Due to popular demand, I bring you the epilogue! 2,319 words full of fluffy goodness! Enjoy! - Miss Smosh

"Ahh, it feels good to be home!" Ian melodramatically stretched out his arms as they crossed the threshold of the house. "Wow this place is a mess."

Week old dirty dishes still lay in the sink, crusted with food.

"Well, when you fell into the coma, I didn't really go home much. Only to shower and stuff. Washing up was the last thing on my mind."

"Well, I'm the invalid here so…. SHOTS NOT WASHING UP!" Ian shouted and ran to his room, jumping on his bed. "Oh bed, I've missed you so much. I swear I'll never leave you again." He stroked the sheets.

Anthony rolled his eyes. "I think we better give you another brain scan."

"You have no idea how uncomfortable that hospital bed was!" Ian sighed, sinking down into the mattress.

"Well, at least you got a bed. My neck still hurts from sleeping upright in that chair every night."

An awkward silence fell between them.

"You didn't have to stay..." Ian mumbled.

"But how could I have stayed away?" Anthony murmured.

Their eyes met, and they both blushed.

"I'll go start on the dishes." Anthony mumbled and sidled out of the room.

Ian sighed and flopped back down. Out of all of my daydreams, I never once imagined that Anthony being my lover would be awkward.


"Hey Ian, wanna head over to the H.Q?" Anthony asked the next day as they were eating breakfast. "The guys miss you."

"Sure, it'll be good to see them again." Ian stood up and pecked Anthony on the cheek. "Plus we have so much to tell them" Ian sauntered over to the sink and dumped his plate.

Anthony blushed. "That's going to be awkward."

"Nah, they're our friends. They'll be cool. What's awkward is telling the fangirls."

Anthony groaned. "They're going to go crazy."

"Positively rabid."

They looked at each other and burst out laughing.


"Ian!" Mari yelled, launching herself into his arms. "You're ok!"

"Hey man, when did you wake up?" Jovenshire patted Ian on the back.

"I'm so glad you're ok." Sohinki joined the team gathered around Ian.

"Iancorn, reunited at last!" Lasercorn wrapped Ian in a bear hug.

"Is this real life?" Ian slurred jokingly.

Everyone laughed and soon they were gathered in a crooked circle, Ian, Anthony, and Lasercorn on the chairs, Sohinki, Mari and Jovenshire sitting on the ground.

"So. Fill us in, pronto!" Lasercorn tapped Ian on the leg.

"Umm… Well… I was hit by a car…" Ian started vaguely.

"Yeah we know." Everyone chorused back.

"And I went into a coma."

"WE KNOW!" Everyone shouted.

"Tell us what happened when you woke up!" Mari said eagerly.

Ian and Anthony glanced at each other. "You were there, you tell them." Ian nudged Anthony.

"Umm… Well I was just sitting there, talking to him, and suddenly his heart rate quickened and…he woke up." Anthony stammered and blushed.

Ian chuckled. "You left out the part where you-"

"And then the doctor came in," Anthony cut off Ian. "And checked him over. He's lucky there wasn't any brain damage. Apparently the shock shut down some of his organs and that's why he fell into the coma."

"And then Anthony-OW!" Ian broke off as Anthony surreptitiously stomped on his foot. "What was that for?"

"Just checking your reflexes."

Everyone laughed.

"But Ian, you were saying that Anthony…?" Mari asked, grinning.

"I cried, ok!" Anthony blurted out hurriedly, before Ian could tell them about the kiss.

"He cried like a fountain." Ian laughed.

Everyone laughed and "Aww"ed.

"Now who's up for a gamebang?" Lasercorn yelled.

"Hell yeah!" Ian exclaimed.


"You son of a bitch!" Ian yelled, mashing the buttons on his controller.

Anthony laughed as he beat up Ian's avatar on the screen. "It isn't called Super Smash Bothers for nothing!" and kicked Ian off the screen.

"Damn you!" Ian threw down his controller.

Anthony started attacking Mari, who just mashed buttons without much success.

"Never fear, I'll save you!" Joven started raping the A button, punching Anthony's avatar repeatedly in the face.

"Hey! Not fair! Just 'cause you have the hots for Mari!" Anthony cried, as his character was beaten.

Joven and Mari laughed and winked at each other.

"That's something else you should know." Joven started.

"We're dating!" Mari finished, kissing Jovenshire on the cheek.

The game was paused as Ian gave Mari and hug and Anthony clapped Joven on the back.

"C'mon guys, we all knew it was going to happen." Lasercorn laughed.

Mari and Joven grinned at each other sheepishly.

"UNPAUSED!" Mari yelled, and caught Jovenshire unawares.

"Hey, I wasn't ready!" Joven hastily grabbed his controller and started dueling with Mari.

Ian's heart suddenly started to ache. Mari and Jovenshire looked so happy together…They weren't afraid to tell them, not like Anthony was.

Is Anthony ashamed of being gay? Of being with me? Ian thought. Is he regretting what he said in the hospital? Did he only say that because he was emotional and thought I was going to die? Does he not want me anymore?

"Anthony," Ian nudged him and gestured to the door.

Anthony nodded and they quickly snuck outside.

"I'm sorry." Anthony blurted out as soon as the door was closed. "I'm a coward."

Ian pulled Anthony into an embrace. "No you're not. Well, you are, but that's not a bad thing."

"I just… I couldn't tell them."

"Why not?" Ian held Anthony at arms length and locked eyes with him. "Are you.. ashamed of me?" Ian's voice dropped to a whisper.

"NO!" Anthony yelled. "Don't ever think that!"

"Then why are you embarrassed about being with me?"

"I'm not embarrassed about being with you. It's just…I'm not used to being…gay." Anthony hung his head.

"I understand. You new to being gay. We can wait until you're ready." Ian smiled, put his fingers under Anthony's head and lifted it. "Just remember, we love each other, and nothing can change that."

Anthony smiled and kissed Ian gently on the mouth.

"We should go back inside, the others are going to suspect something's up."

Ian chuckled and gave Anthony one last kiss before going back into the room.


A week later, Ian and Anthony were out grocery shopping.

"Hey, do we need bread?" Ian asked, pausing by the bakery section.

"Yeah," Anthony said.

"How many loaves?"

"I dunno, two?" Anthony said dubiously.

"Cool…What sort?"

Anthony laughed. "Can't you make any decisions on your own?"

"Nope!" Ian's eyes glittered as he winked at Anthony.

Anthony smiled and slid his hand in Ian's. "Get the wholegrain one."

Ian started, then turned to Anthony and grinned. "Ok!"

They spent the rest of the shopping trip clasping hands and grinning like they were lovestruck fools.


The next day they loitered around the mall. Anthony was waiting outside a changing room while Ian tried on clothes. Suddenly, the curtain parted.

"Do you think this looks good?" Ian struck a stupid pose, one hand on his hip and the other behind his head.

He wore tight blue skinny jeans and loose fitting v-neck.

"Dude, have you lost weight?" Anthony asked, surprised.

"Yeah, I think it was the coma…Hey, are you saying I used to be fat?"

Anthony laughed. "No, it's just…your…you…look…legs-" Anthony stumbled and gestured helplessly.

Ian shoved him. "I'm joking, idiot."

Anthony grabbed his hands and pulled him close. "I'm just saying, you look damn sexy."

Ian blushed as Anthony looked deep into his eyes. He was so close he could feel his breath.


Anthony silenced him with a kiss. Ian wound his arms around Anthony's neck, deepening the kiss. Eventually, they parted.

"Wow. That was…different." Ian was panting slightly.

Anthony raised an eyebrow. "How do you mean?"

"Well…you don't usually kiss me like that in public."

Anthony winked. "I guess I've just stopped caring about what people think and have begun having fun."

Ian grinned. "How about another kiss then?"

"You read my mind."


"Oh my God, it's lunchtime!" Ian shouted at the camera.

"Lunchtime?!" Anthony gasped.



"Better." Ian grinned.

"Let's go get some food!" Anthony shouted.

Anthony had butterflies in his stomach as they drove to the nearest burger place.

"Living in the middle of no where!" Ian sang, filming the California countryside as they sped down the highway.

Anthony put on a brave face for the rest of the trip, but when they got home, he was so nervous it felt like the butterflies were having a rave party in his stomach.

"Hey Ian…"


"I don't think we should…Can't we tell them another time?" Anthony stammered, putting the bag of food on the table.

Ian stopped and looked at him. "What? But it was your idea to tell them this lunchtime. I even rehearsed what I was going to say!"

"I know but…"

Ian punched him on the shoulder. "Come on, man, they're our fans. They'll find out eventually, it's better that we tell them now."

Anthony swallowed. "You're right. I'm being a pussy."

Ian laughed and sat down, pressing record. "First bite!" He shoved his burger into his mouth.

"Dude, that's a pussy first bite, you've got to do it like this." Anthony tore a huge chunk off his burger viciously and wolfed it down.

"You either turned off, or turned on, a lot of ladies out there." Ian laughed.

"All dem bitches love my first bite."

Ian rolled his eyes, but he couldn't resist grinning.

They continued eating for a bit longer, until Ian said. "Hey guess what guys!"

Anthony's stomach plunged as if he was on a rollercoaster.

"No, it's not finding twitter questions, me and Anthony have a special announcement." He pointed the camera at Anthony.

Man up, Anthony. Who cares what they think? You're with the man you love, and if they don't like it, they can get fucked. Anthony's brow furrowed slightly with his new found courage, and he broke out into a grin. "Ian and I are a couple now."

Ian pointed the camera back at himself. "That's right. So you can stop those stupid fan fictions, 'cause the real thing is right here."

"And if you don't believe us, here." Anthony leant over and gave Ian a huge kiss on the mouth.

Ian blushed and grinned at Anthony. "See, it wasn't that hard."

"That's what she said."


Ian and Anthony drove over to the H.Q the next day to film the weekly game bang. Anthony was actually excited to tell the gang about their relationship, the hard part, however, would be explaining to them why they didn't tell them last week.

"It'll be ok," Ian said as they were parking. "Just say that we needed a bit of time to adjust, and we wanted to keep it quiet. And we haven't released this week's Lunchtime yet, so technically, they'll be the first people to know."

Anthony smiled. Though it was too corny to say to Ian, he always made him feel better just with a few simple words.

"Yo, guys. What are we playing today?" Anthony asked as they entered the main room.

Only Mari and Jovenshire were there, dueling with two fake swords they found somewhere in the paraphernalia in the back room.

"Ask Sohinki." Joven said, concentrating on the battle.

"HEY!" Mari suddenly shouted. "Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God! Did you guys finally get together?!" She had torn her eyes off Jovenshire for just long enough to see Ian and Anthony's hands laced loosely together.

"Yup." Anthony grinned sheepishly.

"He finally came to his senses." Ian laughed.

Mari launched herself at them both, while Joven just stood there, dumbfounded.

"I'm so happy for you both! See Ian, some things just take time."

"You knew that Ian liked me?" It was Anthony's turn to be surprised.

Ian blushed. "She was the only person I could tell."

"I forced it out of him!" Mari grinned.

"So that's why Mari came over that morning, not just to drop off bagels, but to pick up on some juicy goss."

"You got it!" Mari winked.

Suddenly, Sohinki and Lasercorn enetered.

"Hey guys, what's all the hubbub?" Lasercorn asked.

"Ian and Anthony are dating!" Mari squealed.

Sohinki and Lasercorn just stood there, their eyes wide open.

"Wait, WHAT?!" Lasercorn shouted.

"Congrats guys." Sohinki grinned, pulling Anthony into a hug.

"B-b-but, what about Iancorn?" Lasercorn pouted jokingly.

"Don't worry, we can be secret lovers." Ian winked.

Everyone laughed.

"Oh man..." Sohinki groaned. "Ian and Ant, Mari and Joven…I don't wanna get with Lasercorn!"

That just made everyone laugh harder.


Three months later


Anthony bellowed while scrolling through the questions on his phone. "Nope, nope, no way, dafuq? No, get a life, nope."

"Dude, just choose one already!" Ian groaned.

"Ok, I'll choose the very next one I see, and then you'll understand why it takes me so long to find a good one. xTacoxPandax says "Fuck Ian up the ass with oranges." and another one from olBluelo says, and I repeat in the exact way it is written: "Fook Ian up wif leatha n chains n shit and make ur bitch.""

Ian laughed. "You'd think by now these tweets would have stopped."

"I know. Here's a good one from NekoLucifer "Give Ian a blowjob with a vacuum cleaner then have a threesome with his mum and then run him over with a steamroller and then bury him then dig him up and fuck him up the ass then shove the barber shop pole-" Anthony couldn't finish as he was laughing too hard.

"Best…fucking…twitter…question…ever!" Ian laughed so hard he had tears in his eyes.

"Better go get the vacuum cleaner, shall I?" Anthony grinned.

"Better go get my mum."

"Better go get a steamroller."

"Better go get a shovel."

"Better go get the barber shop pol-"Anthony began.

"No fucking way!"