Title: A New Day

Disclaimer: As much as I would love Harry Potter to be mine its not so humph.

Author: Lyle180

Summary: Draco's world just cant seem to be anymore than a downer.

Author's Note: Sorry if its no good, the idea just came to me and I couldn't let it go.

Harry was picking up his clothes after we finished our little make out session-sounded like more to me- and let out a sigh. He had been sighing all week. I knew the words I'd been dreading were coming and confrontation time was here.

At first he wouldn't say anything to me in the hall, in fact he ignored my fake snide comments not even acknowledging me and walking away. So I pulled him into our sacred alcove. He didn't even want to look me in the eye. I practically yelled at him, "What do you want from me". He looked like he was about to say something, when the stupid weasel heard and chose this time to decide he wanted to stick his big head in. My mask came back on, and I noticed the hurt look on Harry's face. It hurt more than anything in the world.

Harry was sad and mopping around the halls of Hogwarts like someone had stolen his broom. I knew why he was sad, he just wanted me to accept our relationship and get along with his friends. I watched as the dumb red haired rat as he tried to cheer him up, I was supposed to be the one trying to cheer him up and have my arms wrapped around him not that dumb weasel.

Harry's eyes finally made contact with mine after weeks of looking down. My gaze softened immediately, he seemed like a new person, like he was trying to tempt me to take him and make him mine again and again right there on the Gryffindor table in front of everyone. I don't know what happened over the past week, but he seemed more lively and up and at 'em. It seemed like the dumb weasel actually cheered up myHarry. Just needs to keep his hands to himself or there'll be curses flying. I stopped mid- thought when those dark green eyes met my gaze and held something behind them. Beauty that held mischief and love. I couldn't hold it anymore I had to run after those swaying limbs they were over powering. I didn't care who saw, that boy would be the death of me and I loved it.

I ran to Harry just before he was about to leave the great hall and kissed the life out of him. I heard an outburst at the Gryffindor table as the weaselette jumped up with her wand out. Weasley quickly jumped up and grabbed his sister and waved me off telling me to go with Harry, as he handled his sister. I could see how much he cared for Harry and how he looked out for his well being. I saw why he and Harry were friends and how no matter who it was Harry was with he would support him no matter what. He wasn't after Harry he just wanted happy.

I Draco Lucas Malfoy was on top of the world. I had Harry and the dark lord had been defeated with my lover by my side. There would be nothing that could take this joy from me.

I hoped you enjoyed it and please review !