" in his brain.

He motioned for her to place the cupcakes on the bar just inside the living room area. She could see that his taste in clothing, cars, and food matched that of his interior decorating. Mercedes really dug the sleek furniture in plush fabrics and colorful, contemporary art covering the walls. She immediately felt very at home in Sam's condo, oddly, and she smiled wide as she sat atop a luxe white bar stool. Grabbing a single fork from the kitchen, Sam took the seat next to her.

"I'm really glad you decided to come over."

"Me too. Your home is lovely – what I've seen so far." She chuckled lightly.

"Oh, you'll see the rest of it. Trust me."

There was silence as they gazed intently in each other's eyes; both their hearts pounding in unison.

"Are you ready to dig into these Red Velvets?" He spoke huskily.

"You bet." Mercedes reached for the box. Sam quickly slid the box to his side and smiled mischievously. She giggled loudly.

"I want to feed you."

Mercedes' heart stopped. She'd never had a man feed her before. This was turning into the sexiest night of her life, and they hadn't even kissed…yet. (She hoped!)

"Ok." She uttered sweetly.

He proceeded to open the box and removed a delectable cupcake. He pierced it gingerly with the fork and brought a thumb-sized bite to her lips. Her eyes fluttered as the sweet scent of cream cheese frosting wafted to her nostrils. She opened her mouth and he delicately slid the forkful of baked goodness inside. His cock twitched in anticipation of her plump lips slowly dragging off of the prongs. He then enjoyed a sizeable bite of his own. A few bites more and the cupcake had vanished. Mercedes unabashedly eyed the remainder of the cupcakes and Sam couldn't help but chuckle at her edible desire.

"You want some more?" He asked knowingly.

She nodded forcefully in agreement. Sam removed another cupcake from the box and quickly swiped a massive index finger across the top. He seductively offered the sugar laden digit to the lovely lady before him. Her eyes quickly met his. As she leaned in, she reached out and placed a firm hand on his thigh. His lip quickly found itself pinned underneath his teeth. As she opened her mouth she looked intently in his eyes and flicked them shut as she tasted the creamy treat.

He couldn't hold back any longer. Within a second he'd hopped from his bar stool to tower over her. She gazed up at him and swiftly shut her eyes as his mouth covered hers. His kiss was forceful, yet gentle. Their lips smacked and he went in for more. He cupped her face and his tongue plumbed her fiery depths. Her panties were soaked and she moaned feverishly as she grasped his firm biceps.

Sam released her lips for now and dropped to the floor. He forcefully grasped her thigh and slid his hands rapidly down to her ankle. He kissed the top of her foot and raked his hand over the sturdy buckle of her stiletto. He placed his lips on her shin and kissed the remaining length of her leg back up to her thigh. His hand furiously snaked under the hem of her dress and inside her thigh. Mercedes' head jerked back and she sighed in ecstasy. He repeated the same on the other leg then removed her shoes. He stood up, pulled her off of the stool and drug her to the massive sectional couch a few paces away.

Their mouths met again in a blazing kiss and Mercedes began to unbutton his shirt rapidly. Her fingers, a little out of practice at such things, fumbled nervously but soon found their rhythm. She paused to admire his perfectly muscled torso. She reached out for his solid chest and grazed gentle finger tips up and down. She kissed his neck with fervor and swiped her tongue across his throat. Sam grunted in pleasure and pulled her vigorously toward him. His hands fleetly reached for the back zipper of her dress. In seconds he was pulling the fabric forward and down to expose her black satin bra. He sighed at the perfection of her breasts and quickly went back to tugging the fabric down to the floor. She stepped out of it in a flash and his hands rapidly went to work on his belt and removing his pants.

Mercedes grabbed for his middle and aided him. Sam revealed a fully erect penis that waggled excitedly as he pulled Mercedes forcefully toward him. He kissed her mouth again and then her neck as his hands worked to unhook her bra. As the smooth fabric dropped to the floor his hands worked their way down to her desire soaked thong. Their naked bodies heaved as Sam guided Mercedes down to the couch and slammed his body on top of hers. Her legs spread wide as if on command and his hot breath scorched the side of her neck as she panted and grasped for his taut back. His mouth dipped down to her mountainous breasts. He lapped his tongue across one stiff peak, and then the other. His lips smacked lightly as he lovingly suckled her nipples a second time. His tongue made rapid circles around the edges of her deeply pigmented areola. She moaned with each swirl; the sounds of pleasure stiffening Sam's already turgid cock.

A swift trail of kisses from her sternum down to her belly button shot sparks through her.

Sam panted "Mercedes, tell me what you want next."

She couldn't think; her mind muddled and firing endless synapses of pleasure. Sam repeated "Tell me what you want."

"Oh god!" She finally vocalized. "My pussy, Sam. Eat my pussy!" She panted.

Sam obeyed happily. His mouth dipped between her juicy thighs and immediately went to work. He kissed her lips then his tongue darted deep in her slit. Her musky passion scent filled him with increasing desire as she dribbled down his chin. He lovingly lapped her again and again and the intensity of her moans increased. He knew how to pleasure a woman with his mouth and he was pulling out all of the stops with Miss Jones. He licked her rigid clit then blew a cool breath. She giggled with pleasure at the sudden breeze and returned with a satisfied grunt when his lips hungrily enveloped the sensitive bead. Plunging his tongue deep within her for many encores, he smiled against her soft woman flesh as he savored her piping hot essence. It trickled down his throat like honey and he used all of his will power to stave off his own eruption.

Her sated body trembled as he maneuvered himself above her face. He kissed her heartily, making sure she got a full taste of the pleasure he'd brought her. His nimble, ardent tongue wrestled fiercely with hers. The sensations of the contact and the flavor of his partner were too much for his cock. The stiff organ released a scorching spurt onto her inner thigh. Her mouth gaped open with desire as her hips bucked with a vengeance. She writhed intensely and pulled him in tighter for more burning kisses. Her frantic hands clutched a chunk of his sandy locks and he grunted once more with pleasure.

"I want you in my mouth." Mercedes pleaded. Sam stared into her eyes for a moment then braced himself on the arm of the couch above her head. He angled his cock upwards and dangled it teasingly above her swollen, parted lips. She flicked her tongue, then opened wide to receive him. Her eyes bulged at his girth and her tongue's tip flicked nervously toward his base. Slowly he began to fuck her mouth. Her eyes rolled back into her head and she moaned continuously as he calmly thrust himself in and out. He stroked her chin lightly as his lusty, watery eyes bore through her. His thick cock fit perfectly in her needful mouth. He started to grunt as his speed increased. The deeper he tried to go, the more she soaked the cushions beneath her. He removed himself from her mouth slowly and she was grateful for a quick respite.

Sam gathered her up in his arms and carried her back to the bar stool. He placed her facing the kitchen and stood behind her. Wrapping his arms tightly around; he planted wet kisses on her neck and shoulder. Bending down to her ass, he licked her bounteous cheeks then slapped them. She arched her back and lifted her rump. Sam's long, thick middle finger toyed with her asshole and the sensations made her entire body shudder. She grunted like a wild animal and pounded on the counter top. She bit her lip to suppress an indulgent scream. He worked her sensitive opening with one hand and stroked his solid cock with the other. Before long he worked and stroked in rhythm and their breaths did the same. The pleasure and pain were so good; tears poured out of Mercedes' eyes like a waterfall.

When he thought she'd had enough, he repositioned her so that one leg stayed firmly planted and the other crooked upward to reveal her glistening pussy. He placed himself inside of her and her walls swallowed him with a vengeance. Both of their jaws dropped open and their eyes squeezed shut as they enjoyed the naughty rhythm they embarked upon. He thrust softly, then harder. Realizing that she could handle all of him, his pumping increased in intensity and he reached around to grab her tits as they flopped with abandon.

"Oh fuck, Sam, yes, yes, yes, yeeeeessssss, oh, oh, oh…" Mercedes moaned with pleasure. She pounded the counter top again in lustful agony.

He gripped her hips tighter as he pumped even harder. She ground her ass backward into his gut and he let out a powerful grunt.

"Fuck….yeah! Mercedes, oh fuck, you're so goddamn sexy baby. Oh shit. Fuuu-uu-uuu-uuck!" Sam panted as he squeezed his eyes shut tighter and continually pumped at a rapid pace.

Mustering all the control he could, he pulled out and spun her around to plant more scalding kisses on her mouth. They embraced so tightly that they could have become one. Sam stopped and looked deep into Mercedes' eyes; their breath hard and strong. He scooped her up once again and carried her to his bedroom. Once there, he placed her diagonally across his bed. For a moment, he admired her plump form as she heaved with desire for him. Her body glistened under the warm lamplight glow. She looked deeply into his eyes. His cock begged for entry. Her legs spread wide; inviting him to have all of her. Sam moved into position and gently entered her. He slid inside of her like a hand to a glove. Her body shuddered once again and she wrapped her legs tightly around his waist. Her pussy swallowed his thick cock yet again and Sam couldn't believe how good she felt. The fit was so hot and so fucking perfect. Bucking her hips as he plowed into her, she moaned loudly. She milked his cock over and over and pulled her legs in tighter. She never wanted him to leave the depths of her womanhood. He felt so right between her thighs. It was where he belonged.

After a few thrusts, he pulled out and began teasing her mercilessly with his wide tip. The subtle sensations made her grind her teeth in pleasured frustration. He'd hover around the edges of her pussy, then plunge deeply inside and repeat. She wasn't sure how much more she could take. Fluid poured out of her and Sam smiled with pride. It was time to go as deep as he could. He braced himself and spread her as wide as she would go. She choked out a moan as he probed the innermost workings of her body. With each deep thrust, her eyes rolled back into her head and her mouth froze in a circle. Sound was impossible for her to make for she'd never been pleased like this before.

Sam pulled out once more then went in for a final set of powerful thrusts. He erupted inside of her; parching her insides with his burning, pearly seed. Mercedes' body shook uncontrollably in pure ecstasy. He collapsed on top of her in pleasure. She kissed the side of his face and pushed back his damp locks. Her hands explored his taut, glistening, spent form. After a moment, he moved in for a sweet, probing kiss. His lips rolled over hers in repeated waves. A moment more and the two shut their eyes; drifting off in satisfied slumbers.

Tomorrow, Mercedes would get the full tour.