((Chapter Eleven))

Pariah Dark glared into space, a deep heavy frown upon his face, in his hand was a well preserved painting of himself, his mate and their child. He missed her, in life she was his eyes and ears for the people, she was his hands and his feet; she was his heart and brain. Then she was taken from him. Murdered while he was away in battle, their child, already born half dead was nearly killed as well if not for the Ancients stepping in.

His grip tightened on the painting, it was hard to raise a son on his own, but he loved every moment. And then the attack came, he and his son were killed, but strangely his son could still appear as a human even in death. But he was reunited with his beloved and they made a wonderful kingdom in the afterlife. Everyone was happy, safe and free to do as they pleased. Then THEY came. Like a plague, they turned his people against him, his beloved ripped from him for the second and final time.

He begged the assistance of the Ancients, but THEY had them under their control and therefore they could not help. But the King of the Ancients told him that he was sorry, that he could only save one and it would be his son. He agreed without a thought, THEY took his wife and mate; THEY would not get his son. Not long after he was imprisoned, forgotten and assumed gone forever. And yet here he sat; weak from his long sleep, but steadily gaining strength and power.

His most loyal servant was out searching for the Halfa, a young child with limitless power ripe for the picking. But he could not bring himself to think of taking another, especially one that was so like his own child. His child was safe still, protected by the Ancient, what would he think of him mating with someone millions of years younger than himself?

"Sire… I have news… The young Halfa has gone missing!" Galdin cried running into the temporary room. "Everyone in the Ghost Zone is searching for the child as we speak!"

"Then-" He tried to stand only to collapse, Galdin catching him and supporting him as he grudgingly climbed back into bed. "Then I suggest you find out who took them and bring them to me… Go quickly before there is a war that I cannot stop seeing as I cannot set even a foot out of bed."

"Yes, sire… Please rest." The knight bowed and in a burst of flames, he was gone…


Vlad shot through the air over the Ghost Zone, his mind replaying the last few hours though it hadn't felt like it. He knew he disliked the blonde kid, but now he was growing an instant hate, worse than his displeasure for Danny's human parents, aimed at the Baxter Family. It would seem that they were the cause in so much unrest. And what made his blood boil like the core of the sun was that Baxter worked with the Guys in White and the GiW have been trying to get their hands on him for years now.

He flew towards the nearest portal, a natural one, and burst through the other side like a bat out of hell. He headed for the old InGene laboratory, using his comlink to call the others and tell them where he was going. He snarled as he put forth another burst of speed, hoping that whatever Clockwork was cooking up worked.

He distantly thought about what the Time Master had told him, buying him time and to bring Danny into the Ghost Zone. But he didn't think it was wise, this would be very bad for Danny; stress wasn't good and with the added affect that Danny isn't fully mature, the stress could trigger a melt down and it could ultimately kill his Little Badger! And how was Vlad to know if what they said was true, for all he knew it could be an act or trick.

'If it means making enemies out of the Ancients, so be it. I will not allow harm to come to my Little Badger…' He thought, bypassing the ruins of the lab. As he did so he felt strange, the world suddenly froze, but he was still moving. 'But how- the medallion!'

He dug in his pocket and looked at the gear shaped pendant that had a Celtic designed CW in the center. Smirking he flew even faster to where he needed to go. It had taken them too long to find out what happen, Clockwork had even broken a few commandments of the Time Keepers' Code to be able to see what he couldn't before. And what they saw made Vlad wish to shove his fist into the chests of a certain Jock and his father.

He pulled out a device from his pocket and flicked it on, he reached into another pocket and pulled out a small crystal that the older Phantom had given him, he said it was a sample of Danny's GNA. He put it in and waited for it to finish analyzing it before it began to track the energy signature from it. He blinked when the world came back to him and he noticed he was a good three hours out of Amity Park, but to the world below him, a second had only passed.

"So that's what he meant… Better hurry…." He looked at the device once more and zoomed into a familiar looking forest and finally coming to a stop before a mountain, glaring death at it he walked forward into the seemingly abandoned mine…

~With Danny~

Danny groaned as he slowly became aware of the world as well as strange sensations that he KNEW he should not be feeling before he screamed as something brushed over his entrance. Kicking his foot up, he hit whatever was touching him and slammed his foot into its chest or face, struggling and kicking to get into a sitting position. He only got as far as resting on his elbows before he was knocked down and was struck in the face.

"Stupid Daniella! Don't kick me or I'll break your fucking legs!"

"Da-Dash!? Wh-what… No! GET OFF OF ME!" Danny screamed, struggling again. "GET OFF!"

Dash snarled as he wrestled the smaller boy before he finally had enough and punched him for the second time, a bruise blooming over a pale cheek before another hit fell leaving a split lip, another leaving the makings of a black eye. When he got pained whimpers, he stopped hitting Danny and smirked.

"There, that's better… Now then, you're going to be quiet and open your legs like a good slut because you happen to be my gift… Dad was nice enough to get you for me. And if you know what's good for you, you'll take it or I might have my dad cause an accident for your precious Vlad…"

"N-no…" Danny whimpered, tears falling from his eyes.

"Then start doing as you're told!" Dash raised his fist once more, smirking as Danny yelped, trying to curl up and protect himself, but not getting very far.

Grabbing Danny's hair, he pulled his head around and smashed his lips to his, biting his lip harshly, making him cry out so he could shove his tongue into his mouth. His free hand finding a nipple and twisting it to the point that he nearly tore it off. Danny's pained yelps and whimpers were muffled as he vainly tried to block it out. He couldn't use his powers, they weren't reacting to his call and it frightened him, this was the first time he's been without them and in this kind of situation?

"Mmph… mmph-ooo… NO!" He screamed, kneeing Dash in the stomach when the bully's hands reached too far down for his liking. "STOP TOUCHING ME!"

Dash gagged a bit, the hit jarring his stomach enough to make him slightly soil himself and even vomit a little. Growling in both embarrassment and anger, he grabbed one of Danny's legs, his left one and held his ankle between his hands.

"I warned you…" He then twisted Danny's foot, the sickening snap of bone and the scream that fell from Danny's lips was enough to make anyone sick.

Danny blacked out for a moment, but the pain was too great to stay out long, he sobbed and cried, his left foot lying in an awkward angle, swelling and throbbing with searing pain. Even with his rapid healing, it would not be able to fix that and it hurt so bad! Dash smirked and grabbed the ankle, squeezing hard as Danny screamed again, sobbing loudly as she thrashed about while trying to get away from the pain.

"Do it again, Fentina, and I'll break the other one, then your shins, your knees and finally your femurs… If I do enough damage, you'll never be able to walk again and if you tell anyone, you'll regret ever being born…"

"W-Why… why a-are y-y-you doing this?!" He sobbed out.

"Because…" Dash began, punching Danny in the face a few times. "You're a faggot, a sick little homo… And after I'm done taking care of these gross faggy urges; I can go back to my NORMAL straight life!"

With every word he said, another punch to the face or stomach, a slap, his hair pulled and his ankle crushed in an unbearable grip. Danny was barely conscious after the assault and Dash nodded his approval, grabbing the tub of lube once more he made to slather his prick. He had planned to prep Danny, but after the little shit kicked him and bruised his ribs, he was going to only slick himself up, least he get skin burn from taking the slut dry.

Grabbing Danny's legs and spreading them wide, he smirked as he got ready to penetrate, only to gasp as vines burst through the walls and floors, grabbing him and tossing him carelessly into the wall head first. He grunted and fell like a broken doll, but still able to stagger up, but when he stepped on a vine, one of the ones from the walls launched needle sharp thrones at him, filled with poison. He screamed in agony before blacking out, distantly hearing his father order K and O to burn the plants…

In an observation room, Mr. Baxter watched his son beat Danny into submission, his dark threats and promises. He was proud of the monster he raised. So very proud. K and O grimaced at the display, feeling a bit bad for Danny before they remembered he was a ghost freak and that sympathy was brutally vaporized. So it came to a shock when suddenly the rooms filled with plants, radios going off requesting papers and back up to fight of the botanical menace.

They fought their way out of the plants, hacking and burning them as they went, watching as they withered and retreated, but came back with a vengeance and with friends. They barely made it to the room and upon seeing his son get shot down by needle-like thorns; Baxter saw red and barked orders. K and O were trying to open up a path to the bed where Danny lay, but the deadly botanical garden growing in the room tightened up their defenses until they suddenly wrapped over the unconscious body and began to pull him through an opening crag in the ground.

"NO! DON'T LET PHANTOM GET AWAY!" Baxter yelled as he carefully picked up his only child and hurried out of the room, a team of doctors rushing up to him a more agents filed passed to fight the menace.

"Sir! The test subjects are all escaping! We only have Phantom left, but it would seem that whatever this is, it's here for him!"

"Is it that Plasmius Ghost?" He growled; hurrying out of the crumbling base before gasping as said ghost walked into view. When red eyes met blue, they narrowed as an evil sneer graced his lips.

"Hello, Mr. Baxter… It's an unfortunate pleasure to meet you in person… But all well, beggars can't be choosers." He greeted; his tone light and friendly, but cold and filled with malice, cold hard rage at what this man was capable of doing. "I believe you have something important to me… A certain Daniel Fenton; Hand him over to me and we can forget we ever crossed paths. Refuse and I'll make you and that little shit into ghosts!"

Baxter sneered at the blue skinned ghost. He had wanted to capture this ghost and Phantom for so long, but Phantom was a gold mine compared to this powerful force of malevolence. Dash moaned in his arms and he knew he could not waste time with Plasmius. So he snapped his fingers, a few special drones appeared and surrounded the ghost.

"As much as I'd love to stay and chat, Plasmius, I'm afraid I have a prior engagement, but I'm more than happy to leave a few toys behind to play with you while I'm gone. Be nice and don't break them now…" He mocked him before the drones attacked, allowing him and the doctors to escape.

Plasmius snarled at the drones and formed five copies of himself to deal with them while he hurried to find Danny. He made it down a hallway only to be crushed under a large paw and have a vicious red eyed dog growling down at him. He gasped and quickly phased out from under it, turning tail and trying to out run the spectral pooch, but he didn't get far, the dog followed after him, barking and snarling. He cursed, trying to avoid the demonic beast, but was bitch smacked by a thorn covered vine as he rounded a corner.

He crashed into the wall and onto a table, spilling liquids and chemicals all over himself, broken glass and small bits of debris coating him as he lay still for a moment, dazed and a bit disoriented. He tried to push himself up, but prickling pain seared across his back and shoulders, making his arms feel like jelly and collapsing once more to the floor.

"It's nothing personal, my dear boy… But I request that you remain out of my way." An older, cajoling voice spoke up before a man with dark green hair littered with various forms of plants came into view, cradled in his arms was Danny, but the boy was not looking so well.

Plasmius snarled, his temper flaring as he noted the nasty bruising, the sure to be broken ankle, the unknown mounts of fractures and possible bleeding the younger male was suffering. He forced himself to his feet, staggering as he spat out a mixture of blood and ectoplasm. The dog snarled at him, ready to attack but Plasmius snarled back, startling the beast.

"Too bad… seeing as I came here to save him." Plasmius growled. "I don't want to fight someone who's done no real harm to me, but I will if you refuse to give Danny to me… I can help him far better than any human or Ghost can…"

The man's red eyes narrowed, the vines that were growing all over the base wriggled and tore through the mountain base to answer their master's call. Plasmius didn't look frightened in the least, even as razor sharp thorns nearly the length of his arm hovered threateningly near him.

"Do you know who I am, lad? I am Dionysus… You may have heard of me as Undergrowth."

"An Ancient… Well forgive me, my lord, but that child there in your arms is one: One of my kind, a Halfa and two: He's my intended mate… I will fight to the death and even then to non-existence for him." Plasmius growled. "Please give him to me…"

Dionysus narrowed his eyes at the younger male, closing his eyes with a sigh and a grimace, he turned his back to Plasmius the plants attacking as he walked away. Snarling low, Plasmius created a barrier of electricity and forced it out wards, burning and setting flames to the plants as he flew after Dionysus…

Dionysus walked through the maze like halls, the walls having been made from some ghost-proof alloy that did not allow him to phase in or out. His monstrous garden was clearing a path for him now, a mixture of natural and spectral foliage that ripped through the base like a hot knife through butter. He looked down at the strange boy in his arms, the one who had set him free.

"A debt made is a debt repaid, child…" He told the unconscious boy, admiring his youth and innocence. It reminded him of his beloved mate, his precious Morpheus. He needed to hurry and bring the boy to his family so he himself may return to his heavy mate. Stress was never good; it could hurt both his Dream caster and their little one. "You saved my afterlife and now I shall save yours…"

He turned a corner and was bowled over by a bookcase, his grip on the boy loosening as he was crushed into the wall. The boy was being held in the arms of a grey skinned male his green eyes glowing menacingly as his form began to break apart like the torn pages from an old book. Beside him stood a hunter, a young woman with questionable taste in clothes, another more voluptuous woman who was dressed like a Persian Harem girl, a young man with a lazy appearance and a girl with clothes too small for anyone to consider decent.

"You will return the boy to me, Book Master." He growled low, the vines twisting into Ents with glowing red eyes as they marched on the group.

"No." The grey male snarled, the Ents being cut down to size by paper and books that turned to razor sharp weapons upon the being's call. "This boy is under my protection and I will have no one bring him to harm… You intend to take him to a hospital. Do you know what he is? What will be discovered should he be left with the humans? The very same ones that hunt us down for sport and use us for their sick pleasures?"

"I will do no such thing… I am here to collect the child and bring him to safety. He is not safe in the Zone, we both know that THESE people will hunt him down and will continue to do so. I may not be an Ancient or even a Level 8 Ghost, but I am powerful in my own rite and as long as I exist, this child will not come to harm…"

"Someone who believes in the Ancients, that is very rare… Cerberus!" He called, the white beast of a dog walking to him, snuffling Danny with a whine before growling at the others before him.

"I'll handle the mutt." The Hunter spoke up, his eyes lighting up with glee.

"…-jo… down…" a weakened voice called, the massive dog whined and in the blink of an eye a tiny pup was sitting on the floor panting away as he waited for further instructions from his rightful owner.

The others stared in shock as the dog obeyed the unconscious boy's command. Dionysus blinked once more before he chuckled softly, bowing his head as the plants began to wither away.

"It seems he does not require my assistance further… but the least I can do is this." A flower grew at his side and with careful hands he picked the large bulbous head. The petals were a deep purple color that turned lavender at the edges and the remains of the steam were a bright blue. "This plant will heal his injuries and retard his fever… Use the pollen to make tea for the fever, crush the petals for a numbing salve and the rest should be ground and mixed with some of the salve to mend the broken bones."

"Why are you giving up so easily?" The blue haired female questioned, her body tensing and shifting into a position that was either fight or flight compliant.

"I have a mate who is heavy with our child and is worried sick over my absence… if I delay any longer, we may lose our child." He told them, nervously twitching at the thought of losing the baby and his mate. "Besides, I'm not the one you should worry about, but seeing as you were willing to fight me for him, I know he is safe. But do not allow the humans to find him." Dionysus warned before he turned to Cujo. "Come, Cerberus."

Cujo growled, glaring at him before whining at Danny's still form. Dionysus sighed and shook his head, muttering about demonic dogs never listening as he was surrounded by vines and then pulled into the ground, vanishing from sight. The attacking plants stilled and lost their ghostly glow, normal vines and thorn bushes littered the base as Plasmius staggered into view.

"Plas!" the girls cried as one, running and steadying him before muttering to each other about his injuries.

"-'m fine…." He muttered. "Where's-"

"We have the other Ghost Child, we need to get you both to the Mansion." The hunter assured him, coming to support the younger male as the girls fretted still.

"Shadow! Go ahead of us and get the Medical Lab ready!" Shouted the other male in the group before he got on his bike. "GW, I'm gonna go find the kid's friends and tell'em he's fine… Kitty, coming?"

"Right behind you, Johnny!" his girlfriend called, climbing on the back and holding tight as they both shot off like a bullet out of the base.

"Let's go… Ember, Desiree; get started on the tea and salves. We'll be there shortly." Ghostwriter ordered as the two girls nodded and took off with the flower head. "Skulker."

The hunter nodded and began walking with the elder male, supporting the nearly dead weight of his employer. The ghost dog tagged along behind them, panting and whining, the occasional growl, filling in the otherwise silence of their trek home….

Deep in the Ghost Zone, Sam and Tucker flew in the Fenton Shuttle, following leads and hoping that they were not to late to find Danny. They had been searching for the better part of a day for Technus, that's how long it's been since the clone had finally woken up, 5 days since Danny's disappearance and by now everyone who was close to Danny were feeling the strain of his missing presence. They had tracked down Box Ghost to ask where the mad scientist resided before pounding him to get their aggression out. He told them to check the Labs through the Flaming Plains door. There they came across some fire spirits who guided them to another door and into a different dimension within the Zone.

They asked Lunch Lady, Dorathea, a few wisps and finally they knew where the pain in the ass was. He was in prison for trying to raise an army. They were warned that the Prison was run by a ghost who was known for obeying the rules and that he wouldn't hesitate to imprison them if he knew they were violating his rule book. Sam guessed that whoever this guy was, he had died in prison and that was his core, his fixation and that's what fueled his powers.

Tucker began researching deaths to Police or Guards in Prison to see if anything could help them. When they arrived finally after nearly three more hours of searching, the prison looked like a castle, four high towers, and thick stone walls with an iron portcullis barring entrance and exit. Landing the shuttle down in the yard, they slowly stepped out, keeping any weapons on them hidden from view just in case they needed to bust their way out of there.

A ghost guard floated over to them, frowning heavily with confusion.

"State your business!"

"We're looking for Nicolai Technus. We need his help for a young ghostling who's slowly dying again!" Sam told him.

"Why would Breathers help a ghost?" He murmured, but they heard him.

"Because our best friend is a ghost!" Tucker snapped, though he hid Danny's Halfa status so as not to cause any more trouble for them as there already was. "Please the quicker we get the medicine the faster we'll leave!"

"Bullet! What's going on out here?!" Shouted a deep voice as an all-white ghost with solid green eyes walked out and stood tall, hands behind his back and looking over the two humans. "Human children?"

"Please sir, we need to see Technus! He's the only one who can help us save a ghost child from dying again! She's slowly deteriorating from the inside out!" Sam begged.

The clone may not be a real person, living or dearly departed, but she was still made from her best friend's DNA and therefore in the eyes of the Fentons, Foleys and Mansons, the clone was Danny's daughter no matter what and they will be damned if they let her die!

"I'm sorry warden; I don't know what to do about this."

"Hmm, return to your post, Bullet. I'll talk with our human guests…" He intoned and Tucker twitched, that southern drawl was rubbing him the wrong way. "Follow me…"

They did as told, wary of the situation but they couldn't leave without the serum. As they walked down the Prison halls, many ghosts were yelling and cheering as they passed their cells a few making lewd comments about both teens until Sam snapped a nasty threat that cowed a good portion of them. It would seem even in death, having a woman threaten to squeeze the jelly out of your balls and feed it to you was still very effective.

They came to a stop before a cell and Nicolai Technus was busily scribbling on the walls while humming to himself.

"Technus, you have guests!"


"Us. Now shut up and listen!" Sam growled, reaching into the cell and grabbing the ghost's collar and yanking him so his head bashed into the bars with a satisfying thrack!

"Phantom's missing."

"Oh joy! Now I can enact my plans—Ack!?"

"And because he's gone, there's a clone that was made with his DNA."

"CURSES! I, NICOLAI TECHNUS, THOUGHT OF THAT! But I bet the clone is poorly made and is starting to break down from the inside out! Whoever made it is lacking the key ingredient that allows all of us to form!" Technus moved his hands in a way to indicate all the ghosts. "There's GNA yes, also the core, element/conduit, but without this…" he held up a vile, "I like to call it H2C! It looks like water, but it's the mucus our cores produce to hold it together! Think of it as glue. But since the idiots don't know that, that clone's gonna dissolve… All well—mother-!"

Sam yanked his head once more into the bars as Tucker snatched the vile and glared at it a moment.

"You're sure this will save the Clone?"

"Who said I, Nic—Enough already you damned bitch! I wonder if it's possible to suffer brain damage after death…" He grumbled pulling himself free of Sam's grip and out of her reach. "Yes, that serum will help the clone though, why would I want to help it?"

"Because that clone will help us help our friend and in turn this will help all of you in the long run. Want to stop being hunted? Then help us help you." Sam informed him. "Besides, it's not just the Fentons you need to worry about… Ever heard of the Guys in White?"

There were several growls and angered yells, some were pained and mournful.

"Well they made the clone and left it to die. They also took our friend, and if they convince the Fentons that you, Ghosts, took their son, they will kill every single last one of you… That is not something we can afford nor will we be able to handle. Both worlds will be torn apart." Tucker quipped, looking from Technus to Walker.

"You are sure of this, Human?" Walker inquired, looking doubtful.

"As sure as I breathe." Tucker spat back. "Look, fight or don't. I don't care, I only care about my friends and family… We got what we needed, thanks. Let's go, Sam, we need to hurry or we'll be too late."

Sam nodded and they left…


Kwan had everything set up at the Base as Jazz talked him through what to do. She and Valerie were getting Dani, as the Clone took to calling herself, get a decent outfit and meal in her while on their way with their families to join him.

"Alright so I logged in the GPS cords before Danny's phone was destroyed. It shows his usual clearing and that he didn't stray from his path from here to the clearing. I can't run the scans because I don't know how. I will leave that to Tucker. He and Sam are on their way back… They got the Serum and we may have back up from our other worldly friends."

"Alright, we're almost there, we're on the drive right now. See you in a minute…"

He hung up and finished organizing the data and maps before he began looking over them, frowning in worry. Where were the GiW? What could they want with Danny? He sighed in annoyance as the chatter of his parents came into the room. They were still very upset with him sneaking out at night, but weren't too cross seeing as he kept up good grades- better grades than before he joined this group- and finally stopped hanging out with Dash.

Mr. Gray scowled at him every chance he had, but otherwise said nothing against him or accused him of anything. Valerie and Jazz helped Dani down the stair; it seems she's never learned to walk so they were helping her be more human, it was not a good idea to let her float around normal humans or they will freak out on her. The Mansons came in soon after with the Foleys and Fentons bringing up the rear. It was another 15 minutes before Sam and Tucker arrived with the serum.

"Here. This the mucus her Core is suppose to secrete to keep it in form, without it she will die. Technus told us that one shot should do and that after her body absorbs it she will begin to produce her own Etco-mucus to protect her core."

"Re-really?" She asked nervous still of needles, but wanting the shot if it meant she wouldn't end up like the others.

"Yes. Technus was planning to make a Clone of Phantom so he made sure this serum would work. There is nothing to worry about." Sam assured her.

Tucker prepped a needle then handed it to Mrs. Fenton and Maddie smiled down at the small clone, awed at how Danny could have turned out if he had been born a girl. She knelt down to Dani's level and showed her the needle.

"Dani, sweetie, I need to prick you with this. I know you don't like needles, especially after all you have been through, but I promise it will be a small pinch and then no more pain… And don't worry, Danny doesn't like them either." She stage whispered, sharing a 'secret' about her mother.

Dani giggled and then after a moment more of looking a bit doubtful held out her arm, closing her eyes and bracing for intense pain, but she felt a barely there pressure, a pinch so tiny it felt as if she were bit by a misquito and then nothing? She opened her eyes to see that Maddie had moved to the bin in the far corner to dump the used needle and was washing her hands.

"See? It wasn't so bad was it?" Jazz asked, smiling down at her… niece.

"Yeah, I barely felt a thing… If I have to have more shots, can she do it?" She asked, liking the fact that Maddie made it so painless.

"Sure kiddo." Jack laughed, placing a large hand on her back. "How you feeling now?" He wondered.

"Well I don't feel sick… But I still feel wonky and achy…" She admitted, but she'd give it time to work.

"Alright, one problem solved—Ahh!?" Jazz screamed in shock as she sank through her own shadow.

"JAZZ!?" Everyone cried before Tucker was at the master computer typing away furiously as he scanned for where she had vanished too.

Meanwhile Jazz felt cold wind on her face and opened her eyes to see she was hanging upside down and flying over the tree tops, like 100 feet over them. She yelped and pulled her self up to see she was looking at a shadowy black ghost with green eyes.

"Shadow! Over here!" She was jerked suddenly by Shadow to the right and then she was landing on the top of a Radio Tower. She clung to the bars for dear life and didn't dare to look down. "Sorry, girlie, but I needed to talk to you."

She looked up to see a blonde man on a bike with a girl behind him. They had the same ethereal glow of all ghosts but they looked more human than most of them.

"Who are you, why did you kidnap me!?"

"Name's Johnny 13. This is Kitty, my mate. We found your kid bro… But we can't bring him back to you…"

"What!? Why not!" She snarled.

"The GiW did a number on him… He was not looking good at all. Definitely has a broken ankle from the looks of it, but who knows the full extent of the damage? He was barely breathing when we saw him. Our boss is looking after him, taking care of him. He's a Halfa too, so he knows how to treat the kid… But the GiW will be hunting him down. They will kill anyone and everything in their path to get him back."

Jazz gasped, pressing a hand to her mouth in horror before she sobbed a little, but it quickly turned to anger as she glared at the pair.

"How do I know this isn't some ploy to get me to stop looking for him?"

"The GiW has tabs on your parents and has them watched carefully… Pretty sure they know about your little base too and stole everything they could get from you. How do you think they got a hold of your kid brother?"

She fell silent there, thinking hard and quickly before she frowned and then growled.

"Okay, let's say I believe you, will you tell me at least if I can see my brother for my self?"