Hey there it's Shay. Sorry it took so long to get this up. Hope everyone enjoys this chapter and I'll try to update more frequently.

Chapter 9

The meeting room was tense. The moment Jensen had walked back inside it had caused everyone to start freaking out over him. First had been blood tests which proved Jensen was actually Steve Rogers, and then there was fingerprinting.

Not to mention retinal scans, which sucked because Jensen failed those. Mostly because of the severe scarring to his retinas. Either way, by the time Jensen was herded into the meeting room with the rest of the Avengers he was pissed.

"This is worse than the first time at the hospital," Jensen complained to Furry, slouched in his seat and glaring at the eye patched man, "And that sucked. Want to know why? Cause I had to re-register for everything. And now all your magical little worker people can't figure out that maybe my retinas were damaged and that's why it doesn't match the original scan. How about that?"

Fury fixed Jensen with a cold look, one only reserved for Tony, "I used to like you more back when you didn't speak until spoken to."

"Well, you can say goodbye to that little fantasy because I never shut up," Jensen admitted with a sneer, "Even when my mouth is sewn shut, and yes that did happen. No, I won't talk about it."

Bruce calmly reached forward and rested a hand on Jensen's shoulders. Turning his head slightly, Jensen saw Bruce smiling softly at him.

"Steve, you need to calm down," Bruce said gently, "Getting angry over this won't make it better. Trust me on that one."

Jensen just rolled his eyes before leaning dangerously back in his chair. Fixing Fury with his darkest look, the hacker growled out, "This isn't me angry. When I'm angry, you'll know. This is me trying to figure out when I get to go home."

Natasha and Clint traded looks at that and suddenly Jensen felt like he was trapped in something bad. Fury's face became even more unreadable.

"You are home Captain Rogers," Fury explained softly.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me. You're property of the U.S. government," Fury said coldly, "Last time we let you leave SHIELD, you were replaced with a Skrull."

"The you're a shitty team leader," Jensen snapped back, eyes flashing dangerously behind his glasses, "Look, I'm not a super soldier anymore. I'm just a regular soldier now. Or at least as normal as I can be when in special ops. I'm tech support, not a superhero."

Taking a deep breath, Jensen whispered out, "I'm not a hero. I haven't been a hero for the last two years."

Fury just snorted at him, "I've heard about the Bolivia incident Rogers. It had nothing to do with that on whether you are a hero or not."

Jensen slammed his chair back to the ground and fixed Fury with the coldest look he could. Leaning forward Jensen snarled, "Twenty five children. I couldn't save twenty five children and you want me to become Captain America? That's not happening."

Fury fixed Jensen with a harsh glare, "I suspect you stand down Captain."

"I don't think I will," Jensen hissed back, shrugging of Tony's restraining hand, "Where the hell was Shield when I was in the hospital? Or when I got left to die in Panama? Or when those twenty five children died because of me and my team? Face it Fury, you never wanted Steve Rogers, you only wanted Captain America!"

"I suggest you sit down Captain," Fury ordered. Jensen didn't care right then that every one else in the room was tense. He didn't care that Bruce was keeping Clint away from him, or that Thor and Natasha looked worried, or that Tony seemed to be panicking. No, all Jensen saw was twenty five faces that Fury could have saved, but didn't.

"I will not sit down for this conversation!" Jensen yelled, slamming his hands on the table, "I am done with following orders! It's gotten me nowhere in the last five years except blacklisted! So don't tell me to sit down!"

Jensen took in a shuddering breath, before continuing, "I lost everything five years ago, and you only figured it out a couple months ago. And some random woman, who I met in that hospital gave me a life. And you know what, it's been a great life. I have a family, and I'm married. So no, I won't sit down, I won't follow your orders, I won't be an Avenger."

Smiling grimly, Jensen fought back tears, "I'm not your toy soldier anymore Fury. I'm a Loser, and if you try to keep me from that, I'll take down your whole program from the inside out and take you with it."

Fury regarded him coolly before shaking his head in obvious disappointment, "Rogers, you won't be going anywhere but Avengers Tower. Obviously your head injury confused you, and once once we get you back up to speed this entire situation will be dealt with."

Jensen froze as soon as Fury said that. Dealt with was code for termination, and Fury damn well knew it. Obviously if he didn't behave, his team would be in immediate danger from Fury, and quite possibly the Avengers also.

"So I suggest you sit down Captain," Fury said once again.

Jensen sunk back down into the chair and smiled coldly at him, "Of course sir."

Jensen didn't pay attention to the rest of the meeting. He was too busy trying to figure out how to get the hell out of there.

The Loser's could deal with Shield no problem, but Jennifer and Jolene wouldn't stand a chance. And it wasn't like they could take them with the Loser's, it was no place for a child to grow up. Beth deserved better than that, especially with Jensen caring for her.

Then there was Cougar.

His husband was probably so worried about him. Cougar was overprotective on good days, especially after the incident in Afghanistan. After that nightmare Cougar rarely let Jensen out of his sight, and Bolivia had only made it worse.

If Fury thought keeping Cougar from him was smart, the man was a moron. Cougar had killed men for smaller offenses, and anything involving Jensen caused rather...dramatic reactions from the normally logical sniper.

When Cougar found out about this, Fury had better run.

Clay would reign fire and brimstone down on Shield if Jensen didn't show up again. He knew Clay saw him as a son or little brother. It was obvious in small moments where Clay would buy him brightly colored shirts with tacky saying just to make Jensen laugh. Or how he always got Jensen a new computer when the old one broke. Clay hated it when people poached his team, always got angry and made ridiculous commands of whoever was in control of his boy's lives. And after Afghanistan, Clay had gotten worse when Jensen was moved around.

Clay wouldn't stop until all of Shield was in ruins if that's what it took to get Jensen back.

Pooch would probably be the scariest. Everyone thought he was the normal one on the team, the sanest one. He wasn't. Jensen hadn't been around when Pooch snapped years back, but there was a reason he was a Loser. Even if no one talked about it. All Jensen knew was when Pooch really wanted someone dead, no one, not even Roque, could talk him out of it.

Fury would be lucky if Pooch decided to leave him alive.

Aisha might not save him. She never seemed to warm up to him. It might be because Jensen had recently told her that those shoes did not match her dress, but wasn't that the reason she hung out with him? Because of his wonderful fashion sense due to his being gay. Wait, she didn't have a choice about hanging out with him...

Aisha so wasn't going to save him.

But Cougar and Jennifer would save him. Jensen just knew it. Cougar would kill everyone who stood between them, and then Jennifer would wrap him up in a warm blanket and make him cookies cause she loved him.

"Steve...come on Steve," a hand was touching him, and it took all of Jensen's willpower not to break the wrist.

Looking up at Bruce, Jensen smiled slightly and clambered to his feet. He followed after his team silently, eyes on the floor. He could just feel Fury's smug gaze on his back and it was pissing him off.

Fury might have won this battle, but Jensen would win the war.

With that thought in mind, the hacker raised his head to face whatever challenge he now had to face and then froze.

Standing in the hallway with a smug grin on his face was Wade Wilson, one Deadpool, with a giant grin on his masked face and...

Holy shit, he had his laptop! That asshole was going to die if anything happened to Jensen's baby!

"You're a dead man Wilson!" Jensen yelled out with a bright smile, "Anything happens to my girl, and you're face will get it!"

Wilson's smirk grew wider before he called back, "I'll stop by later tonight and give it back. How about that Corporal?"

Jensen just grinned wickedly before leaving the building. He ignored the other Avengers questions and kept walking while his grin became fiercer. Fury had no idea what he was facing, none at all.

Steve Rogers might be a nice guy, but Jake Jensen wasn't.

Please leave a response. If you don't, I'll get Jensen to hunt you down.