Wife: Kagome?

*OK thanks to popular demand ( and threats of viscachas, rats that look like fat bunnies, as well as dark emo corners) I have written a sequel now please don't kill me if you don't like it. also I realize that I haven't been giving credit to the true authors of the stories and I am sorry I don't own any of the characters sigh*

I watch the man before me as he moves about the kitchen. I had only been here for a couple days or so. During this time Shunsui, as I had begun to call him, hadn't let me wonder far from him, or the house. He had taken leave from the office having Nanao bring him any papers that needed to be signed. By doing so stopped any attempts to escape before I was fully healed. And of course he wouldn't agree I was healed until Captain Unohana said I was. She seemed to be making herself pretty scarce since I hadn't seen her since I got here. I was fairly certain that any good doctor would have at least tried to check on her patient at least once, even if they were unresponsive. The clatter of a plate roused me from my musing. "Breakfast" Shunsui says cheerfully.

Along with not letting me out of the house he also had not allowed me to cook. He always seemed to be walking on broken glass around me. It irritated me to no end. I couldn't stand a man who couldn't stand up to a woman. Any relationship where the woman had so much power never ended well, same for the reverse. With a sigh I tucked into the meal. It was only during this time, when his mouth was otherwise occupied, that I didn't have to listen to his endless prattle about this and that and how nice the weather was.

The silence calmed me somewhat but I knew it would soon be filled with more of that mind-numbing prattle. "So Kagome how are you feeling" he asks as if he didn't know.

"Quiet honestly Shunsui rather irritated at the moment." Surprised by my unprecedented answer he turns to look at me. I answer his unspoken question "I can't stand how you're treating me. You act like I'm gonna break at a moment's notice. That or I'm gonna explode and kill us all. So which is it" I demanded looking him in the eye.

He stared at me flabbergasted by my little rant. I couldn't care less. Sure when he first met me I didn't really get so aggressive but that was only because he didn't act like this around me. I had proven without doubt that I could hold my own without any help, yet he still insisted that I be treated like a glass doll. It made my blood boil. I was NOT one of those helpless girls who ran around screaming before throwing myself at the mercy of some guy with big abs. on the other side of the equation I didn't want some guy who was too damn timid to stand up and say back up off him and leave him the fuck alone long enough for him to get something done. It may seem a little demanding but I wouldn't settle for less and end up unhappy for the rest of my life.

Shunsui makes no comment during my little rant or my mental dialogue. "Is that how you really feel Kagome" he asks softly.

I snort "I wouldn't have said it if I didn't mean it" I shot back leaning back in my chair.

"Good" he says before rounding on me with fury in his eyes. "How in the HELL could you just up and turn against us like that without at least trying to convince us otherwise? Did you think for one moment that everything would just be fine and dandy? Why didn't you think about what might have happened to you if Yamamoto didn't forgive Ichigo and his group for the things they did? Hu? Tell me why!"

I blinked in surprise before my temper got the best of me "because I knew your stubborn ass pride wouldn't allow you or anyone else to admit that maybe you were wrong about something! You're oh so great and powerful law was absolutely perfect and nothing not even God himself would have swayed your mind and you KNOW IT!"

We were both on our feet glaring each other down like a pair of junkyard dogs. All one of us needed to do was scratch behind the ear and-. Shunsui's hand drifted up to his ear before scratching it. I tried really hard not to laugh but it didn't succeed. I dissolved into helpless laughter that only got harder to resist when he gave me a confused expression. I gasped out what I had been thinking and he joined me. We both wound up lying on the floor just staring at the ceiling. "I guess you were right" Shunsui said quietly.

"We were both wrong" I said warmly "but I wanted to know if you would help me on nothing more than blind faith. True that didn't happen" I said ignoring his guilty expression "but I learned that you are unwaveringly loyal to that in which you believe in. So in the end I have to say that it came out ok."

He rolled over so that he faced me once again. He chuckled "I guess we learned a bit more about each other than didn't we? This of course doesn't mean we can't pick up where we left off."

"Ha" I say waving my hand "not likely buddy. We'll start back at the beginning and your build up from there."

A normal man would have accepted that and lost me right than but not my man. "Well that's not going to work" he states "after all I know you so much better" here a glint comes into his eye "than I did before. So, no, we can't start at the beginning because I don't want to."

He is nose to nose with me at this point. I could feel the warmth of his breath on my lips and cheek. It would only take one small movement for our lips to touch. Shunsui was aware of this but didn't move. He waited for me to give in and let him take control. I gave and let him have it just for a little while at least.

The kiss was how I remembered it so hot I thought I would burn from it. Shunsui deepened the kiss by tilting my head back. A light moan escaped me when his tongue brushed against my lips. Using that to his advantage he pushed inside. A war between his tongue and mine soon ensued. He won and took his time mapping out my mouth not that I was complaining. The need for air drove us apart reluctantly.

Looking up into his eyes I saw a passion burning there. "Kagome" he says cupping my face "this cannot start over. We'll go from here."

"Alright" I said "so when is Unohana coming to see me?"

He shook his head "should have known you would have figured that out. She'll be by in the morning I'll give her a call tonight."

I sat up and stretched "glad that's taken care of then."

Unohana closed her bag after my exam. "You are fit to go back to work if you would like. I think your recovery is so fast because of your healing powers."

"I wasn't that injured in the first place" I said pulling my shirt back down.

"I was referring to the scar beneath your breast."

I stopped my hand coming to rest lightly on the area. "Surely this is healed by now" I said "I got it a long time ago."

She frowns "it is healed on the surface at least but the wound is still there under it. I'm shocked you haven't gotten it checked out by a doctor before hand. I thought you would be smarter than that."

I just shrugged "a lot has been going on since then just kinda slipped my mind."

Her frown deepened but she sighed "well there's nothing I can do about it anyway so no need to fuss. Guess I'll be going then but I must add that if you ever decide that the eighth squad isn't for you that my squad would be happy to have you."

I smile at her offer "nice to know" I said waving as she left.

Not but five minutes after she left Shunsui was right next to me. "What did she say?"

"That I can go to work whenever I want" I said.

He sighed "glad you're alright then had me worried."

I snorted "really" I asked turning with my arms crossed "I get pushed and you get worried? It's gonna take a lot more than that to take me out."

"I can believe that."

Work was a welcome change to my routine. "KAGOME!" Hitting the floor was not.

"OH Kagome I'm so glad your back. I have been so lonely without you and . . . "

Nanao continued telling me everything that had happened in the last few days including her dating life failing once again. I learned that Rangiku had admitted that she had a crush on her much smaller and younger captain. I learned that all of Shunsui's fangirls hated my guts right now and all was well with the world. Oh yeah and I needed to go see Captain Yamamoto pronto. With a sigh I turn leaving the office and head straight for the lion's den hoping by some miracle that I wasn't about to die or worse get kicked out.

I knock on the door "enter" comes the gravelly voice of the Head Captain.

Swallowing past my fear I open the door and step in. I walk swiftly across the open area between his desk and the door. "Head Captain Sir, I heard you wanted to speak to me."

Surprised that my voice sounded so calm I almost missed him talking. "Mrs. Higurashi I must say I am quite disappointed at your actions earlier in the week regarding the incident with the infiltrator Ichigo Kuroskai. I must say that what you did was ill advised." My blood began to boil. I couldn't tell if it was because of what he was saying or because I was under so much stress at this point. My growing rage made it near impossible to keep silent on the current conditions. "I am forced to wonder if your loyalty is truly to the Grotto or if your-"

"Alright" I snapped "I can stand you telling me that my decisions were wrong. I can even stomach you criticizing them. But what I cannot stand is your questioning of my loyalty." I lock eyes with the Head Captain I know I making the biggest possible mistake of my life right now but I can't stop. "You have no right to criticize me. You who are so arrogant to believe that your law system isn't flawed. That these ridged rules that even you chaff under are ALWAYS right. Well here's your wake up call. Those rules aren't right and you know why? If we had listened to those rules a group of innocent people would have died. No I'm not talking about the group who came to rescue Rukia. I'm talking about Ichigo's family. They would have died had not Rukia broken the rules in the first place. Not that you would have cared. You would have sat here in this room and not given a damn about them. They were just some unfortunate bystanders that got killed. Hell you probably would have punished Rukia anyway had she have come back and told you that they died during her battle. So I don't see any reason why you have the right to think yourself above any of us since you don't even know what it means to be human anymore."

The only thing to break the silence was the sound of my panting breath. "So what'll it be" I growl looking him dead in the eye "are you going to continue to sit there like this doesn't matter and get rid of some little upstart or are you going to maybe entertain the possibility that I'm right and you for the first time in your life were wrong?"

His eyes still locked with mine wavered, then fell. "Get out of here" he said hoarsely like he had been the one yelling "get out of here I don't want to see your face anymore."

I left, pausing at the door way I turned "there are only some things that make a human different than an animal. One is our compassion to understand others. Another is our ability to use our brains to think for ourselves." I slipped out the door not waiting to see what his reaction would be.

I walked swiftly back to the office, so swiftly that I thought I may have started running at one point. I got back to the office to find Nanao gone and Shunsui waiting for me. My expression said everything "either something really good or really bad happened and I hope it was really good." Mutely I shook my head. "How bad" he asked with a tense look.

Without thought I told him everything from the moment I walked through his doors till I left. Slowly he slid down the office wall till he hit the floor. There he put his head in his hands. "Oh shit" he said softly.

I sat down next to him "indeed" I said flatly.