Stole My Heart

When the doorbell rang I padded barefoot across the plush carpet that covered the floor of the apartment Nick and I rented together eight months ago. Just as I was reaching my hand out to the doorknob it rang again. Trying to keep my face pleasant, I opened the door.

Kim and Tori stood there grinning at me holding a garment bag and a shoe box.

"Hello, love!" Tori said.

"Okay, here's the deal," Kim said, getting right down to business. "Nick said you are not allowed to peek until you are getting ready tonight." She pushed past me and laid the bag over the back of the couch. "He said he would be able to tell by looking at you if you did." She turned to look at me and put her hand on her hip. "And he said that he would cancel all his plans if you do."

"That's a bit drastic," I said to her as Tori placed the shoes on the coffee table. "Isn't it?"

"Nick likes his surprises," Kim said with a shrug.

"And you won't give me any hints on what he's planning?" I said, looking at them and silently begging them to tell my why Nick's plans were so hush-hush. I knew that it was our anniversary, but still… I hate surprises.

"Nope," Tori said, grinning.

I sighed and slumped into an armchair.

"I hate surprises," I mumbled.

"Which is exactly why Nick wants it all to be a surprise," Kim said, kissing my cheek and heading to the door.

Tori kissed my cheek as well. "I can't wait to see you tomorrow." She winked and followed Kim out of the door.

I sat in my arm chair for a few moments after they left, then I got up and went to the garment bag. I stared at it for five minutes trying to resist the urge to open it. I reached my hand out to the zipper.

I started unzipping it but stopped myself. Nick wanted it to be a surprise and I wouldn't disobey his wishes. I forced myself to let go of the warm metal and stepped back.

Nick came home at dinner time, carrying his own garment bag, box of shoes and a bag of Chinese take-out.

"Did you peek?" he demanded before even saying hello.

I sighed. "No."

He stared at me for a second, probably deciding whether or not I was telling the truth. "Good," he said. He set the bag and the shoes on the table, his garment bag over mine and gave me a kiss. "Happy anniversary," he whispered against my lips.

"Happy anniversary," I whispered back. He kissed me again and then stepped back.

"This is part one," he said, gesturing to the take-out. "Because we were eating Chinese when we came up with our ship name."

I chuckled. "I forgot about that." I stepped closer to Nick and wrapped my arms around his waist. "I love you so much," I whispered, leaning my forehead against his.

"I love you too," he whispered, putting his hands on my chest.

After a moment I asked: "How many parts are there?"


"Well let's eat so we can get to the next one!"

I figured out where we were going just before we got there, but the black-tie-event-worthy tuxes still didn't make sense.

When we had skated around the rink once, we made our way to the middle where Nick stopped us. "This is part two," he said.

"Because this is where we had our first official date," I finished.

"Yes." He nodded once. "And right here in the middle of the rink was where we had a major chick-flick moment and professed our love for each other, which was not the first time we said 'I love you', but it was the first time we let each other know how thankful we are for each other and how much we need each other."

"It was indeed. And I said that chick-flicks were great because they always have a hot guy, but none of them are as hot as you."

"You did say that, didn't you?" Nick said laughing.

"And I also taught you how to skate," I said. "And you gripped my hand so tight it nearly broke off." I tapped his nose, a cheesy move I know. "You weren't scared or anything." I grinned down at him.

"Not at all." He shook his head. "But I want you to know, that after a year, I am still thankful for everything you've helped me with. And I still need you, need to be around you, need to laugh with you, need to be loved by you."

"Talk about a chick-flick," I said, winking. Nick laughed and looked down. I reached out and put my hand under his chin, pulling his face up to look at me. "I don't ever want to be without you," I said to him. "I can't ever be without you." Nick tilted his head back a little more and I leaned down to kiss him.


For part three I was blind folded. I sat in the passenger seat of Nick's Charger as he drove us somewhere. Just when I was getting impatient, debating whether or not to demand him to tell me where we were headed, he parked the car and turned it off. He quickly got out and came over to my side. I got out and Nick took my hand, guiding me. After a few moments he positioned me and reached behind my head to take the blindfold off. He stepped aside and I looked up at the building.

"Nick, this is-"

"The diner we came to on our very first night together, exactly a year ago." He took my hand and led me inside, to the same booth we sat at a year ago. We slid in side by side and the waitress came up. She was the same waitress we had a year ago, Donna.

"I remember you two," she said. "You almost got into a fight with some assholes, excuse my language."

I laughed. "That would be us."

"What can I get you, Sweetheart?"

"A large order of fries and two chocolate milkshakes," Nick said.

"Coming right up," Donna said, jotting it down and walking away.

I intertwined my fingers with Nick's on the tabletop. "I'm so happy you brought me here," I said. "This is where we first started learning about each other, and now we know everything there is to know about each other." I leaned in and kissed him. "Except," I said, pulling back suddenly, "the big secret you're keeping from me about tonight."

"Big secret?" he asked innocently.

"Mhmmmm," I said, nodding. "The reason we are wearing crazy-fancy tuxes. It's after midnight, where else could we possibly be going?" I asked.

"Nowhere," Nick said. "I said there were three parts of tonight. This is part three."

"But why tuxedoes!?" I nearly yelled. "It's driving me nuts!"

"Calm down, Jeff," Nick said, chuckling. "You'll find out soon enough."

"But I wanna know now," I whined. Nick just smiled and shook his head.

I sighed and stared off at the other end of the room. There was only one explanation that I could think of, but I didn't want to get my hopes up for that.

Donna came back carrying a tray with our milkshakes and our French fries. She placed them in front of us and said, "Just holler if you need anything." just as the bell jingled and more customers came in.

I dipped a fry into my shake as the young couple, probably around eighteen, walked by us, hand in hand. He leaned down and whispered in her ear, causing her to giggle.

Halfway through our tray of fries I couldn't take it anymore. "Please, Nick, I'm begging you. Just tell me. Please, please, please. I can't take it anymore."

"Jeff, you need to calm down."

"I can't!" I exclaimed. "I hate surprises! I think we can say that I waited long enough, I just wanna know!"

Nick looked at me for a moment, deliberating. Then he said, "Fine."

"Really?" I hadn't expected him to give in.

"Really," he said and then he started sliding out of the booth.

"Wait, where are you going." I slid down to the edge and Nick got down on one knee. "Nick you're going to ruin your tux," I said. Then it hit me. "Oh my god," I whispered.

"I could say a million things about how much I love you," Nick said, reaching out for my hand. "Or how happy you make me, or how much you changed my life. But I think the best and most beautiful way to do this, is to do it simply. So, Jeffery Sterling, will you marry me?" he asked.

"Yes," I said immediately, throwing myself forward and attaching our lips. "Yes," I said against his mouth. "Yes."

Well, that's all folks.

Thank you all again so, so much for making this story what it is. I wouldn't have done it if it wasn't for you

Hugs and kisses to you all.

(Kim and I are so together ;) ~darrenchris6)