Yeah, I just felt like writing a Foxface/Thresh Fanfiction, not many going I see. Anyway review please, reviews will make me want to carry on :) So if you like the first chapter REVIEW PLEASE! Also this is my frist proper time in writing in present tense :S I hope it's ok, the first bit in Thresh's part is past tense on purpose xxx Thank youxxxx

Foxface (Finch)

I'm invisible, a ghost of this arena as sly as a fox. I guess that's how I got my nickname 'Foxface', the other tributes don't know that I know of my nickname, but that's ok. I enjoy watching their stupidity and ignorance.

The breathing of my fellow tributes has sped up as the time ticks by, 10, 9, 8. I snigger slightly, if they carry on with this breathing, they'll all be dead in a few weeks; they'll kill each other off eventually. In their sleep, if you have a good ear like me, just follow the breathing and stick a knife in them.

That isn't me; I have to keep reminding myself of this. I can't kill. I refuse to kill. The gong sounds and I run off, I'm not going to the cornucopia but I allow myself to grab a couple of Items before I head for the woods. A backpack which holds a loaf of bread, a blanket, matches and a small pocket knife. I also grab a slightly larger knife just before the girl from 9.

I stop and turn just in time to whiteness, what I presume to be the first killing. Cato, the boy from district 2 sinks his knife into the girl from 3, she topples over, clutching her stomach, the wound isn't too bad, if she can make it to the woods. She'll live. I catch my breath as I see Gilroy running at her, axe in hand, he wouldn't. I run into woods before he finishes her off. I should have known that he was lying when he told me he wasn't going to take part in the bloodbath.

I shake my head and got out of there, I turn and head up hill; I need to find somewhere to hide.

To my horror, I run into someone. We fall over but I quickly stand up wanting to hold my ground. It is the girl from 12, otherwise known as 'the girl on fire'. Her eyes are locked on mine; neither of us knows what to do. Whether we should run or attack. She was given an eleven in training, she's a fighter. Why isn't she attacking me?

I take this as my opportunity to flee, I can tell by the slowly decreasing sounds of footsteps that she has run the opposite way. I make a mental note that I owe her for letting me escape.

I stop at the foot of a tree, it looks well enough hidden. I climb up it with haste. From here I can see that the blood bath is still going on. Great, now I will know my fellow tributes strengths, how they kill, they're weaknesses.

I watch as the district 8 boy strangles Gilroy to death. So the district 8 boy is good at hand to hand combat. After killing of my district partner he runs off to Cornucopia.

Gilroy is dead. Yes, he lied to me but if he won, my family would have more food this year. My family could do with some extra food. I don't let any emotions show; I don't know when the cameras are showing me. They will be mainly focused on the bloodbath today but from time to time they will be showing me and other tributes who aren't taking part in the bloodbath so that the Capitol people will know that we are still alive.


I could have let my first kill live; he wasn't a threat to me. If he hadn't have killed of her district partner I probably would have let him live.

I grab what I can from the Cornucopia, a sickle sword, a few back packs of food and some survival stuff and I leave. Just as I leave the boy who killed Gilroy enters. He doesn't attack, he is un-armed but I don't care I slice at him and he falls to the ground.

I glance around eagerly to find Rue; I look among the dead bodies but I don't find her, I pick up speed and head towards the trees.

As soon as I enter the woods I see her, she is climbing down a tree. Her head glances sideways to see me. Finch, what a beautiful girl with her red hair in two buns and her bright blue eyes, I wonder if any other tributes had noticed her beauty.

I begin walking towards her, "Finch," I whisper as her feet plant on the ground before me. She gulps. This isn't the first time we have spoken, surely she knows from the last time that I don't intend on killing her.

"Thresh," her voice is shaky; her eyes glance from side to side as if she's searching for an escape.

"Relax, you know I'm not going to hurt you," I half smile, she lets out a sigh. I know that she doesn't want this, doesn't want us to be in any form of alliance, any form of agreement, she wants me to be just another tribute in the arena.

"Ok, let me rephrase that. I'll give you a thirty second head start," I say jokingly, she rolls her eyes, and walks past me, her shoulder slides across my arm. She's approximately a foot smaller than me in height, this plus her ginger hair and blue eyes make's her undeniably cute.

I smile, "I'll see you around then," I laugh; she shakes her head, she's right. I won't see her again. "Or not," I whisper back and I begin walking away towards a field that a saw earlier.

I'm about to wish her luck, but by the time I turn around she has disappeared. She's clever; she would be a ghost in this large arena, as well as being a ghost to me. I can't help but wonder what would happen if we had met in different circumstances, but we wouldn't have met in different circumstances. This is the only way separate districts are brought together, in death.

When I reach the field, I notice that it's full of wheat, perfect for food. I could keep both Foxface and Rue safe here with me. Where was Rue? Was she safe? Was she alive? I hope she was. Rue won't win, but she deserves to. She's loved dearly around our district, the little girl who sings us home after a long day in the fields. She will be a great loss to district 11.

I have already promised myself that I won't let whoever kills her win; therefore, I need to stay alive. I need to be there to kill her killer.

The first cannon goes off, the bloodbath must be over, eleven dead. Eleven, I do hope Rue is not among them.

Tell me what you think? I can take contructive critism so feel free to leave it :) So yeah, Review please xxxx