Chapter Thirteen – Joey's Idea

Guys, I am so, so sorry this wasn't posted up sooner. Between the worst writers block ever (no shit – six months!) and just a general lack of confidence in everything I tried to write for this, I'm not sure which slowed me down most. But, I'm back, and I intend to continue this to the very end, like I had promised to do. That being said, I'm not entirely happy with how this story went, but nonetheless I will finish it and then revise, otherwise it could take another six months. -_-"

Joey awoke to a strong pair of arms wrapped around his torso. He opened one eye, Kaiba's peaceful sleeping face the first thing to greet him. He let a smile dominate his lips as he shifted his body slightly to get a more comfortable view. He looked more like a child than a nineteen year old multi-millionaire. His lips were parted delicately in an 'o', soft breaths escaping through them as he slept. Joey brought his fingers up to the boy's cheek and pushed away some hair that had fallen across his face.

Who would have known Kaiba to be so vulnerable? Joey hadn't expected yesterday to turn out quiet the day it did, but maybe the old saying was right. Bad news is just good news in disguise.

Mokuba may be gone – temporarily, he kept optimistically telling himself – but he finally managed to get to know the real Kaiba, to finally see the true person underneath the cold exterior. The proof of this development was sleeping beside him right now. Last night, after their discussion levelled off and the night began to wear on, Kaiba pulled the blanket over Joey and himself, and flicked off the light without any more discussions. The blonde had taken it as an invitation to sleep in the same bed, and moved closer to the brunet, resting one arm on his hip. He hadn't expected it, but Kaiba rolled onto his side and rested his own hand on Joey's side, and no more was said.

He was still confused as to where they stood together. Not quiet lovers, but with definite feelings, Joey knew that this was going only in one direction, but he had only one chance to get there. After all, not three months ago he had thought Kaiba saw him as a lowly rival. Things were moving fast, but Joey wasn't one to sit around and wait.


Joey gave a start as he saw Kaiba's eyes, now open, albeit tired. He gave the blue-eyed man a smile. "Morning."

Kaiba wasn't obviously used to this intimacy. He flushed and pulled his arms away from Joey. "Sorry…" He muttered. "You could've pushed me away."

"Yeah, and you'd probably have suffocated me in your sleep." Joey laughed, and sat himself up in the bed. They hadn't even bothered to close the curtains last night, so the room was flooded with sunlight.

"What time is it?" He asked, noticing Kaiba reaching for his phone.

"Nine." The brunet answered. He seemed intent on finding something on the device, so Joey slid out of the bed and went to get dressed. He picked up his clothes on the way out, but as he reached the door, he heard Kaiba call, "There's some shirts in the wardrobe… If you want them."

A smile spread across Joey's face as he changed his path and instead ducked into the CEO's wardrobe room. He took that comment as Kaiba's way of saying 'my shirts look good on you'. To be honest, they were slightly bigger than Joey's, but, god, were Kaiba's clothes comfortable.

He re-emerged from the room several minutes later, wearing several of Kaiba's clothes. The hoody was too baggy, but for some reason it suited the blonde, so he put it on. Kaiba was still on his phone, but upon hearing the blonde approach he locked it and tossed it aside.

"Will I make breakfast? Before we start?" Joey noted Kaiba's hair was slightly mussed from sleeping, and smiled secretly to himself. Joey was starting to find reasonable explanations for his feelings for Kaiba. Despite how impenetrable Kaiba was in the eyes of the world, he could be quite cute when it was just him, alone and open.

"Sure," Kaiba shrugged, and pushed the covers off. When he stood, he was once again taller than Joey.

The blonde went to move, but something stopped him. Possibly, it was his heartbeat, which decided it didn't like its normal rhythm and began to hammer against his chest. His cheeks turned pink as Kaiba caught his eye. "Yes?"

Joey went to speak, but found no words. All that was running through his mind was Kaiba. Kaiba, Kaiba, Kaiba. "Kaiba…" He said, trying to find the right words, "I just want to know…"

The brunet was looking down at him, his face composed and serious – you would never think such a man was capable of feeling anything.

Taking a second to re-gather his flyaway thoughts, Joey tried again, asking "I wanted to know if this," he gestured at the gap between Kaiba and him, "Is this just a…. a-a thing for you or-"

"Joseph Wheeler," Kaiba cut him off, losing patience, "I'm not a man to be toyed with. I don't like wasting time, or associating myself with people who I feel won't benefit me. I'm efficient in everything I do or have done. If I don't want or like something, I will quickly forget it." He brought his hands up to Joey's flaming red cheeks and cupped them, "If this wasn't something I wanted, Joey, would I saying these words to you?"


"Exactly," Kaiba said, "Now stop looking so nervous. We've got breakfast to make, my brother to bring back and, when that's taken care of…" He placed a gentle kiss on Joey's lips, and, saying no more, retreated into the bathroom.

Joey was left standing like a dumb-struck idiot for quite a while. He pressed a hand to his right cheek, feeling the embarrassment radiating from it. Kaiba kissed me again…! He thought, a sudden smile breaking out across his face.

He knew he should be worried for Mokuba, or concentrating on how they'd find him, but the only thought running through his head as he left the room was how he felt about Kaiba. Whatever he felt…


Kaiba felt he had savoured the shower heat long enough, and brought up a reluctant hand to turn it off. Although, he wished he could turn his mind off.

It is his entire fault.

He still hadn't a notion of what had happened to him. Once upon a time, he would have gladly admitted he hated Wheeler, but now… Those feelings of dislike and hatred hadn't been around for months now. And as he thought more and more about, he was beginning to wonder if he ever truly did hate the blonde.

Even now, the cold, indifference he could once hold so well had long since disappeared. What was once nothing but an uninterested attitude was now a thump in his chest, a strange squeeze in his stomach, a dryness in his throat…

He just wasn't sure yet why he felt this way. Yes, he was attracted to him – it used to once hurt his pride to be attracted to another man, but once again that seemed to have disappeared - but physical attraction doesn't last forever. Wheeler wasn't too plain, though, he wasn't too attractive either. He had a nice smile, Kaiba granted him that, but he was scruffy around the edges.

The only thing he was certain was of what he felt – this new-found connection with Wheeler made him want to laugh, and it made him want to smile. It made him want to kiss him, to touch him, to see him happy.

But, most of all, it made him feel alive.


"So, what do you propose we do?"

Kaiba was just finishing off his coffee when Joey asked him the question. He was leaning forward on the breakfast bar, arms crossed and his face now deadly serious. Swallowing his drink, Kaiba replied, "I had hoped you had some say in this. I can tell you have a theory."

Joey feigned shock. "Me? But, Kaiba, I'm just a mutt." He tried to act hurt, but the grin was teasing at his lips.

Rolling his eyes, Kaiba replied, "Yes, yes, you're just a mutt. But, you know, dogs have such a keen sense of smell. Do you think you could pick up on the scent, or…?"

It was Joey's turn to roll his eyes. "So funny. I can see why you're so renowned for your jokes… I actually do have a theory."

Kaiba leaned back in the chair, crossing his arms over his chest. Today, he wore he plain white shirt which hung loosely on his shoulders. Joey was silently admiring it. "Go on…"

"I don't think Mokuba was taken away by the adoption agency."

That got Kaiba. He jumped forward and slammed his hands down on the table. "Joey! I was there, and I saw-"

"I know what you saw, Kaiba, but I don't think they really were an adoption agency. There isn't a legit agency under the sun who would take Mokuba from you. You have more than enough money; he's healthy, loved and extremely happy. Tell me, what social worker couldn't see that?"

Kaiba relaxed his body once again. "You're right. I'm sorry."

"That's not all, though," Joey continued, "I don't think that Mokuba is being sent to a new foster family; I think he's being held as a captive."

Frowning, Kaiba asked, "Who would hold him captive? We have no clues, Joey. We know nothing!"

The blonde smirked, and reached his left hand up his right sleeve. He pulled out a piece of paper, rolled up. Kaiba's mouth twitched with a smile. "I knew there was a reason you picked the baggiest hoody…"

Joey unrolled the paper, and Kaiba recognised it as his rejected adoption form. "I found it when I was getting dressed."

Kaiba caught his gaze, confused. "What good is this anymore?"

"I figured," Joey replied, folding the paper back up again, "we could start with seeing who was intercepting your mail."

It's… finally… Uploaded. :D *throws party* Joey would look in cute in an oversized hoody, nyeh?