AN: Oh, hey there. I know I haven't written any thing in a while; sorry. Just a quick Nezushi drabble because it's been floating around my head lately. Whoooo~!

He simply couldn't recall what events led up to this; not with Nezumi's lips and body pressed flush to his. The corner of a book was digging into the small of his back, but Shion couldn't care less with the taller teen kissing him with so much confidence and passion. It simply stole his breath away. The albino's arms were snaked around Nezumi's neck, and Nezumi in turn pulled the shorter male as close as physically possible by whatever part of his body he could get his hands on. They separated for a few seconds to catch cooling air in their lungs before returning to a frustratingly desperate battle of kisses and nips.

"I waited, you know. I almost thought you wouldn't come back." Crimson red eyes glimmered with threatening tears despite the even tone of his voice. Shion moved out of the way to allow Nezumi to enter their old underground house; the one Shion had continued to live in despite his mother's protests.

"It's only been three months, Shion." came Nezumi's response; it was even, casual, and just a little bit mocking.

"...That's too long. I- I didn't know what to do with myself after you left."

Nezumi smirked. "My apologies, Your Majesty; if I had known my absence would make you suffer so, I woul-"

"Don't, Nezumi. I'm mad at you." the younger interrupted, glaring weakly as he closed the door. He took in a shaky breath, "I'm mad at you and I hate you. I hate you so much, Nezumi, for leaving me all alone like that; it was worse than being shot. I tried so hard not to show how much it upset me when you walked away, but I've just felt so tired and sick and hurt these past few months. I... I just don't know how I should feel now that you're back."

Shion hadn't even noticed he was crying until Nezumi's fingers were brushing the tears away. The ravenette held the teary male's head between his palms, pressing their foreheads together. "Shion... I'm sorry. I needed some time to figure a few things out, but I'm back now. I'm not leaving again, so just stop crying, okay?" This only made Shion cry more and harder; his sobs turning into ugly little hiccups and his face became all red and blotchy as Nezumi let him burry his face into the strong chest of the 'rat'. Nezumi just held him close, murmuring little apologies and comforting words into a mess of soft white locks.

"You're a jerk." Shion sniffled after he'd calmed down. He felt the other's chuckle on the side of his face as it reverberated through his chest.

"Yeah, I know. Can you forgive me?"


They were on the bed now, any shreds of innocence in their kisses and hands tossed out the window. Tongues, teeth, nails, and bites; desperate and needy, but at the same time under complete control. Shion's fingers were tangled in Nezumi's hair as the taller of them attacked his neck. "Ah~" Shion gasped as the crook of his neck was gently given a love-bite.

Nezumi pulled back, face inches from Shion's; their breathing mingled into a rhythm of irregular inhales. Shion's face was still red, but this time with a furious blush that nearly matched his beautiful eyes. "Nezumi?" the young male inquired slowly.

"Shion, do you still hate me?" Nezumi asked, face stern and serious, but his eyes swam with something frightened and hopeful.

"That was a lie; I could never hate you."

Nezumi waited a few more painfully long seconds, just staring at the boy beneath him before diving back in for round two, but Shion still got the message.

I love you too, Nezumi.