
There are some things that I will never let go of. I suppose it is in my nature to hold on and remember. There were good times for sure, but they weren't without their obstacles. People are, after all, only as strong as the challenges they endure. My mother taught me that. She understood then what I have only come to now. It is in the nature of every Jovian to remember where they came from and who helped shape their lives. Friends change, comrades evolve, and love steers the heart; the heart does not steer love.

"Mother." She stands as I did many centuries ago: facing the storm on a day of new beginnings. Though I must admit, she stands taller than I ever did.

I tighten two empty sheathes to the back of her armor. "Keep your head up high. The people will look to you for guidance."

"But what they really want is your wisdom." Such a silly thing to say.

"Then I'll be a great disappointment. I'm not wise at all." Amy was the wise one, not me.

She turns slightly, just enough for me to see her eyes. There's fear in there. I don't see it often. I doubt anyone else would notice. "But you are and so is father. I don't know if I can do this. Not as well as you two."


Sparks begin to dance around her fingers. "It's true. I'm a fighter not a leader and there's no one to fight when the empire is at peace."

I take her hand and start walking towards the door. "I think I need to show you something."

Without any words, she allows me to guide her down the hall. Sapphire stands outside waiting with the people. The trumpets echo through the palace. We're going to be late, but it doesn't matter. This needs to be done. It really does.

"When I was about fourteen Shino took me to see the mountains up north. There's a large temple dedicated to Jove at the highest peak."

She pauses. "Just to clarify this is in your first life, right?"

I nod. "Yeah. I climbed mountains myself in my second life."

She smiles. "Well, technically you mean this life."

I laugh. "You know what I mean."

We come to a closed door with the symbol of Jove above the door frame. This is the room I kept to myself when the palace was first built. Inside are all the things I had collected and found from my past. My entire past. The door opens with only slight resistance. The hinge is stiff. I haven't been in here in years.

"On that mountain I realized something very important: if you have complete faith in something then others will too." I step past her and turn on the lights. "No matter what happens know that you are a part of a legacy. No member of this family has ever disappointed history. Ask Asuka if you don't believe me."

She does though. I can see it in her eyes. Despite the concerns she's voiced her posture never waivers. There is no doubt that she is a daughter of Jove.

Little pieces of Jovian history adorn the room. There are blades, rubble, and even a jewel or two, but this isn't what I wanted to show her. I step into the middle of the room towards a low table and a wooden display case. Anna follows and gasps as soon as her eyes see what I wanted her to.

"Mother, is that what I think it is?"

I open the case and pull out a small intricate band. "This is Nephrite's ring."

My daughter knows about my past. She knew all about it before I had the chance to tell her. I haven't kept the ring because Nephrite was someone I couldn't let go of. I kept it because I did and it was one of the hardest things I ever had to do. Sometimes, no matter who you are, tough decisions need to be made. The important part is to move forward and never forget.

"A ruler, no matter over what, has a duty first to their people and then to themselves. This is the reminder of the decisions I made in all my lives."

She bows slightly. "I understand."

I smile. "Times will get tough; maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but they will. When that happens you need to trust yourself. There will always be darkness in this world. We are defined by how we face it and who we face it for."

"Do you ever have regret though?"

I replace the ring in its case. "For what?"

She sighs. "For any of it."

"I used to let the past dictate my future. If I've learned one thing in my entire existence it is that no one truly moves forward if they feel regret. It does more hurt than harm."

My daughter takes a moment and looks at everything in the room. The storm still rages and the trumpets have started to play again. She knows what I do: it's time. There is no room for doubt anymore.

"I'm proud of you."

She smiles. "Well, I should hope so."

The two of us retrace our steps until we make our way to the concourse. Sapphire stands outside with the people. The moment he sees us an announcement is made and the crowd cheers louder than I have ever heard before.

"Does dad know you kept an old boyfriend's ring?" We step out as she asks this. The stupid smile on her face makes me want to do something playfully inappropriate for where we are. She knows this. Cheeky devil.

I nod and start veering towards Sapphire. "Of course. He's the one that found it and gave it back to me. I threw that thing away a long time ago."

The high lord of the Jovian Empire stands at the alter. He begins to cite the customary oath that all in my family have had to swear on the day of their coronation.

"Princess, do you swear to uphold all responsibilities pertaining to this empire and to the council of planets?"


Thunder cracks over our heads. "On your honour as a Jovian soldier. Do you swear to fight and fulfill all duties in the name of your ancestors, the descendants of Jove?"

She briefly glances my way. "Yes."

I watch as he presents the blades of Jove.

She lifts them without hesitation.

Sapphire takes my hand as she is declared the new Empress of Jupiter. For the first time in many years I have no need for armor anymore. There's a glimpse of hope in her eyes. She will do well to lead as her ancestors had before.

"What do we do now, Mako?"

I look over to my husband and smile as the lightning flashes. "Would you be opposed to a simple life? I always wanted to own a bakery or a flower shop."

He smiles and kisses me on the cheek. "I think I could live with that."

The people cheer as the rain falls. Today marks the beginning of a new era; one of which I will be happy to observe instead of lead. Jove will watch over her as he has always watched over me. Fate was kind this day. For that I am eternally grateful.

Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for reading. This is the conclusion of my Jupiter centred trilogy.

Will I write of her again? Maybe. Probably. Truth is I'm not sure. This character holds limitless potential and inspiration for any writer. She is, without a doubt, amazing. As I have mentioned in the past my original works are taking up most of my time at present, but that does not mean a return to FanFiction writing is impossible. It just means it won't be happening for now. If any are interested in reading any of these then feel free to click the links in my profile. Currently I am updating a novel on WattPad that updates every Friday so there won't be long waits between chapters. I'd love to see you all there.

As always, any and all feedback is appreciated and I'll be sure to check back in from time to time. Once again, thank you for sticking to this from start to finish. The journey has been memorable to say the least.


T.J. Lockwood (aka InventingShadows)