Chi-Chi awoke the next morning to three loud bangs on the front door. She jolted awake, grabbing a bathrobe as she headed down the hall. "Now who on earth could that be?" She asked herself, opening the door.

An upset-looking purple and grey haired pre-teen stood before Chi-Chi. His right sleeve bore the Capsule Corp seal.


"Hi Mrs. Chi-Chi," the Saiyan hurriedly cut her off, wiping the corner of his eye on his sleeve. "Can I come in?"

Puzzled, Chi-Chi stepped aside and nodded, "Sure."

"Thanks," Trunks said quickly, coming inside.

Goku appeared in the hall then, looking pretty awake and on edge as he always was recently. In stark contrast, Goten stood a little further behind yawning.

But the 10 year-olds eyes widened when he saw his best friend. "Trunks?" He made his way to the front of his father.

"Hi Goten," Trunks nodded quickly.

"So what's going on?" Goku asked frowning.

Chi-Chi turned to Trunks, and all eyes fell on the 11 year-old.

"My…my dad left us!" He blurted out.

The Son family was taken aback for a couple moments.

"What do you mean 'he left' you?" Goku asked.

Trunks looked down at his clenched fists, trembling. "He left this morning. I asked him where he was going but he just told me that he was going to be gone for awhile…and that he was 'different'." Trunks tensed even more, looking back up at the group. "What does that even mean?"

"Calm down Trunks, I'm sure he won't be away for long," Chi-Chi consoled, coming forward and putting her hand on his shoulder. "Goku used to do this kind of thing all the time," she looked back at her husband, who looked a little confused under all his anxiety.

Trunks continued to look down at his feet. Yeah but why now? Mom needs him. We both need him, he thought.

Chi-Chi frowned in his silence. "Sit down. I'll make all of us some omelets," she decided.

Trunks looked up and nodded, obeying her as he took a seat at the kitchen table.

"Omelets?" Goten questioned, running forward. "Can I have some?"

Goku stayed back though, with his arms crossed and a fixed frown on his face. And when he suddenly left the room, only Chi-Chi turned and noticed that he was gone.

Goku was dressed within seconds. There's no doubt in my mind Trunks is telling the truth, he thought. He suddenly clenched his teeth slightly. But where did Vegeta go? I can't sense his energy anywhere. Why would he just leave like this?

He set his jaw and put two fingers to his forehead. A millisecond later, he was gone from the house.

Piccolo stood in the middle of nowhere, as always. Only, the difference was that Goku recognized the place when he teleported there.

The Namekian turned from his pensive state, "Goku,"

But Goku just looked around. "Do you come here a lot?"

Dust blew across the barren landscape. Years ago it had been the hub of activity in defending the Earth from Dartmouth.

"Sometimes. Why are you here?" Piccolo asked, changing the subject.

Goku fixed his frown on him. "Vegeta left. I was wondering if you knew where he went."

Piccolo narrowed his eyes. "To be honest Goku, I haven't talked to him in years. No one has."

Goku looked down at the ground frowning. "Yeah, I thought as much."

Piccolo glanced back. "How is Trunks handling it?"

"Pretty rough," Goku admitted looking back up. "Chi-Chi and Goten are with him now, but I can't help but think-"

"None of this would've happened if Vegeta had just saved his son from the start." Piccolo finished his sentence.

"How did you know?" Goku asked incredulously, gesturing.

"You aren't the only one with your share of secrets."

Goku looked confused still.

"Krillin told me," Piccolo informed him quickly.

"Oh." Goku said, remembering he had told Krillin what had happened. He didn't blame his best friend for telling other people, though he didn't necessarily want word to get out either.

"I'd be lying if I said I'd want Vegeta to come back," Piccolo continued, turning away. His cape hung limp in the dead wind. "But for Trunks' sake, I hope he gets his act together."

He suddenly seemed to grow angry, clenching his fists. "He destroyed one family, why does he insist on destroying another?"

Goku looked stunned, realizing then that he wasn't alone in this. Although he was sure Chi-Chi felt what he felt, Goku had always presumed after all this time no one else really understood the pain of losing Gohan.

But Piccolo did.

Goku walked forward and put a warm hand on the Namekian's shoulder. Piccolo glanced in his direction.

"Hey. Want to come back to my house? I know you don't eat anything but I'm sure Chi-Chi can get you a glass of water or something."

Piccolo hesitated, wanting to say no. But then he looked at Goku, and he nodded. "I'll follow in a second."

Goku nodded and took his hand off. "Okay."

The Saiyan took a few reluctant steps backward, looking back at Piccolo as if he were semi-doubtful he would actually follow.

But at long last, he flew off.

Piccolo stood there for a few more minutes, looking out across the deserted battlefield. He could still see the warmth and friendly nature in Gohan's eyes as he said goodbye.

It's only goodbye. But not forever… he had promised.

Piccolo looked up at the sky, wanting to believe it. "We miss you, friend."

Then he turned and flew away.

Dende took a deep breath in.

He was standing on the Lookout's edge, drinking tea, and watching Earthly activities.

Mr. Popo wasn't too far behind him watering the flowers.

Mr. Popo paused in his flower watering. "It's a beautiful day, isn't it Dende?"

Yellow butterflies flit around in lazy circles before the Namekian. Dende smiled.

"It sure is, Mr. Popo," he agreed.

Just then, a rush of air blew up, and the yellow butterflies splattered against the face belonging to none other than Vegeta.

"Vegeta!" Dende exclaimed, as the Saiyan spat butterfly remnants from his mouth and wiped his face with the back of his sleeve.

"Yeah. Hi." Vegeta said sourly.

"What are you doing here?" Dende asked, still utterly shocked.

Vegeta landed on the Lookout. "Can you connect me to King Kai," he asked hoarsely.

Dende stuttered, "Uhh…?" He looked back at Mr. Popo questioningly.

Mr. Popo looked just as shocked though, as he stood with the water can spilling on the pavement instead of the plants.

Dende looked back at Vegeta. "…Sure?"