And I'm back!

Alright, so first of all, if you have no idea who Gwen Powers is, you might want to read the story that comes before this named "Powers." Actually, you need to, otherwise you'll be very lost.

Second, I would like to point out something. There are new characters being introduced in this installment, but they are not mine. They are characters I've taken from the Marvel comics that I thought would fit in well. The ones you don't recognize if you haven't read the comics or haven't read anything on the internet are obviously not from the movies at all. I hope you enjoy the way I write them as I am enjoying it myself.

Third, I own nothing you recognize.

And fourth, enjoy!

Chapter One

It was rare for Gwendolyn Powers to find a day to herself. Not that Gwen was complaining about how Director of SHIELD, Nick Fury, was having her sent around the world various times within the two months after fighting in a battle for Earth's safety from an emotionally unstable god. But was nice for Gwen to have a day in which she could simply curl up on the couch in the small, one story home she lived itn and watch movies all day. And to honor this day, she was having a Harry Potter movie marathon.

She knew she wouldn't finish all the films, but she had never gotten the opportunity to sit and watch them one after another. And once the last film came out on DVD and Blu-ray, she was dying to do so.

So on this day, Gwen closed all the blinds and curtains, turned off all the lights, piled up junk food ad soda on the floor of her living room and curled up under a blanket as she pressed the "OK" button on the Blu-ray remote to start the Sorcerer's Stone.

It figured that by the time Professor Quirrell ran into the Great Hall on Halloween that her home phone would begin to ring.

Irritated, she turned up the volume on the television and let the phone ring. She wasn't about to get up and answer it.

She heard her voice speak as the call went to voicemail and he couldn't help but listen so she could hear who called.

And she rolled her eyes once the message started.

"Hey buttercup," came the voice of Tony Stark. "I know it's your day off and all, but Pepper and I were talking and we were wondering if you would like to come over for dinner sometime next week. I know you've got your date with the old man here tomorrow night - and by the way, he's really nervous -"

"Shut up, Stark!"

"Calm down, Cap, I'm joking. Anyway, I suppose you don't have to call back. Just tell us tomorrow when we see you. Have a good day off, buttercup."

She heard a beep as Tony ended the message and sighed. It was obvious he only called either because he wanted to try to ruin Gwen's day off or because he wanted to embarrass Steve who was living in Stark - or as it was now called Avengers - Tower.

Tony had become incredibly giddy ever since the murder charges that had been pressed against him were dropped. He had managed to prove his innocence with the help of Gwen and Pepper as Tony was prepared to threaten the court if they didn't claim he was innocent. They all knew that wouldn't go well.

Just as Harry and Ron were finishing battling the troll in the bathroom, her phone rang again. Gwen groaned loudly and flopped onto her side as she let it ring.

"Hey, Gwendolyn, it's Clint," came Clint Barton's voice. "Did Stark just call you and invite you to dinner? Because he just called me and did so and I think it's kinda weird. Anyway, I'll talk to you later."

Gwen rolled her eyes as she heard a beep telling her that Clint hung up.

Gwen groaned loudly as the phone rang again, just as Harry killed the basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets. She let it go to voicemail again.

"Hey, Gwendolyn," said the voice of Bruce Banner, "I just wanted to let you know that I have a new batch of medication for you. Seeing as the last one we made last month worked perfectly, I just made some more. I know it's your day off and all, but I just wanted to let you know. You can come by my lab tomorrow and pick it up."

There was another beep as Bruce hung up.

Getting an idea, Gwen waited until the Chamber of Secrets was done with and then got up. She took the phone off the charger it sat on and pressed the talk button. Smiling to herself, knowing that no one else could bother her now, she sat back down after putting in the Prisoner of Azkaban, feeling relaxed at last.

That was until her cell phone rang.

Asgard was in chaos.

People feared the worst after the death of their king and, of course, thought war was futile. They had live in peace for so long, with the exception of Loki's rule.

Once Loki had come back from speaking with Thanos, he knew he had to tell someone, even though his pride contradicted him. He did not want to admit to working for the Titan, but, like war, it was futile. And it was the only way to warn the others.

Although Thor, Frigga, Sif and the Warriors Three were not happy with what Loki had been doing during his exile, they did not judge nor question him. All they knew was that he was coming clean and warning them of what Thanos was going to do.

"But the Infinity Gauntlet is locked up with the other relics, correct?" asked Sif when Loki finished explaining.

"It was," answered Fandral. "I heard the healers saying that it was stolen during the fight."

Tension covered them like a blanket, the Warriors Three shooting Loki glares.

"But Odin had the gems scattered across Midgard," said Frigga. "Thanos cannot do harm without them."

"The Gauntlet is still powerful," said Loki. "It had magic upon it."

"Then we must stop him," said Volstagg.

"We'll have to travel to Midgard," suggested Thor. "We must find the gems before Thanos and we must warn the humans."

"But what about the throne?" asked Sif.

"Mother, it will be up to you."

Loki looked up at this. He couldn't help but think that Thor was actually going to include him.

"I can handle it," answered Frigga immediately.

"And what about us?" asked Hogun, motioning towards the rest of them.

"Stay here until you are called for," said Thor. "Take care of Asgard while we are gone."

"Are going to try to stop Thanos without us?" asked Fandral.

"I do not wish for anyone to be harmed. If it becomes too dangerous for us to handle, we will call for you."

"And the tesseract?" asked Sif.

"It will open a portal for me and Loki to go through. After that, it will stay here."

"When are you leaving?" asked Frigga.

"We will stay to help repair Asgard and to prepare for Midgard."

They all nodded and then sensed the conversation was over. All but Loki and Thor left.

"I hope that you will cooperate this time, brother," said Thor, turning to Loki.

Loki nodded and did not make eye contact.

"You will follow what I say and you will not try to take over Midgard."

Loki nodded again.

"Good," finished Thor, now smiling. "Come brother, let us aid Asgard."

Loki did his best not to cough when Thor thumped him on the back and followed the god of thunder out and into the realm he was once exiled from.