Hey people, this is a new story. I know what you may be thinking, I have like 6 stories on the go but I promise I will get to them all. The deal with this story is that fairy tale fan fics have been a new hot topic and I want to join. For my French ISU this semester I had to re-write a classic fairy tale in the point of view of a different character. I picked Snow White from the Huntsman's point of view. It's the huntsman's story leading up to him having to kill Snow White but then he can't go through with it because he falls in love with her. My ISU is an insanely not detailed in complex version on what this story is going to be.

The reason I'm doing this now is because I want to know if this idea is worth looking into or not. There is a lot of fairytale fan fics and I want to know if people will actually read this.

Because of the amount of similar fan fics I promise you this will be different. I've read the majority of them and will try to stay away from other people's ideas. The majority of them are based on Cinderella and this is Snow White so I hope that is help make it different.

On that note with will be kind of an odder fairy tale, maybe a bit more twisted than the other ones, so if that's something you're uncomfortable with i advise you to stop reading now.

It will also be set up more like a story, less dialog more detail.

Other than that, I really hope you enjoy, and please keep a review in mind on whether or not you'd like me to continue. Enjoy! :)

A New Beginning

Love is a myth. It is an untrue feeling that people receive to mask the pain of their past. Maybe that's why a long time ago people were assigned to the person they were supposed to marry, that saved them from numerous heart aches and heart breaks that were completely unnecessary. At the end of the day, that's all love is; pain. That is the evil of it though, with every love, there is evil, that is just how the universe works.

Growing up, all the stories or movies or books you have come across is based on the theme 'Love vs Evil'. Whether in was a main theme or it was displayed subtly, it is still there. Usually in these stories love always wins, even when evil wins there is some sort of point or larger picture to the matter. For example, the ever so famous play by the legendary Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet evil won. If love had won the two star-crossed lovers would of lived to tell the tale. Instead, they both committed suicide due to their love for each other. Though evil won, it came as a larger purpose- the people of Verona's feud was put to an end over the lovers suicide. So in a way, love did win. With that being said, love will always return to evil, and evil with always return to love. It is like a continuous loupe that you can never escape from- you cannot have one with out the other.

Honestly, it sucks.

In fairy tales love always wins. You never get to see the evil because you never get to see the aftermath. The events beyond the kiss or the final battle or wedding or the ending. So you never get to see the evil.

Now, with that imprinted in your brain, let me get a move on me. You see, I'm a no one, literally. I am another face in the crowd, another person in the place. There's nothing special about me, or so I thought.

I live in a bad time for North America. Disaster struck the world about 30 years back so that all the continents were destroyed, sunk into the ocean never to be seen again. The only one left standing is the one I'm currently living on. The aftermath lead to hell. All the technology was lost, so instead of advancing, we are moving backwards. Going back in time towards the fairy tale ages.

The government did what he could to rescue whoever he could, and bring the survivors back with us to create a 'New Era for Human Kind'.

What a load of crap

Let me tell you, they probably wish they died.

The government is stupid. Don't ask me how they got put in power, I wasn't alive to complain. Let me tell you, I did not vote for them. Somehow the Golds managed to put themselves in a position of power. Supposedly they are the 'modern day royal family' even though they are not royalty. The only thing royal thing about them is that they are a royal pain in my ass.

They believe that they is superior, everyone else is below then when the truth is, they are just a bunch of idiots. The Golds were going to get away with it to, except when Mr. Golds half brother came in the picture, who goes by the name of Mr. White. So the cliché twin rivalry came into play, and now North America is split into two halves; North and South. Of course I am stuck on the North side with the idiot I have to call my ruler. As of right now the two sides are at peace, we do not screw with the South, and the South does not screw with us.

Simple as that.

That's make too much sense.

The public doesn't know it yet, but I believe we are at war. The evil Queen also known as Mrs Gold is the brains behind everything. The is the most seductive, diabolical person you will ever come across. One hundred twenty pounds of pure evil. Through her husband, she is plotting against his brother in an attempt to steal the South side as well. Personally that is one of the stupidest ideas I have ever heard. It just so happens that the future war, brings us to the beginning of our story.

Directing the attention towards me again, I am no one. All my life I've strived for greatness but I've never managed to actually reach it. Why? Because of my own evil brother. If I caught a fish, he killed a shark, if I trapped a rabbit, he trapped a bear. That's how it's always been.

My father is a good man. He loves me because I am his son but he has a weird way of showing it. My brother has always been better than me, so he chooses to ignore all the possible potential I might have, he is all about my brother.

My Grandfather however, took the time to actually look at me, I owe who I am to him. My Grandfather is a great man; a friend to everyone. As Harper Lee would put it, he is the same man in the house, as he is out of the house. I am honored to be known as his grandson. He saw the potential in me, so while my father was running around with my brother he trained me.

I went from being no more than a face in the crowd to being someone everyone knew. If you did not know my name, you knew my face. Why?

Because I'm awesome.

Or in more detail, my new found talent with my weapon of choice- the bow and arrow -I was able to hunt absolutely anything. If you in great need of food, I'd catch you something. If there was a wild animal, I could kill it.

I prefer it's because I'm awesome though.

So with my skill, brought responsibility. I was one of the only people in the village that looked for nothing in return. Hunting wasn't a bother for me. I didn't mind giving people food for free, I didn't want anything in return. With all the evil lurking around lately, I wanted to be the good in peoples lives.

I am the Huntsman.

But you can call me Jack.

Sometimes though, responsibility can be a pain. I learned this the hard way.

My story begins the day I got a message from the castle. Or the largest, ugliest building I've ever seen, that the Golds live in.

The message said that the queen wanted to see me, she had something important for me to do.


Everyone knew how twisted she was, and honestly, I was scared. I had to go though, you never say no to the queen, never. So later that day off I went to the castle. The guard knew exactly who I was and let me in right away, guiding me in the direction I needed to go. The place was hideous from the outside, but much more appealing from the inside.

There was high ceilings and granite walls with red ribbon cascading over the large windows. Now I know where all the money went. As I continued down the hallway, the hardwood floors turned into a deep red carpet. At the end of the hallway stood a single thrown, that the evil queen herself sat on.

Yep, she defiantly wore the pants in their relationship.

"Ah Huntsman." She greeted.

"My queen." I bowed. No, I did not respect her, not at all. But she was in a position of power and I need to show her respect. No matter how much it pains me. However, the punishment for lack of respect would probably hurt more.

"I have a job for you." She began. She shooed away the guards and helped herself off her thrown and made her way towards me. The look she stared at me with frightened me. It was like daggers stabbing my soul.

"Anything my queen." I said. My face stayed cold. I wanted to be anywhere but here right now. The last person who she had a job for never made it back. All I really knew about the mission was... well nothing now that I think about it. I remember helping the family grieve for months. That was not a happy time for the kingdom, they couldn't even get closer with a funeral because the body was so badly destroyed.

The queen continued making her way towards me, slowly circling around me. An evil grin was planted on her face. It formed an unsettling knot in the pit of my stomach. She dragged her abnormally long finger nail across the side of my cheek and brought my face to meet hers.

"Very handsome..." She whispered seductively. Who was she trying to kid? No amount of horribly done makeup could hide the age in her face. Don't get me wrong, for an older woman she was fairly attractive, just not my type. I don't roll that way.

"I'm not you're puppet." I spat. She continued running her fingernail down and around the back of my neck, and she continued to circle me. It sent a wave of unsettling shivers down my spine. I wish she'd just get the the point before I lose my mind.

"Of course not dear. With the job comes top secret information that comes with a price, are you willing to pay it?"

"Do I have a choice?"

"Not really, I'm just required to ask," She said with a smile. A laugh escaped from her lips as she made her way to face be. "you are familiar with my brother in law, White?"

"I've heard of him."

"He has a daughter, I assume you know that though yes?" Yes I have. White kept a low profile, for that I respect him. His wife passed a while back due to an incurable disease. That left him and his daughter. Kim. Though I have never seen her myself, she was told to be beautiful. The most beautiful girl you would ever lay eyes upon. I was never one to be hopelessly distracted by looks, but she was a different story. She was manipulative, and apparently every single boy feel for her looks.

"I've heard rumors." I said stiffly. She was not getting the best of me.

"I have a request..." She trailed of, making her way back to her thrown.

"What is it?" I snapped. She began laughing again as a smile grew upon her lips.

"I want to make a point. In order to make a point, I want you to sneak over to the south side-"

"Will that not get me killed!" I exclaimed.

"Possible, that is why I chose you. Are you not the best?"

"I am."

"Then your chances of survival... increases. I want you to go to the south side and kill her." I glanced at her face. It was colder than mine. Ever single facial feature was solid as a rock, I have never seen anyone more serious in my life. Not even my father.

"Kill her?" I questioned. Yes I've shot animals, but people were a whole different story. My grandfather taught me to use the gift to help people, not kill them. Especially not the daughter of the people running the other half of the world with the probability of me not making it back. So many things could go wrong.

"Is that a problem?" I hesitated. Was it a problem? "Like I said before, that information came with a price."

"It's not a problem."

"That's what I thought." A twisted smile grew on her face this time.

"I'll do as you ask... on one condition"

"A condition?" She asked. "Wow, I'm intrigued." She said. She walked back towards me. The difference this time is that she didn't stop a few steps away like the previous time, she continued. Soon her body was less than an inch away from mine. Due to the height difference, her lips were at my neck. I could smell her perfume as she breathed on my neck. It was a mixture of pain and death. Yum. I didn't move. My body was relaxed, didn't move at all. She ran her finger nail up my chest and connected it with my cheek again. "What's your condition?" She whispered against my skin. Oh boy, was I ever uncomfortable.

"Regarless of what happens to me my family is protected understood?" I said firmly. She pushed herself away from me.

"That's cute."

"I mean it." I snapped.

"Of course Huntsman. However, there's a catch" The look in her eyes was unlike something I had ever seen before, it was... seductive. What kind of awful game was she playing?

"Before you tell me the catch. What is the point of all of this?" I asked. I wanted to know, if she was going to treat me like a puppet the least she could do is fill me in on what the hell she is trying to accomplish.

"I need an upper hand. By killing his daughter I put him in a state of emotional vulnerability and it makes it easier to attack and win."

"Has anyone ever told you you're twisted?"

"Yes many many times." She smiled. It was almost like she took pleasure in people's pain. Like it made her feel good to watch other people suffer. Something I will never comprehend. The pain of others makes me want to throw up, not give me satisfaction. It takes a very screwed up person to take pleasure from that. The queen definitely fit that criteria.

"So the catch?"

"Oh ready for this? I can't trust anyone. You don't become ruler without learning how to screw people over and because of that I take no chances. So, to prove to me that you kept your word I want you to brought me her heart"

"Her heart?" Well that's a new one.

"Yes. Now go Huntsman. You leave tomorrow." And with that- before flashing me another twisted smile -she left. Leaving me alone in this giant castle that I have to find my out. Great.

So that's how the story starts. I've been sent on this crazy mission to steal a girls heart. Literally.

I am the huntsman.

I've been sent to kill Kim White.

Ok, there is the beginning. Its a bit odd I know. If you like it though, please review and tell me! If I don't get a decent amount of reviews I wont bother continuing. Sorry, not trying to sound needy :$ I have a lot going on and if this isn't going to be a hit, I'm not going to bother.

I hope you did like it though, I'm kind of excited about this :$

With that being said, don't expect an update super soon, got other things to finish, but if you want me to I promise I will finish this.

Please review and let me know what you think and if you like it. Also, If you think I should somehow incorporate Jerry, Milton and Eddie in it some how.

Right now, its called a Huntsman's tale, but I might change it to 'Kim White'. What one do you like better?


Hope you enjoyed.

P.s I updated my page, I have a little note thing if you're interested. Just a little blurb about me. I case you wanted to know more.