Author's Note: Happy Fourth of July for all you people who care! :D I'm on a Jinora binge right now.

by: SmurfLuvsCookies

The air temple was always spotless. The monks that lived on the island in the middle of bustling, slightly smoggy Republic City were fastidiously neat, oblivious to the relaxed standards of contemporary cleanliness.

Although the air temple had reached maximum capacity since Amon's systematic and ruthless attacks besieged the city and left many of the current Avatar's friends without homes, Tenzin and the other air temple monks insisted that the facility remain tidy.

The pro-bending brothers had no problem with this decree, for they already practiced a monk-like perspective when it came to household chores. Raising each other had ingrained in them a certain discipline that was rare to find in young males such as themselves. The strict landlord at their previous place of residence was also a contributing factor. And while the monks were leery of the squeaky little fire ferret that accompanied them, their good graces were restored when the animal proved its worth catching frograts that had begun to infest the island.

The daughter of the rich Equalist entrepreneur struggled with the unfamiliar chores, but she was a dedicated worker and a quick learner. And anyway, she hadn't brought much with her in the way of possessions.

It was the guest who had been living at Air Temple Island the longest who was having the most difficult time upholding the rigid standard of neatness. Avatar Korra was notoriously rebellious, but even she had a limit to the amount of nagging she could endure from various parties concerning her unmade bed.

That bright morning she glared down at the mangled mass of bed wear flattened upon the mattress like an unseemly loaf of bread. Her stomach growled. Tenzin had denied her breakfast until she cleaned her room, and this was the last article on the extensive list.

If only they invented bedbending, Korra thought bitterly, narrowing her eyes at the sheets as though she could move them with only her mental faculties - which were admittedly feeble. But, like the airbending she was exhibiting only slight improvement in, she doubted that she would be blessed with that talent even if it existed.

Korra tackled the sheets with ferocity that was surely to be admired if anyone were there to behold it. Unfortunately, everyone was enjoying their breakfast.

After several minutes of adjusting, swearing, shouting, grinding teeth, punching linens, and desperate attempts at bedbending, Korra collapsed upon her bed with a sigh of discontent. She glanced at the intricate valley of folds around her and wondered if the bed was worse off now than it was before.

Domesticality was certainly not her area of expertise.

The window rattled as Naga stuck her nose inside the room and sniffed imperceivably. Korra smiled at her companion and jumped up from the bed, rubbing the polar bear dog's nose. "Naga," she began with a grin, "do you want to help me with something?"

Ten minutes later, Jinora walked in on Korra perilously balancing on one foot with the other braced against the bed as she tugged at the blanket clamped between Naga's jaws. "I - told - you!" she exclaimed between pulls. "This - is not - tug-of-war!"

Jinora raised her eyebrows as Naga spotted her in the threshold of the room and released the blanket, sending Korra flying through the air. She landed with a bodily thump on the floor, blinking in astonishment as the blanket cascaded atop her splayed figure.

"Were you really trying to get your polar bear dog to make your bed?" Jinora inquired with more than a little amusement, giggling as she helped the Avatar off of the ground.

"Maybe," Korra muttered crossly. She turned her pleading blue eyes to Jinora. "Help me, please? I'm so hungry."

"Father said you'll have to wait until lunch anyway," Jinora explained sympathetically. "It's much to late now for breakfast. But I'll help you out of pity."

"I'll take it," Korra remarked, smiling with delight. "Beggars can't be choosers."

"Watch this." Jinora spread her feet apart and held her hands loosely at her sides. She closed her eyes and swayed back and forth as she raised them slowly in the air, fingers together, palms down. Then, after a series of swift, deft movements, a current of air circulated through the room and swept the blankets onto the bed in a flawlessly smooth arrangement.

Korra gaped at the small girl as she smirked at the bed with approval and sauntered out of the room. "B-bed...bedbender!" she accused with a stutter, making wide, sporadic gestures toward the girl. Jinora rolled her eyes and simply reminded Korra not to be late for airbending practice.