Disclaimer: The world and characters of Tortall do not belong to me, they belong to Tamora Pierce. Written for MPP #6, 'puzzles' at Goldenlake. Written for Muse (museicality here), who loves Alex/Delia and their dynamics. Reviews are love!

Sometimes, she hates him as much as she hates Trebond.

He's a mystery in so many ways, and that's what gets her. She understands hate. She understands fear. She doesn't understand secrets. Well, she does, but not ones that are kept from her.

Because she is Delia, and just a quirk of her painted red lips has men spilling their every closet skeleton right into her waiting hands. But Alex just looks at her like she is nobody- like she amuses him- and those iconic lips start to tremble.

She is an Eldorne, though, and she does not cry; she gets stronger. She takes two steps toward him and he takes one step back. Delia flicks away her green eyes and shrugs, and she feels like she's in control.

Sometimes, she thinks she'll never get past his enigmatic smile and see what he really wants.

But then, she thinks, it was the same with Roger, and look at her now. She winds her hands in his black hair, stares in his blueblueblue eyes, and whispers in his ears.

"I believe in you," she says, "You will win, you will gain your rightful place, all will be well."

He smiles and strokes her cheek, and triumph glows in her chest.

She's solved one puzzle. How hard can Alex of Tirragen be?