**Aria's POV**

It's the first day of summer. And it's a Saturday. And what do normal people do? Well, some go to the beach with friends, go swimming, sleep in from the party the night before, go to the mall, hang out at home, go to dinner with family, whatever. What do I do? Climb into my old English teachers car, and head of for a farm in the middle of Kansas. Of course, Mr. Fitz isn't just my old teacher and my dads co-worker. He's my boyfriend. My parents, obviously, had a total fit when they found out. My brother even threw a punch at poor Ezra. I know my parents could easily press charges on Ezra, since I'm a minor and they don't approve of Ezra and I. (But luckily, I'm turning eighteen in just a few months.) My father got Ezra fired from his job at the college he was teaching at - Hollis. Ezra went to New Jersey to look for jobs, but no luck. And so Ezra had decided to go back to visit his Aunt and Uncle in Kansas for a while. But my parents don't know that. They think he's still in New Jersey. But he isn't. Currently he's here in Rosewood to pick me up and keep driving down to Kansas. So when I told my parents I was going to visit Emily in Texas for summer, well, who could argue with that? They insisted on buying a plane ticked, but I told them I was catching a ride with Hanna. Like a girls rode trip. This was a simple fix, since Hanna actually IS going to see Emily in Texas. So the plan is for Hanna to come and take me to Ezra's. And she'll go to Texas, I'll go to Kansas, and my parents will never know. I plan to get back in three week, the same time Hanna gets back. I have my bags packed and laying by my door. Hanna's coming at seven am, and right now it's ten till. I lay in my bed, and stare up at the ceiling. I'm supposed to wake up my parents to tell them I'm leave before I get on the rode, but I think I can hear someone walking around upstairs. And I've nearly fallen asleep when there's a knock on my door. "Rise and Shine!" Hanna comes in my room, and turns the light on. "Come on, Aria. Don't be such a lazy butt. Your mom had to let me in."
I sit up and rub my eyes. "Sorry, I guess I fell back asleep and didn't hear the door…"
She shrugs. "Well, let's go then."
So I get out of bed, and with a yawn, make my way downstairs. I don't plan to change out of my sweats and tank top. Neither Hanna or Ezra care. I already brushed my teeth before I fell back asleep, and so I quickly re-do my pony tale, slide on my flip flops, wake up my dad and tell him goodbye, hug my mom, throw a pillow at my brother Mike, yelling bye to him, and I'm in the car, ready to go.

Hi guys! My friends Bailey, Jon and I all write this story together. We come up with the chapter outlines and we each write some chapters. Jon MOSTLY writes for Toby, Bailey mostly writes for Spencer, and I mostly write for Aria and Ezra. So at the end of each chapter I'll say who wrote it :) I wrote this chapter. Thanks for reading and reviewing :) It makes Bailey, Jon and I really happy :)